The Dark Knight mobile trailer

Does that mean they will release this trailer officially soon?
good thing you uploaded it to megaupload then :p
Maybe its just me, but at the very beginning of the mbile trailer, when Joker says "You want order...blah blah" when he says the words "You want" it sounds exactly the same as Heaths' normal voice. Nothing traumatizing but just sounds like it lol
actually , i do hear heath's normal voice slip out a little bit during that line .
cuz i forgot my password for BDS23420, and my other email that i had for this site got deleted my windows system was corrupt and i forgot my password and it sends it to that email that i dont have anymore!
Does anyone have/ know where the download links are for the 3 TV spots? I remember seeing them but couldn't find them.
Well as Bruce said, "I certainly hope not!" :woot:

I mean, I don't no for you guys but even if I look really forward for the famous Joker's two notes (and the TDK score in general, actually :cwink:) I truly love the prologue music. I find it perfect for a bank robbery.

Nolan talked about Michael Mann's influence and the prologue music (well the "present prologue music" anyway :word:) sounds very much like Michael Mann's Thief and the Tangerine Dream music at the beginning of the movie.

I only saw the youtube version of the prologue so I admit that I didn't hear it in the best conditions but still I find it great.

Don't you agree? :cwink:

agreed on all counts !

It definitely looked like a Heat music !
It definitely looked like a Heat music !

Yeah definitely, but I was talking more specifically about his movie THIEF with James Caan.

At the beginning of this one, the music is pretty much similar to the prologue, and Nolan even have a scene reference to that movie. :cwink:
agreed on all counts !

It definitely looked like a Heat music !

I couldn't care about the score, it's like a bit of parsley on top of your Kobe steak and mint sauce. It ain't the main dish. :oldrazz:
Does that mean they will release this trailer officially soon?
yea i was hoping, but man im gonna be so pissed if they dont, because we have been following this movie for a long time, and i dont know bout u guys but its preety much the only thing ive been thinking about and talking about for the the longest time, it steals my attention away from my girlfriend,lol but yea they friggin owe it to us to give us some clips and yes the HD mobile trailer aswell
Thanks for the better audio.

I still wonder if that was the International, or possibly later another trailer will arise.
this makes no sense.

since when do movies re use soundtracks?

thats kinda odd.:hehe:

Scorsese's Cape Fear uses the same score as the original. Elmer Bernstein conducted Herrmann's score for it.

That's the only one I can think of, though.
Ugh! Of course WB took down the new mobile trailer from YouTube. This is one thing I really don't understand. Why take down a TRAILER!? The purpose of a trailer is to PROMOTE a MOVIE. Its not like its a bootleg copy of the film itself. And if you're going to remove a bootleg copy of something, why not replace it with a high-res version yourself?! I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND. :cmad:
Ugh! Of course WB took down the new mobile trailer from YouTube. This is one thing I really don't understand. Why take down a TRAILER!? The purpose of a trailer is to PROMOTE a MOVIE. Its not like its a bootleg copy of the film itself. And if you're going to remove a bootleg copy of something, why not replace it with a high-res version yourself?! I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND. :cmad:
Well, as owners of the movie (and thus, the trailers), only they can approve when, where, and how their product is released. So, they have RIGHTS to do that. Apparently, they rather not release it to the Youtube public until they're ready.

Well, as owners of the movie (and thus, the trailers), only they can approve when, where, and how their product is released. So, they have RIGHTS to do that. Apparently, they rather not release it to the Youtube public until they're ready.


Oh, I understand that. But I just don't get delaying the inevitable. Let the people seeeeeeeeeee!!! :grin:
One of my favorite bits of music is right after Batman calls in his "backup" and he's staring down in concentration waiting for them to arrive.

That moment is really awesome.

I wouldn't really care if they reused music, since alot of it owned. It'll probably be a mixed of old and new.
Oh, I understand that. But I just don't get delaying the inevitable. Let the people seeeeeeeeeee!!! :grin:
Sometimes the release of a trailer is part of another marketing gimick. Such as attaching it to another movie title of warner bros. to help bring in people who may just wanna see the trailer more than the movie. If the trailer is leaked to soon, they may not get as big of a draw on the other movie title, so they lose out that way. A good example was of 30,000 b.c. who many thought the second trailer(i believe) was going to be attached to this movie.
Uhhhh..I think there's some confusion here. I think scottishjoker wants the music from Begins to remain. It'll just sound different like how each Spider-Man and Superman movies do. It is a new score, it's a new take on the music we're familiar with in Begins.
any chance of getting a copy of this verizon trailer?

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