Favreau Interested in Directing Avengers

The Man of Steel

Dec 3, 2007
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Favreau Interested in Directing Avengers
Source: MTV
January 3, 2008

MTV has posted a new interview with Iron Man director Jon Favreau, who says he would be interesting in helming an Avengers movie. The catch is that Marvel wants to wait until each character has their own movie first. The good news, however, is that they want to use the actors that are starring in the individual movies:

...Favreau insists that Marvel will only go ahead with the project if and when all the individual characters get their own story. It'll be worth the wait, Favreau claimed, calling this way not only more impressive and formidable – but more consistent as well.

"I wonder if the tone of 'The Incredible Hulk' is going to be similar or different than ['Iron Man']," Favreau questioned. "And 'Captain America' is a twinkle in Marvel's eye right now. And 'Thor' and 'Ant Man.'

"[But] in the case of Marvel they're pretty clear on wanting to do it with the actors who've established the roles or to not do it at all. That's what they've said to me," he continued.

Hit the link above for more on this.
Favreau Interested in Directing Avengers
Source: MTV
January 3, 2008

MTV has posted a new interview with Iron Man director Jon Favreau, who says he would be interesting in helming an Avengers movie. The catch is that Marvel wants to wait until each character has their own movie first. The good news, however, is that they want to use the actors that are starring in the individual movies:

...Favreau insists that Marvel will only go ahead with the project if and when all the individual characters get their own story. It'll be worth the wait, Favreau claimed, calling this way not only more impressive and formidable – but more consistent as well.

"I wonder if the tone of 'The Incredible Hulk' is going to be similar or different than ['Iron Man']," Favreau questioned. "And 'Captain America' is a twinkle in Marvel's eye right now. And 'Thor' and 'Ant Man.'

"[But] in the case of Marvel they're pretty clear on wanting to do it with the actors who've established the roles or to not do it at all. That's what they've said to me," he continued.

Hit the link above for more on this.
Jon Favreau's a good director but I can't say quite yet if he should direct a big movie like The Avengers yet. I want to wait and see how Iron Man turns out.
Jon Favreau's a good director but I can't say quite yet if he should direct a big movie like The Avengers yet. I want to wait and see how Iron Man turns out.

definatly, I'm sure it'll turn out great, but even if it does i'm sure we won't see this movie for a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG time :csad:
definatly, I'm sure it'll turn out great, but even if it does i'm sure we won't see this movie for a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG time :csad:
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that this film will take place sometime in the near future of somewhere inbetween 2010-2020. But, I hope they take the ladder for that film and take their time; read through the script, work on set pieces, costumes, etc. I just want them to take this movie under serious consideration before they just throw the rights to a certain director. I just want to see them do a good job that's all because if it's a great movie, then it would be worth all of the time in the world to wait for:yay:
I doubt it'll be that long of a wait.

Iron Man, Hulk - 2008
Thor, Ant-Man - 2009
Captain America - 2010
Avengers - 2011 or 2012
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that this film will take place sometime in the near future of somewhere inbetween 2010-2020. But, I hope they take the ladder for that film and take their time; read through the script, work on set pieces, costumes, etc. I just want them to take this movie under serious consideration before they just throw the rights to a certain director. I just want to see them do a good job that's all because if it's a great movie, then it would be worth all of the time in the world to wait for:yay:

yeah, It's kinda good that's it gonna take that long, cuz if they rushed into it, it would suck

I doubt it'll be that long of a wait.

Iron Man, Hulk - 2008
Thor, Ant-Man - 2009
Captain America - 2010
Avengers - 2011 or 2012

probably around that time
I'd have to see how Iron Man is, but I'm sure it'll be good.
If Favs does a good job directing IM, I say let him go for it. I definately like Marvel's approach to letting the individual heroes be established in their own fims first before going on to do an Avengers project. As the article states, this allows for the starring actors to reprise their roles and creates a greater sense of continuity among all the films.
Granted, he's a cool dude and everything, but Favreau is not THAT good of a director just yet. He's done Elf, Made and Zathura, but I wouldn't put him on anything like Avengers until I see how IM plays out first.
"[But] in the case of Marvel they're pretty clear on wanting to do it with the actors who've established the roles or to not do it at all. That's what they've said to me," he continued.

Well, that certainly sounds a hell of alot better than what WB is doing with the Justice League.
Granted, he's a cool dude and everything, but Favreau is not THAT good of a director just yet. He's done Elf, Made and Zathura, but I wouldn't put him on anything like Avengers until I see how IM plays out first.

He'll do good

Well, that certainly sounds a hell of alot better than what WB is doing with the Justice League.

sadly :O
Made and Swingers effin' rule, but I really can't stand Jon's commercial stuff. That's why I would be weary of an Avengers movie. I'm with the rest; I need to see what he does with Iron Man first.
Seems like they're (Marvel) is taking a better route to their ensemble picture than Warner Brothers is with Justice League.

Slow and steady wins the race...and I'm a Justice League fan much more than an Avengers fan.

well, let's see if his Iron-Man works...then we can say if he is appropriated for this kind of movie.
I just think that Marvel has the right idea right now. They are making their own films....which will make it easier than it used to be for them to cross over, and they are concentrated on solo efforts (besides Fantastic Four, which is more of Fox's monster than Marvel's). I think DC/Warner Brothers should take note. They already own all of the movie rights....have a very successful Batman series, great possibilities with their solo Superman franchise, the possibility for Wonderwoman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, etc. Give them all solo efforts and the characters that aren't the "big three" can have their sequel be a team film in the form of a Justice League crossover. It would make the film more meaningful because it would be known characters and actors that people know in the role coming together, not a "who's who of young Hollywood".

If Favs does a good job directing IM, I say let him go for it. I definately like Marvel's approach to letting the individual heroes be established in their own fims first before going on to do an Avengers project. As the article states, this allows for the starring actors to reprise their roles and creates a greater sense of continuity among all the films.

I'm on the fence with this right now. I gotta see how he handles one super hero with iron man before I can decide if he can handle a film which has the potential to redifine epic films. The Avengers could blow every film ever made out of the water if done correctly
I agree with everyone else. I'll see how Ironman turns out before I make my mind up on him.
Many good thoughts above. If Ironman turns out good then Fav might be fine at the helm of The Avengers film. Also, within the next three years so 2008 - 2010 we'll probably get Thor, Antman, and Captain America. Therefore leaving the possibility of 2011 or 2012 to an Avengers film. So it might not be that long, as stated above. However I'm sure there might be an Ironman sequel somewhere within those years as well. Perhaps 2010 or 2011 following the patterns of Marvel superhero sequels.

Lastly as stated above, what Marvel wants to do with the Avengers film is far greater than what WB has planned for the Justice League. Because on Marvel's hand, you'll have at least five of the team members all having at least one film that establishes them solely. On Justice League's side they'll have maybe three of the five if that (I'm just talkin recent films even if no continuity to Superman or Batman). On Marvel's side you'll have all established, I hate to say this but "mature" adult members as heroes. Then on WB you'll have a bunch of young heroes. So as far as JL is concerned, I really don't like how the direction is going for them. It just doesn't make sense that the team consist of mid 20's to early 30's. Too young for such an important team IMO. If and when these two films come out, the Avengers will smash JL I'm sure as long as they are able to do what they want to do as stated.
One thing I do want to say. I'd love it if these movies could all be really cohesive and like they could all happen in the same universe.

Honestly I've hated how the previous movies can't acknowledge each other at all, can't use cameos by other actors, etc.

So I really hope these new movies take steps in doing so, and I hope they are successful. And I hope Avengers can have all the original actors as the characters reprising their roles.
Will Favreau be interested to use The Ultimates as the story for the Avengers movie? I really like Miller's ultra-realistic approach and I think it could work in the big screen.
I certainly would prefer an Ultimates movie than a Avengers.
I'm all for Ultimates.
One thing I do want to say. I'd love it if these movies could all be really cohesive and like they could all happen in the same universe.

Honestly I've hated how the previous movies can't acknowledge each other at all, can't use cameos by other actors, etc.

So I really hope these new movies take steps in doing so, and I hope they are successful. And I hope Avengers can have all the original actors as the characters reprising their roles.

well as long as the characters are under marvels film studio it looks like they will acknowledge each other from what we have heard.

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