Story time. There's this lady at my job who was always very nice and we'd always exchange hello's. Usually she'd say "hello. How are you?" and I'd usually say "Good, and you?" and there would be this slight pause before she answered "Good" in a very high pitch. There was never any variation, that's just always how she answered and it always sounded very fake. I didn't always see her however, and I wasn't always required to work with her, but after awhile it seemed like she lost interest in the whole greeting thing. It came down to slight smiles, which I'm fine with, up until a few weeks ago. It sort of seemed like she was avoiding me, and finally one day she snubbed me!
I wasnt sure at first, because I know I have my days when I feel like saying jack **** to anyone, but as I was walking down the stairs and she was coming up, she briefly glanced up then looked down. I wasn't sure if she was upset with me for some reason because from what I've observed she's not very friendly with the other people there. She doesn't say "hello" to them or anything. The other day I think she gave me a dirty look, but I couldn't be sure because she always has the same basic expression of mild surprise/disgust/non-specific emotion. Kinda like someone whipped their penis out in front of her. She's also pretty old and wrinkly so it looks very unbecoming. I've always felt sort of awkward not acknowledging her because I'm used to saying something. Is she mad? Maybe. Why would she be mad? I don't really care. Did I screw her over somehow? Slightly possible. Is she just having personal problems and not in the mood to pretend like she's happy and everything's fine? Most likely.
Anyways, that's all I think.