New He-man Movie!!


Master Of The Universe
Apr 15, 2004
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As a kid the original Masters of the Universe was like my favorite movie! I'm totally psyched to hear there's a new one comin out. If anyone else is, post info here. All i heard is John Woo is directin and producin so it should look pretty cool. Anyone know who's up for the lead?
Sgt.FrankCastle said:
Anyone now who's up for the lead?

From what I remember the He-Man movie with Dolph Lundgren back in the day wasn't too bad. Of course I haven't seen that movie since my childhood so my reaction would probably be "what the f**k was I thinking?" if I saw it again today lol.
The old one was nothing like the cartoon, but I stil enjoyed it. As possible Feldman casting, im all for it. Bring on HAIM for skeletor.
I am really excited that they are makin a new He-Man movie, I hope its not like the old movie and more like the cartoon from the 80s.
I think imdb has Jason Lewis up for the role, too.
IMDB says this guy is He-Man

I think he looks perfect for the part

Jason Lewis

Question now is who is gona play the role of this guy?

. I hope this movie has gwildore in it. this guy wont be as good as dolph's he-man
GarudA said:
IMDB says this guy is He-Man

I think he looks perfect for the part

Jason Lewis


this movie couldn't be any worse than the original bastardization and this guy will be a step up from Doplh lungdren ,a guy so bad he makes segal seem like a good actor:o
Jason Lewis would be good, but I still wish they would make an Icewind Dale movie and cast him as Wulfgar instead. That's a much better story than He-Man, IMO (though He-Man still rocks and was my original childhood hero, even before Superman, Batman, and all the rest).
Jason Lewis is so friggin hot! I loved him in Sex and the City!
No joking here and i take my actors as serious as possible...I think they need to stick Triple H in here somewhere! He doesn't have to have a lot of dialogue! Either way, he's a way better actor than "the rock". At least he doesn't ham up every scene and chew dialogue like rocky. In fact, his "scary/mean" persona is exactly the kind of no bull---- kickbutt kind of personalities this movie needs!!! He could even be skeletor and someone else could provide a voiceover!!
What has Jason Lewis done/been in? Soaps? Is he just a model? He looks a lot like He-Man
I thought this movie had been killed off :confused:
Mentok said:
I thought this movie had been killed off :confused:

That's what I thought too. Didn't John Woo back out months ago?
Prognosticator said:
No joking here and i take my actors as serious as possible...I think they need to stick Triple H in here somewhere! He doesn't have to have a lot of dialogue! Either way, he's a way better actor than "the rock". At least he doesn't ham up every scene and chew dialogue like rocky. In fact, his "scary/mean" persona is exactly the kind of no bull---- kickbutt kind of personalities this movie needs!!! He could even be skeletor and someone else could provide a voiceover!!

Triple H for Beastman:up:
He-Man (2006)

Director: J. Woo

Status: Announced

Status Updated: 4 October 2004

Credited cast:
Jason Lewis .... He-Man

Plot Outline: He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe, goes against the evil Skeletor to save the planet Eternia and protect the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

Its dead in the water people.
Well, somebody needs to pick it up. I would be cool if someone like Zemeckis or Joe Johnston decided to get on board.
Prognosticator said:
What has Jason Lewis done/been in? Soaps? Is he just a model? He looks a lot like He-Man

Jason Lewis started out as a model and was in some B-movies. He then got a regular gig as Kim Catrell's boyfriend on "Sex and the City" for the final two seasons.
GarudA said:
IMDB says this guy is He-Man

I think he looks perfect for the part

Jason Lewis


I hope nobody kills me.....but he looks like he could play Thor instead. Don't know about his acting skills.
does he need them? most only care if they look right and can at least sound right anyway....

tobey looks plenty enough like parker but his spidey falls very flat. Nobody really cares.
Keep in mind that Thor is very different from Spidey. All his dialouge is very Shakespearean....

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