MCU Fight: Daredevil vs Black Widow

Black Widow easy, performs at a much higher level than any human should be able to including taking out aliens and robots
Black Widow easy, performs at a much higher level than any human should be able to including taking out aliens and robots

The aliens and robots were mostly dangerous because of their overwhelming numbers though. If fought more individually they were fodder. So, yeah Black Widow took on aliens and robots, but I don't think with their presentation as fodder that Daredevil would have had any problems either.

The aliens and robots were mostly dangerous because of their overwhelming numbers though. If fought more individually they were fodder. So, yeah Black Widow took on aliens and robots, but I don't think with their presentation as fodder that Daredevil would have had any problems either.


This. Daredevil does have superhuman abilities as well.

He also has what may basically be superhuman willpower lol

While Black Widow may be a bit more skilled, her fighting skills are highly trained, and her fighting seems very technically practiced.

Daredevil may not be QUITE as skilled, but his fighting skill is applied in such a much more instinctual natural way to the point where I dare say the he is a better h2h fighter than Black Widow.

I see her dominating the pace of the fight early (not the fight itself, just its pace), and start to knock him around a bit and Matt continues. This happens until Matt gets a big hit or two to swing momentum in his favor, and at that point, I think the fight is pretty one sided until Black Widow is down.

Matt fought evenly with Iron fist who is with out a doubt more skilled than Black Widow, regardless of choreography..he's the Iron fist.
Yeah, but who'd win a fight between Scarlett Johanssen's stuntperson and Charlie Cox's stuntperson? That's what I want to know!
This one would really come down to the situation and circumstances. Voted Widow though

Makes me sad these two aren't a "thing" in the MCU now!

Both street tier (obviously)
This one would really come down to the situation and circumstances. Voted Widow though

Makes me sad these two aren't a "thing" in the MCU now!

Both street tier (obviously)

Yeah, I agree it's a shame we will probably not get a Daredevil / Black Widow team up in the MCU anytime soon, but things change so hopefully someday.

Widow is better armed. I still feel like they'll fall in love instead.
Widow is better armed. I still feel like they'll fall in love instead.

Well it's kind of like Daredevil vs. Elektra. There would be this kind of underlying respect, love and passion for one another, but neither wants to show weakness by giving into their feelings, so they end up fighting to release their pent up physical desires.

Jeez, this is a hard one. I say Widow tho, if they have no morals in the fight. Widow was trained to kill. We all know Matt doesn't have the balls to kill willingly. Plus, Widow has experiences with much higher threats than dD has faced thus fighting Matt should honestly be no less than a welcome challenge to her.
Yeah, I think Widow would the first to fight dirty which would give her the upper hand. Right now, I'd say Widow but probably DD if he progresses to comic book level in later DD seasons.
DD is the unanimous winner here, seemingly takes the majority. Seems as if both are street level
DD is the unanimous winner here, seemingly takes the majority. Seems as if both are street level

That's kind of a contradiction, it can't be unanimous and only "seemingly" taking the majority.

Also, bluntly, the people voting for Daredevil are wrong. Which is why polls shouldn't be used, especially when one character is notably more popular than the other. :oldrazz:
That's kind of a contradiction, it can't be unanimous and only "seemingly" taking the majority.

Also, bluntly, the people voting for Daredevil are wrong. Which is why polls shouldn't be used, especially when one character is notably more popular than the other. :oldrazz:

I know your joking, but still would it make more sense to only consider your opinion on who wins as fact? Each fan could claim the same thing and yet their opinions would most likely be different than yours on several occasions. So how does that work? One person has to be right and the other wrong and yet both people in this scenario are pointing at the other as providing the wrong answer. It simply does not work, and it ends up being just one persons opinion.

However, I do understand what your saying, and I agree it is not a perfect system and that popularity will always play a roll in peoples votes. But I still believe the majority of fans on this site vote based on knowledge of the characters and not because they are more popular, and I definitely feel in the end it is a considerable amount more accurate then basing it off one persons opinion.

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