Wow, that sounds bad.
I'm ready to post one of my experiences:
One night, I had a dream that I was at my friend's house where my band regularly rehearses. It's like my second home so it isn't very odd that in the dream I woke up there. Anyway, the house (and as far as I could tell, the entire city of Miami) was deserted. Weird images flashed on the various television screens in the rooms that had on: some of it white noise, some of it images that were decidedly demonic. Anyway, I head downstairs, and I come face to face with the Devil (who in this dream was just a pitch black humanoid shape, like Dusk from the Identity Crisis story line in the Spider-man comics,with ruby red eyes). He tells me something about my friends and family all leaving me, deserting me, in a word, betraying me, and that all my enemies will know how to get to me. He also tells me that in a matter of days he will tap on my window, and that I better get on my knees and pray, for my life will spiral into madness and panic shortly thereafter. The thing that creeped me out the most was that this guy seemed aware of the fact that he was a part of my dream, like he was controlling all of it. When he left the room, I woke up in a cold sweat, on cue, just like the movies. I made nothing of it, and figured it was probably just a product of me listening to a certain Oasis song that conjures up those sort of images while falling asleep or possibly in my sleep, as I had my play list on shuffle and had fallen asleep listening to music. I went back to a sleep that lasted until my alarm woke me up for school a few hours later.
Like I said, I made nothing of it. So why am I posting this here? Because sure enough, a few nights later, I heard a menacing, incessant tapping in the window of my bedroom as I was trying to sleep. I was so afraid, I couldn't even move. I was completely frozen with fear. Then, I did what any Catholic boy would do: I prayed like I never prayed before. The tapping stopped after what must have been about 30 seconds (though it seemed like minutes), and I gathered the courage to check the window: nothing. I did a quick walk-around of my home to make sure everything was alright (I do have parents, a younger sister, and a pet dog, and I'm not a complete wimp) before going back to bed.
Just as the monster in my dream promised the tapping noises, the downfall he had promised came as well. Socially, romantically, academically, and in most ways possible, my life plunged into a downward spiral. Things ended up getting a little better (very recently), but the thought of that ordeal still scares the **** out of me.