lobster johnson

The Question

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Apr 17, 2005
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if there is a sequel, who wants to see some mention of lobster johnson in it?:hellboy:
It'd be cool, but Lobster was scratched from the Hellboy 2 roster when Del Toro decided not to adapt Wake the Devil.
He could still make it in as a cameo or a reference.
Yeah, they are going to put him in a jar like they did Roger. :hellboy:
Gimpy said:
Yeah, they are going to put him in a jar like they did Roger. :hellboy:

Roger was in the background, but not in a jar. That was just Del Toro's trademark fetus-in-a-bottle.
Guillermo and Mike have mentioned that they had a discussion with Ron about doing a DVD extra where Ron as Hellboy did a Dinner for Five type of show with just him and Lobster Johnson.

GDT's take was hilarious. It was mostly wishful thinking though and was probably immediately dismissed.

It would be sweet to do something like that though, as sort of a side thing while Ron is waiting to shoot his next scene, or on a day off or something. Could be great.

Anyway, GDT has talked about doing a cameo of LJ in the sequel, but he wants to do something memorable...something that doesn't come across as cheesy or too tacked on.
Guy deserves his own movie.

At least an action packed flashback :up:

I want Kevin Spacey as Lobster Johnson... Don't ask me why.
He'd be great, but I still think Bruce Campbell would make the greatest LJ ever.
Bruce Cambell as the greatest Captain America spoof ever? sweet.
GDT pretty much promised that Bruce Campbell will be LJ.
That's if he can get the studio to buy off on the idea and Bruce is available.
Oh, Bruce as Johnson? That would rock. He's perfect for the role!

I'd like to see Lobster in a sequel, as well as Roger.
bruce campbell would be perfect. in fact, i can't imagine anyone else playing him. he'd be perfect. if gdt casts anyone else, i will personally be offended.
Flexo said:
Roger was in the background, but not in a jar. That was just Del Toro's trademark fetus-in-a-bottle.

He was in a tube, which looks like a giant jar.
If you want a serious LJ, Kevin Spacey

If you want a comic releaf LJ, Bruce Cambell
Bruce can play serious. Watch more of his stuff. He has the perfect look for the era that LJ inhabits and has the mannerisms of the character.
unfortuantely hes getting old, but Perlman's performance gives hope of an old man in makeup
cerealkiller182 said:
unfortuantely hes getting old, but Perlman's performance gives hope of an old man in makeup

Have you read Conqueror Worm? LJ is not young.
monkeygust said:
Have you read Conqueror Worm? LJ is not young.

LJ died when the allies invaded the Castle, he is actually a ghost in conqueroring worm, cause Roger finds his skeleton after LJ helps bring him back to life.
Gimpy said:
LJ died when the allies invaded the Castle, he is actually a ghost in conqueroring worm, cause Roger finds his skeleton after LJ helps bring him back to life.

There you go. Now think about what you just said and what that means for any potential casting.
give bruce the part and make the story a whole big spoof on the 40's but serious and dark
Bruce is perfect for the role. I hope LJ does make it into the sequel and that Bruce plays him. It would be great to finally see Campbell play a big role in a big movie again.
Sluggo said:
If you want a serious LJ, Kevin Spacey

If you want a comic releaf LJ, Bruce Cambell

I'm absolutely certain that Campbell could play it straight, perhaps even creepy, who knows?
Excuse me for being illiterate, but what's LJ's story?

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