Man of Steel vs Thor TDW, seen 'em both, what do you folks think ? Compare/contrast


Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Super-fans, Thor TDW came out down here in NZ yesterday,
and I went to see it. Have to say it's Marvel's best film this year (by quite a bit).

I'm still trying to work out an in depth analysis comparing the
two films,

Here's my review of Thor TDW (enormous spoilers)

first up, this is just IMO, I'm an unashamed DC fan (MOS was my #1
film this year) and before this film wasn't the biggest fan of Thor. However, Marvel really kicked it up a notch with this one, a bazillion times better than Amazing Spiderman, and actually at least as good as Avengers, if not slightly better.

The awesome

1) Visuals, very, very, very good. Sometimes CGI worlds are obviously so fantastical that they can't be real ( something I notice about the Hobbit, and I was in that as an extra) but recently films like Oblivion, Man of Steel, and now Thor TDW have made completely fantastical environments
look actually believable.

I still don't like the pipe-organ look of Odin's palace, but the scenery looks great, particularly the palace interiors, where some intense fighting takes place.

This is especially so during the final Thor/Malekith fight, when hopping between realms.

2) Character development: Loki. Wow. Hiddleston hit one out of the park. He was superb as Loki, who's twisted, but has such a sharp wit and charm that he's tremendous fun to watch. We see that even the bitter, jealous Loki has someone he cares for.

Probably the best scenes are the cell scenes and his reaction to Frigga's death. Well written, and superbly acted, the film is almost as much Loki's as it is Thor's.

All in all, Thor and Loki's relationship is significantly developed by this film, Hemsworth does some solid work, but the stand-out performer is Hiddleston.

The very final scene of the movie leaves us with a host of questions, and questions we want answered. Ending with that image of a smirking Loki
on the throne, very well played indeed.

3) Frigga: appears in very little of the movie, pretty much to advance the plot, but Rene Russo does a great job with almost nothing.

Her Viking funeral scene was also well done.

4) Odin: The thing about truly great actors is that you forget they are who they are, and just think of them in the role. Hopkins is a short, plain -looking, dumpy man, yet fills the role of All-father brilliantly. IN this film he's very kingly, tough, uncompromising. You believe he's a king amongst the God-like Asgardians. Hemsworth is noticeably awed in his presence.

5) Pacing and Tone: Nice, very nice. The light moments and dark moments are set apart perfectly, so that neither seems out of place.

The only time the pace drags is after the prologue, up to where Jane
finds the Aether.

The good

1) Character development Thor: pretty good, we see a more serious side of Thor. He's continued along the humility path he started down in Thor (first movie). Hemsworth looks the part and while occasionally clunky, his Thor is generally likeable.

2) Character development Selvig, gets some great comic scenes. Skaarsgard does a great job with the material he's given.

3) Character development The warriors three, (Fandrall, Hogun, Volstaag)
Again, they don't get much to work with, but the bits they're in, they're a lot more interesting (not just comic relief, like the first film). Zachary Levi
was good as Fandrall (filling in for the forgettable other guy), and Ray Stevenson is always a laugh.

I'd add Sif, but she's woefully underused.

4) The Action: The fight scenes are pretty good, not as stylized or frantic as Avengers, but still enjoyable. The film has a very high body count (not as high as MOS, but a lot of Asgardians don't make it) as such
you feel there's a real threat.

Also, the assault on Asgard has a somewhat "Star Wars" feel to it, which ordinarily would seem weird in a Thor movie, but works in this one.
A really brilliant action scene is a mixture of audacity, skilfulness and pacing, this film has some good fights, but none that made my jaw drop.
(by contrast, the Hong Kong Kaiju battle-scene in Pacific Rim, made me cheer).

I did like the way that Asgardian "magic" had a more technological feel to it, as I said, sort of a Star Wars feel - but original Star Wars (so very cool ).

5) The other Villains: Christopher Eccleston is predictably menacing as Malekith, but isn't given enough to work with, as probably 2/3 of his lines are in Elvish. He certainly looks scary and radiates evil, and I suppose he has to be a contrast to the joyful nastiness of Loki, but I think he could have had more dialogue to establish his motivations - he's just relentlessly
evil, and that's about it. A good performance but not a lot to work with.
Probably his only really engaging interaction with the other actors was the scene in which he and Kurse confront Frigga.

On that note, Kurse is pretty nasty, but after his transformation doesn't really do much acting, just growling really.

6) Music: hits a high point at Frigga's funeral, and otherwise frames the
story nicely. Possibly could emphasize the main character's motif a bit more, and have stronger overall motifs for the Dark Elves, and certainly
Odin and Loki deserve their own. But, overall, nicely done.

The reasonable

Natalie Portman. She's one of the greatest American Actresses of her generation. In this role, she's just really damsel in distress and doesn't do much with it. Less boring than Padme (from those dreadful Star Wars Prequels), but not a heroine that we really feel much for.

Yes, it's my bias, but she has none of the pluck, or smarts of Amy Adams' Lois lane. Portman does well with what she's given, I suspect its more of a writing issue, but all in all, not her best work.

The romance: a little unengaging, if there was a word for it. Not exactly forced, but it ain't Princess Leia/Han Solo or even Tobey Maguire/Kirsten Dunst (or even the tension of Famke Janssen and Hugh Jackman) if we're going to look at super-hero/fantasy genre romance.

Admittedly, the very end post credits scene where Thor does come back to Jane is a good moment, but all in all they're not going to be one of the
great on-screen couples. Having said all that, it works within the context of the film, you believe these people could love each other, but you aren't dying to see how/if things work out for them.

The unsatisfactory.

Kat Dennings, only because she's exactly the same in everything she does. Sarcastic, midly annoying and relentlessly playing the cute card.
She has the acting range of a cereal box - I suppose she does what she needs to do in this film, but the plot would have sailed along without her.

The post credits scene with the Collector. WTF ? I know that Marvel
has to set up other films, but Del Toro was simply awful - the Collector
in the comics, is an elder of the universe, a being of great and mysterious power. Del Toro's character was more like a hairstylist who runs a pawn-shop part time. It was utter crap.

IN CONCLUSION: For some comparison, I gave MOS a 9/10 but again
I'm an unashamed Superman fan. Pacific Rim gets an 8.5/10, as an
incredibly satisfying robot smashfest (not going to win any best actor
Oscars, but who cares ?) . For more comparisons, The first Matrix movie 9/10, The Dark Knight 9/10, Inception 9/10, the Avengers 8/10, X-Men first class 7.5/10, Lord of the Rings: return of the King 9/10.

basically, a 8/10 for me is a movie you walk out of feeling that you got
every cent of your money's worth, truly satisfying. a 9/10 is a movie that you don't want to end, and has moments you want to jump to your feet and yell "**** YEAH !" (haven't seen a 10/10 yet)

Okay, so on to Thor, 8/10. A very solid and enjoyable movie
That's saying a lot, as I'm not a Thor fan.
Before this film I didn't really care that much about Thor, and back in the 80's I actually read the old Walt Simonson stories that were the basis of this film. Those were pretty engaging (and visually mesmerising, because of Simonson's art), but otherwise I've always found Thor a bit boring....until now. I'm not quite a Thor-fan yet, but if the next Thor
film is as good as this one, then I might be.

I really enjoyed TDW. If you're a Thor fan, you'll simply love it, if you
liked Avengers or Marvel in general you're going to get your money's worth. A much greater scale than the first Thor, and much more enjoyable.

Trust me Marvel-maniacs, if you liked Thor (2011) and the Avengers,
you're going to love this movie. Like I said I'm not really a fan, and I thought it was Marvel's best outing in a long time (I enjoyed it more than

In TDW the stakes are higher, the visuals are stunning, the scheme is grander and best of all LOKI......Loki makes the film, stealing every scene he's in. Hiddleston was born to play the role, he's so much fun to watch.
If you liked Loki in the previous films, you're going to love what he gets up to in TDW, we see a much more complete character, rather than just the
jealous brother - Cain to Thor's Abel.

Okay, enough. So Thor (2011) was fun, (loved the Destroyer, and ****, they needed him in this movie !), but this one is a big step up.

Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

And then There's MOS. Like I said in the TDW review above, 9/10, mostly because I felt a personal connection to Superman, as a beloved character from my childhood - but also because he was a much more "human" character than Thor.

MOS is a darker film than TDW, and much more personal, it's about a man's quest to find himself.

So here's my comparisons, which include acting, visuals, romance and action.

Henry Cavill vs Chris Hemsworth = Slight edge to Cavill, Hemsworth is enjoyable as Thor, and looks the part. Cavill's Clark Kent is much more troubled, had a lot less dialogue to work with, and thus has to rely on expressions more, all up Clark is a slightly better written character
with a more relatable story (despite his great powers, he struggles with
issues that every person struggles with, in terms of coming to terms
with his place in the world).

Odin vs Jor El (Anthony Hopkins vs Rusell Crowe) = tie, two of the absolute cinema greats, both as the wise father role, possibly slight edge to Jor-El for kicking more ass (without superpowers, on Krypton)

Frigga vs Martha Kent (Rene Russo vs Diane Lane) = edge to Ma Kent. Russo does a great job, with a small (but highly significant ) role, but Ma Kent does a lot more, she's the rock of Clark's world, and helps us connect to his character.

Malekith v General Zod= hmmmm.... both are pretty apocalyptic characters with the single-minded destruction of the current world (and the restoration of their own world). Zod has a bit more dialogue to work with, and is a little easier to relate to, in terms of his obsession.
Eccleston does a great job with very little dialogue, and under a lot of make-up -the fact that he does so much with so little is a testament to his talents.
So edge to Zod, but mostly because Malekith has much less dialogue to work through.

NOTE: General Zod v Loki = not even close. Loki by a mile, Hiddleston is the stand-out performer in TDW, he's a better developed and more enjoyable character to watch.

Jane Foster vs Lois Lane ( Nat Portman v Amy Adams)= when I first encountered Adams (in previous films) didn't really like her as an actress, whereas Portman was a great talent from her very first film. The Fighter, changed my mind about Adams, and while she and Portman both have damsel in distress roles, Adams is lot pluckier and more interesting. Usually I can't stand Lois Lane, but Adams made her an enjoyable character. Portman's Foster is good, but nothing special. Edge = Lois Lane / Adams !

romance= Thor and Jane, Clark and Lois. personally, I didn't feel like Hemsworth and Portman had much on-screen chemistry, whereas Cavill and Adams did. There's a lot less said between Clark and Lois, but what's said is more believable. Edge = Lois and Clark.

Krypton vs Asgard = Asgard has a real Star wars feel to it, (read the above review), and the sequences there are visually impressive. But Asgard is all sunshine, whereas Krypton is a dying world.

Both are equally compelling, and believable....something I never felt about the Star Wars prequels (those environments always looked a bit too fantastical). In fact, the visuals in Thor are as good as MOS, so tie.

Action= hmmmmm....tricky. The final show-down, in terms of scale is bigger in MOS (in respect of stuff being destroyed on Earth), however Thor TDW threatens the 9 realms.... However, the destruction in MOS
is just unparalleled, both from the Gravity beam and from the final Zod vs Supes punch-up.

The fight scenes in Thor TDW are good, but a bit chaotic, whereas MOS
is again, a bit clearer in terms of what's going on, but much more destructive.

Despite what many have said, I loved the Smallville fight scene, best superbeing on superbeing fight scene to date.

Edge: MOS.

Overall grades: Don't get me wrong, Thor TDW is an enjoyable watch
and the best thing Marvel's done this Year (waaayyy better than Amazing Spider Man) and Hiddleston is superb. I have never been a Thor fan, but after this film I've grown to like the character and his world a lot more.

MOS, slightly better performances (except of course Hiddleston, he could carry a Loki movie after this), and that I felt a greater connection to the character and his personal struggles (and of course, I am biased as having been a Superman fan since childhood). While Thor TDW was a very good movie, MOS was a great one. 9/10

Enough from me, weigh in chaps, what do y'all think ?
I skimmed through the TDW review, but barely cuz in the states it's not out yet.

Funnily, I enjoyed the first THOR because the was an underkying charm that reminded me of the first Superman film. You and I have stated similar opinions on MOS (the wait for the BluRay release in the U.S. is painful at this point) so if you liked TDW I have a feeling I probably will too. I can't wait to do a compare and conteast myself.

One question... Is Thor's overall power level, his strength and invulnerability presented in a way that makes you think he's an equal to MOS Superman or is Cav-el's Supes still king of the mountain in that respect?
I skimmed through the TDW review, but barely cuz in the states it's not out yet.

Funnily, I enjoyed the first THOR because the was an underkying charm that reminded me of the first Superman film. You and I have stated similar opinions on MOS (the wait for the BluRay release in the U.S. is painful at this point) so if you liked TDW I have a feeling I probably will too. I can't wait to do a compare and conteast myself.

One question... Is Thor's overall power level, his strength and invulnerability presented in a way that makes you think he's an equal to MOS Superman or is Cav-el's Supes still king of the mountain in that respect?

Cav-El, I like that !

Good question. The underlying issue is superman's vulnerability to magic,
but putting that aside, Kurse is shown to be physically stronger and
more injury resistant to Thor.

Given during the final battle with Zod, Superman smashed through several skyscrapers and then a satellite and then re-entered earth's atmosphere and smashed into a train station (although he and Zod must have substantially slowed their descent, otherwise that impact alone would have levelled all of Metropolis) without so much as a scratch, I would say the edge definitely goes to Superman. I'm trying to think of the biggest thing Supes lifts. He struggles to stop the escape pod crashing into Earth's atmosphere (but then again if you add it's acceleration, probably about mach 24, or about 20,000 miles an hour which would dramatically
increase its mass). He struggles to lift the oil rig tower, but the giant throws a locomotive at him (in a subtle joke, because we all know Supes is more powerful than a what...) so we can assume Clark is just as strong.

Okay, sorry I got carried away, after all that definitely edge to Superman.
The issue I think in a fist fight would be that Mjolnir would definitely hurt Supes (but then he'd probably be worthy enough to lift it), and thor's lighting and weather powers would be a problem.
However, in terms of raw power, and strength, big Edge to Superman.
Some of the shots Supes took from Zod, would have certainly killed comparison, Thor actually bleeds in this film.

Personally, I have always thought Supes' main advantage would be speed.
Thor is very strong and tough, but Supes can move nearly as fast as the Flash, he'd have hit Thor about 100 times before the Asgardian had seen him move.

Having said that, Supes isn't a terribly aggressive fighter, he usually waits to get hit, before hitting someone else -which would give Thor a bit of an edge.

If you liked Thor, and enjoyed MOS, you'll enjoy TDW, visually spectacular and enjoyable (but don't expect Shakespeare or Jane Austen in terms of the drama).

Thanks for the reply dude ! Following on from this thread, where's the best place for me to start a Superman vs Thor, who would win, thread,
so I can get the most replies and generate the most fierce debate
(especially from Thor fans) ? Any thoughts ?
I've watched Thor TDW that's my opinion from the movie:
there's not to much to talk
bad story, meh plot, too much silly events
terrible villain (one of the lamest of Marvel)
the best parts were from Loki and some pretty good effects but nothing to say it was better or worst than IM3 both were pretty lame overall
And of course the better part is when the mid-credits appeared when one of the infinity stones make his first appearance for the upcoming from Marvel
Thor: The Dark World

Thor reminds me of Iron Man 2 but with a cooler setting.

It sets up a lot of potential story points and themes and does nothing with them. The actual plot is extremely basic by the movie's end. It took me a while to get into the movie. It starts quite unspectacularly, and its climax is quite unspectacular.

However, it gets by on a good amount of jokes and memorable lines per minute. And it's extremely well realized visually. Asgard is just amazing and I just had fun being there.

However, although it's fun, it's not satisfying overall. It doesn't have a good 'core'. Somehow less satisfying than the original, which had underwhelming set pieces, etc, but a simpler better executed story arc with more heart. So I can't say I wasn't disappointed.

6.5/10. (Pretty much in line with the Rotten tomatoes average rating of 6.6).

Man of Steel

Got into it right away with the birth scene and was captivated right up until the tentacle scene at the end when the third act became monotonous. The climax was powerful however and the ending was uplifting.

I found the core of the movie, the main themes, etc, to be quite powerful. Loved all the flashbacks etc.

This movie also did a good job of amazing me. It felt like it raised the bar for the superhero genre in some ways. You've never seen superheros fly or fight quite like this.

My only major complaint other than the pacing is that I wish its climax didn't fade out on a downer. It ultimately doesn't feel 'hopeful', and the overall realization of the main theme is a little bit diminished. There's also some really bad CG at times during the Smallville fight.

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Thor: The Dark World

Thor reminds me of Iron Man 2 but with a cooler setting.

It sets up a lot of potential story points and themes and does nothing with them. The actual plot is extremely basic by the movie's end. It took me a while to get into the movie. It starts quite unspectacularly, and its climax is quite unspectacular.

However, it gets by on a good amount of jokes and memorable lines per minute. And it's extremely well realized visually. Asgard is just amazing and I just had fun being there.

However, although it's fun, it's not satisfying overall. It doesn't have a good 'core'. Somehow less satisfying than the original, which had underwhelming set pieces, etc, but a simpler better executed story arc with more heart. So I can't say I wasn't disappointed.

6.5/10. (Pretty much in line with the Rotten tomatoes average rating of 6.6).

Man of Steel

Got into it right away with the birth scene and was captivated right up until the tentacle scene at the end when the third act became monotonous. The climax was powerful however and the ending was uplifting.

I found the core of the movie, the main themes, etc, to be quite powerful. Loved all the flashbacks etc.

This movie also did a good job of amazing me. It felt like it raised the bar for the superhero genre in some ways. You've never seen superheros fly or fight quite like this.

My only major complaint other than the pacing is that I wish its climax didn't fade out on a downer. It ultimately doesn't feel 'hopeful', and the overall realization of the main theme is a little bit diminished. There's also some really bad CG at times during the Smallville fight.


Agreed on the MOS part except from the bold bald of course there were details but not as you've said (CGI talking) and the fight on Smallville has some details but IMO there were cause the speed of the kryptonians that moved so fast that the movements were pretty difficult to stand.. I felt the fight was so real.. (look at the featurette of all about action and most of the shots in smallville weren't CGI and the CGI of superman is the most difficult cause the lack of mask and he shows his face and from the showed it was AWESOME IMO...
not only in the ending but also in all the movie the hope was there, the "never give up" was there.. and for me the final round (perry with jenny and superman fighting with courage to destroy the we that's hope for me in two scenes) obviously the consequences from MOS were catastrophic due to the threat but Superman do his best even being so confused and novice... just can't agree with you about the climax was great and managed well the action, music and emotions in the third act made an awesome one they left the ending of the casualties on the air, but that could be connected in the beginning ala BB-TDK, for me the priority was to show origins, how he became superman and if they didn't use it could make the connection stronger and of course don't forget the beautiful scene from Clark's child and the DP scene that if those were somehow interrupted by them the movie wouldn't have jumped that great IMO and don't forget Superman's reaction at the end worth it.. I guess you confused hope with fun and the movie being too much perfection and smiling all the time wasn't the type of it :cwink:
Cav-El, I like that !

Good question. The underlying issue is superman's vulnerability to magic,
but putting that aside, Kurse is shown to be physically stronger and
more injury resistant to Thor.

Given during the final battle with Zod, Superman smashed through several skyscrapers and then a satellite and then re-entered earth's atmosphere and smashed into a train station (although he and Zod must have substantially slowed their descent, otherwise that impact alone would have levelled all of Metropolis) without so much as a scratch, I would say the edge definitely goes to Superman. I'm trying to think of the biggest thing Supes lifts. He struggles to stop the escape pod crashing into Earth's atmosphere (but then again if you add it's acceleration, probably about mach 24, or about 20,000 miles an hour which would dramatically
increase its mass). He struggles to lift the oil rig tower, but the giant throws a locomotive at him (in a subtle joke, because we all know Supes is more powerful than a what...) so we can assume Clark is just as strong.

Okay, sorry I got carried away, after all that definitely edge to Superman.
The issue I think in a fist fight would be that Mjolnir would definitely hurt Supes (but then he'd probably be worthy enough to lift it), and thor's lighting and weather powers would be a problem.
However, in terms of raw power, and strength, big Edge to Superman.
Some of the shots Supes took from Zod, would have certainly killed comparison, Thor actually bleeds in this film.

Personally, I have always thought Supes' main advantage would be speed.
Thor is very strong and tough, but Supes can move nearly as fast as the Flash, he'd have hit Thor about 100 times before the Asgardian had seen him move.

Having said that, Supes isn't a terribly aggressive fighter, he usually waits to get hit, before hitting someone else -which would give Thor a bit of an edge.

If you liked Thor, and enjoyed MOS, you'll enjoy TDW, visually spectacular and enjoyable (but don't expect Shakespeare or Jane Austen in terms of the drama).

Thanks for the reply dude ! Following on from this thread, where's the best place for me to start a Superman vs Thor, who would win, thread,
so I can get the most replies and generate the most fierce debate
(especially from Thor fans) ? Any thoughts ?

In the THOR: THE DARK WORLD section there is a thread for MOS VS THOR. Hope this helps. :yay:
I've watched Thor TDW that's my opinion from the movie:
there's not to much to talk
bad story, meh plot, too much silly events
terrible villain (one of the lamest of Marvel)
the best parts were from Loki and some pretty good effects but nothing to say it was better or worst than IM3 both were pretty lame overall
And of course the better part is when the mid-credits appeared when one of the infinity stones make his first appearance for the upcoming from Marvel

Dude ! Really ? Totally respect your opinion of course.

Interesting that we agreed pretty much completely on MOS,
which is total awesomeness, but liked totally different parts of the movie.

By contrast I hated the mid-credits scene, I suppose that I just
couldn't reconcile Del Toro's Collector, with the one I remember reading
(a long time ago, as the Collector is a Marvel character from waaayyy
back !).

As for Thor TDW vs IM3, wow, I found IM3 better than IM2, which made
it okay, but not great (whereas IM was awesome) I suppose the fire-breathing super soliders just didn't work for me, and I liked the Mandarin from the comic books a bit too much to appreciate the twist - in a different genre or even a different comic book, it would have worked, but not with a character so well established as the Mandarin. It would be like finding out, in Xmen, that the real brains behind the Brotherhood of evil mutants was the Toad, and that Magneto was just his stooge (oddly, even that sounds better than the IM 3 twist).

What do you think about Marvel's use of humour in their films ?

The humour in Thor TDW was a bit more subdued than in Thor, whereas IM 3 had substantially more than IM 2, and a lot more than IM.
Personally it didn't work for me in IM3, I just found Tony kind of irritating
, his "eccentric genius billionaire playboy" routine got a bit old.

Thor, by contrast, showed a more serious side -now the romance scenes were pretty average, but I thought Hemsworth carried it off well.

I'm surprised you didn't find Malekith reasonably menacing, he was a nasty piece of work. But he desperately needed more dialogue, (especially dialogue in English, not elvish). Kurse, I agree wasn't great, he needed a lot more personality (maybe he should have obviously enjoyed doing bad stuff more - I thought that Mjolnir had more personality than Kurse, and it's just a freakin' hammer.

Now I totally agree that MOS was a better film, and I don't get why people don't find hope in the ending. Come on, at last the guy's out of hiding and walking among the human race - sure it took a near apocalypse to get there, but that's all that matters.

Anyway, sorry you didn't enjoy TDW that much, I thought it was the best Marvel outing this year. What surprises me is I liked the film, and I'm not a Thor fan, whereas some Thor fans didn't

Thanks for the post dude ! Roll on BM v SM in 2015.
In the THOR: THE DARK WORLD section there is a thread for MOS VS THOR. Hope this helps. :yay:

Thanks dude, having some trouble finding it.
What I should really do is post 2 threads
1 in Thor TDW and 1 in Superman/Batman and see which one gets
the craziest responses, and compare the 2.

Dude ! Really ? Totally respect your opinion of course.

Interesting that we agreed pretty much completely on MOS,
which is total awesomeness, but liked totally different parts of the movie.

By contrast I hated the mid-credits scene, I suppose that I just
couldn't reconcile Del Toro's Collector, with the one I remember reading
(a long time ago, as the Collector is a Marvel character from waaayyy
back !).

As for Thor TDW vs IM3, wow, I found IM3 better than IM2, which made
it okay, but not great (whereas IM was awesome) I suppose the fire-breathing super soliders just didn't work for me, and I liked the Mandarin from the comic books a bit too much to appreciate the twist - in a different genre or even a different comic book, it would have worked, but not with a character so well established as the Mandarin. It would be like finding out, in Xmen, that the real brains behind the Brotherhood of evil mutants was the Toad, and that Magneto was just his stooge (oddly, even that sounds better than the IM 3 twist).

What do you think about Marvel's use of humour in their films ?

The humour in Thor TDW was a bit more subdued than in Thor, whereas IM 3 had substantially more than IM 2, and a lot more than IM.
Personally it didn't work for me in IM3, I just found Tony kind of irritating
, his "eccentric genius billionaire playboy" routine got a bit old.

Thor, by contrast, showed a more serious side -now the romance scenes were pretty average, but I thought Hemsworth carried it off well.

I'm surprised you didn't find Malekith reasonably menacing, he was a nasty piece of work. But he desperately needed more dialogue, (especially dialogue in English, not elvish). Kurse, I agree wasn't great, he needed a lot more personality (maybe he should have obviously enjoyed doing bad stuff more - I thought that Mjolnir had more personality than Kurse, and it's just a freakin' hammer.

Now I totally agree that MOS was a better film, and I don't get why people don't find hope in the ending. Come on, at last the guy's out of hiding and walking among the human race - sure it took a near apocalypse to get there, but that's all that matters.

Anyway, sorry you didn't enjoy TDW that much, I thought it was the best Marvel outing this year. What surprises me is I liked the film, and I'm not a Thor fan, whereas some Thor fans didn't

Thanks for the post dude ! Roll on BM v SM in 2015.

I was refering to the infinity stone (the only interesting part, you know for Thanos for following movies) :woot:
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Dude ! Really ? Totally respect your opinion of course.

Interesting that we agreed pretty much completely on MOS,
which is total awesomeness, but liked totally different parts of the movie.

By contrast I hated the mid-credits scene, I suppose that I just
couldn't reconcile Del Toro's Collector, with the one I remember reading
(a long time ago, as the Collector is a Marvel character from waaayyy
back !).

As for Thor TDW vs IM3, wow, I found IM3 better than IM2, which made
it okay, but not great (whereas IM was awesome) I suppose the fire-breathing super soliders just didn't work for me, and I liked the Mandarin from the comic books a bit too much to appreciate the twist - in a different genre or even a different comic book, it would have worked, but not with a character so well established as the Mandarin. It would be like finding out, in Xmen, that the real brains behind the Brotherhood of evil mutants was the Toad, and that Magneto was just his stooge (oddly, even that sounds better than the IM 3 twist).

What do you think about Marvel's use of humour in their films ?

The humour in Thor TDW was a bit more subdued than in Thor, whereas IM 3 had substantially more than IM 2, and a lot more than IM.
Personally it didn't work for me in IM3, I just found Tony kind of irritating
, his "eccentric genius billionaire playboy" routine got a bit old.

Thor, by contrast, showed a more serious side -now the romance scenes were pretty average, but I thought Hemsworth carried it off well.

I'm surprised you didn't find Malekith reasonably menacing, he was a nasty piece of work. But he desperately needed more dialogue, (especially dialogue in English, not elvish). Kurse, I agree wasn't great, he needed a lot more personality (maybe he should have obviously enjoyed doing bad stuff more - I thought that Mjolnir had more personality than Kurse, and it's just a freakin' hammer.

Now I totally agree that MOS was a better film, and I don't get why people don't find hope in the ending. Come on, at last the guy's out of hiding and walking among the human race - sure it took a near apocalypse to get there, but that's all that matters.

Anyway, sorry you didn't enjoy TDW that much, I thought it was the best Marvel outing this year. What surprises me is I liked the film, and I'm not a Thor fan, whereas some Thor fans didn't

Thanks for the post dude ! Roll on BM v SM in 2015.

I don't like that much and in here it was ocassions that there wasn't needed, in fights, and some made them silly I didn't like it neither IM3 neither this one IMO...
But I like the humor in the Avengers and Iron MAn I they handled pretty good (better in IM1 IMO)
I don't see here any comparisson here...
MOS by far!!!
Glad we like MOS Batmanerism ;)
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Is it really fair though to compare MOS, a origin film and the start of a beginning franchise with Thor: TDW where it's not only a sequel for the main character (solo film wise) but is also aided by the popularity of several other MCU films?
Is it really fair though to compare MOS, a origin film and the start of a beginning franchise with Thor: TDW where it's not only a sequel for the main character (solo film wise) but is also aided by the popularity of several other MCU films?

In that case, let's compare Thor and MOS.

MOS wins by a mile !
As many issues as I had with Man of Steel, it at least made me FEEL in places. It had a heck of a lot more heart, and a much more powerful character story :)
Man of Steel, by a mile. I enjoyed it a lot.
TDW was pure mediocrity, and I say that as a (very disappointed) Thor fan.
Man the critics and fanboys are REALLY divided straight down the middle a
concerning MOS.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like this.
My reaction to my first viewing of MoS was intense dislike but I thought I'd give it another chance and ended up seeing it a further 3 times.
I absolutely understand why it has a 55% on Rotten Tomatoes as that was my initial reaction to the movie and critics are unlikely to see the movie twice for a second opinion.

My reaction to the movie was when it was set off world I really enjoyed it. It was big and it was epic. But, I really disliked the Earth stuff. Pretty much my reaction to Thor 1.

I prefer the action in Thor as it was clear and was no where near as repeatitive. But I enjoyed the character moments far more in MoS.

A tie.
Romantic plot - MOS wins hands down.

Writing - both kind of mediocre, with plot holes and some really cheesy dialogue - A tie.

Comedy - Obviously Thor takes it.

Emotion - MOS hands down, I cried I bunch in MOS, but didn't cry in TDW, even though I felt like I should have wanted to.

Score - MOS hands down. So much more uplifting and memorable to me.

Visuals - I think I'd give it to MOS because the fight scenes just looked so different and exciting. Both had some beautiful epic shots, but MOS also had the more moody Malickesque stuff too.

Villain - MOS hands down. He was given so much more to work with (and I didn't think that was much!)

Yeah, MOS is the clear winner!
Shannon's performance as Zod is very underrated.

After watching the movie at home, he has become my fav. villain !
Romantic plot - MOS wins hands down.

Writing - both kind of mediocre, with plot holes and some really cheesy dialogue - A tie.

Comedy - Obviously Thor takes it.

Emotion - MOS hands down, I cried I bunch in MOS, but didn't cry in TDW, even though I felt like I should have wanted to.

Score - MOS hands down. So much more uplifting and memorable to me.

Visuals - I think I'd give it to MOS because the fight scenes just looked so different and exciting. Both had some beautiful epic shots, but MOS also had the more moody Malickesque stuff too.

Villain - MOS hands down. He was given so much more to work with (and I didn't think that was much!)

Yeah, MOS is the clear winner!

I think the action is MUCH better in Thor as you can actually tell what the heck is going on and it doesn't feel like you are watching the same thing over and over again. If I'm honest I thought the action in MoS was RUBBUSH. What elevates MoS is the character moments that are far better than Thor but MoS is a genre movie so action is at least as important as drama and on the action, MoS (for me) failed.
TDW was just another Marvel film for me. A fun time but utterly inconsequential.

MOS as much as it failed in many respects, did show that the people behind it were trying for something more. The beautiful music and cinematography. The impeccable casting. And the attempt to try and reach into the character of Superman on an emotional level.

MOS just feels like a more professional piece all around, even when it stumbled. TDW just feels like more studio-measured movie-of-the-week fluff.

And all the reasons hopeful posted.
TDW was just another Marvel film for me. A fun time but utterly inconsequential.

MOS as much as it failed in many respects, did show that the people behind it were trying for something more.

I agree with this, this tends to be the trend for Marvel (Studio) movies in general.
Last year I saw Avengers and ASM and although I absolutely loved the fun of the Avengers (how could you not) Amazing Spider-Man's character moments (for me) were far deeper and the movie stayed with me far longer.

That being said a movie shouldn't be knocked for just being FUN especially a superhero movie. Superhero movies shouldn't take themselves too seriously.

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