Marvel Ultimate Alliance: How YOU would do it


A God Named Sparkles?
Nov 19, 2006
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If all of the companies with different rights came together to make one *****ing Fantastic, Amazing, Uncanny film, how would you like to see it done?
I'd want the line up to be:
Spidey, Cap, Iron Man, Ghost Rider, Human Torch, Wolverine and Venom.
The plot? Well, this is my one but it's kinda long so I'll post it in parts:
There's a room with some people who look like army men on computers. All of a sudden the main super computer beeps. The men look up and start typing rapidly on their computers, and then one says something about Colonel Fury, and we zoom out to reveal the "Army Base" is the SHIELD helicarrier. So, anyway, the titles start up and they follow a group of meteorites. When the titles end the camera pans round to reveal where they are headed: Earth. We see the end of Fantastic Four where the Surfer wakes up, he climbs back on his board and then sees the meteorite. He repels a few, but when smashes on his chest and spews black liquid on him. The liquid starts to coat his body, and he screams. Then we cut to a group of Spacemen on the moon, and one of them sees a round object hit the surface. Again, black liquid leaks out. It engulfs him and his teammates come over to try and help him remove it, to no avail. They too are engulfed.
We flash to Earth, as the first lot of meteorites, five to be exact, smash into the top of the Baxter building. The Fantastic Four come out and Reed's like "What are they?" and Johnny says "You're the egghead!". Suddenly one splits and the contents are propelled at Reed. It coats Reed, just as two more split and leap at Ben and Johnny. Sue has turned invisible, and is attempting to help Reed, but Reed transforms into a Venom like creature and roars. Meanwhile, the symbiote on Ben has covered him, whilst Johnny flame ons and the slime is flung on Sue. The fourth and five meteorites explode, and the two symbiotes left attack Johnny, but cannot bond with him, as he is on fire. He flies to a different building and is like "Sue, Reed, Ben they're all gone", when suddenly he glows green and disappears.
That's part I of my plot, now let's see what you think should happen in a MUA film.
There's a room with some people who look like army men on computers. All of a sudden the main super computer beeps. The men look up and start typing rapidly on their computers, and then one says something about Colonel Fury, and we zoom out to reveal the "Army Base" is the SHIELD helicarrier. So, anyway, the titles start up and they follow a group of meteorites. When the titles end the camera pans round to reveal where they are headed: Earth. We see the end of Fantastic Four where the Surfer wakes up, he climbs back on his board and then sees the meteorite. He repels a few, but when smashes on his chest and spews black liquid on him. The liquid starts to coat his body, and he screams. Then we cut to a group of Spacemen on the moon, and one of them sees a round object hit the surface. Again, black liquid leaks out. It engulfs him and his teammates come over to try and help him remove it, to no avail. They too are engulfed.
We flash to Earth, as the first lot of meteorites, five to be exact, smash into the top of the Baxter building. The Fantastic Four come out and Reed's like "What are they?" and Johnny says "You're the egghead!". Suddenly one splits and the contents are propelled at Reed. It coats Reed, just as two more split and leap at Ben and Johnny. Sue has turned invisible, and is attempting to help Reed, but Reed transforms into a Venom like creature and roars. Meanwhile, the symbiote on Ben has covered him, whilst Johnny flame ons and the slime is flung on Sue. The fourth and five meteorites explode, and the two symbiotes left attack Johnny, but cannot bond with him, as he is on fire. He flies to a different building and is like "Sue, Reed, Ben they're all gone", when suddenly he glows green and disappears.
Next we see a montage of all different Superheroes and their supporting casts being taken over by symbiotes. This would last about Twenty minutes. All of the Survivors are then seen in different places being beamed up in green like Johnny. We see a big room, like the one before but just with one giant computer. Spider-man, Captain America, Iron Man, Ghost Rider and Wolverine suddenly appear. They all start getting annoyed and a few mourn about their lost ones. Suddenly Torch comes out and says "Listen, guys, we have been brought here for a reason. And that reason is - " He is cut off by another voice that says "That reason is you are Earth's last hope. You have to kill these son of a b!tches." We pan round and see a bald, dark skinned man with an Eyepatch standing on a balcony (Nick here is played by Sam Jackson).
Fury walks down the stairs and tells them about it, and that all they know is that they need hosts to survive. Spider-man cuts in and tells him that they're symbiotes and he's encounted one before. Turns out, the one he had was only a scout for the army that's coming. Fury gets Spidey to explain what happened, and Spidey does. Fury then thinks for a moment and then tells them to get adjusted. They're a team now. Then Fury calls some soldiers over and tells them they are going to Earth. He presses some buttons on a device on his wrist and then the group disappear.
It then cuts to the construction site from SM3, and it shows the agents appear. Fury tells them to scan for traces of Symbiote, and they find some black dust on a ring of bent metal poles. Fury scans it and it contains traces of DNA from a Human: Eddie Brock. They then go to their next stop, and appear outside Connor's lab. They go in and have to ward off the Lizard, who now has a Symbiote. They subdue him, and then take the symbiote sample and disappear.
Back on the ship, the group places the black dust in a machine. Then in a human-sized tank, a skeleton starts to form. Back at the team, Fury comes out and tells them to meet their new team mate, and to Spidey's fear and surprise..... Eddie Brock Jr. walks out.
That's really not an "Ultimate Alliance" movie. I'd do an animated mini-series for cable. Base it at least loosely on the game.
I wish Marvel would make an Ultimate Alliance movie and use the cgi that was used in the game. Those cut scenes look amazing in 1080i on an HDTV
If all of the companies with different rights came together to make one *****ing Fantastic, Amazing, Uncanny film, how would you like to see it done?
I'd want the line up to be:
Spidey, Cap, Iron Man, Ghost Rider, Human Torch, Wolverine and Venom.
The plot? Well, this is my one but it's kinda long so I'll post it in parts:
There's a room with some people who look like army men on computers. All of a sudden the main super computer beeps. The men look up and start typing rapidly on their computers, and then one says something about Colonel Fury, and we zoom out to reveal the "Army Base" is the SHIELD helicarrier. So, anyway, the titles start up and they follow a group of meteorites. When the titles end the camera pans round to reveal where they are headed: Earth. We see the end of Fantastic Four where the Surfer wakes up, he climbs back on his board and then sees the meteorite. He repels a few, but when smashes on his chest and spews black liquid on him. The liquid starts to coat his body, and he screams. Then we cut to a group of Spacemen on the moon, and one of them sees a round object hit the surface. Again, black liquid leaks out. It engulfs him and his teammates come over to try and help him remove it, to no avail. They too are engulfed.
We flash to Earth, as the first lot of meteorites, five to be exact, smash into the top of the Baxter building. The Fantastic Four come out and Reed's like "What are they?" and Johnny says "You're the egghead!". Suddenly one splits and the contents are propelled at Reed. It coats Reed, just as two more split and leap at Ben and Johnny. Sue has turned invisible, and is attempting to help Reed, but Reed transforms into a Venom like creature and roars. Meanwhile, the symbiote on Ben has covered him, whilst Johnny flame ons and the slime is flung on Sue. The fourth and five meteorites explode, and the two symbiotes left attack Johnny, but cannot bond with him, as he is on fire. He flies to a different building and is like "Sue, Reed, Ben they're all gone", when suddenly he glows green and disappears.
That's part I of my plot, now let's see what you think should happen in a MUA film.
I'm not so sure about this film... it could make a great action film but it would be hard to get all of the characters right in there. I'm all for this film being made but I really don't want to see it become a flop. I guess they could make it like they did X-Men, where they only focus on some of the characters as the main ones. I guess that could work, there probably wouldn't be much story but they should mainly focus on character and action in that film I guess. Anyhow, for plot... I'd say that they should make it like a Die Hard movie; except with super-villains and not terrorists.
I'd have the group be:
Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine & Deadpool.
Have the orginal actors for Spidey, IM & Wolverine come back too.
Ultimate Alliance......? I would make it like so.....

Basic Plot
The Kree are in a War with the Skrulls. And have Decided to make Earth a base. But the Kree underestimates the Human Defenses as they summon thier own Superhearoes to help defend Earth against a Kree Invasion. And a new Hero will come and Help the Humans. CAPTAIN MARVEL......

Cast (Good Guys)
Nick Fury - Billy Bob Thornton
Iron Man - Robert Downey Jr.
Spiderman - Toby Maguire
Captain America - Channing Tatum
Ms. Marvel - Katherine Heigl/Estella Warren
SpiderWoman - Amy Acker
Wolverine - Hugh Jackman/Jason Statham
Captain Mar-Vell - Kevin McKidd

Cast (Bad Guys)
Ronan the Accuser - Sean Bean
Supremor - James Earl Jones

It would end with a set-up of the Skrulls coming.
Nah, it's impossible to be made. Cartoon/CGI based is possible, but live action movie is impossible.
I think that I'd do this film partly the way they did the first X-Men(2/4), the next chunk would be a sorta amped up version of Indepence Day(by making the destruction a bit more... destructiony, I guess; 1/4), and finally make the last chunk a bit of Live Free or Die Hard(in the name of action; 1/4).
I wish Marvel would make an Ultimate Alliance movie and use the cgi that was used in the game. Those cut scenes look amazing in 1080i on an HDTV
I agree with you man. Do up an animated mini-series with the gent's that did them cutscenes. Those cutscenes from MUA and X-men Legends 2 were amazing!
ultimate alliance the series?
If they used the same cast and effects of all these films it would be like the most expensive movie in the history of the world. They should make an animated version as people have said.
a cgi movie with the actor will be good and less expensive

like final fantasy
tobey mc guire for spidey you know what i mean
A Meteor crashes in the city of Tunguska, causing a violent reaction that make the locans think of a curse.

Years later, strange sinals invade the worlwide eletronic machines. The Avengers AND the X-men go to Russia and find the Vision, that reveals Galactus is comming.

They send the Vision to the SHIELD, were the Fantastic Four discovers Galactus is comming back for revenge and, aparently, killed the Silver Surfer after his betrayal.

The minions of Galactus start to show up and Spider-Man gets envolved on the fight. Unite, they stand agains the invasion of the World Hunger. Eventually, Silver Surfer shows up to help them. Reed creates the total nulificator and destrois Galactus.

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