The Force Awakens Lucasfilm: The Kennedy Era

Agreed. After TFA I was excited for the future of the saga. After TLJ. I think quite a few felt just as you described. Yeah, not sure why Disney wanted to rush a film out so soon? That doesn't make sense to me. I understand they want $$$ but in the long scheme of things... they should have had a plan for the new trilogy.
Disney is a publicly traded company. And sometimes you are at the whims of stockholders and pleasing them. So it's all about quotas and meeting quotas and financial benchmarks to push the value higher.

We see it happen in gaming all the time. Games that start out promising are rushed to shelves before they are really finished, and consumers find they are broken or outright buggy. Maybe the game needed more time to get finished and polished, but it had to meet the release date because the publisher had stock quotas to meet.

I have no ill will at all towards dumping the EU. The EU itself had already grown overwrought. You were never going to get far re-adapting those stories or going off of them.

Look guys, a lot of EU already went out the door with the prequels. The prequels already ignored what had been established about the Clone Wars in the EU. Basically, going by the EU, the way the Clone Wars were imagined were much different than what they ultimately turned out to be.

Really none of what happened in the EU really mattered where the prequels were concerned. Lucas just picked and chose what he liked from it and kept what he liked.

Lucasfilm wanted a new trilogy. So how do you start a new trilogy and keep ALL of the EU intact? So you start a film with Han and Leia having kids. Luke has a son. He got married to Mara Jade, she died. All those stories already happened. You expect a mainstream moviegoing audience that never had anything to do with the EU at all be able to follow all that? No, it would've been ridiculous.

EU had to go.
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Imagine what the brand would be like if they kicked out Kennedy and brought in the Russo brothers as the new heads of Lucasfilm...
Disney is a publicly traded company. And sometimes you are at the whims of stockholders and pleasing them. So it's all about quotas and meeting quotas and financial benchmarks to push the value higher.

We see it happen in gaming all the time. Games that start out promising are rushed to shelves before they are really finished, and consumers find they are broken or outright buggy. Maybe the game needed more time to get finished and polished, but it had to meet the release date because the publisher had stock quotas to meet.

I have no ill will at all towards dumping the EU. The EU itself had already grown overwrought. You were never going to get far re-adapting those stories or going off of them.

Look guys, a lot of EU already went out the door with the prequels. The prequels already ignored what had been established about the Clone Wars in the EU. Basically, going by the EU, the way the Clone Wars were imagined were much different than what they ultimately turned out to be.

Really none of what happened in the EU really mattered where the prequels were concerned. Lucas just picked and chose what he liked from it and kept what he liked.

Lucasfilm wanted a new trilogy. So how do you start a new trilogy and keep ALL of the EU intact? So you start a film with Han and Leia having kids. Luke has a son. He got married to Mara Jade, she died. All those stories already happened. You expect a mainstream moviegoing audience that never had anything to do with the EU at all be able to follow all that? No, it would've been ridiculous.

EU had to go.

No, you definitely could not keep all the EU moving forward. But Lucas did cherry pick things from it. One thing I think would have benefited the new trilogy is the Solo twins dynamic and Ben Skywalker. The new trilogy really lacks any interesting characters at this moment, aside from Ben Solo. Also having Luke Skywalker be more of what we know from the EU.

I didn't really start reading much into the EU until after TFA tbh. So I don't have a strong nostalgia for the events post ROTJ for the EU. I do find it more enjoyable than the current films, unfortunately.
No, you definitely could not keep all the EU moving forward. But Lucas did cherry pick things from it. One thing I think would have benefited the new trilogy is the Solo twins dynamic and Ben Skywalker. The new trilogy really lacks any interesting characters at this moment, aside from Ben Solo. Also having Luke Skywalker be more of what we know from the EU.

I didn't really start reading much into the EU until after TFA tbh. So I don't have a strong nostalgia for the events post ROTJ for the EU. I do find it more enjoyable than the current films, unfortunately.

I mean there are certain things I like about the EU more than sequel trilogy. I like that Luke got married started a new Jedi Order and put together a new order of Jedi Knights, which consisted of some fun interesting characters I really liked. I liked that it was sort of an era of rebuilding. The New Republic, a new Jedi Order, but there were still challenges and dangers to face.

I love the Jedi Knight games and Kyle Katarn and the Dark Jedi he faced. Kyle Katarn has one of my favorite lines, "You always sense a disturbance in the Force!" And of course Grand Admiral Thrawn, Mara Jade, et al.

But I doubt filmmakers, being egotistical filmmakers, wanted to bring those stories to the screen. They want to leave their mark with new stories and characters and not just do the Solo Twins story again.
I mean there are certain things I like about the EU more than sequel trilogy. I like that Luke got married started a new Jedi Order and put together a new order of Jedi Knights, which consisted of some fun interesting characters I really liked. I liked that it was sort of an era of rebuilding. The New Republic, a new Jedi Order, but there were still challenges and dangers to face.

I love the Jedi Knight games and Kyle Katarn and the Dark Jedi he faced. Kyle Katarn has one of my favorite lines, "You always sense a disturbance in the Force!" And of course Grand Admiral Thrawn, Mara Jade, et al.

But I doubt filmmakers, being egotistical filmmakers, wanted to bring those stories to the screen. They want to leave their mark with new stories and characters and not just do the Solo Twins story again.

Yeah, those are the things that would have been nice to see realized in film. And that's why having someone like Kevin Feige/Dave Filoni in charge of creative would be nice. They know what the books/video games/comics contain, and could incorporate some of it into the films. I just don't think KK knows or even cares. Wiping out existing "canon" is just easier.

There's a lot of stuff in the EU that I'm fine will probably never be canon, but I do feel like there's a lot of good stuff in there that could be used in potential films.

And I loved Kyle's storyline over the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games.
But I doubt filmmakers, being egotistical filmmakers, wanted to bring those stories to the screen. They want to leave their mark with new stories and characters and not just do the Solo Twins story again.

To be fair, not even George, the original egotistical filmmaker in this equation wanted that stuff to be canon. :cwink:
It's a wild rumor, but according to this Kennedy may be announcing a successor in September, which means she might be leaving Lucasfilm. I guess this site has been right abut such things before.


And let someone talented like Jon Faverau or the Russo Brothers be in charge!
Imagine what the brand would be like if they kicked out Kennedy and brought in the Russo brothers as the new heads of Lucasfilm...

Shakey-cam, bland photography, ****ty music composers (assuming Silvestri's return was a Feige thing here)?
It's a wild rumor, but according to this Kennedy may be announcing a successor in September, which means she might be leaving Lucasfilm. I guess this site has been right abut such things before.


And let someone talented like Jon Faverau or the Russo Brothers be in charge!

Why on earth would random directors become president of Lucasfilm. That's...not how things work...
Tbh, she can run the business side of things, it's just the creative side I would like to see Dave Filoni/Kevin Feige type.
To be fair, not even George, the original egotistical filmmaker in this equation wanted that stuff to be canon. :cwink:

I mean there you go. As far as I'm concerned, the EU already pretty much became dead with the Prequels. Because there was plenty in the prequels that basically disregarded established lore of the EU.

For starters, the Clone Wars based on what was established in the EU is not what Lucas ended up doing in the prequels.

At the end of the day, the EU was just approved, licensed fan fiction.
Why on earth would random directors become president of Lucasfilm. That's...not how things work...

Well, Jon Favreau isn't really a random director, he's actually working on a Star Wars show right now. If he's efficient and they like his work, it's not out of the question that they could put him in charge, especially if he gets more projects. It's not really much more far-fetched than hoping someone like Dave Filoni gets put in charge.

I'll admit that the Russo Bros are a pretty unrealistic choice. They haven't even worked on a Star Wars project yet. My post wasn't really supposed to be a prediction for the next Lucafilm president, just saying "imagine how amazing the brand would become we got someone with that level of talent and efficiency put in charge."
Please be true!

I'm not the biggest fan of Grace Randalph, but this video is amazing. I just hope what she's saying is true.

The short version is this:

Bob Iger is very unhappy with Kennedy and wants her gone.
The main thing stopping them from firing her is the fact that no one is willing to fill the role.
JJ Abrams was offered the position, but he turned it down.
They don't feel that Dave Filoni is quite ready.
Disney is losing the longtime fans, which is why the toy sales have flopped. Kids don't like Star Wars anymore, and the younger SJW/PC crowd they're aiming at doesn't really buy toys or go to multiple showings. They want to hit a balance again.
I've been thinking Lucasfilm needed a better leader for awhile now... so I'm hoping this is true. Maybe Filoni can at least have more control over creative decisions. Maybe become leader of the story group or something.
Be careful what you wish for. If she does step down, I doubt there would be a lot of folks who would want the scrutiny of this job. This is the same fanbase that ran off the creator of the franchise.

Lucas and KK are probably emailing each other like "WTF is wrong with these people?"
There's rumors that it is increasingly drawing to a close. Rumors that at least they're put out there by people that aren't anonymous I guess. Time will tell.

Richard Rushfield, The Ankler Report: "There has to be more than some thought that it’s time for new blood at the helm [of Lucasfilm]. The talk out there is of a September changing of the guards. We'll see. There’s also plenty of reason to believe that Kennedy herself is tiring of this. The fights, the bad press – can’t be fun after a very gilded career. The job requires constant commuting between LA and London, which also gets old. An Ankler friend points out that she elected not to stand again for the AMPAS Board of Governors, even though she had not been termed out, suggesting that someone who has been omnipresent at poohbah conclaves for forty years now may finally be looking to scale back. And really, having made the big step of relaunching Star Wars, how much more is there to look forward to from here?" (early June 2018 premium newsletter) (Richard Rushfield paraphrase): (38m0s) "Nothing will likely happen in terms of a shift of leadership [of Lucasfilm] before the Fall." (video)

Mike Fleming Jr., Deadline: "Feige is in a league all his own in terms of setting the tone for a franchise: Following the misfire of Lucasfilm’s Han Solo movie after Kathleen Kennedy fired Lego filmmakers Phil Lord and Christopher Miller — just the latest instance where up and coming filmmakers were replaced — there have been rumors about how long Kennedy will continue. Even as a hot rumor that Feige might take oversight on Lucasfilm fare was roundly denied." (June 11, 2018)

Borys Kit, The Hollywood Reporter: "'They haven’t slowed down development,' says a source with knowledge of Lucasfilm’s thinking, 'but they are licking their wounds.'" "'It doesn’t mean those spinoffs don't happen,' says another insider of Solo's underperformance globally. 'It just means they’re trying to figure out how to make, and market, them differently.'" "'They were developing anything and everything,' says another exec. 'It was a case of them stuffing so much sausage and not try to break the casing.'" "'In light of the reaction to Last Jedi and the performance of Solo, they are now just going to look at what’s coming in and seeing how good it is, before dating anything,' says one insider. 'It’s all pretty understandable.'" (June 22, 2018)

Grace Randolph, Beyond The Trailer: "I can't obviously give away my source but I can tell you this news originated from deep inside Pinewood Studios (in the U.K.) where of course they shoot the majority of the films and it was divulged to me late last week and I was traveling and I wanted to make sure I did the information justice. So it's the very first video I'm making upon my return from Los Angeles. All right, so are you ready? - because it is potent stuff. So there was a call - a secret conference call with all the top Star Wars brass in attendance. The kind of call where apparently security guards stand outside the different conference room doors and make sure that no one eavesdrops, right. But here's the kicker - top brass from not just Star Wars but also from Marvel and Pixar were also in on the call but listening only - likely at the request of Bob Iger who wants their advice on how to fix this **** show. And yes, he does know it's a **** show. Evidence? The word that he wants Kathleen Kennedy out - he actually does, but nobody will take her job. Several have been approached but turned it down, including J. J. Abrams who turned it down flat and didn't even hesistate." (June 25, 2018)
Be careful what you wish for. If she does step down, I doubt there would be a lot of folks who would want the scrutiny of this job. This is the same fanbase that ran off the creator of the franchise.

Lucas and KK are probably emailing each other like "WTF is wrong with these people?"

Any president of any company will get criticism, but Kennedy is getting a huge amount of criticism because she isn't running the company well. The same was true of Lucas. He didn't start getting all the hate until he did the special editions and the prequels.

Pretty much everything that's come out of Lucasfilm under Kennedy has been a mess behind the scenes. The only one that has had an efficient production (or so they claim) has been The Last Jedi, and that's become one of the most controversial movies in recent years. Solo was a downright flop.

Other presidents like Kevin Feige don't get nearly the same amount of hate that Kennedy does. If they replace her and start making some good, efficient movies I'm 100% convinced that the hate and screaming will go down.
Nobody smart will take this job, their reputation will be shat upon in months. Who wants to take a job where the fans actually have live streams on Youtube celebrating the failures and admitting on air the crusade of actively voting down scores on RT? Not to mention the relentless output of bile on twitter and other platforms, bullying actors off social media and attacking Rian Johnson mercilessly. It's their complete right to be a-holes because a movie didn't do enough for them... Unless LF throws Fort Knox at people they want to head the studio, I'd bet most people will say f-ck it, I want no part of that toxicity.

That's partly my hope, I'll admit.
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Trades like Deadline and THR are at least partly trustworthy, I don't know what Ankler Report is and there's no way in hell I trust Grace's "source".
Nobody smart will take this job, their reputation will be shat upon in months. Who wants to take a job where the fans actually have live streams on Youtube celebrating the failures and admitting on air the crusade of actively voting down scores on RT? Not to mention the relentless output of bile on twitter and other platforms, bullying actors off social media and attacking Rian Johnson mercilessly. It's their complete right to be a-holes because a movie didn't do enough for them... Unless LF throws Fort Knox at people they want to head the studio, I'd bet most people will say f-ck it, I want no part of that toxicity.

That's partly my hope, I'll admit.

No top exec wants to get BBQ'd and have their career ruined dealing with a toxic franchise and fanbase. The fact is no matter what, you can't please everyone and there will always be a vocal group pouring out their disgust at whatever gets produced.
The Star Wars fandom is the worst by far imo. They'll obviously find someone, it's still a prestigious position. He or she just has to make peace with the fact that a vocal part of the 'fan' base will never be happy and become poison.

Best of luck to them. At least they'll be getting paid the big bucks.
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The Star Wars fandom is the worst by far imo. They'll obviously find someone, it's still a prestigious position. He or she just has to make peace with the fact that a vocal part of the 'fan' base will never be happy and become poison.

Best of luck to them. At least they'll be getting paid the big bucks.

I feel the fans can be super hard at times. But I also feel KK escalated like 80% of this mess. The next Ceo can't have it as bad.
I feel the fans can be super hard at times. But I also feel KK escalated like 80% of this mess. The next Ceo can't have it as bad.

Agreed, 110%.

The only reason the Star Wars fanbase might come across as more obnoxious than other fanbases is because it's pretty much the largest around, and therefore the most vocal. It goes without saying that the people in charge won't be able to please every fan, but this applies to every fanbase on earth. The people at Lucasfilm aren't just "not pleasing fans", they're going out of their way to provoke them.

I'm really getting sick of the fan-blaming that keeps happening. Any group of people will act up when provoked. Instead of just dismissing it as "those annoying fans", it might be better to actually look at what's causing the uproar and attempt to correct it at the source.

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