The Dark Knight New Joker Picture In The LA Times

I really like the lighting.

It's atmospheric, sets the mood, but doesn't overdo it.
is that a screenshot of the footage or is it just a regular pic, because that is tight, even though we don't see his face, it's awesome
does he have the make up on? or does that happen during the film?
Really makes me think of Heat which is a very good thing. :up:
Reminds me a bit of one of the shots from the Sweeney Todd trailer.
He seems to slouch a lot, is that how it was in the prologue.
Really makes me think of Heat which is a very good thing. :up:

its funny, the entire prologue had a Heat feel. i dont doubt that there were many screenings of the bank heist scene in Heat before they filmed this prologue. I can definitely see the influence nolan mentioned in interviews. i think that the dark knight will be the first "comic book" film to really escape that stigma. even begins in some circles is still denigrated as such.
Nice. Nice.
Nice. Nice.

I like the simplicity of it. Even though the background is pretty busy, to me its just a simple picture. I hope when more stills come in, they are similar to this.
Epic? Try and be more descriptive. I could see a slow tracking shot from behind, creating a sort of ominous feeling. Was it like that at all?

you're right on the money, its this slow tracking shot towards him, then the car screeches up. it's know how there are those individual shots in films that are just absolutely mind-blowing? this is one of those.
I need to see that prologue right now.
yes he has the makeup on, you don't know it at the time but looking back at this shot knowing he has the makeup on makes it that much more creepy
well nolan said the other day in an interview with IGN that that whole segment was heavily inspired by Heat. So i'm not surprised that it reminded you guys of it.
is that a screenshot of the footage or is it just a regular pic, because that is tight, even though we don't see his face, it's awesome
yes, this shot was taken from the footage from yesterday.

does he have the make up on? or does that happen during the film?
It looks like he was wearing the make up from the start.

Really makes me think of Heat which is a very good thing. :up:
Same here, That is so awesome! I love Heat.
Does the camera movie in closer to him or pull back...

EDIT: my questions have a habit of being answered before i post them. I should probably refresh the page a few times before asking.. .

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