Marvel Heroes to start tomorrow and prices for heroes revealed

Here's what new this week end & this week . serious info listed i red from Tribale sages other like self o his thread. info from Hub4 heroes &the main Marvel heroes 2015 site it's self .


04/03/15 It's around 4-5 heroes for the 12th slot, but we need to get final marvel sign off on ALL of their design concepts before we do a vote.


04/03/15 Vision will use Physical and Energy damage. You've got this density brawling tree, which has powers where he melee fights while in his super light phase mode, moving his fists through dudes and going through the ground and such then, you press the switch button, and WHAZAM, now you are in super dense mode, and all those powers change in functionality and in animation. Vision's now on the ground in ultra dense mode crushing and walloping away. Press it again, and presto, all those powers are back to their phase forms. And, each mode's cooldown powers are separate. You also get a serious defensive buff when you swap, so between that and the cooldowns being different in the modes, you'll find yourself swapping often to be most effective. He will be mostly melee but has his Solar Energy resource for ranged beam powers. He'll be a hybrid hero but with some very specific gear speccing, you could probably pull of a full-solar build. He will have a custom spirit bar.

04/03/15 They may end up doing Pym and Scott as two different heroes

03/31/15 ETA: Summer 2015.

04/03/15 "I will confirm that we will definitely add Dazzler at some point and there is support for it internally!"

In 2014 it was hinted that she will be coming either 2015 or 2016.

04/03/15 Netflix Daredevil is getting good hype and the new costume for him is really cool. It has some weapon override tech.

04/03/15 Gambit Shirtless with Trenchcoat costume will be an achievement reward for getting 9001 or more achievement points.

☆☆☆☆☆ QUALITY OF LIFE ☆☆☆☆☆

04/03/15 There is a lot of stuff we want to do for heroes after the level 52s are done. We are super aware of what people would like to see and we want to start working on that. The "older" heroes can especially use some new animations, maybe some powers here and there, use of new tech that we've built, etc.

ETA: End of April/May 1st (to coincide with Age of Ultron)
04/03/15 She'll have a least one power that deals "Diablo 2 lighting" damage.

04/03/15 ETA: After Thing's review. 2-3 months is a good guess for Cable.

04/03/15 Doomsaw stated that they were on the top of his list for playable. It was also shown on the forums that they were also on the top of his list for playable.

04/03/15 Team Up Revamp ETA: The team is working pretty much non-stop for the next 5 weeks or so changing over every team up to Team-Up 2.0, so I would say very soon after Age of Ultron hits.
04/03/15 Slightly improved team-up gear is coming and Cosmic Team-Up gear. It was previously stated they would also have unique gear as well.

☆☆☆☆☆ GEAR ☆☆☆☆☆

04/03/15 The new legendaries are level 60 and do cost a lot of Odin marks. You'll have some more options other than just Power Cosmic, although Power Cosmic will still be BIS for many hybrids. The ItemGrade 80 Legendaries will be coming soon(a week or less). You'll have some more options other than just Power Cosmic, although Power Cosmic will still be BIS for many hybrids. The new legendaries are level 60 and do cost a lot of Odin marks. Technically, they will be on vendors tomorrow, but you will need to earn "Influence" level 3 to buy the ItemGrade 80 legendaries. It will take a few weeks These are aimed at end-game peeps who have everything maxxed out and are sitting on hundreds of every currency.
04/03/15 Unique Rings aren't set up to be upgraded.

☆☆☆☆☆ OMEGA SYSTEM ☆☆☆☆☆
04/03/15 The Omega cap will not increase with the Anniversary. They want to do a full review of every node before they raise the cap and introduce one more section. The Omega Cap would be raised in the fall, most likely.

☆☆☆☆☆ ACHIEVEMENTS ☆☆☆☆☆
04/03/15 Achievements ETA: Achievements have their final round of Alpha Testing this weekend, so depending on the amount of fixes and changes we do, it will likely go to public test center 5-10 days after that.
04/03/15 Ultimate upgrade tokens will be some of the rewards for Achievements.

☆☆☆☆☆ LIMBO ☆☆☆☆☆
04/02/15 We have a new boss planned for Limbo, but they experienced a setback that slid Limbo down the schedule unfortunately. This month is so busy that we won't make much progress on them, but I'll see where we're planning to land it on the schedule. The summer is going to be very busy for us!

☆☆☆☆☆ AXIS RAID ☆☆☆☆☆

Red-difficulty Genosha will probably come about 3 weeks after Green-difficulty Genosha.

Talk of Med Kits
04/03/15 Making medkits more special is something that gets talked about occasionally. Lots of interesting options there. it could become part of the item game, essentially, like some games.

Talk of the Credit Cap
It would not be very responsible to increase the credit cap, it's a very inflationary thing to do to the game, so it's something to be very careful about. Even with credits associated with a single account, it's still inflationary. If we want to create a somewhat "rare' item that costs credits, we have to factor in the credit cap.

Talk of MH on Consoles and Controller Support
04/03/15 We have some internal work on controller support and will definitely eventually have it fully supported, but it could be awhile since the people working on it also have lots of stuff to do for the game in general.
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From Hub 4 Hereos

Easter and Axis

Sorry folks for the missed update last week. I was on vacation myself and missed out on all the great odin's bounty. In any case, here's what's new now (meow?)!
Easter Event
You get a special 1 time quest for the Easter egg hunt! Check your notifications to get this started. This will be available for the entire week so if you happen to miss it over the Easter weekend, you'll have 5 more days to do this. Go get your candies!
Operation Omega
I assume same thing as before. Come on, you know what to do. Get those omega files and points!
Axis Raid


The newest raid is here! This is the first public test but luckily, and according to the devs, the loot is all there. Additionally, the content has been slightly tuned down so you can give it a shot. This is the story about Red Onslaught, Red Skill + Onslaught, and he's out to occupy Genosha. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to take him out and and get I mean, restore Genosha. To access this raid, talk to Beast in Xavier's School.
Influence System Mechanic
Okay, so there's quite a bit to read about this new system, but basically, it's the new currency for Raid items. Previously it was Demon Hearts and Eyes but those are being converted to SHIELD Commendations. Eyes will be Hero's Commendations and Hearts will be Protector's Commendations. Champion's Commendations will be newly introduced for Red AXIS raid and the most difficult freshest raid. There is a weekly cap of 250 commendations from each source. Influence, for now, is basically attained the same way you attain the current eyes and hearts. Do Raids, Dailys, a weekly Mission, get a 24hr buff and kill stuff.
Published: 03 April 2015
Continue reading

Here what out this week's info with the redeem code from the main Marvel Heroes 2015 site


Now a fully playable hero, She-Hulk has never made smashin' look so good!
Combine JenniferWalters’ super-strength with heavy-hitting combos to take down super-villains.
And if that doesn’t work, throw the book at‘em, or summon a “surprise witness”
(a randomly chosen Team-Up hero) to get the job done!
(Learn More)

Redeem the code

for a free Retcon Potion!
Code Redemption Page

Friday, 03 April 2015

Face off against the might of
Red Onslaught in our newest
raid: AXIS.
(More Info...)

Punisher and Spider-Manplayers,
suit up as fully voiced Rachel Alves
and Spider-Girl!

(More Info...)

How well do you know Marvel Heroes 2015?
Can you find our Easter
(More Info...)

Operation Omega is back onceagain.
Take advantage of this popular event!

(More Info...)

source: ★☆★ THE FUTURE OF MH ★☆★Genosha Liberation Force Min-Hub, Team-Ups, Costumes n' more! 9 pm 03/30/15,Hub4 & Marvel Heroes 2015

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Hello everyone & Morning this was put up during the week. All of the previous pics from Achievement section as Achievements will be in TC for awhile. I added some pics and info which includes the Achievements FAQ link. The link is in the TC section of the forums. Normally when TC is down the forums section is not up, so check the FAQ out while you can. We have some video's from my boy my boy @NullRage & some small detail's from the MH 2015 site it's self on what's out this week it has to do with the man with out fear Dare devil (the Batman of the MU)


Update 04/10/15 Yup it's bugged again and has been disabled.

Update 04/10/15 The X-Factor costume has been on TC the past few days.

☆☆☆☆☆ ACHIEVEMENTS ☆☆☆☆☆
Achievements will on TC for quite some time and due to this I've removed most of the pics that were here previously.
Achievement FAQ


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An overview.


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For the upcoming tv cross over show this is a placement holder image the Marvel Knights team packs are way below


From NullRage

  • 3 days ago

Marvel Heroes: Level 60 Punisher Gameplay (updated)

4 days ago

Marvel Heroes: Level 60 Iceman Gameplay

4 days ago

From the Marvel Heroes 2015 site it's self.


There's no doubt about it -- theAXIS raid is one of the most challenging things we've ever
seen in Marvel Heroes 2015. Is your team of high-level playersup to the task?

Based on the most recent epic event of the Marvel Universe, the AXIS raid pits
Earth's mightiest heroes against the might of Red Onslaught -- the terrible union of the
RedSkull's evil will and Xavier's darkest creation.

(Learn More)

The time is right for a sale focused on Marvel
street-level characters. Wouldn’t you agree?

(More Info...)

In the mood for a little ManWithout Fear?
This new costume should fit the bill nicely.
(More Info...)

Will Odin bless thee with the amazing loot
to be found during this event? Verily!
(More Info...)

No better way to putthe "winter" in "Winter
Soldier" than to have him wear this new costume.
(More Info...)

source: ★☆★ THE FUTURE OF MH ★☆★Genosha Liberation Force Min-Hub, Team-Ups, Costumes n' more! 9 pm 03/30/15,Nullrage's YouTube Channel& Marvel Heroes 2015

Hello everyone & evening here's what's been put up for this week for this coming week Age of Ultro is almost here here' more news on vision some video from my boy @NullRage & some small detail's from Hub4 heroes.

Updated 04/19/15 Please Note: These power names may not be final. He will have flight travel power, Dash, Big Punch, Heavy Sprint, a Stealth toggle, Ground Smash, Focus Beam, Phase Hand, Solar Bolt, Solar Fists, Solar Cone, Channeled Energy Beam, Dense Punch, Healing Nanites, Enhance Robot, Exploding Robot, Scorched Earth, Solar Overcharge, Atomic Footdive, a toggle for dense and phase modes and Death from Below.

ETA: Marvel Heroes 2 year Anniversary.
Update 03/30/15 He is currently in early development.
03/23/15 The Future Foundation costume will be his default.
It's been stated that his 3 skill trees will be Tyrant, Sorcerer and Gifted Inventor. He will use Physical, Mental(Sorcery) and Energy based on his armor and other inventions.
04/16/15 In game screen shot of Dr. Doom.

☆☆☆☆☆ QUALITY OF LIFE ☆☆☆☆☆
04/03/15 There is a lot of stuff we want to do for heroes after the level 52s are done. We are super aware of what people would like to see and we want to start working on that. The "older" heroes can especially use some new animations, maybe some powers here and there, use of new tech that we've built, etc.
04/01/15 Once we're done the work on the remaining few 52 reviews, we're going to go through and start going through the entire roster again to see who we want to tune, add powers, adjust gameplay, etc.

04/16/15 Updated ETA: TC possibly around next Wednesday.
Live ETA: Around AoU movie launch.
She will be getting a new movie inspired Motorcycle and there is a power called Electric Batons.
03/10/15 We will look at Black Widow to coincide with the Avengers movie for at least tuning, more if able.
03/19/15 They are looking to possibly give her a new power that she does in the AoU trailer. The new power might not happen till post movie launch.

04/16/15 Updated ETA: TC possibly around next Wednesday.
Live ETA: Around AoU movie launch.
He has a Sprint and a power that was labeled Ten Arrows Speed Loader.
04/17/15 "Hoverbike might come some day, but it's a bit cheesy, so not the highest priority."
03/19/15 They are looking to possibly give him a new power that he does in the AoU trailer. The new power might not happen till post movie launch.

04/17/15 His mini review is planned immediately after the level 52 reviews are completed.


04/17/15 Once that Spiderman's Mini review is done they will do his review and see what they can upgrade from the various heroes he is composed of.



☆☆☆☆☆ GEAR ☆☆☆☆☆

☆☆☆☆☆ ACHIEVEMENTS ☆☆☆☆☆
04/17/15 Live ETA: "I'm guessing it launches on the day of the movie or 5 days after, depending on how testing goes."
Update 04/17/15

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Achievement FAQ

Here is a thread with the list of every Achievement so far, made by @Tzeentch.

Talk of the New MH Downloader Client
Update 04/19/15 On Feb. 25th the ETA was said to be mid March. Obviously it's past the date. The new launcher is on TC currently.

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The new downloader does not have a rate limiter. It patches on a per file basis rather than sequential patches. The download and the patch will apply at the same time making everything faster than it currently works now.
From @NullRage

  • 0:29
  • VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
  • [YT]ypiVfU2NssY[/YT]
Marvel Heroes: Invisible Woman "Ultimate FF" Costume
3 days ago

  • 5:18

    VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
  • [YT]27yCC4TqOCE[/YT]
    NRGUpdate: What I've been up to. What I'll be doing soon.

    4 days ago

    from Hube4Heroes

    Small Patch and Update

    Sorry for yet another late update. I guess I may need some help here. But before I get into that, here's the newest patch info!
    Additional Commendation Awards
    Genosha Daily Missions now award 4 Hero and 3 Protector's Commendations!
    Genosha Weekly Missions now award 40 Hero and 30 Protector's Commendations!
    Influence Genosha Liberation Force has been disabled. This looks like this has some problems and their time frame for fixing this is within the next two weeks. Let's see how this plays out.
    And of course, hit the link for the full patch (which isn't too long anyway). LINK
    Finally, I'm looking for one other person to help out with posts. There are definitely some benefits for someone to help me here as I will go into detail with them. If you're interested in helping this site grow, please send Ben an email at [email protected]

    Published: 16 April 2015

    Tax Return Sale!

    Ohhh boy. Here's a good way to spend your tax return
    Looks like it's 50% off all Heroes and Costumes. Damn. This is a pretty good deal. I'd get on this now while you can. Do it Do it Do it.

    Published: 17 April 2015

source: ★☆★ THE FUTURE OF MH ★☆★ Updated Vision and QoL info, New MH Downloader Client n' more! ,Nullrage's YouTube Channel& Hub4
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Ok, there was supposed to an IGN article with Mr. B is today along with TC.
I've been looking at IGN for this article with Mr. B is that was supposed to be along with TC. I haven't seen it at all once today . not sure what ups with that.

Ryolnir is doing a huge stream on Wednesday. So be ready
Ryolnir just confirmed on the forums that there is NO stream today. How ever there are some new details from tribal sage & us other from the MH2015 forum have gathered . TC(test center) will also be up later today with Vision.

I'll put those other detail up soon tonight
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As I stated I put up the details that was gathered up on news to first up is the showcase of Vision Via IGN & other new detail characters from Age of Ultron game mode from us athe MH2015 forum & an article from


From Tribal sage's thread which alot of us gathered info for

Update 04/20/15 It will be in TC tomorrow. Also there will be an IGN media article with Mr B. showing the AoU game mode off is tomorrow as well.

04/13/15 Live ETA: Ultron Mode will definitely ship with Avengers 2.

Important note.This is a pic of Cosmic MM on TC, NOT the Ultron Game Mode. I'm putting this pic here to show what they look like.

Update 04/20/15 Vision will be in TC tomorrow. Also there will be an IGN media article with Mr B. showing him off is tomorrow as well.
04/20/15 Vision will use an Adamantium core in the game. In the movie though it's Vibranium.
Live ETA: They are aiming for release alongside the Age of Ultron movie or the day before.
Vision will be 400 ES and his default costume will be his classic look. He will be voices by Dave Wittenberg and it's been stated that he will have Laser (Solar Gem) beams. There are no summons planned for him.
Updated 04/19/15 Please Note: These power names may not be final. He will have flight travel power, Dash, Big Punch, Heavy Sprint, a Stealth toggle, Ground Smash, Focus Beam, Phase Hand, Solar Bolt, Solar Fists, Solar Cone, Channeled Energy Beam, Dense Punch, Healing Nanites, Enhance Robot, Exploding Robot, Scorched Earth, Solar Overcharge, Atomic Footdive, a toggle for dense and phase modes and Death from Below

04/20/15 Howard the Duck is on our list now that Marvel had him in the GOTG movie and more people are excited for him.
TribalSage note: I've put him in this section considering this is newly mentioned info and the last spot for the advanced pack hasn't been named yet. Howard is also mentioned in the team up section, read for more info.

Age of Ultron Movie costume.

American Dream will likely be released this year as an enhanced Cap costume.
Stated in 2014: Young Avengers costume possibly coming.

Update: It was stated not too long ago, that either the MH XLIII or Hulkbuster costume would be planned for the movie launch. Both costumes are planned and have their models done.

☆☆☆☆☆ QUALITY OF LIFE ☆☆☆☆☆

Currently on TC
Live ETA: Around AoU movie launch.

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Currently in TC

Live ETA: Around AoU movie launch.

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This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

☆☆☆☆☆ LEVEL 52 REVIEWS ☆☆☆☆☆


04/22/15 Updated ETA: Currently in TC getting "alpha" feedback.

04/06/15 We'll need a few rounds of public testing in approximately 14 days.

Live ETA: End of April/May 1st (to coincide with Age of Ultron)

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Update 03/02/15 - In 2014 it was stated he was high on their list of Inhmans for playables and/or team ups. It was stated today that he is not on their short list of things that are coming.


04/03/15 ETA: After Thing's review. 2-3 months is a good guess for Cable.

04/20/15 He will get his Satellite Ultimate.

PsiMitar will be in Cable's review. Cable will get Hyper Viper Beam.


Updated 03/07/15 ETA: Most likely after Sunspot. (TS Note:This may have changed)

04/20/15 For Spider-Gwen, we are designing new Spider-Man powers that may be used when we do a Spider-Man update eventually, we are thinking it through very carefully.

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Michael Bitton : Black Widow Rework First Impressions

Posted Apr 22, 2015

Scarlet Witch’s level 52 review as well as Black Widow and Hawkeye’s quality-of-life reworks hit Test Center yesterday and I wanted to take this week’s column to discuss my first impressions of Black Widow as she somewhat recently became my new main on live. While I do understand that this is her first iteration on Test Center and as such nothing is final, I have to say that I’m overall disappointed with the changes, even though I get why a lot of changes were made.
Read more of Michael Bitton's Marvel Heroes: Black Widow Rework First Impressions.

Gazillion has been hard at work at a massive push of content for Marvel Heroes themed around the Avengers: Age of Ultron film release set for next week. The update will add a new Age of Ultron game mode, quality-of-life reworks for both Black Widow and Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch’s long awaited level 52 review, and The Vision as an entirely new playable character. There’s also a suite of new Age of Ultron themed costumes coming for all of the characters above, as well as The Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man.
Scarlet Witch’s level 52 review, as well as Black Widow and Hawkeye's quality-of-life reworks, hit Test Center yesterday. I wanted to take this week’s column to discuss my first impressions of Black Widow as she somewhat recently became my new main on live. While I do understand that this is her first iteration on Test Center and as such nothing is final, I have to say that I’m overall disappointed with the changes, even though I get why a lot of them were made. Let’s take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of Black Widow’s rework.
The Good
Natasha’s updated uniques aren’t in this build yet, but I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt to Gazillion on this one as just about every unique worked on for a while now has ended up in a much better spot. I’m confident at this point that Widow’s uniques will be no different. Kit wise, Gaz has really cleaned things up overall and they’ve given Widow’s signature ability, Twilight Initiative, some solid buffs in the form of a DoT and stun component as well as a reset for all other powers on cooldown. Additionally, I’m glad the designers maintained the remote explosive build paths for those who were interested in that. I’m also particularly intrigued by the potential for a build centered on her reworked Covert Sniper ability. Her sniper attack has a four-second cooldown that resets whenever you enter stealth. This change makes it possible to snipe, roll (enter stealth), and snipe over and over as long as you have the spirit to keep it going. I don’t know if this is something that will catch on, but I’ve had fun playing around with it on Test Center so far.
Oh, and I definitely love the new ride.


The Bad
I play Natasha as a primarily melee character on live, and I feel like this build has been completely ruined for me now for a number of reasons. Major changes to her kit aside (more on that in the next section), my biggest beef is with Gaz’s positioning of Widow’s new Electric Batons power as her melee spirit dump. Yes, the batons are cool, I get it. But I don’t want to spam them. They’re just not iconic to Black Widow. If I wanted to hit people with batons all day, I’d play Daredevil. Unfortunately, Deadly Blade seems to have been relegated to being nothing more than a melee damage layering power that you hit every four seconds to keep its bleed going instead of a major source of melee damage as it is on live. I’m as excited as the next guy for the new film and to see Widow lay down some pain with her new weapons, but I don’t think the primary visual for the character in melee should be themed after a gimmick pulled out from one film of the many in which she has appeared.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always seen Black Widow as an often lethal character, and taser batons just don’t scream that to me. I’m hoping Gaz will re-position the power as something to layer into your rotation (perhaps add a debuff that is exploited by Deadly Blade?) instead of serving as your main spirit dump. Even if Gaz does want to retain Electric Batons as a spirit dump, I feel Deadly Blade should at least be a viable alternative a la Punisher’s Burst Fire vs. Buckshot Blast. The designers did a great job with Punisher in that regard.


The Ugly
I’ve always wanted to play Black Widow in Marvel Heroes, but up until the last few months, I couldn’t really bring myself to level her and gear her up. Eventually, I pushed myself to slog through it, and after gearing her up I came to realize she was one of the most fun characters available in the game. Sure, her items and aspects of her kit were showing their age, but the overall flow of playing the character hit all the right marks for me.
If you play Black Widow as a primarily melee character on live, your goal is to debilitate your enemies with your Sweep kick and gadgets such as Widow’s Kiss and Anti-Personnel Grenades in order to set them up for a massive burst of damage from Coup de Grace. All of that setup is tied to Natasha’s Widowmaker secondary resource, as Coup de Grace deals additional damage to knocked down (Sweep kick) and stunned (Anti-Personnel Grenades) enemies. Once you’ve unleashed your full combo, you can pop Twilight Initiative to enter stealth, blast them again, and then dispatch them with your knife before they even know you’re there.
On live, the entire kit flows together well both in terms of mechanics and visuals. Black Widow isn’t a one-dimensional character that only fights in melee or ranged, and the above rotation mixes it all in together in a way that’s satisfying to play. You’re using your gun, your martial arts, your knives, and your gadgets, all in one build.
Now? Now Natasha is either fully melee or fully-ranged. The secondary resource, Widowmaker, has been completely removed in favor of adding cooldowns to Deadly Kick and Coup de Grace. Deadly Kick now grants players a 20% buff to melee damage for a duration while Coup de Grace grants the same buff for ranged damage. Both powers also share a cooldown, so they’re mutually exclusive. If you’re going melee, you’re going to be using Deadly Kick instead of Coup, period.


I’ve never been a fan of Gazillion’s implementation of secondary resources, most of the time they’ve been clunky, but Widowmaker was one of the few exceptions that I felt really added to the character. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind losing the resource itself; it is hard to take advantage of vs. certain enemies since not all enemies can be stunned or knocked down. My gripe is that the new buffs on the powers pigeon hole you into choosing one or the other based on your build. It doesn’t sound like a big deal. Lots of characters have a set up like this, and it does make perfect sense design wise.
The problem is that, at least in my opinion, this removes the unique flavor of Coup de Grace as an explosive burst of damage available to all Widow builds. Even as a melee Widow, Coup de Grace is just far more flavorful than Deadly Kick. It’s incredibly satisfying to weave in a massive close range gunshot into your melee rotation. Instead of trying to make Deadly Kick and Coup de Grace fill the same niche in the kit depending on whether you’re melee or ranged, I’d like to see Coup de Grace remain the build agnostic burst of damage it is now (retain the baked in damage buff and cooldown and make the damage buff build agnostic). Then something else should be done with Deadly Kick to make it attractive for melee builds. Maybe move the new stealth bonus damage from Sweep Kick to Deadly Kick to make it an analog to Covert Sniper as an optional power for melee builds that emphasize stealth?
Have you played around with Black Widow on Test Center? What’s your take so far?

Michael Bitton / Michael began his career at the WarCry Network in 2005 as the site manager for several different WarCry fansite portals. In 2008, Michael worked for the startup magazine Massive Gamer as a columnist and online news editor. In June of 2009, Michael joined as the site's Community Manager.

Permalink | 11 comments


source: IGN , ★☆★ THE FUTURE OF MH ★☆★ Age Of Ultron Game Mode, Vision, Howard the Duck n' more! &
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Hello everyone & Morning here are the up dates for the week & over all

Update notes..

Age of Ultron - Portions of info for all things that are currently in the TC have been removed. I did leave some general info and other stuff in the sections though. I've added links to the TC notes on certain things.

Costume section - we've taken screen shots of each AoU costume and added them to the thread.

Announced Playables 2015 section - we've taken a screen shot of Vision and added it along with the new Age of Ultron mode video from IGN.
Hawkeye and Widow's uniques have been tweaked as well as further iteration on the powers changes. Also, what wasn't noted was that her Kevlar passive switched trees and moved over to Spycraft (it was in the middle and now moved to the far right).
They updated the notes on TC and amthua is taking feedback as there may be further iteration on the items as well.
All the AoU costumes are on TC as well, except for the Hulkbuster. I'm liking the Hawkeye, Widow, and Wanda ones. Wanda, Tasha and Jean would have new models from now on starting with their latest costume releases; this would seem to be evident in Tasha and Wanda.

With this game Updated different areas of the thread and also added info about things on TC. Info on Iron Mans AoU Hulkbuster costume has been updated,with info on Electro, Polaris and Havok. there's video show case with my boy @NullRage and article on game by way of with hub4heroes & detail from main MH2015 it's self


Live ETA: April 30th Patch(Thursday)


☆☆☆☆☆ COSTUMES ☆☆☆☆☆

Mangaverse - 04/25/15 It was stated that these costumes are possible for MH.


If you buy the AoU pack you get her AoU costume now. There is not a current ETA for single costume purchase.


If you buy the AoU pack you get his AoU costume now. There is not a current ETA for single costume purchase.


If you buy the AoU pack you get her AoU costume now. There is not a current ETA for single costume purchase.



If you buy the AoU pack you get his AoU Hulkbuster costume now. There is not a current ETA for a single costume purchase.

Today's small patch will give the AoU Hulkbuster costume a "spitshine and some animation (and VFX) changes".

It was stated not too long ago, that either the MK XLIII or Hulkbuster costume would be planned for the movie launch. Both costumes are planned and have their models done.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

The new Age Of Ultron MK43 costume that's currently in TC. Mark 43 will not be apart of the AoU launch as they have other plans for it.



The new Age Of Ultron costume that's currently in TC. It's been stated that they will be using this character model moving forward.

☆☆☆☆☆ LEVEL 52 REVIEWS ☆☆☆☆☆

Live ETA: April 30th Patch(Thursday) assuming that everything goes well.

She is not an Avenger going into the new Age of Ultron movie so she will not count as an Avenger for this week's event.

Info about here review can be found here.


Battle Damaged Spider-Man - 04/25/15 He will be an Achievement reward.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

Spider Gwen - It's a bonus for those who ordered the Team Up AP2. They will receive it at least one month prior to public release.

Update 04/25/15 It was stated that she will be delayed.


Unbeatable - 04/25/15 This costume has been confirmed to be coming.

☯ THOR ☯

If you buy the AoU pack you get his AoU costume now. There is not current ETA for single costume purchase.


NOTE: This section is not limited to only playables.


Update 04/25/15 It was stated that Nick Fury will not coming soon. Keith David is recording in-game dialogue for him.


04/23/15 It was stated she will not be coming any time soon unfortunately.

2014: Polaris is something they will do eventually as a team-up and/or playable Hero. Originally it was mentioned she would be in 2015.


04/23/15 It was stated he will not be coming any time soon unfortunately.

Update 03/19/15 - In 2014 it was stated he will likely make the 2016 AP. Today it was stated, "Not sure on a playable Havok, probably sometime in the next 2 years."


04/25/15 They'd like to add her and other newer heroes to the game in the future.


04/23/15 Rylonir stated that he is definitely not planned.


04/20/15 TBD I think, probably not anytime soon.


Updated 04/20/15 Last year it was mentioned he would be playable eventually but not in the near future. Today it was stated "Maybe someday".

☆☆☆☆☆ TEAM UP 2.0 REVAMP ☆☆☆☆☆

Team Up Revamp aka Team Up 2.0 is currently in Alpha testing. TC best testing ETA: mid-May and final testing end of May. Please note this is a rough estimate and can change based on how much feedback they get and how much they want to change.

This was accidentally added into the live server and was meant to be launched with the rework. There are some other team up powers that got in as well. This is Coulson's Lola



04/25/15 She has been confirmed to be coming.

04/03/15 Doomsaw believes he will be the first team up launched in the team up pack.

03/07/15 ETA: He will ship around the Avengers 2 movie.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

People who pre-order the advanced pack will get him about a month before public release.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.


Here's the level 80 versions of our Legendary items. You get these for 2k Odin Marks and you need level 3 influence to unlock them.












☆☆☆☆☆ LIMBO GAME MODE ☆☆☆☆☆

04/25/15 There will be 7 phases.

04/02/15 We have a new boss planned for Limbo, but they experienced a setback that slid Limbo down the schedule unfortunately. This month is so busy that we won't make much progress on them, but I'll see where we're planning to land it on the schedule. The summer is going to be very busy for us!
Update 03/22/15 On the 15th Ryolnir officially announced that Limbo will be back and totally revamped. Today more info was revealed. "The new, heavily-modified Limbo zone will launch i


Talk Of Chapter 10

Update 04/24/15 As hinted last year the next part of the Story, Chapter 10, will be the Skrull Invasion. This will be Gazillion's own take on the Skrull Invasion aka Secret Invasion. The Unified Story Mode will be separate from this as they don't want one to hold up there other.

From @NullRage

  • 24:03
  • VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
Marvel Heroes: Black Widow Skill Update
3 days ago


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Marvel Heroes: Black Widow "Age of Ultron Movie" Costume

  • 3 days ago


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
Marvel Heroes: Hawkeye Skill Update
3 days ago

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:[YT]v-hytbxmSuw[/YT]
Marvel Heroes: Hawkeye "Age of Ultron Movie" Costume
3 days ago


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
Marvel Heroes: Iron Man "Age of Ultron Movie" Costume
3 days ago

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
[YT]VEWUGbUF_WI[/YT] Marvel Heroes: Thor "Age of Ultron Movie" Costume
3 days ago

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
Marvel Heroes: Captain America "Age of Ultron Movie" Costume
3 days ago


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
Marvel Heroes: Scarlet Witch 52 Review
3 days ago


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:
Marvel Heroes: Vision Skill Preview
2 days ago

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Marvel Heroes: Scarlet Witch "Age of Ultron Movie" Costume

  • 3 days ago


VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Marvel Heroes: Hulk "Age of Ultron Movie" Costume

  • 3 days ago

Marvel Heroes 2015
Ultron-a-thon: here's what Marvel Heroes is doing to celebrate Joss Whedon's latest
24 April 2015 • 1 day 22 hours ago •

It would ordinarily be pretty expensive to re-enact any of Age of Ultron’s setpieces in Marvel Heroes - since Gazillion’s Diablo-like MMO makes its megabucks selling superheroes one-by-one to players, and Whedon’s cast is more cramped with costumed individuals than the lift at Comic-Con.
But not today! Iron Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye are all temporarily playable for free - and Ultron-inspired random events have begun livening up the usual action.
Read more here

Countdown to Age of Ultron


Boy oh boy. Looks like we got a big one here! There's a HUGE patch coming out today so get ready for a long download. What's in the patch you ask?
Starting Screen
Looks like Winter Soldier is out and the Avengers are in! Good to see something new while you're logging in... or got disconnected because you're idle.
50% XP Boost for the Avengers
You know who they are. But remember, we're only counting the ones from the movie otherwise I basically figure everyone has been an Avenger. Additionally, there's a new label in your conditions panel which will say "Server" and this will now let you know how much bonus XP you're getting server side.
Ultron Sentries!
OMG! They're everywhere! ... just like normal Sentries but now they're super super evil? Go to Midtown or ICP to find them!

Published: 24 April 2015
Read more here

From the marvel heroes 2015 site it's self


In celebration of Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, in US theaters May 1, Marvel Heroes 2015
is releasing eight movie-inspired costumes for characters seen in the film. They’ll be
released individually over the next few weeks, or you can buy – and use – them all NOW
by purchasing a Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron Pack.
(Learn More)

Redeem the code:
for 200 influence towards the GLF!
Code Redemption Page
Redeem Mystery Code: ASSEMBLE
(Redemption Instructions)

furtherwith an in-game event
inspired by Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron
(More Info...)

Behold!... Our 47th playablecharacter,
The Vision, is now available for preorder!
(More Info...)

source: ★☆★ THE FUTURE OF MH ★☆★ Age Of Ultron Game Mode, Vision, Howard the Duck n' more!,Nullrage's YouTube Channel, Hub4 Marvel Heroes 2015
C2E2 stuff:

World World 2 Era Motorcycle - On 05/26/14 Ryolnir mentioned he wanted to see it in game one day.

Hawkeye - "We haven't done the Avengers airbike yet, that's my dream, to get the aircycle in there."

Doctor Doom - "Doctor Doom's big thing in our game, I can only give a little hint as he's still 'moving through the pipes' as we call it. So the big thing that we wanted to touch on with him: Doctor Doom been many things in comics, and people have a lot of different views of him, and we really wanted to make sure we represent all of those. You may have a laser-shooting, rocket-launching, foot-diving Doctor Doom, from like a lot of different things. Or you may have the full on sorcerer, like in the 80s he was spell slinging all the time, that was all he did, he went to Hell with Doctor Strange and his mom... that was cool, kind of weird, but still cool. And then you also have like a lot of people expect him to be able to bring out Doombots, and use his resources in Latveria.

So that is something we've been trying to represent in all of those, it's a lot of work! And we can confirm he has all three damage types in his kit, but we know that can be kind of bad so there's some pretty cool stuff that goes with that that will make it actually good for you, that you'll want to control. He has some pretty cool new mechanics, it's not as scary as it sounds."

Team-Ups - Number one change is making them viable and less prone to being defeated when brought out - a very requested change - and they will be viable when summoned in almost every mode. You won't have to constantly resummon them, much more interactive than they are now.

"Their skills are going to be changed radically. They will have skill trees very similar to what your characters do. You will be able to unlock these skills and put points into them and customize a build with them, they'll do different actions and stuff, there will be different powers that you see. Their items will actually affect their skills just like you do with your main character, their items will have that ability as well. They'll level up over time. Their leveling up is a little bit weird, it gives you more points to customize them, but they'll always summon at your particular experience level: if you're level 10, they are level 10. Your main hero will guide their level, how buff they are, but then it's modified by their points in the powers and things like that that they have.

That's Team-Up 2.0, that's coming very soon. (That's only two parts of it, there's a lot more.) We can talk more about it, this is the first phase. (Yeah, Phase one.) There's more coming."

Quicksilver coming out "very soon." Archangel X-Force will not be immediately after Quicksilver.

Spider Gwen's voice actress is Ashley Johnson, you may know her as Ellie from Last of Us , Terra from Teen Titans (Go!), or Gwen Tennyson from the Ben 10 series, to name but a few recent roles.

Team-Ups will level up faster compared to heroes, and they have plans to make it not as painful (especially for those who own lots of them). People that already own them might get a boost. There's a few different designs for it, "We are going to help you guys out."

Danger Room - "We're working on a new game mode called Danger Room. The way it's going to work is that it is a randomly generated dungeon using a ton of our different tile sets, we're going to add more over time. By dungeon I mean it's a thing you go into, it's not an open zone. The way you get there is to use simulation chips and you use those to generate random affixes. You could go into one - and it's going to be randomly generated - for the Savage Land and all the dinosaurs that you're fighting stun you when it hits you ...that would be terrible and I'd never put it in the game, but that's an example of an affix, and every level would have an affix and you'd keep going. Every floor is different, and I say floor because I'm thinking of it as a dungeon."

"This mode is really for like if you're a person who wants to play Marvel Heroes and have a different experience every time you play, and we give you the opportunity to unlock these different affixes and get better rewards and have a really different experience. Roll the dice, see what happens, see what the Danger Room gives you."

Limbo - "It's like seven phases of crazy different stuff, and I don't want to go into it too much because we're still finishing the last boss for it, who is a denizen of Limbo itself from the comics and he's awesome and I can't say who it is. Don't say who it is, everybody. We're bringing back Limbo and we're going to make it fun this time and not just a source to get the best stuff and ruin your life... just kidding, I'm being really harsh on the old Limbo. It's one of the coolest environments in our game and I'm so excited to see it again."

Nextwave - 10th Anniversary is coming up next year, will there be Nextwave content in MH? "That is my dream" "I guess we need some Nextwave content"

Story Mode - "How can I play with my friends? I'm level 60, all my heroes are level 60, how can I play with my friend who is level 1? So the solution to that is we are going to have unified story mode. How it will work is regions are going to have soft level caps, so if you're above that cap your effective level will be set to that map, so all your abilities and gear and etc. will scale down. So you can still have all your saved stuff, all your skills, you'll be a little bit more powerful than those who are the correct level for that zone - not that much - but you'll get to play with your friends.

That opens up a lot of things for us, like we can get rid of our current difficulty modes, which had you play through the story mode three separate times, now you can play through it one single time. What that opens up for the future is scaling difficulty, like different kinds of difficulty modes, more traditional types like things get harder but you get better rewards."

Marvel Heroes 2016 - They will rebrand it, but it will be later in the year (last year was too early), around/before the launch of the game in some foreign territories.

Costumes for bosses - Ryolnir has thought up four versions of this pitch, like you fight Green Goblin and it's a chance for Hobgoblin instead and stuff like that. They've talked a lot about it and have interest, maybe after the 52 reviews are done, they will go back and start reviewing more bosses and find time for it. It's just a matter of 'when.'

Ryolnir would also want to see the Wrecking Crew for Hobgoblin, because he always wants to see new bosses in the game, including maybe Nextwave villains some day.

To get to this costume poll & vote.:

Symbiote GotG Team-Ups - As with Movie Star-Lord/Rocket and the Groot Team-Up, Drax/Gamora/Groot Team-Ups would switch to match Symbiote Rocket, only after Symbiote versions of those Team-Ups are made first.

Angela (and Sif) - "We've definitely expressed interest and definitely want to do [Angela] in some way. I can easily see her as a team-up for sure, if not a playable hero, for next year. We should do Sif as a team-up... I definitely want to do Angela, she has awesome powers and has two costumes."

Nick Fury - "The 50th anniversary of SHIELD is coming up, are we getting Nick Fury anytime soon?" "I would love to do Nick Fury, there are many designs for him internally. I'm actually recording with Keith David next month, but it's for motion comics and stuff. I would be lying if I didn't tell you I was also recording a playable dialogue, just in case, just in case.... Plus I get to hang out with Keith David which is awesome."

Namor - "Why no Namor?" "I have that question about Multiple Man, I have that question about many characters for our game. It's a matter of spacing them out as smartly as possible."

Testing heroes/powers - "The only way you can do that right now is to play through Test Center. Something we've been talking about internally is the ability to try out anything. The design isn't finished yet and there are some technical challenges, but I believe we'll offer that in the future. It's a great idea."

Blade Voice Actor - They are looking into Wesley Snipes or Terry Crews, Ryolnir said role will likely be cast by June.

Kamala Khan Team-Up/Playable "I think she would be awesome as both, her powers are awesome. We have Mister Fantastic, obviously, and some people say, "Oh, he would be just like her" but she takes it to a way different level. She can make herself giant, she can do all kinds of stuff and can be more silly and playful. With Mister Fantastic he's this really old school hero, you can't really turn him into a teacup (unless you're Lego Marvel). We are super for that idea, it would be awesome. In general I want to do more new characters,
like new characters in the last 50 years."

Competitive aspects - "Yes. Leaderboards and ladders and stuff are coming very soon."

Next Psylocke costume in Q3. :


hope you Log in Saturday for the free Mark 43 costume! it should be in your inventory stash or your left area to your window when you press purple exclamation mark


New X-Men - Update 05/01/15 ETA: July. Earlier this year it was stated it would be the next costume and there may also be more than one version.


04/03/15 Doomsaw believes he will be the first team up launched in the team up pack.

03/07/15 ETA: He will ship around the Avengers 2 movie.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

dev's MH 2015 just released it content this week for Age of Ultron with a free costume of Iron man to day when you log in

From @NullRage are the video show case of the characters from the movie & added new costumes with the debute of vision

  • 1 day ago



Ultron Mode Testing - Uncut, Unfiltered, UNLEASHED!

  • 4 days ago


Marvel Heroes: The Age of Ultron Game Mode

  • 5 days ago

VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:


Marvel Heroes: Iron Man "Age of Ultron Movie" HULKBuster Costume

  • 5 days ago

Marvel Heroes : Need to Achieve? Yep, Now You Can

Posted Apr 30, 2015

Marvel Heroes now sports a great and very comprehensive achievement system spread across ten different categories. Players can take gain achievements in collections, crafting, exploration, enemies, PvP and in five other categories.

To help players know which achievements are new, there is a new tab in the achievement panel called "Recent Additions" to help intrepid hunters find the ones they are missing.
Read the handy FAQ on the Marvel Heroes site.
In addition, players at level 60 and above can try out Avengers: Age of Ultron mode to defend New York City and gain a chance to win some pretty sweet gear. Find out more here.
Permalink | 7 comments


Last edited:
Achievements, Vision, Scarlet 52, and more! Patch 1.49


Finally! After teasing achievements for... what? A year or more? I'm guessing as I thought this would never come, but yes! Achievements are finally here. Here are some sample achievements!


Published: 30 April 2015
Read more here



Introducing thebrand new game mode inspired by Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron! This mode has level-60 players teaming up in groups of five to defend the citizens of New York from waves of Ultron Sentries attacking Central Park. Difficulty escalates throughout the series of challenging and dazzling fights, leading to a showdown at the ruins of the Avengers Mansion, where defeating Ultron Prime himself rewards players with some of the game’s best loot. This content will be iterated upon for years to come.
(Learn More)

Redeem Mystery Code: ULTRON
(Redemption Instructions)


Behold!... Our 47th playable character,
Vision has joined M
arvel Heroes 2015!
(More Info...)

Now, when you play Marvel Heroes 2015,
you can start earning Achievements!

(More Info...)

The best way to grab all costumes
and more inspired by Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron!

(More Info...)

Iron Man's epicHulkbuster Armor inspired by
Avengers: Age ofUltron is now available in the store!

(More Info...)

source: ★☆★ THE FUTURE OF MH ★☆★ Starktech Cube bug for Scarlet Witch please read!,Nullrage's YouTube Channel,, Hub4 Marvel Heroes 2015
Hello Everyone hope your having a Great weekend night here's are the up dates for this weekend from over the week. details on the 2 year anniversary Info about things in this patch were added earlier. Looking forward to the server coming up & info about Thing's review and also some info on "QoLs" which include Juggy, NC,an overall statement about QoL's and also some info about the big 2 year anniversary coming up in June also Info about Doom has been added. we also have video show case from my boy @NullRage, a article from info this week from the main side like the promo code

☆☆☆☆☆ 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ☆☆☆☆☆
05/07/15 The official 2 year anniversary is on June 4th. This year, we're going to launch a new gift or feature each week in June to celebrate (details still TBD).


Update ETA 05/07/15 The target is for June 4th, the 2 year Anniversary of MH! Please assume plus or minus one week depending on how testing goes. Possibly 600 Splinters

03/23/15 The Future Foundation costume will be his default.


05/08/15 Doomsaw mentioned on stream that Antman would be the 49th playable.



Marvel Now! 05/07/15 This is her next costume.


☆☆☆☆☆ QUALITY OF LIFE ☆☆☆☆☆

Update 05/07/15 He's definitely high on the list(referring to Nightcrawler), but we want to focus on the level 52 reviews next and then dig into our long list of other stuff we want to do for most heroes in the game. Of course, some work will be done in parallel and we have a ton of stuff we want to do with regards to improving balance (as much as possible with 45 heroes x Omega x 15 item slots), improving visuals, improving gameplay flow and strategically adding new and improved powers here and there. Rest assured that the team is expanding and our new capabilities should start bearing fruit fairly soon.


Updated 05/07/15 He is very high on the list.


05/07/15 He will bring out a hammer for some of his updated powers.

☆☆☆☆☆ LEVEL 52 REVIEWS ☆☆☆☆☆


05/07/15 The Thing level 52 review is ahead of schedule. Alpha Testing starts in 6-7 days. Open Beta Testing starts in 15-16 days. Launches on our birthday(June 4th).
They will be doing a pass on all his uniques and he will get at least 1 new one to compliment his new mechanics. Finally his 3rd tree will be fun.
He will bring out a hammer for some of his updated powers.

☆☆☆☆☆ GAME MECHANICS ☆☆☆☆☆

Prestige beyond Cosmic - 05/05/15 Doomsaw stated that Gaz has talked about Galactic Prestige and/or Unique Prestige. (Fuchsia/Brown). But it's nothing more than talk at this point.

☆☆☆☆☆ THE DANGER ROOM ☆☆☆☆☆

ETA: Mid/Late Summer.

It's a randomly generated dungeon using a ton of different tile sets that will continue adding to. The way you get there is to use simulation chips. These generate random affixes for the dungeon such as giving mobs the ability to stun you on hit, invisibility, being fire enchanted etc. etc. Every floor is different and has different affixes. Different affixes, harder affixes will change the rewards(the harder the better the reward).

04/20/15 "Danger Room is a permanent terminal that you can run endlessly and there are Simulation Chips that can drop with special weird scenarios. (Subject to change)"

05/08/15 Some examples of simulation chips were shown today. "There are some incredibly difficult challenges and hazards, so I bet rolling the absolute most toughest difficult combination will take you to 50+."






05/08/15 "For groups, the group leader will open the portal, so you only use 1 per Danger Room run, but everyone will have access to get as many Chips as they desire. We haven't worked out the exact method of rerolling chips and such, but we'll work on that in the next couple of weeks."

05/08/15 When asked about how much spaces the chips would take up. "I would say not much space, since the average player will only want to keep 2 or 3 in their inventory at a time (there is no reason to hoard a bunch in your stash, since you can generate new ones fairly easily). We will probably make the rare drops tradeable, since that is more fun. Not sure if we want to make all of them tradeable, since that could get pretty chaotic, but we'll think about that more."

Michael Bitton : Looking Beyond Age of Ultron

Posted May 06, 2015

Thankfully, the massive package of new costumes and content themed around Age of Ultron is now out of the way and we can get back to some of these things throughout the rest of 2015. Read on for what's left in store for Marvel Heroes as 2015 rolls on.
Read more of Michael Bitton's Marvel Heroes: Looking Beyond Age of Ultron.

Gazillion’s relationship with Marvel is sometimes both a blessing and a curse. On the plus side, we do get some really cool tie-ins with Marvel’s upcoming films or comic story arcs, such as the Chapter 9 release tie-in with Thor: The Dark World, the new AXIS themed raid, and more recently, the Age of Ultron game mode and other associated goodies.

What’s the problem, then? Well, it does appear that these tie-ins often eat up a significant amount of developer bandwidth at Gazillion and this means that other more pressing issues or content needs can end up on the backburner while the team is heads-down working on getting certain things out in time for a new film release or other Marvel event. Gazillion does try to tackle as much as it can get done on the side even when the developers are focused on these demanding tasks, don’t get me wrong, but there are more critical updates or features that would impact players in their daily play that often feel pushed off due to a cramped schedule. Thankfully, the massive package of new costumes and content themed around Age of Ultron is now out of the way and we can get back to some of these things throughout the rest of 2015.
Just in time for talking about the rest of the year and perhaps beyond, Gazillion was recently on hand at C2E2 to discuss future plans for the game.
New Game Modes
Limbo, a chaotic game mode from the game’s initial release that has since been shelved, will be making an overhauled comeback at some point. While Gaz didn’t say too much about it at the show, I’m curious to see how it turns out. Especially when the realm in which this mode takes place is associated with one of my most anticipated hero releases: Magik. Will we be surprised with a Magik + Limbo release this year? I sure hope so!
The real meat of the game mode reveals came from the discussion of the Danger Room mode. I’ve been talking about wanting to see this mode in for some time now and it’s likely an example of a much more impactful game feature that got pushed out due to stuff like the AXIS raid and Ultron content, but it at least sounds like it’s coming along well. Basically, think of the Danger Room like Path of Exile’s maps. You find “simulation chips” that let you go into a randomly generated dungeon with different affixes for each level of the dungeon. I can’t emphasize enough how important getting this thing out the door is to the health of the game. I love playing Marvel Heroes, but keeping the game fresh with static content releases will never work given how fast players tend to consume it. Having a mode like Danger Room spicing things up on a day to day basis while the team works on various content pieces and game modes should keep players engaged the same way similar modes do for players of Diablo III and Path of Exile. Danger Room should be priority one for 2015 now that Ultron is out of the way.

Team Ups
There wasn’t really much new said on the upcoming overhaul of Team Ups, but it sounds like the release of ‘phase one’ is coming soon. If you’re unfamiliar with what’s coming, Gazillion is basically overhauling Team Ups to be more than what they are now – a selection of passive bonuses for your character. Sure, you can technically field them and I see some people do it, but it’s not an efficient way to use them and they die pretty much instantly in any challenging content. The new system will allow for team ups to level up, spec out their own skill trees, utilize better and more meaningful itemization, and so on.
Personally, I don’t mind the current situation because I’m more afraid that the overhaul will end up with active Team Ups being the preferred use over passive and I don’t always want to have another dude or dudette following me around. Sure, I’d love to run terminals as Psylocke with Archangel actively backing me up or as Colossus with Magik beside me, but other than that? Not a huge fan of active Team Ups. Still, if you like the idea of having these guys running around with you, there’s a lot to be excited for when the overhaul eventually releases.

What’s Left?
There were things that weren’t talked about at the panel (as far as I know) that I feel are critical items Gazillion should address sooner rather than later with a clear plan of action. What’s become apparent over the last few months is that full hero reviews, or QoLs, aren’t entirely necessary to bring an unviable character into at least usable territory. There are a ton of characters waiting for all sorts of love from the developers. It’s a long list. Currently, Gazillion is working on what’s left of their 52 reviews for characters and they’ve also got a queue of QoLs for characters that need help but have already had their full reviews.
Unfortunately, these QoLs are just taking too long. Players who love certain characters are basically just having to deal with their situation until Gazillion works their way to them for the next QoL. Captain America, who up until a couple of months ago was one of the worst characters in the game, changed overnight from one of the worst to top five with something as simple as what was primarily a review of his unique items. There may be deficiencies in hero kits for many characters in the game, but really what most of these older characters suffer from is poor itemization.

Gaz has figured out how to really squeeze the most out of hero uniques over the last eight or so months and it can often be just that simple in significantly improving the playability of a character. To me, it looks like there are potentially some easy wins here for Gaz in lining up as many characters as they can and knocking out some unique reviews ahead of their QoLs. Why wait until a QoL to do the whole package when you can give players a fix me up to tide them over until the rest is sorted out? Hint hint: Ms. Marvel needs help.

Michael Bitton / Michael began his career at the WarCry Network in 2005 as the site manager for several different WarCry fansite portals. In 2008, Michael worked for the startup magazine Massive Gamer as a columnist and online news editor. In June of 2009, Michael joined as the site's Community Manager.
Permalink | 5 comments


Lastly From the Marvel heroes 2015 site it's self


Thank you, everyone, for one of the biggest weeks Marvel Heroes 2015 has ever had! To celebrate, we’re offering up some great sales – how does Buy One, Get One sound for almost every Hero and Costume? And how about the return of Chase Costumes that are only available for a limited time? We might even have some other tricks up our sleeves over the next few days. Play Marvel Heroes 2015 and see for yourself!
(Learn More)

Redeem the code
for a free iBoost!
Code Redemption Page

Friday, 08 May 2015

There! See that?! Quicksilver just zoomed
into Marvel Heroes 2015 as the newest Team-Up.
(More Info...)

Back for alimited time in the store, iBoosts
will have you leveling up in record time!
(More Info...)

Now available! Black Widow’s costume inspired
by Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, now intheaters.
(More Info...)

Thor’s costume inspired by Marvel’s Avengers:
Age of Ultron
could be his mightiest yet.
(More Info...)

source: ★☆★ THE FUTURE OF MH ★☆★ The Danger Room, Antman, X-23 Costume, Thing Review, n' more!, Nullrage's YouTube Channel, & Marvel Heroes 2015
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Here's what new for this week. first ifo from Tribal sage thread the ad article from Hub 4 heroes & lastly info from the MH 2015 site it's self for this week.

Core - Promethium

☆☆☆☆☆ COSTUMES ☆☆☆☆☆

Charity Costumes - 05/11/15 They've talked about doing a costume for charity and Mr. B believes they will be doing it very soon.
Animated Show costumes - 04/28/15 Anything is possible but I would not expect any costumes from animated shows at this time.
Mangaverse - 04/25/15 It was stated that these costumes are possible for MH.
Axis costumes - In 2014 it was stated they will be coming.
Symbiote costumes - 03/10/15 There are plans for more Symbiote costumes with other characters besides Wolverine.
Agents of Shield - None are planned at this time.
House of M - Lots of them are in the works.
Achievement costumes - 03/11/15 "Just to clarify: each hero will NOT have an achievement costume. There are a select few special achievement costumes."
Enhanced costumes - 03/30/15 FWIW, being Enhanced doesn't mean we're only going to make one of them!

☯ THOR ☯
New Female Thor - ETA: 05/14/15 She will come out this year - we will be recording her voice in August. Previously stated to be coming in the 2nd half of this year.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.


NOTE: This section is not limited to only playables.


05/14/15 Ryolnir stated he would like to include her at some point.


05/12/15 Ryolnir would include him as an NPC.

☆☆☆☆☆ TEAM UP 2.0 REVAMP ☆☆☆☆☆

Team Up 2.0 ETA: Update 05/16/15 Could be in TC as early as next (this coming week) week.

☆☆☆☆☆ LIMBO GAME MODE ☆☆☆☆☆

05/16/15 Limbo will be apart of a new upcoming recurring event. He also stated it will still be an end game mode. When a community member asked Mr. Brevik on stream about Hero drops coming back and they hear that they will possibly making an appearance again. Mr. B replied "I'll just say Limbo is coming back" and stopped. Shortly after someone else brought it up again and he mentioned how Limbo was one of the places these drops would happen and that it would seem like a fun place to do something like that(referring to hero drops). You can draw your own conclusions.

figured I would include an old school video of what Limbo was for those that weren't around then.


☆☆☆☆☆ OTHER STUFF ☆☆☆☆☆

Talk of Recipes

05/16/15 No plans to make it so you can reorder recipes.

Changes and Cosmic Chaos! 1.51 Patch


As unexciting as this week's patch sounds, I actually think it's a good thing that they're going back to address some problems with the games instead of rolling out new stuff that will probably need fixing anyway. So with that in mind, there's a huge list of fixes. I'm actually going to copy and paste the entire list this time since there's a lot to cover and there's will be things that will be important to me but not to you and vice versa. Oh and of course, Cosmic Chaos is going on right now so get your leveling going if you prestiged a few of the newly updated characters as I did!

A new recipe has been added to the G.L.F. Quartermaster that will allow you to refund a 1,000 Odin Mark level 80 Legendary item for a chest of 800 Odin Marks. This recipe requires "Trusted" rank with the G.L.F. to purchase.

Fixed an issue with Team-Up Tier 1 Away Passive tooltips not displaying the correct stat amounts.
Squirrel Saboteurs no longer detonate at point blank range while wearing the Christmas costume.

Fixed an issue where enemy UI indicators would persist after Vision gained control over them using his A.I. Hack ability.

Fixed an issue where pressing Alt could cause tooltips to incorrectly be displayed on-screen.

Powers and items that show enemies on minimap should once again show all hostile enemies within range, as intended.
Scarlet Witch's Iron Maiden will now correctly show floating damage numbers and grant mission credit when enemies under its effect are defeated.

Fixed an issue with Quicksilver’s movement occasionally behaving oddly.

Gifted Loki Runes can now be used in the God of Mischief Runeword recipe.

Fixed an issue where Mr. Fantastic's Future Foundation Bodysuit proc was dealing damage inconsistent with the tooltip.
Fixed an issue where Maverick's Helmet was not correctly applying the critical damage buff when using a movement power.

Encounter 1 and 2 of Axis Raid have a higher chance of awarding Starktech Powercubes, as well as Cosmic Bounty Chests.

Updated translations for French, Portuguese and German versions.

Published: 16 May 2015
Read more here

And lastly from the main site


Had your eye on a Team-Up companion to fight alongsideyou, like Gamora, Havok or the Deadpool Kid? Or maybe a Pet just to hang out with, like Spider-Ham, H.E.R.B.I.E. or a cute li'l Bamf? Now's the perfect time to stock up, with each being 25% off over the next few days. Which will you be picking up?
(Learn More)

Now available!
Hawkeye’s costume inspired
by Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, now in theaters.
(More Info...)

SMASH in Hulk's latest costume inspired by
Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron.
(More Info...)

Our ever popular Cosmic Chaos Event
returns Saturday, May 16th.
(More Info...)

The best wayto grab all costumes
and more inspired by Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron!
(More Info...)

Source:★☆★ THE FUTURE OF MH ★☆★ Info on Limbo, Team Up Revamp, Quake, Dr Doom, n' lots more!,Hub4 Marvel Heroes 2015

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