I posted a few rants about this in the older topic from page 4:
I'm lazy, but when I not, I'll repost some of my posts, since my opinion really hasn't changed.
I think it is an absolute waste of potential. The artwork for the original Avengers is great, and I am glad it appears to be more rooted in 616 allusions than Ultimate. But that said, why are we getting Avengers Babies? If we had to get Teen Avengers, why not MC2? That has Spider-Girl for chrissakes. Instead we get a mish-mash of stock cliche character ideas that any network hack in a focus group could come down with. How much you want to bet at least one of the kids rides a skateboard?
There are no end of classic Avengers sagas, stories, and rosters. But this has none of them. Instead this almost seems like a pilot pitch for a TV series. A package meant to please corporate suits for a network. The only problem is there IS no network. The DTV's have more freedom in terms of censorship than TV shows are. There are fewer limits on violence, dialogue, mature situations, and so on. Rate it PG-13 and you can even say words like, "God", "Jesus", "Hell", "Damn" or even, gasp, "Ass". But you also can deliver more pulse pounding action sequences and get into deeper character interaction. It allows more freedom than network TV cartoons provide.
So what does Marvel LG do? Make something in the mold of Kid's WB. It is like they are too used to TV and can't aspire for anything higher and grander, and I think that has plagued all of the LG DTV's in some way, even the ones that are good overall. They never lose that TV feel. Bruce Timm, in contrast, always thinks more cinematic, for pushing the envelope, and Greg Wiesman on SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN does too (hell, he almost invented it alongside Timm when GARGOYLES was airing).
Hawkeye hasn't seen a decent animated portrayal since IRON MAN season 2 from 1995-1996, because his portrayal in AVENGERS: UNITED THEY STAND in '99 was sheer garbage. Ultron has NEVER seen ANY good animation portrayal. This DTV seeks to continue that record. I don't want some lame "too emo for you" anime white haired pipsqueak son. I want Clint F'n Barton. I want Ultron slaughtering countries and battering Avengers and Thor blaring, "We would have words with thee". Instead we get focused grouped kiddie drivel being thrown at us as if it hasn't been done a BILLION times before, as if it isn't chasing the TEEN TITANS fad (which was only canceled 2 years ago), as if it isn't a leftover from a stock network suit meeting in 1998 for FoxKids.
The excuse for this is, "we want to make something for new and old fans to enjoy." Firstly, the idea of a "new fan" is a fallacy. There are no new comic book fans. Period. End of discussion. They are not the ones why buy the DTV's. Secondly, nothing is more spineless than a product that doesn't have the cajones to pick an audience and stick to it. Take, say, Feburary's TUROK: SON OF STONE DTV. It's "Unrated", and it shows. It has mature situations and gore usually unseen in animation outside of Japanese stuff. It clearly selected it's audience as late teens-adults and doesn't B.S. about it. NEXT AVENGERS, from the obligatory inclusion of Iron Man and Hulk to the stock kiddie cast, simply looks the very cliche of franchise drivel spat out by corporate suits. Where are the Happy Meal toy tie-ins while we are at it?
I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the trailers, at the very least, make it look better than some of the early promo's did last year. But it seems when I watch any trailer, every time I see something that has potential, or looks cool, there goes one of the kids, saying something that kids have been saying in cartoons since the friggin' 1980's and fouling it all up.
Quite why Marvel LG didn't just do ULTIMATE AVENGERS 3 I have no idea. Those two films, sadly, are the closest thing we have to a decent Avengers cartoon. And they may be the last. DC and WB have the nuts to try to make a corny franchise like Justice League work on TV for 5 seasons and produce some of the best, most faithful, and action packed team shows in history. The Avengers have more defined stortlines and characters (in some respects), but Marvel doesn't have the stones to give them proper animation due (at least without a movie), and that is beyond pathetic.
If NEXT AVENGERS is any way decent, it will not be because of the kids and the premise. It will be despite it. Compare this to the WB animated DTV's and it doesn't even compare to even Bruce Timm PHONING it in (basically, SUPERMAN: DOOMSDAY). It is almost like Marvel pities DC and wants to allow them to dominate the small screen in quality here.