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Marvel's Big Three?

Big 3?

  • Captain America, Namor, and the Human Torch

  • Captain America, Spiderman, and Wolverine

  • Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk

  • Other (please specify)

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King Ruler

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Who would you say are Marvel's Big 3 (like DC has Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman)? Of course we know first there was Captain America, the 1st Human Torch, and Namor, so I guess technically they're the Big 3, but they don't really use that title much. If you ask me, now it's probably either Captain America, Wolverine and Spiderman, or Captain America, the Hulk, and Thor (but that's only when I think about the Avengers and stuff).
Captain America, Spiderman/Iron Man, and Wolverine/Hulk/Thor
Marvel has no big 3. Marvel heroes rank in society rise and fall depending on popularity(usually through the movies).
Indeed.^That post summs things up,but if one absolutely had to admit a 3.Perhaps the only hero that would be universally be accepted would be Captian America.
I always saw the Big Three as Cap, Iron Man and Thor. But now it seems like Cap, Wolvie and Spidey
The big three of the company? Thats easily Spidey, Wolverine and Hulk. Lets not forget, Bats, Supes and WW are the big three because they are the most popular of DC. As for Avengers, I'd say its Cap, IM and Thor. X-men wise? Prof X, Cyke and Wolverine.
I voted "other" because I would probably have to say that the "Big Three" of Marvel consists of definitely Spider-Man and a combination of two of the following:
Captain America, Hulk, Wolverine

I might also consider Storm (reason: X-Men co-leader, first black main character in comic history)

This is my first post but who really cares?

Black Panther was first. And Stan Lee creations top all others.
jaydawg said:
The big three of the company? Thats easily Spidey, Wolverine and Hulk. Lets not forget, Bats, Supes and WW are the big three because they are the most popular of DC. As for Avengers, I'd say its Cap, IM and Thor. X-men wise? Prof X, Cyke and Wolverine.
couldn't agree more. The popular big 3 of Spidey, Wolvy, and Hulk were at one time teammates with Ghost Rider and the formed the Fantastic Four. I loved that team more than I love the current team. :confused:
Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man. They're the "big three" of The Avengers.
Yeah, I'm gonna throw in my vote with most of the others. Big 3 in popularity = Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Hulk. Big 3 in the Avengers = Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man.

Here's a related question: what would be Marvel's Avengers equivalent to the JLA's big 7? Morrison relaunched JLA with what's become known as the be-all and end-all of JLA rosters: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, the Flash, Green Lantern, and the Martian Manhunter. Whom would he have to choose if he wanted to ignite the same passion in the Avengers' fans? I'd say Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, and Hawkeye. They, more than anyone else, are the people who pop into my mind when I think of the Avengers cut down to their seven most important members over the years.
I'd have to agree with that roster. Although I might add Quicksilver.
TheCorpulent1 said:
Yeah, I'm gonna throw in my vote with most of the others. Big 3 in popularity = Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Hulk. Big 3 in the Avengers = Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man.

Here's a related question: what would be Marvel's Avengers equivalent to the JLA's big 7? Morrison relaunched JLA with what's become known as the be-all and end-all of JLA rosters: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, the Flash, Green Lantern, and the Martian Manhunter. Whom would he have to choose if he wanted to ignite the same passion in the Avengers' fans? I'd say Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, and Hawkeye. They, more than anyone else, are the people who pop into my mind when I think of the Avengers cut down to their seven most important members over the years.

Are we talking all of Marvel or just former Avengers?
in terms of overall popularity and world wide recognition, it's Spider-Man, Hulk, and Captain America
Marvel's Big 3...

Captain America, Thor and Iron Man

Wolverine and Spider-Man are just overhyped, over-exposed characters who in the true sense of what is really happening in the Marvel Universe on planet Earth, really have no pull or weight. Even as it stands right now, Spidey is just IM's ***** and Wolverine is just everywhere that it seems that he must be important.
Here are my "Big Three" in each category:

Marvel: Spidey, Hulk, CapAm

Marvel Women: Storm, Scarlet Witch, Invisible Woman

X-Men: Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm (not counting Xavier as a member, since he's more the founder)

Avengers: (Duh) CapAm, IM, Thor

Marvel Big Men: Hulk, Thing, Colossus

Marvel Geniuses: Xavier, Pym, Beast

Villains: Magneto, Doctor Doom, Kingpin

Alpha Flight: Guardian, Vindicator, Sasquatch

Thunderbolts: Atlas, Mach-IV, Songbird

Tonight's winning pick-3 numbers: 9, 5, 1

Rice Krispies mascots: Snap, Crackle, Pop

Hair Washing Procedure: Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Here are my "Big Three" in each category:

Marvel: Spidey, Hulk, CapAm

Marvel Women: Storm, Scarlet Witch, Invisible Woman

X-Men: Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm (not counting Xavier as a member, since he's more the founder)

Women of X-Men: Storm, Jean Grey, (Third place is hard to say: Rogue? Emma? Kitty?)

Avengers: (Duh) CapAm, IM, Thor

Marvel Big Men: Hulk, Thing, Colossus

Marvel Geniuses: Xavier, Pym, Beast

Villains: Magneto, Doctor Doom, Kingpin

Alpha Flight: Guardian, Vindicator, Sasquatch

Thunderbolts: Atlas, Mach-IV, Songbird

Tonight's winning pick-3 numbers: 9, 5, 1

Rice Krispies mascots: Snap, Crackle, Pop

Hair Washing Procedure: Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Got to go with what has been posted. If we are talking sales, then the big three are Spider-Man, Wolverine and, debatably, the Hulk. Now, in terms of being the big core characters of the universe, Cpatain America, Thor and Iron Man. DC just had the luck of popularity being the big guns themselves.
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