Why should Marvel expensively pay off few of their licenses when they still have a hundred more? At best Marvel/Disney can only do 3 movies per year and outsourcing some of the lesser licenses will increase the number of Marvel movies per year.
Of course, Fox has too many on their hands (F4 and Daredevil should be given back to Disney) but renegotiating the deals so 1) each outsourced movies should have binding Marvel consultants and 2) Marvel/Disney + Sony + Fox can become more integrated to one another will count toward better Marvel movie-verse.
This. What people don't understand is that we get more movies with Marvel having their properties in other studios. Marvel Studios only has enough time and money to make 2 movies a year, and 3 movies if the year is really really good. If all the characters were under one roof, then we wouldn't see as many as we're getting now.
Look at what we're getting next year, and in 2012. We're getting Thor and Cap from Marvel, and X-Men: First Class. In 2012 we're getting the Spider-man reboot from Sony, and the Avengers movie. I'm not going gaga over First Class and the Spider-man reboot, but that's better than watching those characters rot on the shelf while we get nothing. I'd rather have a crappy movie than no movie at all.
Here is what is on Marvel Studios' plate.
2011- Thor and Captain America
2012- Avengers
2013- Iron Man 3 and maybe SHIELD or a Thor or Cap sequel if they do well
2014- Thor 2 or Cap 2 maybe
2015- Avengers 2 if the first is successful?
2016- SHIELD again? Another Iron Man sequel or spin-off? Avengers 3?
2017- What now? Smaller characters that fit in the Avengers or SHIELD?
I don't see where Marvel Studios has time to have a Spider-man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, etc. The focus Marvel has right now is on the Avengers, so I doubt that Marvel would make time for movies that don't have any relevancy to the Avengers like the X-Men. I'm pretty sure if they hammed in the Avengers, X-Men, and Spidey together, people would be *****ing non-stop about how they ruined the characters.
Marvel is gonna stick with what is successful in their studios, so we're probably gonna have Avengers related stuff for the next five years. If the movies are successful, then we'll get more sequels until they stop selling. If the movies flop, then Marvel is probably going to take their time before rebooting things again. Marvel having these characters in other studios gives us a chance to see more characters. We can get our Avengers, X-Men, Spider-man, and more with characters under different studios. That's why Marvel is more successful in the cinema area than DC. All DC characters are under one roof in WB, and I'm sure we wouldn't want Marvel characters suffering the same fate as the DC characters gathering dust right now.