Lego Batman: The Video Game

I've been waiting to see something about this game for a while.
I'm really excited to play it.
I hope that a la Lego Star Wars you can replay levels as all the chacrters- I want to play the villians, big time!
It should not let us down:)If it is anything like the Star Wars games,then this one is a must have!
This and Lego Indy are on my list of must-buys
Fall 2008?!

That's an unforgivably long wait. :csad:
Yeah, but at least I can catch up on the games I want for the 360 without going broke.
That is a long time, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait. This is one of a very few upcoming games that I'm really excited about.
Just got Lego Star Wars for Christmas and love it so I'll defo be picking this up when it comes out.
Why are the Lego versions of games better than the non-lego versions?

That's crazy. I want Lego DCU... it'd own.
I love Batman and all but these Lego games are just rehashes of previous games you've played just with the characters and surroundings looking like well...Legos.

Look at those past Lego Star Wars games they came out with. Your trying to tell me there was a lot of new "things" in those games that weren't in the previous 1500 Star Wars games made in the past.

I'm seriously asking in this post for someone to give me a list of reasons that make these games worth getting. I like Batman a lot but don't think I should drop the cash down for this.
is this going to be two player like star wars?
Yeah I don't get the whole Lego game craze. Is it just me or does anyone else NOT see Batman or any of the Star Wars characters but just blocky Lego figures that resemble them. I can't get past that initial visual impression, I just don't care for it. It's a ****ing lego. I don't want to play as Lego Batman.
LOL@ Lego Bats having a permanent scowl.
Am I the only one whose excited about this game?

I'm really looking forward to playing as all the villains especailly- it'll be the first time we've ever been able to play as most of these characters.

I loved the Lego: Star Wars games- they were simple enough to be enjoyable but deep enough to be replay-able, and I'm not even a Star Wars fan.

There seems to be a pretty big roster of playable charcters so far, and with the recent announcements of Harley Quinn and Nightwing being playable, I think this could turn out to be another awesome platformer...tha happens to be about Legos...that still seems weird to me

:brucebat: -"Legos? ....You're pulling my cape, right?"

:boba: -"It's not so bad!"
I will rent it since I'm a huge Batman fan. I just wish they would have made a normal looking game where you can play as the villians. I don't get what the appeal is by making them all fat Lego characters.
Meh, I feel like they're overdoing it with this Lego theme of games.
GDC 2008: LEGO Batman First Look
The Caped Crusader takes block form in an all-new adventure.

Back when LEGO Star Wars was first announced people were understandably skeptical of the feasibility of creating a videogame based on not one, but two franchises, and still having it be fun to play. Nevertheless, Traveller's Tales stepped up to the challenge and melded a cute art style with innocently engaging gameplay that clicked with an alarming number of players. Now Batman is being charged with wrapping his storied franchise around a world built by LEGOs. While we were once again skeptical of the ability of the characters to make the transition, after seeing the game at this year's Game Developer's Conference we've learned to keep our thoughts to ourselves.

One of my first concerns was the fact that there aren't three Batman movies that are worth being turned into a LEGO title. To get around that problem Traveller's Tales is creating a new storyline featuring a boatload of the characters from the Batman universe. While we did pry into the number of total playable characters in the game, nothing was given beyond the rough "more than 20" hint. During our two-level demo with the LEGO version of the Caped Crusader we were shown Batman, Robin, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, The Joker, Harley Quinn, and Penguin. Each, as you'd hope, has their own unique powers and abilities. Penguin has his trusty umbrella which he can use to glide to safety and he can also launch little penguin bombs to bust apart his foes. Killer Croc, being the brutish bruiser that he is, can punch enemies with such force that they fly off-screen.

Given the massive number of characters in LEGO Batman Traveller's Tales decided to design what they're calling Villain Mode. Basically players can play along the same story arc as you normally would with the Dark Knight, but you'll be playing on the other side of the coin, working against the comic book hero. There's also a free play mode that allows you to use the bumpers to switch between the entire list of unlocked characters at will.

Beyond the standard attacks (which now include throws) and specialized moves there's also different costumes, referred to as suits by the developer, that characters can dawn. There are four for each playable character and the one that we saw featured Robin in a magnetized outfit which allowed him to walk on metal walls and use metallic objects to his advantage in combat.

Just as with the last LEGO title, there are plenty of instances where automated building with the titular toy blocks is necessitated by the situation. Batman will need to construct a ladder for Robin to climb or build a machine that spits out one of those handy dandy suits we just mentioned. It's interesting to note that you can now switch who you're controlling on the fly which certainly opens a few more puzzle options for the developers.

From an aesthetic standpoint it's clear that LEGO Batman has benefited from the added development time with the Xbox 360 hardware. The two levels that we saw – Gotham alleyways and The Joker's amusement park – both had a very noticeable added layer of detail. The ground in the alley was slick and damp, showing off nice reflections and bump mapping and Joker's amusement park had some serious size to it compared to what we saw from the confined corridors of Star Wars.

Despite our early concerns for Batman and his attempted transition to LEGO fame, after seeing the game first-hand we can say that those doubts have been squashed. Batman fans and platforming aficionados alike will have plenty to look forward to from the huge roster of playable characters and online co-op to the new Villain Mode. Watch for LEGO Batman to swoop onto store shelves in the Fall of 2008.
I'm pretty sure those vids were made as an ad campaign for the actual Lego Batman Legos, not the game.
They've been out for a long time, over a year, and I rememeber seeing them as an ad for Lego...but I'm sure it's pretty similar to what we'll be getting in the game later this year!
I love Batman and all but these Lego games are just rehashes of previous games you've played just with the characters and surroundings looking like well...Legos.

Look at those past Lego Star Wars games they came out with. Your trying to tell me there was a lot of new "things" in those games that weren't in the previous 1500 Star Wars games made in the past.

I'm seriously asking in this post for someone to give me a list of reasons that make these games worth getting. I like Batman a lot but don't think I should drop the cash down for this.

They're fun. Why play a new FPS game? You can get the same experience by playing any number of old FPS games. Why play a RTS game, you can get the same experience playing any number of old RTS games.

If a game is fun, it is good, regardless of whether it's innovative or not. Or if it's complex or not. There are only 2 kinds of games. Fun games, and not fun games. This is fun. If you're too snobbish to get off your high horse and see that, it's your loss, no one elses. You can also leave the thread now, in that case.
Am I the only one whose excited about this game?

I'm really looking forward to playing as all the villains especailly- it'll be the first time we've ever been able to play as most of these characters.

I loved the Lego: Star Wars games- they were simple enough to be enjoyable but deep enough to be replay-able, and I'm not even a Star Wars fan.

There seems to be a pretty big roster of playable charcters so far, and with the recent announcements of Harley Quinn and Nightwing being playable, I think this could turn out to be another awesome platformer...tha happens to be about Legos...that still seems weird to me

:brucebat: -"Legos? ....You're pulling my cape, right?"

:boba: -"It's not so bad!"

As soon as I unlock Joker and Harley, they are the only characters I will play as.
So, here are the characters that have been shown in screenshots....
Harley Quinn
Mr. Freeze
Killer Croc

and so far mentoined but not shown has been
and The Riddler, I believe
I' m hoping there will be Batgirl as a playable character as well.
Did I forget anybody?
A list of reasons to buy Lego Batman? Ok...
1. Lego Games are simple non-pretentious platformer vidoegame fun
2. It's a Batman game that isn't tethered to some movie release like the last few Batman games, which were basically just ads for the movie
3. You get to play as ALL of the major Batman Villains
4. if it is anyhting like L:SW it will have a lot of reply-ability
5. Multi-player Co-op
6. It will be funny (I thought L:SW was)
7....and YOU GET TO PLAY AS THE VILLAINS! Hello? If you loved Batman I would think that that would be something that you were into!

Who cares if it's lego? It's a videogame in the first place, what difference does it make if you are playing as one artist's representation of Batman or another's? (Yes I realize one of thise artists uses yellow blocks- but that's beside the point!)
I love Batman and this looks like it could be an ACTUALLY GOOD Batman game- I can count the number of previously good Batman games on no fingers!

Oh, and reason #8. If you don't like Legos, you're a nazi

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