Days of Future Past Matthew Vaughn Is NOT Helming X-Men: First Class Sequel

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People are just expecting DOFP to be like DOFP.

That means Wolverine, Storm, Kitty, Colossus & the elderly Magneto will play a role in the film.

You mean comic fans are expecting DOFP to be like DOFP. Comic fans also expected First Class to be about the original team from the comics, and the Dark Phoenix plot to be like the Dark Phoenix story from the comics. If you're looking for comic accuracy you might want to bet on another horse.

It's possible that those characters will BE in the film but I especially can't see Wolverine, Kitty, or Colossus being major characters. Kitty was so forgettable she was played by 3 different actresses in all three films (and while I like Ellen Page, her character was still pretty bland in the movie and not memorable for the GA). Colossus is also a blip on many people's radars. Wolverine I maintain will not have a major role in this movie because I'd think the people involved in the movie will acknowledge that FC was a giant success WITHOUT him (awesome as it was, his 30-sec cameo in FC was NOT the reason the movie made money) and it was refreshing to have one movie out of 5 that weren't all about him. There isn't much he can add to the story at this point that he wouldn't have added in his own movies. May's well have a time-traveler who can be developed as a character.

I imagine the time traveler will be someone who is already part of the 1960s lineup. My money is on Charles, but I think even Banshee is fair game.

Though someone mentioned it on here I think, the idea of Cyclops being the time traveler (and that maybe Phoenix sent him to the dark timeline or to the past instead of killing him as we assumed). That's a pretty nifty idea as well. I'd love to see how he and Alex interacted.

If the main story is about preventing some catastrophic event, there's no reason why it can't centre around First Class cast. I mean realistically, FC sequel was never going to be some kind of 2-hour catch-up with the characters just to see how everybody is going and how they're dealing with their issues, like some kind of onscreen fanfic. There would always be some kind of central plot, like the Shaw/Cuba plot in First Class, which took up a considerable part of that movie.

Yeah I always knew this but I still thought it'd be... how to put this... a "domestic" enemy? What I mean to say is someone already on the same playing ground (1960s) that the X-Men and Brotherhood would have to team up to fight, none of this time-travel business. I also really wanted to see how Erik reacts to learning what he's done to Charles' mobility... it's a huge character moment that I hope won't be overlooked. Similarly I want to see what propels Raven to be evil because I can't accept "well you know, time and prejudice wore her down, fill in the blanks yourself". We need to see more hints of that.

Also I'm wary of the possibility they use this movie as an X-Men vs Brotherhood. That was pretty much the plot of X1 and X3 and I just don't think at this point they're ready to face off yet.

But then I've always been more interested in the characters and their reactions to their own tragedies than who they're going to recruit and fight. So I always knew a sequel with more character development than action was a pipe dream. :(

Hi right back. :yay: I hope you stick around.
Thanks, we shall see!
Wolverine I maintain will not have a major role in this movie because I'd think the people involved in the movie will acknowledge that FC was a giant success WITHOUT him (awesome as it was, his 30-sec cameo in FC was NOT the reason the movie made money) and it was refreshing to have one movie out of 5 that weren't all about him.

Weeeeell not that I wish Wolverine to have a major role in the sequel, but I think that calling FC a giant success is a bit of a stretch. It performed well within its franchise, but generally speaking, for the movie of its type it was a moderately successful film at most.

As I've said before, the reason I can't see Wolverine as a time traveller is that I can't see him fit well with the young 60s team. Especially coming on the heels of a solo movie; Wolverine goes from fighting ninjas to... babysitting a bunch of 20-something-year-olds?

Yeah I always knew this but I still thought it'd be... how to put this... a "domestic" enemy? What I mean to say is someone already on the same playing ground (1960s) that the X-Men and Brotherhood would have to team up to fight, none of this time-travel business. I also really wanted to see how Erik reacts to learning what he's done to Charles' mobility... it's a huge character moment that I hope won't be overlooked.

My own feeling is that while Erik would be absolutely gutted on the inside, he wouldn't let it show on the outside. He seems to have an extremely black-and-white, you're-with-me-or-against-me view of things, and I think that by the end of FC he effectively put Charles into the "against me" box. It wasn't the kind of break-up where they go, oh well we disagree on things but hey we can still be mates and play chess from time to time.

Also I'm wary of the possibility they use this movie as an X-Men vs Brotherhood. That was pretty much the plot of X1 and X3 and I just don't think at this point they're ready to face off yet.

Well, they also covered the Brotherhood teaming up with X-Men in X2, and First Class was also about Erik and Charles working together. So they kinda already covered both scenarios, and making two films in a row about Erik and Charles working together against a common enemy would be unlikely IMO. This whole time travel thing could well turn out to be lame, but I think it could also add something new into the mix, somehow.
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People need to stop using the excuse Days of future Past won't be like comic since First Class was not comic.They made It very clear they only wanted to
use title.For those consently saying they didn't use the real first Class.Hello It was prequel.From very beginging since Bryan Singer came on first Class It
was origin story for Xavier and Magneto.Beast was only one who could be used.

Lauren Shueller Donnor Has made It clear she has wanted to do DOFP for years.Singer said DOFP would be combination of comics and new Ideas.The core of DOFP will be used.

I find It funny that people complaining about changes made to films are advocating changes that will make It Days of future Past In name only.With the talk of connecting films they aren't going to put focus on character unfamilar to general audneces who hasn't been popular In years like Bishop.This Isn't like First Class where they had to mostly use characters not used In previous films.

The Core of Days of future Past Is showing future with Sentinles with only a few familar characters alive.They hatch plan to try try to change future by use of time travel to try to prevent event which sets In motion that leads to Sentinles.In past the time travler has to convince the X-Men of the time peroid to help.The brotherhood Is going to commit an assassination.The X-Men+Time Traveler Vs Brotherhood to stop the assassination.

The Major characters are Xavier(Younger version) Magneto(Younger Version) Mystique(Jennifer Lawrence version) and Time Traveler.

Wolverine could very well be time traveler.While yes that Is change from comics that gives you an opportunity to have Wolverine have to convince Past Xavier he Is telling the truth.Plus It leaves door open to do the shocking Magneto ripping out adamanturm.That would be like Jean grey's sacrifice at end of X2.A shocking moment from comics noone would see coming.

Besides Wolverine the future X-men could be Xavier(taking role of Rachel) Storm,Colossus,and Kitty with Magneto and Franklin Richards(tie In to FF)

Bryan Singer would be Ideal to do this film.He would totally capture the darkness needed.Being gay he would totally understand the themes.DOFP
Is not going to be a light hearted story.Plus just like In X2 there Is poential for shocks.
None of the films were like the comics. Very few comic book movies are. I would sceptical as to how closely the movie resembles the comic regardless of First Class. Plus the previous movies have already established their own canon that huge changes are inevitable.
would wish Singer and Fox decided to be a bit more faithfull to the storyarc this time.... but Im afraid Singer isnt as interested in that. :(

It would be a smart decision, to please the fans much more this time, but they probably think using both casts, Hugh and Sentinels will be enough.
well singer hasn't outright adapted a specific story this would be the 1st
X2 took core elements of God loves Man Kills

william Stryker planning genocide of mutants(Ok he's changed to military man and not reverend.You crazy If you think any major studio Is going to allow
the villain be a christin preacher and comic version does have Military past)

Stryker and wife had mutant child(again different In film version but stryker having a child whose a mutant who sets him down path has roots In comics)

The X-Men are attacked.Xavier and Cyclops captured(In comics Storm was as well)

Xavier Is brainwashed to be Stryker's tool against Mutants

The X-Men are saved by Magneto and they work with him to stop Stryker.

There were core elements of God Loves man Kills used for X2.
well singer hasn't outright adapted a specific story this would be the 1st

marvelrobbins is right, he used important elements from god loves...

but any case, Singer said in a recent interview confirming the tittle, that they will take some elements from the arc but new things too.

So lets see how many elements he respects this time.

I wouldnt be surprised if the only similarities are Sentinels, Wolverine, apocaliptic future, and a time traveler.
if he takes as much core elements as he did with GLMK for X2 i will be happy
I expect core elemets to post apocalpic future with Sentinels,seeing characters from earlier films(Again It's just speculation who exactly these characters are ) a time travel plot where someone goes Into past and the brotherhood Is planning an assination.Now exactly how these core elements are adapted to screen Is the question.The future scenes have to fit as post X1-3.And the past has to work as First Class 2.

A;ways look back to X2 and how God Loves Man Kills was adapted as seqeul to X-men.That will give you clue to how Days of future Past will be.Taking core elements of story and adding other stuff.
Id like him to take some little scenes and translate them to the movie, not too many, but at least one or two like a homage.

Id like that for any x-men sequel. would be special and interesting too. At least for me.
havent read comic(just ordered btw!!)only memory of it is from 90's animated series

any specific scenes that you want translated?
I want to read the storyarc, but I want to buy it. and since right now Im reading 60's comics more a recent crossover, I want to wait a bit more before buying the volume of comics since Second genesis.

Maybe for Christmas :D
^i just ordered days of future past and full hardcover of age of apocalypse
Very cool.I got the original comics of Age of Apocalypse storyline.A very large storyline.
havent read comic(just ordered btw!!)only memory of it is from 90's animated series

any specific scenes that you want translated?

Well considering that the film will bear very little resemblance to the book, I really don't know what to expect.

I would say the scene where the sentinels wipe out the remaining Xmen except for Kitty and Rachel. Storm impaled, Colossus crushed and Wolverine immolated.

I know it's a longshot but the scene where Kate (in Kitty's body) suddenly embraces Nightcrawler with whom she had been previously standoffish.

Colossus using Wolverine as a fulcrum and clocking Blob out of the air.

Just sad we wont see these moments on screen.
havent read comic(just ordered btw!!)only memory of it is from 90's animated series

any specific scenes that you want translated?

from Days of future? if so, I havent read it yet, so cant answer.

But it was just a general wish. Id like x-men directors to try to pay homage to a few scenes each time, deppending of the plot of each sequel. But I guess they can pay homage to different scenes, not neccesary from a simliar arc.

you know, to be inspired by a few comic moments, not only action related, but day to day moments from the x-men too. little nods here and there would be cool.
havent read comic(just ordered btw!!)only memory of it is from 90's animated series

any specific scenes that you want translated?

Read the story:

In the 21st century (the year is 2013), an adult Kate Pryde-Rasputin makes her way through the dangerous remains of a destroyed Manhattan to rendezvous with Wolverine. But it's the last place the Sentinels would be searching for the X-Men. She falls down a trap door and is being threatened by some thugs when Wolverine shows up.

Wolverine - Colonel Logan - has been in the Canadian Resistance Army. He reports that once the Sentinels move out of North America, the other great powers will launch a nuclear attach. He give her the last component of the "Jammer" for her to smuggle back into the camp. Phase two of their plan begins at midnight, when Logan busts them all out.

In this future, people are required to wear a letter that labels what they are - H for human (clean of mutant genes and allowed to breed), A for Anomalous (possess mutant genetic potential and prevented from breeding) and M for mutants (who are hunted and killed)

Kitty returns to the South Bronx Mutant Interment Center, carrying medical supplies. After being interrogated and searched by a Sentinel, she's allowed the enter and passes through a huge cemetery, with tombstones naming most of the members of the X-Men and Fantastic Four.

Only four of the X-Men remain -Wolverine (Logan), Kate, Storm (Ororo Munro), Colossus (Peter Rasputin, Kate's husband). They are joined by Franklin Richards (the last remaining member of the Fantastic Four) and his girlfriend, Rachel.

She reports back to them what happened and about the plan. They're joined by Magneto, who's in a wheelchair, who tells them they don't have any choice. If they don't do anything, the world will be at war.

Magneto tells Rachel that so much depends on her. She tells him she won't fail and they can start once the Jammer is ready.

Peter asks Kate if they should be toying with the fabric of reality like this, and if it works, what will happen to them? Kate replies that with billions of lives at stake, they have to take the risk. After everyone they've lost, if changing the past holds any chance of saving them, they have to do it.

Later, Magneto goes to check on Franklin's progress with the Jammer - which neutralizes the inhibitor collars they all wear to prevent them from using their powers. He finishes making the final adjustments and they're ready.

Kate lays down on floor and Rachel sits behind her and tells her to relax. Their minds become one and Kate's soul is sent hurling back through time.

October 31, 1980 - the Friday before the closest presidential election in recent memory. Kitty enters the Danger Room to deliver a message from Nightcrawler, but the session had already started.

Storm, Wolverine, Colossus and Angel are in the middle of fierce training session and immediately have to save Kitty. Nightcrawler teleports in in the nick of time to turn the session off before Kitty and Peter are crushed.

After being told off by Ororo, Kitty prepares for her first session in the Danger Room by herself. Kitty is able to face all of the challenges by phasing and keeps her eyes closed the whole time.

Suddenly, Kitty comes face-to-face with her future self and collapses. The X-Men rush to her, and can't figure out what happened. She's taken to the infirmary.

She wakes up, hugs Nightcrawler and overwhelmed at seeing him alive. The X-Men are surprised by this, since Kitty has always been scared of Kurt. Kurt tells her that she isn't making any sense and she needs to rest, but Kate doesn't have time. She tells them that she can't believe that Rachel actually pulled this off. Peter asks who Rachel is. Kate tries to explain to them her future self is inhabiting her body, but Ororo thinks she's just confused after having such a rough time in the Danger Room.

Kate is able to convince them she's telling the truth by recalling the events that lead to her future - the assassination of presidential candidate Senator Kelly, along with Charles Xavier and Moira McTaggert, by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants happens that day. That event sets in motion events that culminate in nuclear war.

They take Kate to Washington DC in Warren's private jet.

During the plane ride there, Kitty further explains how Kelly's death effects events in the future. People began to fear and hate all mutants, which enabled an anti-mutant candidate was elected President who passed the first Mutant Control Act. But that was struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. As a result, the government reactivated the Sentinel program to wipe out all mutants and even all super-beings (including the Avengers and Fantastic Four).

Kate breaks down while telling them that the X-Men lost the fight and most died. Seeing them all alive is too much for her to bear.

She continues that the rest of the world became more frightened of the Sentinels than mutants. She explains that one of the surviving X-Men, a telepath (Rachel), devised a plan to psychically send one of the others back in time to exchange places with their younger self and stop the assassination. Since Kitty hadn't been fully trained to resist psychic attacks, she was the best candidate.

Kate wonders what's happening back in her future, and if Logan had freed the others from the camp.

New York, 2013 - Logan, an unconscious Kate being carried by Peter, Ororo, Rachel and Franklin make their way through an abandoned subway tunnel. Magneto stayed behind the cover their escape. Suddenly, Sentinels attack and vaporize Franklin as Rachel watches on in horror.

Two Sentinels rip the Subway tunnel open and order them to surrender.

Traumatized, Rachel tells Storm that she felt Franklin die in her mind. Ororo tries to get Rachel to pull herself together since they need her.

Ray tells Ororo she won't break, and blasts the Sentinel, wanting to destroy it to avenge Franklin.

Storm tries to hit the Sentinel with lighting bolts, but it's insulated against her powers. Colossus asks Rachel to protect Kate with her life as he armors up, then hurls Wolverine at the Sentinel with a Fastball Special. Wolverine is able to penetrate the Sentinel's armor enabling Storm's lighting bolt to fry it's computer systems. Meanwhile. Colossus and Rachel are able to take out the other Sentinel.

But as they make their way through the city streets, three more Sentinels are heading towards them. Colossus pushes down an hotel on top of the Sentinels to give them time to make it to the Baxter Building - where the central controls for the Sentinels are.

October 31, 1980 - Washington DC -A woman named Raven Darkholme, who works in research and development for the secretary of defense, makes her way to a secret area of the Pentagon - where the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is gathered. Raven is really Mystique, the Brotherhood's new shapeshifting leader. The other members are: Destiny (a precog who can see the future), Avalanche (who can crumble any solid object), Pyro (who controls fire), and Blob, who they have just helped escape from prison.

Destiny had foreseen a new element that might cause problems for them, and Blob has issues with taking orders from a woman. They all bicker but Mystique ends it, telling them that it's time for them to strike.

Across town, Charles and Moira are at a Senate hearing on mutants. They notice Ororo, Kitty and Peter standing in the back of the room. Charles first mindscans Ororo, then Kitty.

Senator Kelly continues to question Moira about mutants, and the place for ordinary humans in a world of super-beings.

Suddenly, a hole is blasted into the wall behind them by Avalanche, and there stands the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The X-Men (Colossus, Wolverine, Storm, Kitty, Angel and Nightcrawler) appear in uniform. If the Brotherhood wants to harm the Senator, they're going to have to go through them.
Part II:

In 1980, the X-Men face off against the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in the US Senate.

In 2013, the few remaining X-Men try to escape the Sentinels to prevent the a nuclear doomsday.

Between the two is Kitty Pryde, who psychically traveled back in time to change history.

Mystique tells the X-Men that the Brotherhood intends on killing Senator Kelly to show that anyone who opposes the superiority of mutants will have to face the consequences. Of course, the X-Men vow to stop them.

Kelly orders the Senate security personnel to arrest the Brotherhood, but the Blob sends the marshal flying while Avalanche uproots the floor the X-Men are standing on.

Nightcrawler teleports behind Avalanche, but Destiny warns him of the attack. Colossus is grabbed by Pyro's fire claw. Wolverine begins to stab Pyro with his claws, but Storms pushes him out of the way with a whirlwind, while cooling off Colossus with rain.

Meanwhile, Angel tries to fly Kitty off safety, but she reminds him they have protect Senator Kelly. Moira pushes Xavier to safety, with the help of a police office, who turns out to be Mystique. Mystique knocks both of them out with nerve gas

Kate is concerned her presence hasn't changed anything. In her future, Storm and Wolverine have made it to the Baxter Building - the Sentinel's main headquarters.

Storm concludes she must become as ruthless as Wolverine, and blasts the Sentinel standing in front of the building with a tremendous bolt of lighting. It collapses.

Colossus tells Rachel to remain outside with Kitty inside Kate's body. He wonders what's going on in the past and why nothing has changed. Rachel replies that their world may not change. Altering the past could create an alternate, parallel Earth. Wolverine grumbles that it could all be a wasted effort, but Rachel doesn't know.

Colossus, Wolverine and Storm make their way into the Baxter Building.

Back in Washington 33 years earlier, Kate rushes past the X-Men battling the Brotherhood, seeing that the X-Men are loosing the fight. Storm begins to doubt her leadership abilities, then pushes them outside with hurricane force winds to give them more room. The fight continues on the street, with Army troops firing on them. Nightcrawler is attacked by Mystique taking the form of him. Wolverine wants to stab both of them, knowing the real elf can teleport out of the way, but Storm asserts her authority as team leader and tells him to sheathe his claws.

Nightcrawler finally finishes Mystique off, and as she reverts back to her normal form, he notices how similar they are. He asks why she knows his name, and she replies to ask his mother, then runs off.

As the battle ends, the X-Men notice that Sprite is no where to be found.

In the future, the X-Men come out of the elevator into the Sentinel control center. Wolverine tells Peter to give him a Fastball Special. There is a Sentinel standing with his back towards them and Wolverine thinks he can gut it without it seeing him coming.

As Wolverine speeds towards it, it turns and vaporizes him. His adamantium skeleton drops to the floor. Storm attacks the Sentinel as more Sentinels arrive. Storm is speared through the back by one of the Sentinels and dies.

In an absolute rage, Colossus strikes back at the Sentinels, sending through the side of the building.

Hiding on the street below, Rachel telepathically feels the deaths of each of the X-Men in the Baxter Building. She wonders if Kate's body dies, will Kitty's soul be trapped in the past? She hopes Kate has a happier life than she did her, if that happens.

In 1980, Kitty finds Destiny holding a gun on Senator Kelly. She phases through Destiny, which causes her to miss the Senator.

Immediately Kate and Kitty's souls travel through time and are restored to their proper bodies.

Storm flies in and checks on Kitty, who's woozy and wants to know where the Danger Room went. She tells the Senator that Spite, a mutant, just saved his life. Then she and Kitty fly out.

On the plane back to the mansion, Xavier questions Kitty about what she remembers. But she doesn't remember anything. She asks Xavier what he learned about her future self, but Xavier thinks it's best if Kitty discovers it herself as she grows up.

Angel wonders if Kitty saving Senator Kelly really did save the future, but only time will tell if they did.

A month later, at the White House, there is a clandestine meeting between Kelly and Sebastian Shaw (of the Hellfire Club). They have read Kelly's report on how to deal with the mutant menace, and formulated a top-secret, covert plan -Project Wideawake. Kelly concludes that if there weren't any mutants to begin with, his life would never have been in danger. Widewake will be headed by Henry Peter Gyrich, who will work with Shaw to develop a new series of Sentinels. Gyrich vows to deal with the mutant threat - permanently.
dont worry i should get the comic in the mail next couple of days!!!
I don't get that impression. All we know for certain isFassbender, Mcavoy, and Lawrence are set to star in this movie. The same actors that led FC. I have yet to see anything that suggests these guys won't lead DOFP. IMO people are getting way way ahead of themselves thinking this is going to be some big original cast reunion or some kind of an X4.

We don't even know what the actual details of the movie are, or how much time the old cast will actually get if they do appear.

If the main story is about preventing some catastrophic event, there's no reason why it can't centre around First Class cast. I mean realistically, FC sequel was never going to be some kind of 2-hour catch-up with the characters just to see how everybody is going and how they're dealing with their issues, like some kind of onscreen fanfic. There would always be some kind of central plot, like the Shaw/Cuba plot in First Class, which took up a considerable part of that movie.

This is all true. I'll admit so much of the news I've heard about this movie has got me down on it but I'm going to try and give it a fair shake.
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