LEGO Batman Trailer online!

To quote Robin Williams:
"Part of me went...'Could be fun.'"
I think it looked pretty stupid.

I won't be playing this.
Ive been looking forward to this game for along time. If its anything like the Lego Star Wars games it should be great! I loved those games.
That looks awesome!! But then again i'm the type of person who still watches re-runs of Fraggle Rock.
that was pretty cool...remember, the game is a year away and this is the first teaser trailer, of course it's not gonna be 3 minutes long and full of gameplay.
No I remember posting to Jett a while back of them making this game. Its suppose to be based on BATMAN BEGINS, then later they are going to follow up with TDK. Like they did the STAR WARS LEGOS, now you have whatever it is the third game is all 6 movies.
If you guys look close enough, you can see The Joker in Batman's smile.
Looks pretty good, I'm a fan of Lego Star Wars so this should be good.
What does this have to do with TDK spoilers?

you may not realize this, but BATMAN and the Dark Knight are the same character. this is a very active Batman fan board (no one is ever in the "non-spoiler") so this is the perfect place to talk about it.

you don't like it? go jump in a lake. :heart:
you may not realize this, but BATMAN and the Dark Knight are the same character. this is a very active Batman fan board (no one is ever in the "non-spoiler") so this is the perfect place to talk about it.

you don't like it? go jump in a lake. :heart:

No, actually, it's the WRONG place to talk about it.

Thanks for playing, feel free to try again champ.
Wasn´t really impressed with the look of it.

It's not a fight. Becuase I've already "won."

This has NOTHING to do with TDK Spoilers. Threads like that that are posted here will either be locked or deleted.

Therefore, this is the wrong place to talk about it. No matter how many people frequent here.
It's not a fight. Becuase I've already "won."

This has NOTHING to do with TDK Spoilers. Threads like that that are posted here will either be locked or deleted.

Therefore, this is the wrong place to talk about it. No matter how many people frequent here.

And also, the reason why the other boards don't get any activity is because everybody posts everything even remotely associated with Batman on these here boards.

If they put sh;t in the right place, people would look in on the other boards -- but what's the need when everything we have is here? :whatever:

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