Lounge 78

I was too scared to step on the scale this morning, lol.
i wouldn't dare lol
i'm already avoiding it because of how much weight i feel like i've gained while home from surgery
Just finished putting up our Christmas tree. :D I love twinkley lights.
In my old age, I seem to be developing OCD. :blush:

First, it was cleaning the jars and cans before putting them in the recycle bin. (You’re supposed to do this. But I’ve started using soap and a scrub brush on them. :ebr:) Then, it was thoroughly rinsing the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher (the subject of many jokes and memes). Now, I’m cutting up those plastic net bags that some produce is packaged in — because I’m concerned about crows or sea turtles somewhere strangling on my garbage.
BTW, those bags should be biodegradable. Perhaps sisal. Definitely not plastic!!! :grrr:
In my old age, I seem to be developing OCD. :blush:

First, it was cleaning the jars and cans before putting them in the recycle bin. (You’re supposed to do this. But I’ve started using soap and a scrub brush on them. :ebr:) Then, it was thoroughly rinsing the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher (the subject of many jokes and memes). Now, I’m cutting up those plastic net bags that some produce is packaged in — because I’m concerned about crows or sea turtles somewhere strangling on my garbage.
BTW, those bags should be biodegradable. Perhaps sisal. Definitely not plastic!!! :grrr:
Then we must be in the same boat. I do all those things, too. I see cutting up plastic as a responsibility really, even better if we can avoid plastic altogether. I use reusable shopping bags and metal straws. I wash and reuse plastic storage containers for food. I see it as giving a crap about where we live and doing as much as I can. :)
In my old age, I seem to be developing OCD. :blush:

First, it was cleaning the jars and cans before putting them in the recycle bin. (You’re supposed to do this. But I’ve started using soap and a scrub brush on them. :ebr:) Then, it was thoroughly rinsing the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher (the subject of many jokes and memes). Now, I’m cutting up those plastic net bags that some produce is packaged in — because I’m concerned about crows or sea turtles somewhere strangling on my garbage.
BTW, those bags should be biodegradable. Perhaps sisal. Definitely not plastic!!! :grrr:
My wife is a therapist and has been treating someone who is OCD for years. Understand there is a spectrum. All of us have our little things we do and it can be more or less severe. This person couldn't leave their house without going through a washing/cleaning routine that took a very long time to complete. It had to be done exactly the same way each time. When she got to our house, she had to go into the bathroom and go through another washing routine and so on.

Now she is attending classes and getting her degree in teaching. She still has issues, but has come a million miles.

If you find this impacting your life or ability to get things done, you might consider getting help. Nothing that you are describing seems to me to be of great concern. Is rinsing out recycling enough? Sure and if you are concerned about environmental issues, you might consider the extra water it takes to rinse, scrub, and rinse cans and bottles. We generally just have bottled water containers that I weekly give one of the local homeless people. If you really feel like you need to scrub them, that's probably okay, but if this is a real concern to you, monitor yourself and make sure things don't progress.

That's my take anyway......
So, we converted our garage to an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit). Friends of a friend needed a place to stay until the spring so we let them move in. There was some trouble with with the washing machine so we called the experts in to fix it (it was still under warranty). Unfortunately, the "experts" forgot to plug in the power to the dryer (on top) before they left. So, I get a call asking if I could check things out.

Meaning.......it was up to me to crawl on top of the dryer and try to reach down to plug it in. Naturally, she took a picture of my efforts. I considered a civil lawsuit, but decided against it as it is one of the more flattering pictures anyone has taken of me.

Washing Machine Gremlins.png

and a lovely start of the new week...
Yeah, I have relatives that live in the Cleveland area. Hope they'll be okay. :csad:
So, we converted our garage to an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit). Friends of a friend needed a place to stay until the spring so we let them move in. There was some trouble with with the washing machine so we called the experts in to fix it (it was still under warranty). Unfortunately, the "experts" forgot to plug in the power to the dryer (on top) before they left. So, I get a call asking if I could check things out.

Meaning.......it was up to me to crawl on top of the dryer and try to reach down to plug it in. Naturally, she took a picture of my efforts. I considered a civil lawsuit, but decided against it as it is one of the more flattering pictures anyone has taken of me.

View attachment 73875
Look at those dirty feet! Lol....
Make sure all the kitties have warm places to stay. :(

Put some new tarps on and new boxes with straw inside the tents, just finished feeding them and it's starting to rain now, snow late
My wife is a therapist and has been treating someone who is OCD for years. Understand there is a spectrum. All of us have our little things we do and it can be more or less severe. This person couldn't leave their house without going through a washing/cleaning routine that took a very long time to complete. It had to be done exactly the same way each time. When she got to our house, she had to go into the bathroom and go through another washing routine and so on.

Now she is attending classes and getting her degree in teaching. She still has issues, but has come a million miles.

If you find this impacting your life or ability to get things done, you might consider getting help. Nothing that you are describing seems to me to be of great concern. Is rinsing out recycling enough? Sure and if you are concerned about environmental issues, you might consider the extra water it takes to rinse, scrub, and rinse cans and bottles. We generally just have bottled water containers that I weekly give one of the local homeless people. If you really feel like you need to scrub them, that's probably okay, but if this is a real concern to you, monitor yourself and make sure things don't progress.

That's my take anyway......
This may sound weird, but I was actually moved by your expression of concern and offer of advice. I appreciate it. (Not enough human compassion on the internet these days.) But... I think I’m okay. So far, my idiosyncrasies are (mostly) to the benefit of the environment — and aren’t personally debilitating. E.g., I don’t ritualistically spin around three times before entering a room or some such. I will, however, keep an eye out for worsening symptoms. Cheers.
This may sound weird, but I was actually moved by your expression of concern and offer of advice. I appreciate it. (Not enough human compassion on the internet these days.) But... I think I’m okay. So far, my idiosyncrasies are (mostly) to the benefit of the environment — and aren’t personally debilitating. E.g., I don’t ritualistically spin around three times before entering a room or some such. I will, however, keep an eye out for worsening symptoms. Cheers.
Thanks. A friend of mine once said "You actually LIKE people....don't you". I started laughing and said "yeah....who doesn't?". If I can be of any help, happy to do so. I don't suggest always actually LISTENING to me LOL, but I don't mind throwing out ideas that may be of help.

We need all the compassion and good will in this world that we can get.
I'm at the big aquarium in Boston. Penguins are loud!
Enjoy, I love them. :D
We did. :) They had a huge enclosure with probably 20 or so penguins in it. The enclosure surrounded an even bigger salt water fish tank that was five levels high and had a graded walkway the whole way up. We saw big green turtles, sting rays, tuna and a nurse shark. The big tank was the best, it was so full of life! And then you could look down at the penguins. Big sea lions in a separate area, too. Boston is a better aquarium than Mystic in Connecticut. Mystic had lots of small tanks,but no gigantic tank which I love best.
Nice and sunny out. Hard to believe it will be December tomorrow. .:)
We did. :) They had a huge enclosure with probably 20 or so penguins in it. The enclosure surrounded an even bigger salt water fish tank that was five levels high and had a graded walkway the whole way up. We saw big green turtles, sting rays, tuna and a nurse shark. The big tank was the best, it was so full of life! And then you could look down at the penguins. Big sea lions in a separate area, too. Boston is a better aquarium than Mystic in Connecticut. Mystic had lots of small tanks,but no gigantic tank which I love best.
This sounds amazing. Have you got any photos by any chance?

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