MTV article

Cracker Jack

May 22, 2003
Reaction score
to not derail the trailer thread EB posted this bit from the MTV artical

Just to give you an idea of how Iron Man is still in production:

Iron Man director Jon Favreau gave MTV an update about the anticipated movie:

There's a lot of effects work that's going to be happening in the next six months. The movie is pretty much going to be everything that it's going to be by the end of January. Because so much of it is animated and CGI you have to turn it over and let those people do their work on it. So we'll be done in about a month with all the big creative decisions. And then the rest of it becomes about scoring and sound design.

Now imagine how much more stuff has to be done with the Hulk AND Abomination regarding CGI for two entities.

Also from the article

MTV: There's also been talk of a scene in which Iron Man encounters the Hulk.

Favreau: Again, I don't want to confirm or deny any of this stuff. I think it's a fun game. Every Marvel fan is like Columbo. They can take in very little information and they can piece together the whole scene of the crime. But I'm not going to show any cards before I have to.

Thanks Scandy from for the heads up :up:

Hmmmmmmmmmm thoughts
I say it is gonna happen.

Me thinks that Marvel wanted this to be a suprise in both movies but people have found out about so now they are not going to deny it or confirm it as Favreau said.
I wonder if it will be Iron Man seeing the Hulk or Banner and Stark. Either way it is pretty cool.
actually fellas if you think about it for a second...could you imagine a better way to hype up the Hulk movie than to have the Hulk make a cameo in the Iron Man movie. I think it's safe to say that their would be a "little talk" after a crossover like that occured. Thus bringing more asses in the theatre on June 13th. It's not a horrible idea.
Well it's not like mostof us aren't going to see IM anyways but if we get our first real look at ol' Greenskin in action in IM then I'm there for sure.
The part where Favreau says, "I don't want to confirm or deny any of this stuff" is really interesting to me. I reason if Banner/Hulk wasn't going to be in the movie, then Favreau would most certainly deny the rumor, so as not to create a false hype. By not taking a hard position, he in effect leaves it as no rumor whatsoever (i.e., it will happen). But the thing that's really got me giddy is whether it'll just be a snippet of Banner interacting with Stark or actually the Hulk himself with some significant role in the plot. If it's just Banner, my excitement level doesn't change. But if it's the Hulk himself and it's done in such a way that TIH completes/explains what takes place in Iron Man (i.e., we're left with a lot of suspense upon leaving Iron Man), then I think I'm going to go ballistic.
Well it's not like mostof us aren't going to see IM anyways but if we get our first real look at ol' Greenskin in action in IM then I'm there for sure.

exactly...I wasn't really planning on seeing IM, but with this added to it I might have to.
the Hulk himself with some significant role in the plot. If it's just Banner, my excitement level doesn't change. But if it's the Hulk himself and it's done in such a way that TIH completes/explains what takes place in Iron Man (i.e., we're left with a lot of suspense upon leaving Iron Man), then I think I'm going to go ballistic.

I don't think it will be significant (if at all). I think it would be something like a TV spot on the news or something IM hasn't got time to deal with right now. I also wonder if they'll be in the same time line. Will these play together, play off each other? Example:
Watching a news flash "Tony, do you think you should try and help General Ross stop the Hulk?" "NO, he seems to have all the amo he needs to stop the Hulk. Besides I have to stop...."

Then in TIH

"General do you think we should call in Iron Man to help out?" "Blasted solider, we'll capture The Hulk without Iron Mans help!"

Somthing like that.
actually fellas if you think about it for a second...could you imagine a better way to hype up the Hulk movie than to have the Hulk make a cameo in the Iron Man movie. I think it's safe to say that their would be a "little talk" after a crossover like that occured. Thus bringing more asses in the theatre on June 13th. It's not a horrible idea.

Well, actually rumor has it that Banner is appearing as himself in a brief cameo in Iron Man crossing paths with Stark and then Iron Man appears in a brief moment so they could tie/crossover to set up the Avengers movie in 2010. Jon Favreau will be asking to direct this.
I don't think it will be significant (if at all). I think it would be something like a TV spot on the news or something IM hasn't got time to deal with right now. I also wonder if they'll be in the same time line. Will these play together, play off each other? Example:
Watching a news flash "Tony, do you think you should try and help General Ross stop the Hulk?" "NO, he seems to have all the amo he needs to stop the Hulk. Besides I have to stop...."

Then in TIH

"General do you think we should call in Iron Man to help out?" "Blasted solider, we'll capture The Hulk without Iron Mans help!"

Somthing like that.

Yeah... your idea seems to be the pervasive one among Hulk fans, I'm afraid. Guess I just got excited because the MTV interview shed new light on the possibility. That said, if Banner's and Stark's crossover roles are insignificant, then I think Marvel is passing up a golden opportunity to do something that remains heretofore unprecedented and totally blow our minds - to literally link two blockbuster movies being released within a month of each other with a main character who has more than just a minor role in each movie's respective plot. To me, it's like this: They can blow us away in grand fashion with something never-before-seen or they can do the bare minimum and merely achieve a first-time "effect" (and leave it for subsequent movies to one-up/do it better). The latter does nothing for me... sort of in the way Ang's Hulk did nothing for you.
Yeah... your idea seems to be the pervasive one among Hulk fans, I'm afraid. Guess I just got excited because the MTV interview shed new light on the possibility. That said, if Banner's and Stark's crossover roles are insignificant, then I think Marvel is passing up a golden opportunity to do something that remains heretofore unprecedented and totally blow our minds - to literally link two blockbuster movies being released within a month of each other with a main character who has more than just a minor role in each movie's respective plot. To me, it's like this: They can blow us away in grand fashion with something never-before-seen or they can do the bare minimum and merely achieve a first-time "effect" (and leave it for subsequent movies to one-up/do it better). The latter does nothing for me... sort of in the way Ang's Hulk did nothing for you.

Funny you bring up Ang. :cwink: :woot:

Don't get me wrong BH, I like your idea but don't think it will happen. The more I think about it the more I like your idea. It would be cool to have the same scene in each movie but from different perspective (camera angles).
Funny you bring up Ang. :cwink: :woot:

Don't get me wrong BH, I like your idea but don't think it will happen. The more I think about it the more I like your idea. It would be cool to have the same scene in each movie but from different perspective (camera angles).

Well, of course all things eventually arrive back at Ang. ;) But come on, that was an entire movie's worth of Hulk - much harder to perfect than merely a scene or two in a given plot. And it wouldn't be my idea - it's a novel idea in general that, to me, they HAVE to capitalize on or someone else will. Trust me, if they do it but don't do it as well as they can, then it'll be forgotten that it was done at all IMO.
Funny you bring up Ang. :cwink: :woot:

Don't get me wrong BH, I like your idea but don't think it will happen. The more I think about it the more I like your idea. It would be cool to have the same scene in each movie but from different perspective (camera angles).
I'm hopin the crossover takes place in Manhattan at the end where Iron Man swoops by and decides to keep going making the audience go ooooohhh! It will happen, just don't know how. Its a secret.
I'm sure Crossover movie are not to far-fetched. s/p? I can see at the end of say TIH II; continued in Spider-Man VI.

Edit: WOW EB that sounds pretty cool.
I'm hopin the crossover takes place in Manhattan at the end where Iron Man swoops by and decides to keep going making the audience go ooooohhh! It will happen, just don't know how. Its a secret.

I had the same sort of scene in my head, only I picture it being more in the background of a fight scene between the Hulk and Abom - we briefly see Iron Man go between skyscrapers, tending to some dire matter that the Hulk is unable to tend to (the supersoldiers malfunctioning and wreaking havoc perhaps?) because of his involvement with Abom... but that'd probably be pretty hard to pull off. Banner would have to find out from Betty after the fight that some 'Iron Man' took care of the matter... and fans/viewers wouldn't settle for that.
I had the same sort of scene in my head, only I picture it being more in the background of a fight scene between the Hulk and Abom - we briefly see Iron Man go between skyscrapers, tending to some dire matter that the Hulk is unable to tend to (the supersoldiers malfunctioning and wreaking havoc perhaps?) because of his involvement with Abom... but that'd probably be pretty hard to pull off. Banner would have to find out from Betty after the fight that some 'Iron Man' took care of the matter... and fans/viewers wouldn't settle for that.
I'm thinking while stark is in Manhattan and maybe while Banner is on the move, he bumps him, they look at eachother, stark mumbles some statement not knowing Banner is a scientist with Banner shaking his head, lol. That would be cool for Iron Man. The Hulk one would be better in the sense that while Hulk and Abomb fight a rocketed figure flys past them stops and gazes, then decides to keep going. That would ice the Hulk movie experience, besides the outcome of our movie.
This could be a cool crossover, I would love to see both of them on screen together, I hope it is true.
I'm thinking while stark is in Manhattan and maybe while Banner is on the move, he bumps him, they look at eachother, stark mumbles some statement not knowing Banner is a scientist with Banner shaking his head, lol. That would be cool for Iron Man. The Hulk one would be better in the sense that while Hulk and Abomb fight a rocketed figure flys past them stops and gazes, then decides to keep going. That would ice the Hulk movie experience, besides the outcome of our movie.

Yeah, that could work too. Guess it doesn't have to be major (rather than coincidental) for us to start squirming in our seats. Just prefer that it would. I want the movie to be cutting-edge... to take filmmaking to "incredibly" new directions.
I remember AD saying before the release of Fantastic Four:Rise of the Silver Surfer that it would be really cool if Banner was in the movie. Like at the wedding, Banner turns up trying to get in as he wants to meet Richards for help on a cure.

Obvisouly this wouldn't happen as Marvel haven't got rights for Fantastic Four and that Hulk is coming out a year after it.
I think a subtle crossover would be best for both movies, like a common plot thread or a character that shows up in both (I assume there's room for Rick Jones in Iron Man) . If you have Iron Man in Hulk's movie (or vice versa), you would have to spend precious time setting up the character so the general audience would know who he is.
I think a subtle crossover would be best for both movies, like a common plot thread or a character that shows up in both (I assume there's room for Rick Jones in Iron Man) . If you have Iron Man in Hulk's movie (or vice versa), you would have to spend precious time setting up the character so the general audience would know who he is.

You really want Rick Jones to be in Hulk don't ya? :oldrazz:

But I'm thinking that we will get a mention of Rick Jones with Hulk in the future. Someone posted saying that Rick Jones was going to be in the Captain America film however Marvel own Hulk and Captain America plus you shouldn't forget the Super Soldier Serum being used in Hulk so I'm sure we will get a crossover of Rick Jones in Hulk and Captain America.
Yeah I've been wanting to see live action Rick since the 70s.
How about this for a small but sweet 'crossover scene' in IM:

Stark is driving into New York in one of his zillion dollar sports cars. He pulls over to the curb. The passenger door opens and Bruce Banner climbs out and shuts the door. As he turns to walk away, the tinted window rolls down and Stark calls after him "Bruce!" Banner turns back, and Tony continues simply " ...Good luck." Banner gives him a world-weary nod, slings the classic leather dufflebag over his shoulder and turns back to continue down the sidewalk as Stark pulls away.

What do ya think?
you mean like he's a hitchhiker, or just giving his friend a ride? does he know he's a scientist?
Man, Marvel really has their **** together don't they?

Does anyone know if these crossovers were planned before they even started shooting Iron Man and TIH?

The only thing I know about the Avengers is watching the animated DVD which Hulk, IM, Thor, CA, etc...

Are they planning to include them as well?

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