Philosopher King/benevolent dictatorship.
a system should be devised that puts people in power who would rather not be, who specifically have no interest in power.
i do not think that person should be elected in the public spectacle arena like how our political process is now.
i am rather fond of just throwing a dart at a spinning map, enlarge that state... throw a dart at that state... enlarge that town... so on and so forth until you have a house equally divided by all eligible inhabitants and you fire a dart and theres your next "benevolent" dictator
so basic eligibility requirements would come into play like a minimum level of education...and a minimum level of community service work, which would in turn drive just about everyone to reach at the very least a certain level of education and help their communities for a certain amount of time
something akin to "associates in arts, and 10 years of community service"
maybe throw an Age on it... somewhere in the 30-40 range as a minimum
im not sure about a maximum... maybe 90 er so.
make the turnover relatively fast, something like once every 4 years.
Rulers would have history as a guide to past decisions made, and set precedents for the future, along with advisors which are made up from many folk including past rulers.
i would like to see a precedent set that we simply don't attack other nations, we only defend ourselves and our allies. no invasion, only protection.
...hey you asked
As scary and as arbitrary as this system may sound, just reflect back to the MANY times a president has been horrible, lackluster, great, ingenious...
i would argue that most of the american populous has just as much of an ability to be those things in those orders (IF NOT BETTER) when given a chance... experience has proven throughout the years to mean Nothing in terms of intentions, only in terms of ability to persuade other stubborn colleagues does it pay off...
so do away with that system, and put in place one that streamlines the process...
yeah... certain things will be more up in the air and change from time to time... like ideas such as abortion and others, but as time wears on history will set precedents for the most part, instead of a long....arduous grinding process of political persuasion that alienates people all the time, i am for a more erratic process that alienates some folks some of the time. i think Chaos has a place in the political spectrum, it breeds strength and true character... and it keeps people intimately involved in the political process.
i also think you would get the philosopher king that those great greek thinkers always wished for, more often than not.
as to who would throw the dart... make some person chosen by national lottery or something, and have the map be scrambled.