The Dark Knight Rises Misleading Lines from Trailers


Jul 7, 2012
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This trilogy has had its fair share of them, so I was wondering what everyone else thought. Some that come to mind for me were:

In the TDK Domino's trailer, I thought the Joker's "Does it depress you? How alone you really are?" and "You had plans. Look where that got you." were going to be for Batman, rather than Gordon.

And from the TDKR featurette, I had assumed Alfred's "Sometimes, a man rises from the darkness." line was going to be to Bruce about overcoming his past, not about Bane's escape from the Pit.
Gordon's line about "these are dangerous criminals" made it seem like about Bane and his men when it turned out to be about the prisoners at Blackgate.
Gordon's line about "these are dangerous criminals" made it seem like about Bane and his men when it turned out to be about the prisoners at Blackgate.

Didn't they change the second part? In the spot it's "These are violent criminals that terrorize Gotham"
Eh, I haven't seen the film yet but I figured that out, since I don't think Gordon would have referred to Bane and his men as just criminals.
Didn't they change the second part? In the spot it's "These are violent criminals that terrorize Gotham"

Hmmm... I think they did. But I just remember that most here thought he was talking about Bane and his men when those lines were said.
"You had plans. Look where that got you." was at Dent, not Gordon.

"Does it depress you? How alone you really are?" I've seen this movie like 10 times now, when was this said? I feel ashamed.
"Does it depress you? How alone you really are?" I've seen this movie like 10 times now, when was this said? I feel ashamed.

Joker said it to Gordon during the first part of the interrogation IIRC.
It was said to Gordon during the interrogation.

I think everyone already expected "Let the games begin" to be related to the stadium scene.
"You had plans. Look where that got you." was at Dent, not Gordon.

"Does it depress you? How alone you really are?" I've seen this movie like 10 times now, when was this said? I feel ashamed.

:doh: @ the Dent thing

The "Does it depress you?" line was to Gordon, referring to how many of his police were corrupt
"You had plans. Look where that got you." was at Dent, not Gordon.

"Does it depress you? How alone you really are?" I've seen this movie like 10 times now, when was this said? I feel ashamed.

The cool thing is that these lines could also apply to Bruce too in TDK :awesome:
Not a line, but the trailers for TDKR really, in my opinion, made it seem like John Blake's blank stare of awe was directed at the crumbling bridges when in reality he was staring at
The Bat flying the bomb out over the bay.
I think everyone already expected "Let the games begin" to be related to the stadium scene.

It did seem way too out of context from the shots in the trailers. Then again, "I am here to fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny" doesn't necessarily fit with his body language either, IMO. That shot would've looked better from behind, like the promo pics showed it.
OK, I remember the depressed thing now, had a brain fart.
In a TV Spot I thought Bane said the "We will destroy Gotham" at the stock exchange.
The trailer images of Bruce Wayne with a cane had nothing to do with a broken back.

Didn't the one trailer look like he was in a wheelchair?

I thought we knew about the cane not being about his back a while ago, in a magazine they said it started off with Bruce as a hermit with a cane.

To be honest i never really connected that with bane when i saw it. Knowing the time frame of the movie being 8 years removed i did see it as an older injury plagued bruce wayne.
All of the lines in the Dark Knight trailers were misleading, because most of them were alternate takes that were not used in the final movie.
I always believed the "what does that mean?" "RISE" line was delivered by Alfred.
Title Card: "The Legend Ends"

Multiple interpretations of what that means.

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