Looks like the rumors were true!!!

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May 18, 2003
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Wolverine Starts Filming in Three Weeks
Source: The Sydney Morning Herald
December 19, 2007

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Hugh Jackman has completed filming on director Baz Luhrmann's Australia, co-starring Nicole Kidman, and will begin shooting X-Men Origins: Wolverine in just three weeks!

Leading up to the events of X-Men, "Wolverine" tells the story of Wolverine's epically violent and romantic past, his complex relationship with Victor Creed, and the ominous Weapon X program. Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends of the X-Men universe.

The Gavin Hood-directed spin-off hits theaters on May 1, 2009.

By rumors you mean what exactly?
So? EVeryone has known they were going to drop a bunch of cameos into the movie. That doesn't mean what merbass said was all true.
So? EVeryone has known they were going to drop a bunch of cameos into the movie. That doesn't mean what merbass said was all true.

No one's sure if merbass is legit yet. Everything he's said thus far had already been reported elsewhere or seen from the early script reviews. The 'Deadpool' rumor was new though, and reported at another site afterwards. Still awaiting to see if that's true (which I hope).
This is the only X-men fansite that i've visited since X3 was in production, so i can confirm ( althought no prove ) that i saw them ( deadpool, agent zero ) in the previs. It seems some was mentioned in the early script which i just read when someone linked it here last week. Gambit was totally new but i only saw the description of his scene.

I may no longer have any new information to share or could be a while since production is on Xmas break. What i find funny is that the crews won't return until late Feb next year. So i have a feeling that the "Australia" wrapping news could be hyped up to avoid production trouble rumors. This is only my opinion though.
Yeah, I think Narrows mentioned last week the 'Australia' still had some filming left later next year. I guess pick-up shots and/or reshoots.
I suspect that Professor X will have a cameo in the film, and that they will use the technology they used in the last one to make him look younger again.
i cant see wolverine and professor x sharing the same scene together becuase it wouldn't make sense but him appearing in the background on a news program would be cool.
I suspect that Professor X will have a cameo in the film, and that they will use the technology they used in the last one to make him look younger again.
Patrick Stewart is hardly an actor who's hard to miss mentioning.

If he was going to have a cameo and get digitally de-aged, we would've known about it by now.

But of course, Xavier could possibly still appear, but he'd most likely be played by some random local unknown actor.

Or they could film unknown actors from the back to give an impression that they are those characters.

However if they want to do Wolverine sequel then they might not end the movie right where X-men 1 started. However this is only my opinion. This is not X3 where things changed as they went along and even last minute. This movie was planned and started production over a year already. They had a lot of time to think about all possibilities.
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Obviously, these are no longer rumors. Closing.
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