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Next Avengers Cartoon


~The First Avenger~
Jan 16, 2001
Reaction score
I just don't get why they are doing this? There a ton of current teams they could do: young avengers (brilliant) or the MC2 universe avengers for starters.

Although it does remind me a little of a what if story I loved. Apparently the premise is that Ultron killed their parents and tony (ironman) hides them and raises them away from the ultron controlled world. I also think it's interesting the list both parents on a few characters but not all.


By the way hope I didn't put this in the wrong place.
Character Bios

Full Name:
Henry Pym


Giant Man and the Wasp

PymHenry Pym is the son of the Avengers GIANT MAN and the WASP. But since he was a baby, Pym was raised by Tony 'Iron Man' Stark in the Iron Manor, far away from civilization, with only Tony and his siblings there with him.

Pym is the youngest of the kids, and the most full of life. He's taken after Tony the most as well in some regards - he's the tech head of the bunch and wants to be a super hero scientist, like his parents were.

Pym approaches everything with a wide eyed enthusiasm, and there isn't a single bit of cynicism or sarcasm within him. He's excited about EVERYTHING, and doesn't have much of an 'edit' button - if Pym thinks it, he says it. He has no memory of his parents, and while he knows he lost them, it doesn't hit him as hard as it does Torunn or James.

Tony and his siblings are everything to Pym, and he hates to see them fight. He's the littlest of the four, and sometimes he has trouble speaking up for himself as stronger personalities like James or Torunn often talk over him. And subconsciously, his power causes him to literally shrink down when encountering conflict.

Pym is very earnest, and while he may not yearn for action and adventure like James and Torunn, he's the one who's most excited about it.

Full Name:


The Black Panther and I assume storm

AzariAzari is the son of the Black Panther, ruler of the African nation of Wakanda. But from the age of one, Azari was raised by Tony 'Iron Man' Stark in the Iron Manor, far away from civilization, with only Tony and his siblings there with him.

Azari never knew his father, really, but knows from Tony's stories that he is supposedly the future ruler of Wakanda. A king. So he attempts to behave as a King would. But it comes off as having a stick up his behind.

Azari is a stickler for the rules, and likes things done properly. He wants things orderly, nice and neat. He looks at himself in the Iron Manor as Tony's second in command, even though Torunn and James are older than him. And he's probably closest with Pym, even though Pym annoys him to no length.

But while Azari attempts to be so utterly disciplined, he's fighting his own nature. He's got a bit of the Panther Spirit in him, and occasionally to his horror, the beast slips out. Whether it's a deep throated roar, or just the joy of running through the Iron Manor on all fours, Azari knows it's not very dignified behavior. But he can't help it.

Not helping things is the electricity that lives inside him. He is literally a bundle of energy, and he tries to keep it contained. Part of him is afraid of what will happen if he cuts loose.

Full Name:
James Rogers


Captain America and Russian spy Black Widow

JamesJames is the son of super-soldier Captain America and Russian spy Black Widow, two members of the mighty Avengers. But from the age of two, James was raised by Tony 'Iron Man' Stark in the Iron Manor, far away from civilization, with only Tony and his siblings there with him.

Of all the kids, living in the Manor was hardest for James. He's inherited a need for action from his father, and living in seclusion in a near perfect, challenge free environment has left him with no sense of purpose.

James is restless. With no war to fight, James has no motivation to do much of anything, whether it be training, playing games, or chores. He's frustrated, and like most teens, takes it out on those he loves.

But even without purpose, James is a natural leader. The others instinctively look to James when decisions need to be made. He’s got his mother’s analytical smarts, his father's strategic mind, and strength of body and character from both of them.

Full Name:


Asgardian God of Thunder and Avenger called THOR

TorunnTorunn is the daughter of the Asgardian God of Thunder and Avenger called THOR. But from the age of two, Torunn was raised by Tony 'Iron Man' Stark in the Iron Manor, far away from civilization, with only Tony and her siblings there with her.

Torunn knows she's the daughter of the king of the Gods, and acts like it. She believes that her father is out there, and one day will be coming to get her. She's super strong, can fly, is beautiful, and has never been hurt or sick a day in her life. And on top of all that, she's got a magic sword that only she can lift.

All of these things have made Torunn a little over confident, and while she loves her brothers and Tony, she acts like she's a little better than them. She uses bits and pieces of Asgardian speech that she's picked up from stories Tony has told over the years, and is sure to use them when her siblings are around. She's decided to become a WARRIOR, like her father, and acts like one, 24/7. She constantly "prays" to her father, reminding the others that he's going to be coming for her.

All of that masks her feelings that her father abandoned her, unlike the other kids' parents. They died, Thor just LEFT.

Torunn is eager to prove herself in battle, is headstrong, and will be the first one to fight. She's fearless thanks to her powers, and a decent strategist, too. She's got a very powerful sense of justice, and a deep desire for wrongs to be righted.

It's the Asgardian way.

Full Name:
Francis Barton



HawkeyeFrancis Barton is the son of the Avenger HAWKEYE. Unlike the rest of the kids, Francis was raised by his father, but in an Ultron-ruled NEW YORK. Francis lived on the run with his father, and moved from place to place in the underground of the city with groups of free survivors of Ultron's purge. He was basically raised to be a freedom fighter.

Like his father, Francis is a rogue. He's a show off, cocky, brash, doesn't like authority and doesn't take crap from anyone. He's just as likely to sock you one as to shake your hand. Luckily, he's very charming.

Francis has had a tough life. He's a survivor, and a pragmatist. But when it'd be so easy just to worry about himself, he's taken on the leadership of the SCAVENGERS, the humans who have escaped Ultron and now live beneath the city. After his father's death, Francis has taken over - protecting them, leading them. Helping them survive.

He's a hero at heart, just like his father. Being an Avenger means something to him, maybe even more so than the other kids - who he sees as living a sheltered life.

No way would clint name his kid francis...must have been his mother who i'm guessing is scarlet witch based on his white hair.
I'm actually really liking how this is looking. While I would've preferred A Next or Young Avengers, this looks cool. I'm especially liking the Hawkeye kid, but why would Clint EVER name his kid Francis? I just can't see that tough guy all-American archer doing that.
That's what I said. I also would like the other two better or even this awesome elsewordlds i read where the heros never came back from battle world or whatever so they paired up cap and rogue, enchantress and thor, even the villians had kids Doom and enchantress etc. at the end they get transported back to earth that overrun with sentinels. the lead was sara caps daughter she carries his shield and thor's hammer:wow:
I posted a few rants about this in the older topic from page 4:


I'm lazy, but when I not, I'll repost some of my posts, since my opinion really hasn't changed.

I think it is an absolute waste of potential. The artwork for the original Avengers is great, and I am glad it appears to be more rooted in 616 allusions than Ultimate. But that said, why are we getting Avengers Babies? If we had to get Teen Avengers, why not MC2? That has Spider-Girl for chrissakes. Instead we get a mish-mash of stock cliche character ideas that any network hack in a focus group could come down with. How much you want to bet at least one of the kids rides a skateboard? :p

There are no end of classic Avengers sagas, stories, and rosters. But this has none of them. Instead this almost seems like a pilot pitch for a TV series. A package meant to please corporate suits for a network. The only problem is there IS no network. The DTV's have more freedom in terms of censorship than TV shows are. There are fewer limits on violence, dialogue, mature situations, and so on. Rate it PG-13 and you can even say words like, "God", "Jesus", "Hell", "Damn" or even, gasp, "Ass". But you also can deliver more pulse pounding action sequences and get into deeper character interaction. It allows more freedom than network TV cartoons provide.

So what does Marvel LG do? Make something in the mold of Kid's WB. It is like they are too used to TV and can't aspire for anything higher and grander, and I think that has plagued all of the LG DTV's in some way, even the ones that are good overall. They never lose that TV feel. Bruce Timm, in contrast, always thinks more cinematic, for pushing the envelope, and Greg Wiesman on SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN does too (hell, he almost invented it alongside Timm when GARGOYLES was airing).

Hawkeye hasn't seen a decent animated portrayal since IRON MAN season 2 from 1995-1996, because his portrayal in AVENGERS: UNITED THEY STAND in '99 was sheer garbage. Ultron has NEVER seen ANY good animation portrayal. This DTV seeks to continue that record. I don't want some lame "too emo for you" anime white haired pipsqueak son. I want Clint F'n Barton. I want Ultron slaughtering countries and battering Avengers and Thor blaring, "We would have words with thee". Instead we get focused grouped kiddie drivel being thrown at us as if it hasn't been done a BILLION times before, as if it isn't chasing the TEEN TITANS fad (which was only canceled 2 years ago), as if it isn't a leftover from a stock network suit meeting in 1998 for FoxKids.

The excuse for this is, "we want to make something for new and old fans to enjoy." Firstly, the idea of a "new fan" is a fallacy. There are no new comic book fans. Period. End of discussion. They are not the ones why buy the DTV's. Secondly, nothing is more spineless than a product that doesn't have the cajones to pick an audience and stick to it. Take, say, Feburary's TUROK: SON OF STONE DTV. It's "Unrated", and it shows. It has mature situations and gore usually unseen in animation outside of Japanese stuff. It clearly selected it's audience as late teens-adults and doesn't B.S. about it. NEXT AVENGERS, from the obligatory inclusion of Iron Man and Hulk to the stock kiddie cast, simply looks the very cliche of franchise drivel spat out by corporate suits. Where are the Happy Meal toy tie-ins while we are at it?

I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the trailers, at the very least, make it look better than some of the early promo's did last year. But it seems when I watch any trailer, every time I see something that has potential, or looks cool, there goes one of the kids, saying something that kids have been saying in cartoons since the friggin' 1980's and fouling it all up.

Quite why Marvel LG didn't just do ULTIMATE AVENGERS 3 I have no idea. Those two films, sadly, are the closest thing we have to a decent Avengers cartoon. And they may be the last. DC and WB have the nuts to try to make a corny franchise like Justice League work on TV for 5 seasons and produce some of the best, most faithful, and action packed team shows in history. The Avengers have more defined stortlines and characters (in some respects), but Marvel doesn't have the stones to give them proper animation due (at least without a movie), and that is beyond pathetic.

If NEXT AVENGERS is any way decent, it will not be because of the kids and the premise. It will be despite it. Compare this to the WB animated DTV's and it doesn't even compare to even Bruce Timm PHONING it in (basically, SUPERMAN: DOOMSDAY). It is almost like Marvel pities DC and wants to allow them to dominate the small screen in quality here.
New interview with the director Gary Hartle today:


Two comments. At one point he says this:

Gary Hartle said:
“There was a fan who wrote something that Frank [Paur] told me about. What it said was that the fan wanted exactly what he’d seen before. If we got an exact remake of a movie, we would all be yawning. What we have to do is give them something they didn’t know they wanted. That way they walk away with an ‘Oh My God!’ factor. By that they would say, ‘Oh my god! I didn’t know that.’ The surprise thing. I try to do that in every film I work on.”

My objection, as a fan, is that is bollocks. Especially in the case of the Avengers, in which THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN TRANSLATED TO ANY OUTSIDE MEDIUM. Aside for snippets in some non-Avenger shows, games, the bits in Ultimate Avengers and of course, the god-awful 1999 show, the Avengers just exist as comics. They have never had a movie, or a cartoon series, or a proper DTV special. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. And to then dismiss that and claim, "Oh, this is more unique because it stars a bunch of kids," seems most awkward. All TV networks have wanted to do with team cartoons for a bloody DECADE was replace the members with kids (or "make them younger"); to outright ignore this stock story decision being the crux of the work almost seems dishonest.

To believe that fans new & old would "yawn" at an excellent and faithful translation is to blissfully ignore slavishly translated movies like 300 and SIN CITY. Yeah, those two films hardly made a penny and were barely even seen, right? :rolleyes:

There is another part where Hartle goes on about there being "geniune Avengers moments" in the flick, script snippets that draw on comic lore. And that is fine...but it will ultimately seem hollow without ever seeing them translated in animation. We have never gotten a translation of an Avengers saga, or battle, or origin, or ANYTHING. The best we have is ULTIMATE AVENGERS, and that was more rooted in Ultimate, as I imagine the film will be. If you want 616, well, you have to hunt for details from the 90's IRON MAN or so on. And under those circumstances, they can feel like crumbs from the meal that Marvel has denied.

DC had the balls to stick a D-Lister like Hawkgirl on the core cast of a JUSTICE LEAGUE cartoon and have it work for 5 seasons. Yet Marvel can't even make a cartoon starring the 616 versions of Thor, Cap, Iron Man, Wasp, Pym, and whoever else work. In 1999, they barely even tried. It would be a shame if that will stand as Marvel's SINGLE attempt to animate the core Avengers in TV history. A damn, damn shame.

I am sure a reference to how Hawkeye or Wasp acts in the comics will tug at the fanboy heartstrings. It will make you smirk. And then scowl at the fact that such dynamics have never, ever, EVER, been animated and translated faithfully. It gets even worse when projects like NEXT AVENGERS (or "Avengers Babies" as I call it) don't even TRY.

It also seems typical that the one Avenger Baby who got storyline cut due to time withstraints was the token black member.
Time length issues are also something that have plagued the DTV's. It is like to animate anything beyond the CN commercial block of 75 is a crime.
I posted a few rants about this in the older topic from page 4:


I'm lazy, but when I not, I'll repost some of my posts, since my opinion really hasn't changed.

I think it is an absolute waste of potential. The artwork for the original Avengers is great, and I am glad it appears to be more rooted in 616 allusions than Ultimate. But that said, why are we getting Avengers Babies? If we had to get Teen Avengers, why not MC2? That has Spider-Girl for chrissakes. Instead we get a mish-mash of stock cliche character ideas that any network hack in a focus group could come down with. How much you want to bet at least one of the kids rides a skateboard? :p

There are no end of classic Avengers sagas, stories, and rosters. But this has none of them. Instead this almost seems like a pilot pitch for a TV series. A package meant to please corporate suits for a network. The only problem is there IS no network. The DTV's have more freedom in terms of censorship than TV shows are. There are fewer limits on violence, dialogue, mature situations, and so on. Rate it PG-13 and you can even say words like, "God", "Jesus", "Hell", "Damn" or even, gasp, "Ass". But you also can deliver more pulse pounding action sequences and get into deeper character interaction. It allows more freedom than network TV cartoons provide.

So what does Marvel LG do? Make something in the mold of Kid's WB. It is like they are too used to TV and can't aspire for anything higher and grander, and I think that has plagued all of the LG DTV's in some way, even the ones that are good overall. They never lose that TV feel. Bruce Timm, in contrast, always thinks more cinematic, for pushing the envelope, and Greg Wiesman on SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN does too (hell, he almost invented it alongside Timm when GARGOYLES was airing).

Hawkeye hasn't seen a decent animated portrayal since IRON MAN season 2 from 1995-1996, because his portrayal in AVENGERS: UNITED THEY STAND in '99 was sheer garbage. Ultron has NEVER seen ANY good animation portrayal. This DTV seeks to continue that record. I don't want some lame "too emo for you" anime white haired pipsqueak son. I want Clint F'n Barton. I want Ultron slaughtering countries and battering Avengers and Thor blaring, "We would have words with thee". Instead we get focused grouped kiddie drivel being thrown at us as if it hasn't been done a BILLION times before, as if it isn't chasing the TEEN TITANS fad (which was only canceled 2 years ago), as if it isn't a leftover from a stock network suit meeting in 1998 for FoxKids.

The excuse for this is, "we want to make something for new and old fans to enjoy." Firstly, the idea of a "new fan" is a fallacy. There are no new comic book fans. Period. End of discussion. They are not the ones why buy the DTV's. Secondly, nothing is more spineless than a product that doesn't have the cajones to pick an audience and stick to it. Take, say, Feburary's TUROK: SON OF STONE DTV. It's "Unrated", and it shows. It has mature situations and gore usually unseen in animation outside of Japanese stuff. It clearly selected it's audience as late teens-adults and doesn't B.S. about it. NEXT AVENGERS, from the obligatory inclusion of Iron Man and Hulk to the stock kiddie cast, simply looks the very cliche of franchise drivel spat out by corporate suits. Where are the Happy Meal toy tie-ins while we are at it?

I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the trailers, at the very least, make it look better than some of the early promo's did last year. But it seems when I watch any trailer, every time I see something that has potential, or looks cool, there goes one of the kids, saying something that kids have been saying in cartoons since the friggin' 1980's and fouling it all up.

Quite why Marvel LG didn't just do ULTIMATE AVENGERS 3 I have no idea. Those two films, sadly, are the closest thing we have to a decent Avengers cartoon. And they may be the last. DC and WB have the nuts to try to make a corny franchise like Justice League work on TV for 5 seasons and produce some of the best, most faithful, and action packed team shows in history. The Avengers have more defined stortlines and characters (in some respects), but Marvel doesn't have the stones to give them proper animation due (at least without a movie), and that is beyond pathetic.

If NEXT AVENGERS is any way decent, it will not be because of the kids and the premise. It will be despite it. Compare this to the WB animated DTV's and it doesn't even compare to even Bruce Timm PHONING it in (basically, SUPERMAN: DOOMSDAY). It is almost like Marvel pities DC and wants to allow them to dominate the small screen in quality here.

....dayum! Tell us what you really think. I agree with most of this, a large part of me wants this to work but knows it won't really. Just like the ultimate avengers i sorta liked until i thought hey i like regular avengers and this aint it and the only thing that makes ultimate different is the super adult themes Lets have giant man smack his wife around and it didn't have that it was lost somewhere in the middle.

I thought it was a TV show not direct to video that sucks:cmad:

The part I disagree with is there are new fans, but mostly it's us old guys who buy everything. I also liked how you picked like the 3 best cartoons back in the day (batman, spiderman, gargoyles) to illustrate it can work:up:
That's what I said. I also would like the other two better or even this awesome elsewordlds i read where the heros never came back from battle world or whatever so they paired up cap and rogue, enchantress and thor, even the villians had kids Doom and enchantress etc. at the end they get transported back to earth that overrun with sentinels. the lead was sara caps daughter she carries his shield and thor's hammer:wow:

This is the chick I was talking about codename Crusader:

Go to this website for full story details http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/earthbattleworld.htm
Oh in case you were wondering dread Clint son is from him and she hulk and his name is Mustang not francis:confused:
Look at his Young avengers:

Asgardian which i liked better than the wiccan design



The Vision Iron Lad armor


Where the hell is Franklin and Valeria Richards? Dead? I don't think so. And Kristoff?


:thing: :doom: :thing:
Yeah I don't get with so many good characters they could use why new ones...oh well.
As many women as Tony bangs, you'd think it was he who had all these kids running around.
Is this Marvel's attempt at copy catting a Teen Titans type if vibe?
wow, everyone seems to be giving Next Avengers a lot of flack and not even giving it that much of a chance. i'm gonna go in with a clear-head when i watch it and hopefully enjoy it. it's entertainment. that's all it is. and what was so wrong with Ultimate Avengers? Invincible Iron Man? Doctor Strange?

and i'm probably gonna be gettin bashed for everything i've said.
Bash, bash, bash...hey you ok steelio...Jk.

I just thought dread had some valid points. I think it could have been done better not that this idea is bad just not maybe the best one.

The marvel Animated DVD's were Ok but not Phenominal which is what I want.
I'm sure most of us have seen those before. The artist's is using the X-Men Evolution template.


I didn't say they were new and I know it's Xmen evolution style but I like that style much more than alot the trying to anime crap we get.
well what do we have to compare to them? sure we have DC Universe ones. What did u guys think bout Superman: Doomsday? Was it great? Not really. It was okay. It's the weakest of the DC films so far. Justice League: New Frontier. Was it great? Okay yeah it was good. Sure I know a lot of ppl complain bout how the story was compacted to fit the time constrains. Batman: Gotham Knight. Was it great? I think it's pretty damn good. The best so far.

See, I don't take the DC cartoons and compare 'em to Marvels attempts. Tho, prob. my fault cuz I don't know that much bout the marvel comics. I'm mostly a DC guy myself. But my rating on whether or not it's good or not, it has to fit a few points on a criteria I came up with.

It's gotta have good characters, good story, great action. And above most it's gotta have awesome animation. Iron Man sorta wasn't the best, cuz they chose to do his armor in cg. And the story was meh. They needed to actually have the Mandarin if ur gonna have him. But it had good characters. So can Next Avengers do any worse than Invincible Iron Man? I don't think so, cuz i think that Iron Man was the weakest in all of the marvel cartoons so far.
Off topic question for you.
Why is your avvy of venom if your a dc guy?
Watched it last night, it was ok. Too bad they didn't use the concept character designs instead, shown at the end of the credits.
I think the DC films have been significantly stronger then the Marvel ones because they're true to the source. Marvel gives way too much room and DC keeps it strict. Especially when they have someone amazing like BT.

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