Marvel legends are back!!!


Young Avenger
Sep 14, 2001
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That's right guys and gals! With 3 two-packs right now out... and toyfair's announcement of modern thor, ultimate hawkeye, and bucky cap w baf terrax marvel legends are back!

So with BAFs back and single carded figs... who are you dying to get made?

My list.

-rogue (jim lee)
-black cat
- banshee

New figs:
- wasp (pym)
- cable w baby hope
- jim lee jean grey
- jubilee
- havok (modern)
- firelord
- luke cage (modern)
- jewel
- mockingbird
- songbird
- medusa
- northstar
- aurora
- multiple man
- mary jane
- morbius (classic)
- firestar
- molten man
- antivenom
- jackpot
- polaris
- the hood
- brother voo doo
- dormamu
- steve rogers (secret avengers)
Why didn't you put this in the thread we already have? :csad:

I definitely want the Steve Rogers, Mockingbird, The Hood. And I'd love to have a Jim Lee Rogue.
... because this is marvel legends ONLY and a wish list... ONLY

Also... id love Nimrod and Blaastar as BAFs
I'd love to see the Avengers Accademy kids. I mean, we got the Young Avengers, why not have these guys?

Striker, Hazmat, Veil, Mettle, Reptile, Finesse.

Maybe some New Warriors action; Justice, Speedball.

I'd like to have a an Iron Man in his current modular armor (the Universe figure was a tease!)

Norman Osborn in his Iron Patriot or HAMMER outfit.

And a Daken, and not with a Wolverine mask on. Just the suit, and that awesome mohawk.
Yeah id really like a daken, moonstone (as herself or ms marvel), and iron patriot.

As for avengers academy... please o please hasbro finish off the young avengers team.. (stature, speed, hawkeye) and give us the runaways!
Hell, I'd be happy if they just redid all the Young Avengers line. But I agree, I want a Speed, Hawkeye and Stature line up.

As far as villains go. Sin would be a figure I would want.

If by chance they were going to do more 4/5 packs of teams. I would for sure want some Guardians of The Galaxy line ups.

And hopefully down the road, get the "Age of X" line going.
Yeah... id really like updated versions of wiccan, hulkling, and patriot too....

The beauty of and reason why I think the xmen should always have a separate line is the fact they've gone through sooooooooooooooo many costumes they could continue the line for quite a while.

As for box sets...

- young avengers part II
- asgardians (sif, warriors 3, odin, hemidol, maybe lady loki)
I liked the "Dark Avengers" figures that came out in Universe form.

So I would love to see them do something with all of those figures. Maybe just give them interchangeable heads so people know the difference, know what I mean?

Secret Avengers line up- I know they don't have the same costumes, but still, I can hope.

I wouldn't mind having a Rescue figure and a Nomad and since I agree that I want a Mary Jane figure. I think they should also throw in a Jessica Jones.

I doubt this is something they would do, but me personally I want to see the "Next Avengers" kids line. Aside from their movie, they did a role in the first arc of Avengers.

Doctor Voodoo, Dr. Strange (current outfit) Ms. Marvel (not a fan of her legend. Especially after seeing Widows)

Phobos, Aries, Nick Fury. Just give those guys some better designs.
No I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted him to be single carded this time and not a BAF. So that we could have Phobos with him.

The Thunderbolts would be a good team to make some new figures out of.
I agree the X-Men need their own line. Mostly because thats about all I read and all I'd collect. But I'd love to see the New X-Men Kids, New new and old new X-Force, Daken, Cable and Deadpool Cable, Redo Emma Frost, and Hope among others.

And for ****s sake will someone make a damn Squirrel Girl already! Marvel Universe, legends, minimates, I don't really care. Just make her.
If only we could get the X-Men related line like what we had in the 90's. Only them being Legends of course, or 6 inch figures, whatever. But at least it could keep up with the ever changing X-Men world.

Heffer, I have to say, a Squirrel Girl would be a fine addition!
Heyyy there's my old friend. I was hoping you would join in on this. :woot:

Absorbing Man, Wrecker, X-Force Archangel, Blade (non Wesley)

I love the Monsters Legends. I'd like them to redo those, and just make the designs a little more ferocious.
I think Daken is a sure thing that will happen. There's no way a wolverine related figure isn't getting made.

i do kinda want more obscure characters to get figs then what we usually do. So i really hope gift sets, two packs, and comic con exclusives come back as well....

Box Set Ideas
-squirrel girl and the GLA (or whatever they're called now a days)
-Asgardians (or at least the Warriors 3)
-Young Avengers II (updated set)
-Avengers Academy

BAF ideas
-Onslaught (classic)
-Lock Jaw

as for an X-men line.... hopefully First Class could draw more of an X-men want...
X-men Legends should get a line back... in which i'd do lines like the following..

Wave 1
-Jim Lee Cyclops (redo)
-Magneto (redo)
-Nightcrawler (redo)
-Havok (modern)
-Rogue (green cloak/hood)
-BAF Warlock

Wave 2
-Jean Grey (Jim Lee)
-Wolverine (X-force - grey/black)
-Storm (First Appearance)
-BAF Nimrod

Wave 3:
-Graymalkin (w/Anole)
-Gambit (jim lee redo)
-Emma Frost (redo)
-Mr. Sinister (redo)
-BAF Stryfe

Wave 4:
-Wolverine (Patch)
-Sabretooth (redo)
-Darwin (w/Artie)
-Rogue (jim lee)
-BAF Nimrod

Wave 5:
-Surge (w/leech)
-Shatter Star
-Cable (w/hope)
-Colossus (AoA)
-Dark Beast
-BAF Rockslide

Wave 6:
-Phoenix (White)
-Multiple Man
-Psylocke (crimson dawn)
-First Class (comic) Cyclops
-BAF Predator X

Wave 7:
-FC Beast
-FC Angel
-Toad (redo)
-BAF Armor

Wave 8:
-FC Iceman
-Dazzler (short hair w/bandana version)
-Prof X (jim lee)
-Storm (Astonishing)
-BAF Juggernaut

Wave 9:
-FC Jean Grey
-Cannon Ball (modern)
-Banshee (redo)
-BAF Strong Guy

Wave 10:
-Cyclops (AoA)
-Wolverine (Weapon X)
-Archangel (X-force)
-BAF Devil Dinosaur
A Molten Man, Morbius, and CHameleon would rock, IMO.

Yeah... spidey's got a few allies/villains that really need to finally be made...

(the ones in bold need to be made for me to feel my spidey collection is complete)
-Morbius (classic)
-Molten Man

-Mr. Negative
-Black Cat (redo)

-Scarlet Spider (hoodie)
-Cosmic Spider-man

-Spider-man Noir
-Modern "neon" spider-man
-Hydro man (classic)
-Mary Jane
-Gwen Stacy

-American Son
-Alistair Smythe
-Beetle Mach II
-Carnage (redo)
Wow man. You put some time into that list. But I love it. You have alot of people that I want to see get made.

And I love your box sets. It's the same ones I want. I think it's time they bring in more C and D level characters.
Heyyy there's my old friend. I was hoping you would join in on this. :woot:

Absorbing Man, Wrecker, X-Force Archangel, Blade (non Wesley)

I love the Monsters Legends. I'd like them to redo those, and just make the designs a little more ferocious.

eh the monsters don't need redone, we're lucky we got them at all... and they're all their iconic classic versions.

but blade def needs a comic version
Wow man. You put some time into that list. But I love it. You have alot of people that I want to see get made.

And I love your box sets. It's the same ones I want. I think it's time they bring in more C and D level characters.

thanks man!
i wanted to try to make it realistic... I tried to add at least 1 villain and 1 modern character per wave, as well as at least 2 heavy hitters in order to keep people buying the lines.
I know you don't care for the MU figures. But it seems to me, that if we get some obscure characters in that line, they might include some into Legends.

I definitely think Bastion should be made. Also, some Hellfire Club members. I really think Hasbro could make a killing if they focused on doing more box sets. And I mean random ones too, like get the Illuminati together, Young Avengers, Runaways..etc.
I know you don't care for the MU figures. But it seems to me, that if we get some obscure characters in that line, they might include some into Legends.

I definitely think Bastion should be made. Also, some Hellfire Club members. I really think Hasbro could make a killing if they focused on doing more box sets. And I mean random ones too, like get the Illuminati together, Young Avengers, Runaways..etc.

Well... if the Hellfire Club was ever to be made.... it would not be mass retail. It would be online store only... or Con exclusive. They wouldn't sell otherwise.

But some box sets could def sell well.

And yes, it's my hope too since they made more obscure characters in the MU line (which pissed me off), they'd try to add more in the ML line.
Well to be fair, with MU figures they can a few more risks. Because those figures cost much less to make. But now I think Hasbro is seeing how well they are selling, and how well the random 2 pack Legends are; it's a safe bet that we can get those obscure figures.

I know we will eventually get a Hulk figure. But I hope it's on par with what the Select was, or even the 3 Hulk legend. That first appearance Hulk just didn't turn out well.

I love the Astonishing X-Men Beast, but I'd love to have the design that is used in Secret Avengers. You know, where he doesn't look so much like a cat with the super long snout.

They could bring back the Face Off series as well. That could be an easy way to introduce new hero/villain rivals.
there's been SEVERAL hulk figures... and he's out of variants for the most part. I was pretty annoyed they felt compelled to put Valkyrie with him :(. could have been used or someone else.
I have to say, Hulk in that 2 pack was too blocky compared to his Select counterpart. He just looked weird standing next to the awesome Valkyrie.

But I think Hulk and Iron Man have been overused in Legends soo much. Time to put that effort towards some others for sure.

Constrictor is another one I just thought of that I would want in legend form.
that's because that hulk had an artist stylistic specific sculpt.

point in case... we have enough HULK figures...

TBML1 (3 versions)
TBML9 (green/grey origin hulk)
TBML12 (Maestro Hulk)
TBMLVS (Hulk vs Leader: 2 versions and best hulks period)
TBML (House of M Hulk)

HML1 (Planet Hulk - 2 versions)
HML5 (Red Hulk)
HMLFFF(savage Hulk 2 versions)
HMLFFF(King Hulk)
HML2Pack (Hulk w/Valkyrie)

Hulk Classics 1 (Smart Hulk, Hulk, and Joe Fixit)
Hulk Classics 2 (Hulk w/banner, Mecha Hulk, Hulk as the Horseman War)

counting variants... that's 23 hulks (not counting She Hulk, Skaar, or Hulkling)

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