

May 16, 2003
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What are some good places online to get Marvel figs? The Wal-Marts around here where I live kinda suck, but boy if I wanted Spider Man I would have no problem at all. One of the fig I'm looking to buy is the Blaze GR from Legends, I have one but I open some figs and also have a unopened one. Like I have an opened Blade and a unopened Blade.
Might be a good ideal to look around to see if a thread is about like here
I gotta say I never thought about looking until I saw the products thread, my bad for not doing a search or just looking.
Hey all! My first posting here.. altho I've been following along all the while.
First off, I'm almost 30 yo.. and have been a HUGE ghost rider fan all my life. Well since my uncle gave me my first GR comic back in the early 80's. By the time I hit 16, I had every issue and just about every appearance.. which was a pretty daunting task back then. Right about then, my dreams came true and the 2nd GR series came out.. I actually have a letter published in one of them =) I forget the issue # (sleep depravation robs the brain at the moment..)

Just thought I should let you hardcore old GR fans know there is a statue available through! I pre-ordered it early last year, and I finally received it about a month ago.

First let me say, THIS IS GORGEOUS!! Whoever did the sculpt and casting, as well as the painting, did a tremendous job! The statue is HUGE (13.5" x 10"), I didnt pay attention to the dimensions when I bought it, I just had to HAVE it. Well, I had to clear off a good portion of a display table to put it up as the centerpiece. It's also heavy as hell, feels like solid stone. This is worth, to me, at least twice what I paid for it. You guys wont be disappointed!
I'm not sure how many are being produced.. monsters in motion usually sells stuff on consignment from artists (resin kits, models, etc). The box it came in was really nice, packed perfectly.
Anyways, the picture speaks for itself. I'm SORRY if this was posted elsewhere, tho I didnt see it! Enjoy guys!

Welcome to the hype indeed! I hope you visit out little section often. We don't bite... but we do pursue vengeance.

You got a letter in a 2nd series comic? Awesome! That means I've read words by you before this post. I love the letters section of the comics. It gives you more insight into the characters and those who develop them. Let us know which one it was, when you remember.

Man... I wish I could afford that statue. It looks so awesome. I was jealous when BG got one and now I'm jealous of you. I need to get rich... and soon..
welcom Lichslayer...good to see another "old timer" here on the GR boards...heh

yeah i dig the statue as well....but i feel i should have waited for the Black Chrome edition. that was supposed to be done in very limited numbers.
Randy Bowen did the statue....and its a beauty! you can go to this site for more info about his other statues/busts
wow a black chrome one???? HELL.. I'll get that one too if it's still available heh.
Ghost rider statues... A VIDEO GAME... anda movie.. I swear I'm waiting to wake up and tell my gf about the awesome dream I'm having! This cant be real!!! heheh

Oh, and the issue... *thinks HARD* I dont have all the comics here.. they're at my parent's house. If I move them here, my gf will kill me cuz I got a whole closet full of old vampirella mags here as it is....

I think it was issue #20 or 21. if anyone has em handy, look for a letter by Lee Barker. =)
definitely issue #21.. I remember the cover now.


Got a letter in the back of that one =)
One of the coolest covers of that entire run, I might add.

I'll definatly have a look at the letter. I'm interested to see what you commented on... or questioned.
damnit I want the chrome one too =P where do I get ahold of it?? Or is it not released yet?
woohoo! They're instock , minus the one I just ordered ;) Thanks!
Lichslayer said:
definitely issue #21.. I remember the cover now.


Got a letter in the back of that one =)

Thats a good example of one of the things I disliked about grII. It seemed like every other cover they showed gr getting his ass beat. I know that grI was more powerful than grII but they still didn't have to show him getting his ass beat so much. It wasn't the kind of thing that made one proud of their favorite character, or at least the character that looked like their favorite character. :confused: :bomb:
knighted said:
Thats a good example of one of the things I disliked about grII. It seemed like every other cover they showed gr getting his ass beat. I know that grI was more powerful than grII but they still didn't have to show him getting his ass beat so much. It wasn't the kind of thing that made one proud of their favorite character, or at least the character that looked like their favorite character. :confused: :bomb:

I think the point they were trying to make (and one of the things I love most about GRII) was that he was impossible to kill. He had an extreame unwillingness to die, no matter how badly he was beaten.
Exactly FH...hes like the Terminator in that sense. no matter what is thrown at him he keeps on coming like a force of nature...
that was one of the cool aspects of GR....a being that could get ripped to shreds and still come at his opponent(s) w/ fierce anger and hate. that alone is a pretty terrifying idea
MarvelMovies said:
I'm looking at issue #21 of GRII...

But, no letters by Lee Barker..

We got..

Dewain E. Peek, Neil McAllister, Jesse Mumford, Shaun Padden, and Michael Todd "Twilley" Hagley.

Maybe another issue?

Crap, really? <think think> I was sure it was 21, not sure why. I'm going to have to stop over at the parent's and steal my closet back =) It's got to be before that issue then. Did you look at any of the others around #21?
FlameHead said:
I think the point they were trying to make (and one of the things I love most about GRII) was that he was impossible to kill. He had an extreame unwillingness to die, no matter how badly he was beaten.

If that was the point they were trying to make, than I feel better about the whole thing, but not great, it just seems demeaning to constantly show him like that. I swear, when I was buying the ketch issues and I would see a cover like that, my first thought would be that those guys have no respect for gr. Every now and then is one thing, but it happened a lot. Maybe it is as your saying but it just seems there could have been a better way.
ok, I found the issue.. It was actually lucky #13... which has an even cooler cover =)

My letter was:

"To the great editors of Ghost Rider,
First of all, I want to thank you for bringing back one of the most unique titles that Marvel has ever created. I know that I am not the only person that feels this way. This chain of his is an awesome weapon, but he's getting carried away with it. One of the things that made Zarathos a hit was his hellfire ability. But he also overdid it a bit. Add the hellfire into the new demon's arsenal, and it will ensure his success.
About issue #9: Zodiak? Didn't Zarathos fight a guy named that in the old series? G.R. seems to be taking over Danny's life, forcing him into a transformation against his will -- just like Zarathos forced Blaze all the time. G.R. is causing a drastic personality change in Danny. The million dollar question is: Is it for the better or the worse? But to top off the issue; NIGHTMARE! DOCTOR STRANGE! And a guy that I'd bet is Johnny Blaze! I'd say we're looking at a serious incorporation of the old series into the new. This is certainly going to heat things up for 'ol bone head, isn't it? Keep up the good work, and whatever you do, I'll keep reading. "

Their response:

"Whatever we do...? We certainly hope so, Lee, 'cause wait till you see what we do next issue! Trust us -- it ain't pretty!"

I guess I was being a bit nostalagic and whining for the old Zarathos heh.. But that was before they even showed that it wasnt Zarathos, but a different demon in itself. I need to bring home my closet full of crossovers and such.. Was amazed to find that most of the older GR comics were in damn good shape, even the marvel spotlight #5 and up were all in great shape. Wonder what these will be worth after the movie comes and goes.. I remember my TMNT #1 1st ed selling for quite a bit after the movie.. NOT that I'd sell any of these. Anyways enough rambling for me.

edit: This probably belongs in the comics section.. sorry all.
Lichslayer said:
ok, I found the issue.. It was actually lucky #13... which has an even cooler cover =)

My letter was:

"To the great editors of Ghost Rider,
First of all, I want to thank you for bringing back one of the most unique titles that Marvel has ever created. I know that I am not the only person that feels this way. This chain of his is an awesome weapon, but he's getting carried away with it. One of the things that made Zarathos a hit was his hellfire ability. But he also overdid it a bit. Add the hellfire into the new demon's arsenal, and it will ensure his success.
About issue #9: Zodiak? Didn't Zarathos fight a guy named that in the old series? G.R. seems to be taking over Danny's life, forcing him into a transformation against his will -- just like Zarathos forced Blaze all the time. G.R. is causing a drastic personality change in Danny. The million dollar question is: Is it for the better or the worse? But to top off the issue; NIGHTMARE! DOCTOR STRANGE! And a guy that I'd bet is Johnny Blaze! I'd say we're looking at a serious incorporation of the old series into the new. This is certainly going to heat things up for 'ol bone head, isn't it? Keep up the good work, and whatever you do, I'll keep reading. "

Their response:

"Whatever we do...? We certainly hope so, Lee, 'cause wait till you see what we do next issue! Trust us -- it ain't pretty!"

I guess I was being a bit nostalagic and whining for the old Zarathos heh.. But that was before they even showed that it wasnt Zarathos, but a different demon in itself. I need to bring home my closet full of crossovers and such.. Was amazed to find that most of the older GR comics were in damn good shape, even the marvel spotlight #5 and up were all in great shape. Wonder what these will be worth after the movie comes and goes.. I remember my TMNT #1 1st ed selling for quite a bit after the movie.. NOT that I'd sell any of these. Anyways enough rambling for me.

edit: This probably belongs in the comics section.. sorry all.

Hey!!! that was an awesome letter. I wrote similar letters to them on the same subject, but mine were never published. I used to read all the letters pages and I just know that when I read your letter I was glad as hell at least someone with the same train of thought as mine was getting through.

Don't worry about whining for Zarathos, I still do it, although I try to pace myself :)

Yep I never got any of mine published in vol.2 but I did in vol.1 #72. It was the one with the statue falling toward GR on the cover. The name's Lee Ferguson, the last letter on the Ghost Writers page. I was basically saying that GR was better than Spider-man....they didn't like that. I recall thinking, damn the freaking writters of GR like SM better, that sucks!

BTW, good name, you must be a really cool guy :up:
Riding Ghost said:
Hey!!! that was an awesome letter. I wrote similar letters to them on the same subject, but mine were never published. I used to read all the letters pages and I just know that when I read your letter I was glad as hell at least someone with the same train of thought as mine was getting through.

Don't worry about whining for Zarathos, I still do it, although I try to pace myself :)

Yep I never got any of mine published in vol.2 but I did in vol.1 #72. It was the one with the statue falling toward GR on the cover. The name's Lee Ferguson, the last letter on the Ghost Writers page. I was basically saying that GR was better than Spider-man....they didn't like that. I recall thinking, damn the freaking writters of GR like SM better, that sucks!

BTW, good name, you must be a really cool guy :up:

Thanks! I like to think I'm pretty cool anyways :p Us Lee's are gonna take over, watchout!

On another note, and actually ON TOPIC, I got my Chrome GR Statue today! It's gorgeous! When my marvel issued GR Statue shows up, I'll haveta bust out all my GR paraphanelia and take a big old pic of my collection heh.

Rock on Guys

We certainly hope you will take a few pics for us. As much as I hate drooling and feeling jealous, I wanna see some.
We all know there are going to be toys/figures/t-shirts etc. etc. So, what would you like to see available to buy from your local toy store/comic emporium?

How about replica hellcycle/chopper bikes for the kids and maybe a limited edition fully working replica for big boys with very deep pockets?

Darth Vader style voice-changing skull masks?

Replica leather jackets?

Johnny Blaze wigs?

Ghost Rider the flamethrower?

Whaddya think?

i want to see replique's of the chain links. not too small, not too large, but man, so very sweet.

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