In a perfect world, my response would have nothing to do with peoples' opinions of something I post. That's why I regret ever having posted here. We have a big premiere lined up and some cool stuff in the works. I'm so proud of my team for what we've done and we purposely avoided any celebrity help and tried to make this look low budget and half-assed. That is, after all, the entire point of the project.
It's been literally about 6 years since I started joining various forums across the internet, and I should have known better than to have posted a link here. Honest to God, I mean no disrespect to anybody... but I'm 28 now and feel like I've completely outgrown the world of internet nerdery and know-it-alls in every way. I can't stand the words "epic" and "fail" or "noob" or "pwned"... or people on the sidelines telling the men in the arena how they could do better. Fans bashing artists relentlessy and telling anybody who will listen how something "should have been done". Who should play Spider-Man. Who Superman should fight next. Where Wolverine will travel. Whatever.
Man, I posted the Dolly link, then went back to work on an ad with some of the tech guys, and suddenly I thought "Why did you just share that with SuperheroHype? Some d*ckhead is gonna say something irritating and you'll be back in 2004. I absolutely promise that I'm not REALLY bothered in any way that people on the Hype don't like the Dolly trailer my friend Jake whipped up. Doesn't matter. I'm just... disappointed lately in things just like this one. The blunt cruelty that accompanies a man when he's hidden behind a computer screen is a very telling characteristic. If people behaved that way in-person we'd all have killed each other already. Hey, I'm guilty of it too.
Really, I'm just tired and venting. Reminded of why we left the "fan film" world all together and why I don't waste my time typing my opinions on fan forums anymore. Seriously, my mistake. Back to the real world I go.