Iron Man New IM picture!


Jul 27, 2007
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Big Pic:

Huge I know but looks great, almost thought it was CG at first. Looks like Tony has been playing in the dirt lol. Can someone make a nice wallpaper with this?
wow thats awesome!!

guess no one cares :csad: maybe the title threw em off
Well I think they would know what it is. Maybe they are to bust with the bat.
Re-sized and sent to the gallery. This thing is flat out GORGEOUS! :eek:

That's a beautiful shot.

If I could buy one, it'd immediately be classified as my Sunday finest. I'd wear it to church.

If I went to church.
Thanks for resizing it Cmill, ahhh great smiley :im:
That picture alone can end terrorism and most hate crimes. (But it doesn't)
That is so frikkin sick!

God I hope this movie is better then Spideman.

It looks great so far.
That is an absolutely amazing shot. :wow: :wow: :wow:
The suit looks absolutely incredible, the creators really outdid themselves. I can't wait to see this movie.
Kick ass shot!:woot: :im:

This movie should win an oscar for best costume design just on the armors alone!

Very nice, I cant wait to see this movie.
Now let's see a full shot of Iron Monger and I'm all smiles:woot: :im:
Geeze the suit is so damn perfect. I mean honestly if this guy walked into my room right now i wouldnt believe know if i'm seeing cgi or a man in a suit. Add iron man to the list of superhero costumes done right.
I get hyped for this movie more and more every day

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