- Zordon is a humanoid alien and not a giant head.
- Zordon and Zedd are of the same race, perhaps even brothers. They created the power rangers to act as guardians on their factioned/warring planet.
- There were 6 power coins in total and each symbolises a kind of energy/trait - Red - leadership/strength, Black - determination, Blue - intelligence, Pink - kindness, Yellow - loyalty and Green - jealousy/rage. The green coin, more powerful than others was only to be used in times of great need.
- The coins were created via channelling planetary energy into the coins. A mishap with the green coin is what led to it being a more powerful coin than the others.
- The coins power/energy would work by wrapping the user in a protective armour and provide them with a sort of heightened strength and reflexes (no powers) and also allow the user to control the respective zords.
- The coins only work with those who have certain 'genetic markers' and were handed out to those who were worthy to act as guardians. Zordon was entrusted as the Red Ranger.
- Zedd doesn't have this marker but unbeknown to Zordon, Zedd is plotting to take over and rule their planet. Inspired by the accident with the green coin, he secretly creates a 7th coin and maxes the potential energy resulting in the planets core/energy becoming unstable.
- Goldar is one of the original guardians but is loyal to Zedd. He uses the 7th coin which, due to its mass of power, makes him grow to a gigantic size. In the resulting battle, the planets core starts to tear apart.
- Zordon is entrusted with the 6 remaining power coins and flees his dying planet, and the attacking army of Lord Zedd, in his ship, 'The Alpha-5' which also serves as a command station and houses the Zords.
- Zedd has no powers like in the show, Rita is his queen who is always on the look out for a chance to backstab him and take over his army and Goldar is his loyal general.
- Zordon crash lands on earth and dying, he is confined to a life support chamber in his ship. Fearing Zedd will try to take over Earth, he gives the power coins to 5 teens who are near to or investigating the crash site. From this chamber he would interact and guide the teens, similar to the series but without being a giant head in a jar.
- The team would involve either the 1st or 2nd group of characters but miss out Tommy until the 2nd film.
- The group, from the local high school, are familiar with each other but aren't friends as they all belong to different social groups. Jason - athlete/Jock, Zack - party guy, Billy - science nerd, Kimberly - cheerleader, Trina - musician.
- So the movie would be about them shedding their perceptions of each other (for example, while Zack is a party guy, underneath he wants to buckle down and make something of himself) and learning to come together as a team just as much as the action.
- The zords would be based on the dino zords from the first series. The zords, as part of the power of the coin, have the power to 'morph' into what each new user desires (so the zords whilst in use on Zordons planet would look like the Shogun Zords). Dinozords are chosen, when Billy is the first to touch the coins and, being a science buff, they pick up on his hobby/fascination with dinosaurs.
- While the zords would resemble the Dinozords they would have a more alien looking influence (similar to how Oozes Metamophocons were alien looking bugs in the first movie).
- The rangers, on a training mission, end up using the zords to help out when an earthquake causes the suspension bridge to start breaking up, where they gain media coverage and thus gain the moniker, 'Power Rangers'.
- Zedd, following Zordon to earth would send out his putty men to try and track down the teens and the power coins
- The putty men who would act as minor villains are Zedds army, a group of his people that he turned into zombie-like beings to do his bidding. The putty men would not be as 'dumb' as in the series and while not a major threat, would be somewhat harder to beat. Once defeated the putty men would become 'dead' thus, giving Zedd the need to replenish his ranks whenever possible.
- The final showdown would be between the giant Goldar (who is bigger than the zords seperately but equal to the Megazord) and the Megazord.
The sequel would see Zedd finding the green power coin (lost in the crash of the Alpha-5 in the first film) which is the coin for the Dragon Zord, the biggest and most powerful Dinozord. Zedd would recruit an introduced Tommy and corrupt him with the power of the Green Coin. The 2nd film would basically be the whole Green Ranger saga leading to the 3rd film where he becomes the White Ranger.