So it's not actually going to shoot in NYC?!!!!
How lame is that?
Man, I REALLY hope that ain't true.
There's nothing worse than film's that are set in NY but they film somewhere else and then later add lame establishing shots of the big apple.
Ughhh, and the casting is so good.
Marvel has the money to shoot in NYC dammit!
I just think despite how well it may be able to be done, nothing can compensate for actually shooting on the streets of NYC- seeing the principal characters in the streets, passing landmarks. Thinking of all the great films that have been shot in NYC, they all contained some measure the city's power. That just can't be replicated filming anywhere else.
added to that,
didnt most of the budget of the 04 film go to Travolta's salary?
even TDK uses Chicago even though they'd prefer NY = Gotham...
I just think despite how well it may be able to be done, nothing can compensate for actually shooting on the streets of NYC- seeing the principal characters in the streets, passing landmarks. Thinking of all the great films that have been shot in NYC, they all contained some measure the city's power. That just can't be replicated filming anywhere else.
I've never stood on a street corner in either city . . . couldn't tell them apart if you paid me & really couldn't give a s**t. More interested in the story than the background.
So it's not actually going to shoot in NYC?!!!!
How lame is that?
Man, I REALLY hope that ain't true.
There's nothing worse than film's that are set in NY but they film somewhere else and then later add lame establishing shots of the big apple.
Ughhh, and the casting is so good.
Marvel has the money to shoot in NYC dammit!
Nah, Batman lives in a fictitious city.
Using Chicago/CGI mix is better than using the most famous city in the world as Gotham. So the Batman thing is irrelevant.
Nah, Batman lives in a fictitious city.
Using Chicago/CGI mix is better than using the most famous city in the world as Gotham. So the Batman thing is irrelevant.
I hope they dont mess up the story.And yes your right...Quality people.Someone said that the story is much more important. Amen to that. They aren't going to mess up an expensive film with lame shots. Quality people, quality.
I hope they dont mess up the story.And yes your right...Quality people.
I do, I'd like to know where abouts the filming is.
Use your senses man! You walk outside and be very quiet. And listen for "I AM THA PUNISHA!!" Then your run in that direction! Remember a camera!