My Symbiote Origins


Jan 16, 2006
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I had a thread about these a long time ago, but it disappeared.

Here's one

Conners is working on a serum using lizard hormones which revert cells into an embryonic state so that they will regrow missing body parts. (by coincedence, in reality this research has been going on for a while now, but it will probably be abandoned in favor of embryonic stem cell research).
He develops a serum which when it comes into contact with living cells it incorporates some of that host's DNA into it's own, sort of like the way a
virus works, and starts replicating a lot of this genetic material, which is in an embryonic state, so that it can regrow missing body parts. But everytime he tests it on rats it causes other cells to revert back to an embryonic state in a cancerous lump.
Peter is one of his lab assistants. Spider-Man gets into a battle with the Sandman and he is beaten severely, smashed shoulder, smashed everything. He stumbles to a cab, says hey take me to this address(it’s an address nearby where he lives) when he gets there he stumbles out of the cab and falls. The driver says don’t worry about the tab and drives off.
MJ looks out their window and sees him laying there and rushes out to him and says she’s getting him to a hospital, he says no because of his secret identity. So she brings him to Conners.

Conners injects him with the serum. He wakes up next day good as new.

Next day there is a lump in his side, so he goes to see Conners. Conners decides to remove it. He removes it and sticks it in a jar with fluid, and says he’s going to
study it, to help him with his research. Pete shows up to work for Conners the next day and Conners, not knowing that pete is spidey, tells him what happened. They decide to run some tests on it, and Conners pokes it with a sharp needle, and when he goes to poke it a second time it forms a small skinny tendril two or 3 inches long which breaks the syringe. Conners finds that heat or high pitched frequencies cause it to lie dormant, making it easier for Conners to run tests on it. During the tests on the lump, they find that it’s in an embryonic state, so Conners puts it in some amniotic fluid, to see what will happen over the next few days.

Over the next few days, the cancerous lump grows into a black liquid, consuming all of the amniotic fluid, untill it breaks out of the jar, and wala, you have a symbiote, capable of thought and emotion, containing the hormones of lizards, which causes it’s primary emotion to be anger(anger is the only emotion lizard brains are capable of inducing). So this symbiote has some anger problems, it’s got some of Spider-Man’s DNA in it, and it experiences thought, and because of it’s DNA it can home in on Pete’s spidey sense and track him down, and bond with him. Since it’s a group of cells in an embryonic state it can regenerate tissue and it can generate tissue in whatevershape it wants, like clothing for example.

It homes in on pete, bonds with him, spidey goes to conners to ask him what it is, and later down the road Conners discovers it’s the same cancerous tumour that he removed from him. It needs a host in order to survive. It feeds off of angry emotions, sweat, dead skin, and body heat, even though temperatures high enough to harm a human, harm it as well. Conners says that if Spidey doesn’t get rid of the symbiote it will eventually take complete control of him, and recycle all of Spidey’s body into itself.
My alien origin

MJ and pete's relationship is suffering so she spontaneously flies to Florida's Cape Caneveral where John Jameson is landing the space shuttle. Pete finds out and also flies there to get her back. there are reporters and a large crowd of course applauding the American heroes after they leave the shuttle. Jameson is waving to the crowd. Pete finds MJ and begins to sweet talk her, when suddenly this huge black liquidy thing engulf one of the people in the crowd, and then it leaves that person and engulfs another person and then another person. Pete goes into action as Spider-Man and tries to find this thing but it's kind of hard since it's liquid, and in the process they do a little male "bonding"

Later down the road with the help of Conenrs who examines a sample of it. Pete finds out what it is. Conenrs discovers that it doesn't have the same 4 nitrogen bases in it's DNA(Adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine) that all life on earth has. In fact it doesn't even have DNA, it's some other kind of code for life. Conners shocked says there is only one explanation. It's not from earth.
My other alien origin

In actual reality the year that spidey 3 comes out, is the same year that Nasa is going to send another rover to Mars. But this Rover is going to collect a sample of soil from Mars, and then it will fly back to the International Space Station, where astranauts will load it onto a Shuttle and then fly it back to earth so Scientists can look for signs of LIFE!
In the movie they could have John Jameson be the astranaut flying the sample back to Earth. Well within the sample of soil could be the Alien Symbiote
Somehow, I almost wonder if John Jameson has to be involved. It seems like there was too much "discussion" of his being an astronaut in S-M2 to be coincidence. I mean, with Raimi's changes to the storyline, he could've been a fireman, or a gulf war vet or something. The astronaut angle seems too much like character establishment, and we know we ain't getting Man-Wolf, so that leaves some symbiote action.
str8raz0r said:
Somehow, I almost wonder if John Jameson has to be involved. It seems like there was too much "discussion" of his being an astronaut in S-M2 to be coincidence. I mean, with Raimi's changes to the storyline, he could've been a fireman, or a gulf war vet or something. The astronaut angle seems too much like character establishment, and we know we ain't getting Man-Wolf, so that leaves some symbiote action.

Well actually Raimi said that he did that because he wanted MJ's boyfriend to be a successful good guy kind of boyfriend, and he also said that he did it to give us that scene with Peter being forced to sit there and see MJ with another man and take pictures of them together.
str8raz0r said:
Somehow, I almost wonder if John Jameson has to be involved. It seems like there was too much "discussion" of his being an astronaut in S-M2 to be coincidence. I mean, with Raimi's changes to the storyline, he could've been a fireman, or a gulf war vet or something. The astronaut angle seems too much like character establishment, and we know we ain't getting Man-Wolf, so that leaves some symbiote action.

I thought the same."Who gives a flying hoot about him being an astronaut unless it factors into the story later." That's what I thought at the time. Still do. But the likely hood of him coming back to drop a symbiote on spidey seems too unrealistic now because he's not MJ's lover anymore. He's nobody now... They probably won't do the alien thing anyway.
The cartoon-outer space origin is by far the best and can most easily tie into the new movie
Now that we know the origin of the symbiote, I dug up my old thread on my 3 ideas for how I thought it would be cool for them to do it.

I have to say I like all three of mine better.
The cartoon-outer space origin is by far the best and can most easily tie into the new movie

My second alien origin is very simmillair to that only updated to be scientifically modern, since we know there is no life on the moon, and the rescent discovery that Mars was once capable of supporting life rocked NASA.
Excellent origins!

Especially the alien ones, the way it should be.

Nice origins, I like the alien one best. The Lizard one seems alittle off, I cant picture the symbiote recreating body parts, unless the Lizard had symbiote.
Nice origins, I like the alien one best. The Lizard one seems alittle off, I cant picture the symbiote recreating body parts, unless the Lizard had symbiote.

You can't picture the symbiote regnerating itself? where do you think that mouth and those teeth come from in the comic book?

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