You keep trying to judge the film before you have seen the film. It means you are off the mark in your assumptions.
Uh, I'm not judging it. I'm speculating about it, or about some characters, just like the majority of people here. It's not a crime.
Trust me, you really do have to see the film and stop leaping to all these conclusions based on your interpretation of interviews.
They're not "conclusions". I think it's quite obvious that I don't know how the situation develops, but it's in my right to - again - speculate about it. I just find it a bit strange how one character goes from one point to the other, especially when it involves something as serious and deep like a friendship that started when Charles and Raven were kids. If she were just a girl he met in Oxford I really wouldn't give it a second thought, but Vaughn decided to make Xavier and Raven share this strong bond, which is intriguing to say the least.
Anyway, you believe it was well explained. Right, I'll see the movie and come to my own conclusions.
pyromaniac said:
Loganbabe, you need to stop putting words into Vaughn's mouth. Nowhere did he ever say he wanted to do a solo film.
And where in my post did I say he said that?

What he actually said was "It was Magneto I was obsessed with". So maybe he should go and propose a solo MagnetoBond film to FOX - but this is me saying it, not Vaughn. I never read anywhere that he wanted to do a solo film.
But not even Singer, who we all know really loves Wolverine, never singled out the character as "the one I'm obsessed with". He always talked in terms of the team. Maybe he loved Wolverine more, but I never got this vibe from him. Vaughn has all the right to say he's more interested in such and such characters, but it still bugs me, sorry.
Even Vaughn realises that Magneto works best when he has an antithesis, ie Xavier. And vice versa.
So why did he say "Magneto needs another nemesis now that Xavier is in a wheelchair"? I mean, way to put the character who's supposed to be the other half, the antithesis, down. Maybe if he had said "Xavier now has the school and the kids, and his own situation to worry about, Magneto will fight some other villain" etc, it wouldn't bother me. What bothers me is the impression that he's always removing Xavier from the picture.
I think that Xavier/the school is more of a Bryan Singer thing. Vaughn would probably be perfectly happy to get away from all that and concentrate only in Magneto and the Brotherhood.
You're trying to make Vaughn out to be some sort of leader of an anti-Xavier bandwagon just because he has a blunt way of speaking about things.
I'm not trying to make him a anything. Vaughn is doing it himself. There's really a thin line between being blunt and being obnoxius. He was, I have to say, obnoxious when he said "James is still in the film...just." or "
James is an actor and actors don't necessarily know what's best for them. That's on the record.", when there was this discussion about the British Film Council. Anyway, maybe it's a case - for me, personally - of liking a film but not necessarily liking its director.