My Spidey vs. Hulk animation


No Way as Way
May 4, 2000
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I'm starting a new thread on this. I've posted a CG animation I did of the Spidey fighting the Hulk. It's based on their first fight in Spidey #14.

The upload is very low quality and there's no sound.




As I mentioned to you over in the community fan section, this is a great video. You did a great job. :up:

Any chances you'll do another match between the the Hulk and Spidey.... part 2?
make it brighter
i also think to emphasise on spidey's speed the hulk should be slower, unless you can make spidey quicker.

i also think either your hulk should be bigger or spidey should be smaller

and constructively, i think you can do a better job of the spidey sense but i guess it's a hard thing to try and pull off with no sound or facial movements but i have almighty faith.
This is a brighter version with sound FX

Odin's Lapdog said:
i also think to emphasise on spidey's speed the hulk should be slower, unless you can make spidey quicker.

Neither would work IMO. If I make the Hulk slower, his punches wouldn't appear to effective. And the Hulk isn't slow to begin with. And- if I make Spidey too quick his movements would look silly. The point is, that Spidey is fast enough to stay out of the Hulk's range for the most part, until the Hulk gets lucky and stuns him.

As an addendum to this- the very first animation I did was the Hulk vs. Thor- based on Defenders #10. I tried making the Hulk move slowly, and it just didn't work.

i also think either your hulk should be bigger or spidey should be smaller

I went by the the Marvel stats: Spidey at 5' 10" The Hulk at a little over 7 ft. I just don't like making the Hulk gigantic. Its what he can do, and not his size that really matters.

and constructively, i think you can do a better job of the spidey sense but i guess it's a hard thing to try and pull off with no sound or facial movements but i have almighty faith.

With a sound effect added it might make a difference. The Spider sense is hard to present in that it really isn't visual; that is no one can really see it- it's just a feeling that Spidey has. I think the way I present it serves the purpose- that is creating a feeling of alarm and danger.
definitely better lighter

i don't know if the kung fu sound effects actually add or takeaway from the footage.

i kinda like them,

and spidey's shooters sound like they are shooting rockets at one point

Odin's Lapdog said:
definitely better lighter

i don't know if the kung fu sound effects actually add or takeaway from the footage.

i kinda like them,

and spidey's shooters sound like they are shooting rockets at one point


I know. I like the sound of the webshooters to be distinctive to make it clear that they are mechanical. Also, they're fighting in a cave, so there'd be resonance. As for the sound, it might be a bit overdone. If I do any kind of larger presentation I'll likely edit it again to refine them.

Thanks for weighing in with your critiques BTW. I really appreciate them.
no problem.

As for the reason i meantion the speed, it's that I feel i could mentally replace daredevil with spidey for your entire thing and it wouldn't feel at all unlikely.

When i imagine spidey moving, it's awe inspiring and i felt that in your work, he just resembled a top grade gymnast fighter.

I mean if he hits the hulk, it should at least move him back or knock him back but spidey will still moan about hurting his hand.

Perhaps if the hulk acted more pissed and did more rampages that may work. He seemed to be acting a lot like the rhino with the charges and all.

Don't worry about my comments though, i think it's just better than saying 'It's great', i tend to knit pick.

also about the official sizes, personally i've always been one to feel the hulk is as big as he needs to be and that height is a base anger hulk.

maybe to enhance it when spidey pisses him off, he can grow a lil :o

i'm a fan of the size anger correlation myself so maybe this would just appeal to me.
Odin's Lapdog said:
no problem.

As for the reason i meantion the speed, it's that I feel i could mentally replace daredevil with spidey for your entire thing and it wouldn't feel at all unlikely.

When i imagine spidey moving, it's awe inspiring and i felt that in your work, he just resembled a top grade gymnast fighter.

I mean if he hits the hulk, it should at least move him back or knock him back but spidey will still moan about hurting his hand.

Perhaps if the hulk acted more pissed and did more rampages that may work. He seemed to be acting a lot like the rhino with the charges and all.

Don't worry about my comments though, i think it's just better than saying 'It's great', i tend to knit pick.

also about the official sizes, personally i've always been one to feel the hulk is as big as he needs to be and that height is a base anger hulk.

maybe to enhance it when spidey pisses him off, he can grow a lil :o

i'm a fan of the size anger correlation myself so maybe this would just appeal to me.

Well, when Spidey hits the Hulk in that sequence, he does move him a little. He even monkey-tosses him by sheer leverage. But that's all he could do. Spidey simply can't do any damage to the Hulk. And he does hurt his hand when the Hulk, because he's angered braces himself.

Let me say this about myself- I'm a SERIOUS stickler for playing by the rules.

For example- you mentioned Daredevil. Now if it were DD on that rock in the beginning of the sequence, the fight would've been just about over right there. Unlike spidey, he wouldn't even be able to leap from the rock- And even if he could- he'd have been hurt by the flying debris. DD's only hope of survival would've been to run as soon as the Hulk appeared, and maybe try to figure a way to do what ultimately happens- have the hulk bury himself in an avalanche so he'd have time to get away.

As for things like the Hulk charging and so forth- that's all he could do to get to Spidey. Spidey sure as hell wouldn't take the fight to the Hulk.

As far as the growth thing- that was purely a phenomenon of the movie. The Hulk never grew in the comics, and I personally hate the concept. For one thing, because the Hulk's power can increase nearly inifinitely. If he were to continue to grow he'd be 100 ft high before too long. For another, you're making it clear that his power is increasing simply by upping his endurance. Again, in my scene, I show Spidey able to back the Hulk up a little- then after the Hulk gets angrier, Spidey only hurts his hand punching him.
rodhulk said:
As I mentioned to you over in the community fan section, this is a great video. You did a great job. :up:

Any chances you'll do another match between the the Hulk and Spidey.... part 2?

Thanks Rodhulk. I busy working on a full length Spidey movie right now, But I might revisit their fight. Maybe based on the fight in ASM #119 & 120.
Dragon said:
Well, when Spidey hits the Hulk in that sequence, he does move him a little. He even monkey-tosses him by sheer leverage. But that's all he could do. Spidey simply can't do any damage to the Hulk. And he does hurt his hand when the Hulk, because he's angered braces himself.

Let me say this about myself- I'm a SERIOUS stickler for playing by the rules.

For example- you mentioned Daredevil. Now if it were DD on that rock in the beginning of the sequence, the fight would've been just about over right there. Unlike spidey, he wouldn't even be able to leap from the rock- And even if he could- he'd have been hurt by the flying debris. DD's only hope of survival would've been to run as soon as the Hulk appeared, and maybe try to figure a way to do what ultimately happens- have the hulk bury himself in an avalanche so he'd have time to get away.

As for things like the Hulk charging and so forth- that's all he could do to get to Spidey. Spidey sure as hell wouldn't take the fight to the Hulk.

As far as the growth thing- that was purely a phenomenon of the movie. The Hulk never grew in the comics, and I personally hate the concept. For one thing, because the Hulk's power can increase nearly inifinitely. If he were to continue to grow he'd be 100 ft high before too long. For another, you're making it clear that his power is increasing simply by upping his endurance. Again, in my scene, I show Spidey able to back the Hulk up a little- then after the Hulk gets angrier, Spidey only hurts his hand punching him.

After reading this I've gained even more respect for you. Don't listen to these criticisms, I myself am a stickler for accuracy and everything in your clip is accurate. Your comments are dead on.
The size, speed, fight sequence, etc are all fine.

It is definitely better in the lighter version. I was able to see some things I'd completely missed before.

I LOVE this, I think it's great. If only you could have a budget so you go go all out on this baby and make the movements (especially the Hulk a little more fluid).

but in any case, GREAT Job. :up:
I would love to see that full length feature btw.

One last thing, it would be GREAT if you duplicated some other classic Marvel fights as well.
Thor vs Hulk, (kirby)
Hulk vs Thing (kirby)
Thor vs Hercules
etc etc. I'd pay money for that.

anyway I love it, good job.:up:
Dragon said:
Thanks Rodhulk. I busy working on a full length Spidey movie right now, But I might revisit their fight. Maybe based on the fight in ASM #119 & 120.
Please so revisit the Hulk vs Spidey.

And I'll check out your Spidey movie when you're done.

And any link to your Hulk vs Thor fight you mentioned above? I'd like to check that out too.
Your Hulk proportions are off. I struggle with this myself but in drawings intead of CGI stuff.

When drawing Hulk you have to keep in mind that Hulk has to have different proportions than a human.

You should make your Hulk wider and maybe more vascular. Look at the Hulk video game character or the movie animation for an example. Don't forget great Hulk artists like Dale Keown and Mike Deodato Jr. either.

Nice touch with the Tool.
HoratioRome said:
After reading this I've gained even more respect for you. Don't listen to these criticisms, I myself am a stickler for accuracy and everything in your clip is accurate. Your comments are dead on.
The size, speed, fight sequence, etc are all fine.

It is definitely better in the lighter version. I was able to see some things I'd completely missed before.

I LOVE this, I think it's great. If only you could have a budget so you go go all out on this baby and make the movements (especially the Hulk a little more fluid).

but in any case, GREAT Job. :up:
I would love to see that full length feature btw.

One last thing, it would be GREAT if you duplicated some other classic Marvel fights as well.
Thor vs Hulk, (kirby)
Hulk vs Thing (kirby)
Thor vs Hercules
etc etc. I'd pay money for that.

anyway I love it, good job.:up:

Thanks again Horatio- I'm working on a full length Spidey movie right now, but i defintiely intend to do more superhero fights. They're lots of fun.
rodhulk said:
Please so revisit the Hulk vs Spidey.

And I'll check out your Spidey movie when you're done.

And any link to your Hulk vs Thor fight you mentioned above? I'd like to check that out too.

I haven't posted the Thor/Hulk fight, mostly because it's terrible. Like I said,m it was my first animated movie and I was just learning then. I'll probably redo it though.
Mr. Green said:
Your Hulk proportions are off. I struggle with this myself but in drawings intead of CGI stuff.

When drawing Hulk you have to keep in mind that Hulk has to have different proportions than a human.

You should make your Hulk wider and maybe more vascular. Look at the Hulk video game character or the movie animation for an example. Don't forget great Hulk artists like Dale Keown and Mike Deodato Jr. either.

Nice touch with the Tool.

Thanks for the feedback. Honestly, The Hulk looks the way I wanted. I was going for this look:


Herb Trimpe was the first Hulk artist I was exposed to, and his style always stuck with me.
Hey, thats pretty nice. Mad props!

Thanks. I'll be posting more soon.
I'd like to see your Hulk vs Thor animation as about just a still shot?

Have you considered animating some OTHER classic Hulk fights? Hulk vs Thing, or Hulk vs Sub-Mariner?
Wow that was really cool. What program did you use to do that fight??
I'd love to see more of your work. Mad Mad props!:up: :up: :spidey:
Hey guys, thanks for the props. i'm glad you enjoyed the movie. Look for postings on my full length Spidey flick in the Fan film section.

To answer your questions:

Cap- My Hulk/Thor is so primitive it hurst me to look at it. I did when i was just learning how to use the animation program. I'll likely remake it, because Hulk/Thor slugfests are among my favorites. And yes, i'd like to do other superhero fights like Hulk/Subby (Doing underwater scenes would be fun) and Thor vs. Hercules.

spideyman05- I use 3D Studio Max and Maya. Both are great programs. I also use Combustion, After Effects for composite effects and Premiere for editing.

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