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Make a sequal to an anime


Jan 8, 2006
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More or less what the title suggests, list an idea, or 'pilot episode' to where you would take an anime after it ends. I know it's somewhat like a fanfiction, but just curious what some of you guys take would be on some of the more popular animes after they came to an end. Also you can post where you would have taken something, like instead of the way DBGT went you can post how you wish it would have gone, or instead of Spike dying in Cowboy Bebop he lives in your idea.


My idea was a sequal to Inuyasha. It would start off with a guy this time in Kagome's roll. He's taking a trip to Kagome's family shrine and falls in, and winds up in Inyuasha's time. It would feature a middle aged Kagome and Inyuasha (as Kagome would have stayed in their time) and mainly their daughter who would be more like Inyuasha usually and could have that Kagome attitude too. It would also feature a slightly grown up Shippo, and Sango and Miroku's kid. Miroku and Sango's kid, Inyuasha and Kagome's kid, and the new guy from Kagome's era would have a sort of love triangle, with Shippo getting jealous because he's got a think for Inyuasha's kid.

The villain would start out as a weaken Naraku who's somehow survived, and is looking for a new body. Inyuasha and gang find out and follow Naraku to some kind of ancient tomb. Somehow the new guy from Kagome's era has powers and it somehow awakens the thing in the tomb, who quickly kills Naraku, and kidnaps Inyuasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango. So then the first arc of the storyline would be the kids trying to rescue them, that way the parents wouldn't overshadow the new heroes.


Anyway just a thought heh, post some of your ideas.
Cowboy Bebop definitely not. I think what's great about a lot of anime is that they know when to end it, even if there might be a little more "story to tell". I just think Bebop is perfect how it is.

Berserk. The anime ended so suddenly and the manga still continues on long afterward. Show simply wasn't successful enough in Japan to warrant more I guess.

Appleseed. I hear they are making a series that is more faithful to the manga, which I'd like to see. But basically I want to see the story with Briareos and Deunan actually interacting as a couple since that's basically what I enjoy so much about the manga and neither the OVA or the movie really used any of that.
Cowboy Bebop definitely not. I think what's great about a lot of anime is that they know when to end it, even if there might be a little more "story to tell". I just think Bebop is perfect how it is.

Berserk. The anime ended so suddenly and the manga still continues on long afterward. Show simply wasn't successful enough in Japan to warrant more I guess.

Appleseed. I hear they are making a series that is more faithful to the manga, which I'd like to see. But basically I want to see the story with Briareos and Deunan actually interacting as a couple since that's basically what I enjoy so much about the manga and neither the OVA or the movie really used any of that.

I agree on Bebop being perfect as is, was just giving it as an example. I thought it was a great ending myself as well.
More or less what the title suggests, list an idea, or 'pilot episode' to where you would take an anime after it ends. I know it's somewhat like a fanfiction, but just curious what some of you guys take would be on some of the more popular animes after they came to an end. Also you can post where you would have taken something, like instead of the way DBGT went you can post how you wish it would have gone, or instead of Spike dying in Cowboy Bebop he lives in your idea.


My idea was a sequal to Inuyasha. It would start off with a guy this time in Kagome's roll. He's taking a trip to Kagome's family shrine and falls in, and winds up in Inyuasha's time. It would feature a middle aged Kagome and Inyuasha (as Kagome would have stayed in their time) and mainly their daughter who would be more like Inyuasha usually and could have that Kagome attitude too. It would also feature a slightly grown up Shippo, and Sango and Miroku's kid. Miroku and Sango's kid, Inyuasha and Kagome's kid, and the new guy from Kagome's era would have a sort of love triangle, with Shippo getting jealous because he's got a think for Inyuasha's kid.

The villain would start out as a weaken Naraku who's somehow survived, and is looking for a new body. Inyuasha and gang find out and follow Naraku to some kind of ancient tomb. Somehow the new guy from Kagome's era has powers and it somehow awakens the thing in the tomb, who quickly kills Naraku, and kidnaps Inyuasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango. So then the first arc of the storyline would be the kids trying to rescue them, that way the parents wouldn't overshadow the new heroes.


Anyway just a thought heh, post some of your ideas.

...I hate when people do that to inuyasha. do you understand that chronologically, that would be ******ed?

It's ****ing with time... you can't **** with time. :cmad:
...Now that I think about *****ing about chronological time in an anime about a present girl falling in a well to the past, it seemed kind ******ed.

But, because of when she was born, it would **** things up more. She might end up being her own grandmother... that **** ain't right.
Inuyasha itself is a stupid, ******ed, and pointless show anyway.
...you're a hater that sits on a throne of lies... :cmad:
I think the true lie is the delusional life that Inu-tards lead :D . The lie being that the show is good and was actually going somewhere.
I think the true lie is the delusional life that Inu-tards lead :D . The lie being that the show is good and was actually going somewhere.
HAHA and it was never finshed so the fans never get there ending HHAHAHA.
^^^ Has the manga hit the 500 mark yet ? If it has then that's just sad. The lady needs to end it. :csad:

As for the topic at hand.

Samurai Champloo. I mean they did leave a opening for a sequel. No way the shogunate leave those three alone. Especially after going through all that trouble in trying to kill them and whatnot. So it'd obviously would be about Mugen & Jin taking the fight to the shogunate & his army of loyalist. Along the way the pair encounter familiar faces, both good & bad. Fuu isn't with them btw. Because she's been captured. That is why the two are headed to Edo or where ever the **** the Shogunate calls home. So the way I would have it is to have Fuu seen only in flashback scenes, with minor present day glimpse of her. Mugen & Jin would be reminiscing about the times they had with her. It'd be showing why she is important to them & why they must rescue her. The minor glimpse of her would be showing her hanging on for dear life. :csad:

Gungrave. A prequel or sequel could work. The prequel I have in mind would be about uprising & formation of Millennion. The sequel can follow whatever the 2nd video game went with. Or just a make another mafia series. :o
Yep. The manga has been over 500 for a while now.

Anyway- Dragon Ball 3: A continuation of where the manga left off. Hopefully it completely disproves everything that happened in GT. Goku, after training Uub for over a year, decides to travel the outskirts of space in hope to learn more fighting styles and face strong opponents. No one knows he left except Vegeta, Piccolo, Dende, and Uub. Vegeta, after finding out, follows his leave, not wanting Kakkorot to continue to grow stronger than him. Meanwhile, something is wrong with Kabitokai. It turns out that fusing with Kabito has caused negative effects on his psyche. Later it is learned that an unknown being is destroying random cities on earth. Gohan goes to investigate under the guise of the great Saiyaman. Trunks and Piccolo also meet up with him to locate the threat. It turns out it was Kabitokai who had gone crazy due to fusing with Kabito. Kabito was not a FULLY pure hearted being and adding even one once of dark thoughts to a Supreme Kais causes them to lose control over their power and the power more over controls them. Due to lack of training Gohan is too weak to stop him and is defeated. Piccolo and Trunks watch as he goes schizo from good to evil infront of them. He then teleports away after revealing that the negative influence on his psyche causes his power to drain until somewhere along the line he learns that consuming dragon balls refule his energy and consuming all of them will give him a perpetual supply. Everyone races off tofind the dragonballs before him but he manages to consume two before the remaining five are brought back to the look out by the others. Kabitokai gets to the look out where Gohan, Piccolo, Dende and Trunks tremble before his new power. However Uub steps in the fray and stalemates Kabitokai in battle until he manages to absorb the remaining balls. He transforms into DragonKai(or DragonShin which sounds cooler) and easily ko's Uub. He then states a vows to conquer earth and even the Universe and using his new powers spawns an army of Dragonmen who scout out to conquer everything. Piccolo and the Z-fighters decide to hold off the dragonmen and instructs Gohan and Trunks to find their fathers in space to aid them.But there skeptical if even they are enough until KingKai tells Gohan and Trunks that their have been many rumors in the cosmos that two beings of a dead race have obtained an unbelievable new power. They then race off in space to find their fathers to save the earth. After a wild journey while encountering several foes along the way they finally locate Goku who is hiding from Vegeta on an unhabbited planet. The reason for this being both he and Vegeta have achieved a new level ,SSJ4, but fighting a these newly attain levels could cause major damage to the galaxy as collateral. (Note:My version of SSJ4 looks the same as GTs version except the fur on your body is yellow and your hair is a yellowish white.Your eyes are also green again but they still have the blood shot line underneath.) Unfortunately a battle hungry Vegeta discovers Goku thanks to Gohan and Trunks showing up. Vegeta in exstacy of finally matching Gokus power quickly ascends through the levels all the way to SSJ3, as does Goku. Before they begin Goku tells Gohan and Trunks that they too have the potential to achieve the level of SSJ4 and to train in the room of spirit and time until they do. They leave on that note as a SSJ3 battle errupts and eventually SSJ4 battle. As it reaches its climax Goku and Vegeta send off rivaling attacks that ends up killing both of them, along with some of the galaxy...or did it.Gohan and Trunks feel their ki dissapear and assume them to be dead. Later gohan and Trunks manage to sneak into the room of Spirit and time but cannot achieve the new level. In the end they inadvertadley end up trapped inside due to staying there too long. They've also run out of food and water. Outside Uub has merged with Mr.Buu powering up several fold. He goes on to battle DragonKai in an even match until DragonKai reveals he was fooling around and easily defeats him. Meanwhile, in his anger to escape(being starved and thirst in a unbearable atmosphere), Trunks manages to ascend to SSJ3 and then even SSJ4. A powerful roar blast an exit hole out of the dimension but closes once Trunks leaves trapping Gohan inside. Gohan agonises and tries to figure out why he cannot achieve the new level and ponders what motivates him as the new Trunks battles it out with Dragonkai. Unfortunately Trunks has no control over himself in his SSJ4 form and attacks recklessly(draining energy and wasting attacks). This becomes his downfall and he loses , cursing himself when he reverts back to normal. Gohan(who is unconscious due to extreme training) goes into a dream sequence where he hears the scream of his family members being tortured by DragonKai. He wakes up remember why he must achieve SSJ4 and does so through alot of yelling which completely destroys the spirit and time dimension. He then realizes that the SSJ4 form brings out much aggression in the user and that if he achieved the SSJ4 form through different motives then he would have ended up like Trunks who lost himself due to motives of anger(wanting to escape). Gohan goes off to easily pummel DragonKai, who teleportsto NewNamek away to form a desperate plan. After quickly devouring the dragonballs on Namek he teleport back stronger and bulkier than ever. They go toe to toe evenly for a while until the draining property of SSJ4 begins to take its effect on Gohan. He prepares for a huge blast that would finish off Gohan and the earth and fires it. But Trunks in a weakened SSJ4 form fires a blast to hold him off(the galik gun). Gohan joins him firing off a kamehameha to assist but they still are too fatigued. Then out of nowhere the remaining Z-fighters(Tien,Piccolo, Uub, Choutzu, Goten, Yamcha, 18 and Krillin) stand behind Gohan and Trunks to lend them their energy. It powers them up as they over power Dragonkaisblast stating,"They are Trunks and Gohan the two strongest saiyans alive." Dragonkai dies. They celebrate and weeks later Pan saids she felt two powerful but familiar chis very far away as the saga ends.
I’d retell the ending of the Buu saga in Dragonball. For one, Son Gohan is far too kick-butt to have his character arc end how it did.

During his exhausting fight with Majin Buu, Son Gohan, who lost his advantage when Buu absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo, should get his second wind when he explodes with anger, like one might expect, and start clobbering Majin Buu. The battle would of course drag to the point where the fusion wears off and Buu loses a great deal of his strength.

Gohan finds himself with a dilemma: if he kills Buu here and now his brother, Trunks, and Piccolo would both die. Unsure of what to do, Gohan is caught off guard when a small platoon of Super Ghost Kamikaze ghost sneak up on him and engulf him in a bath of exploding and rage filled flames. Buu takes this opportunity to inflict as much damage on the half-breed as possible and winds up reclaiming a bit of his advantage.

With little energy left, Gohan decides to make his last stand. Resolving to sacrifice his friends and family for the sake of the universe (he knows it would be what they want) Gohan unleashes the most power Super Kamehameha he can, destroying every last bit of the pink ‘genie’.

With only Mr. Satan, Dende, and Bee left as companions, Son Gohan embarks on a journey to Namek, to restore the human race.
Love hina

forget that love hina again, ever happened and there is a lot of room for the other characters. Possibly throw in a younger guy so that crazy love triangles can form?

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