New photage: "I'm the Juggernaut"

muahahaha! :p

I never became a real fan of Double Dragon, so, whenever I tried to watch that movie, I'd go "WTF?" every 15 seconds.. :p

Wesyeed said:
I loved that movie! :p (But I was like ten, so that's forgivable.)

Anyway, I don't know why people are complaining. All I saw was -- THE JUGGERNAUT, *****! I know for sure that I'm gonna crack myself non-stop when that part comes up. Yes, it's corny, but you can't beat that line. I just love Ratner and the writers for putting in that line. :up:
That's not neccessarily good acting, but it's hardly a "bad delivery", considering what his character is like. He sounds like a brainless thug who got caught offguard and is pissed off. Which is exactly what Juggernaut is supposed to be in this movie. A brainless thug. As for being stuck in the floor, we're talking about a film where a man shoots optic blasts from his eyes, another controls the weather, and another controls metal.

Who cares if it's realistic?
The guys at IGN are having a field day with this.. :( There's a significantly more mixed reaction over there than over here...Of course, it's expected, but still...

Hmmm... :(

Ok, I exaggerated a bit, but the reactions are still pretty mixed, but actually fun to read! :p :

"Terrible, really terrible.

That is painfully bad. You know, I complained about the treatment of Sabretooth in the first Xmen movie. I thought that it was terrible how they took such an awesome villain and made him a disposable turd. Well, judging from this clip, Juggernaut is going to be 10 times worse. He is also a great villain, but wow does that blow."

"WTF, that is terrible."

"Well I'm glad we're basing our imprssions of one of the most physical villains in the Xverse by his two lines of dialogue.

Watch him smash thru some walls."

I will, then be thinking of how much of a ****** he is.

Watching a blubbering dumb fool smash through walls is entertaining in the same way as its entertaining to watch a blind guy hit a light post.

Watching a bad ass bust though walls is awesome."

"I dont like to judge things on small clips we have seen but they have all been really awful."

"Looks ok to me. I never got the impression that Juggernaut was much in the brains department anyway."

"i thought juggernaut was a huge disappointment as well"

"I know it's just a small clip but that was pretty bad."


They included the best lines EVER. I'm going to crack up insanely at that part. I'm extremely pumped to see it just for that part."

"OH MY GOD, THE LINE IS IN THE MOVIE! There's only one word all know which one...

Seriously, this is like the Snakes on a Plane thing with Sam Jackson...THIS IS GREAT!"

"I don't see anything wrong with it. Jugg's got an accent. And?"

"Is Juggy's voice supposed to be high like that?

I would have had him gruff, almost under his breath, and angry.

He doesn't have to be smart to be those things."

"He has the stupidest voice ever.

Nathan Jones should have played Juggernaut."

"That is awesome. My friends are going to love this. I can't believe they put that in the movie "

"This will be the best thing about the X movies since "you're a dick."

Mixed reviews, I see. :p

Nathan Jones? Nuh-uh.
Well I imagined his voice being a little bit louder and more powerful. Someone said that Kitty was already supposed to be running through walls, and she hears his voice booming through them because it's so loud. I was a little dissapointed in the clip, because Juggs just sounds like a normal dude in a large helmet...
I agree to a certain extent. I kinda like his voice. Plus that clip was edited so it will be different in theaters.
The clip was edited? How'd you know?
Mr Lex Luthor said:
The clip was edited? How'd you know?

Some people are saying it is. And if you watch it closely it looks kinda edited. Plus Kitty is supposed to say something after she phases Juggernaut through the floor.
x-periment said:
Some people are saying it is. And if you watch it closely it looks kinda edited. Plus Kitty is supposed to say something after she phases Juggernaut through the floor.
yeah i think its right after he says "dont you know who i am--"then it cuts very quickly
xwolverine2 said:
yeah i think its right after he says "dont you know who i am--"then it cuts very quickly
Yeah, there was another cut of the video...He says, "Don't you know who I am?...I'm the Juggernaut!" and they show a quick shot of him breaking out

But, there seemed to have been a quick edit between him saying Juggernaut and the shot of him breaking out and right before then, it looked like Vinnie wasn't done talking.. :p

Well, I hope they don't censor out the last word. It makes the line even better.
xwolverine2 said:
yeah i think its right after he says "dont you know who i am--"then it cuts very quickly

Yep, I'm pretty sure.
They only censored it for the little clip probably because it was on FOXNews.. :p

TNC9852002 said:
They only censored it for the little clip probably because it was on FOXNews.. :p

Oh, yeah, you're probably right. :up:

"I'm the Juggernaut, *****!"

Ah --

*wets pants*
Whats with the complaining about his voice? He sounds like a normal cockney thug. There are different accents in britain you know.
x-periment said:
Mister Sinister, why is your avatar still 50x50?
I can't find the original of this to get it made bigger, so I'm happy with it the way it is.

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