No matter what anybody says...

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
Reaction score
I do not want to see the following on film, mainly b/c 1-they wouldn't translate well, 2-it's been done to death in other movies, 3-their stories just don't fit the established aesthetic of the movies, or 4-just not cost-effective:
1. Venom1, 3 &4
2. Carnage1, 3 & 4
3. Galactus1 & 4
4. Juggernaut1 & 4
5. Sentinels1
6. Spider-slayers1 & 3
7. Gratuitous villain team-ups.2
8. Black Cat2
9. The Shi-ar empire 1, 3 & 4
10. Rogue gaining flight and/or strength 3
11. Iceman icing up 1
12. Gwen Stacy 3
Chris Wallace said:
I do not want to see the following on film, mainly b/c 1-they wouldn't translate well, 2-it's been done to death in other movies, 3-their stories just don't fit the established aesthetic of the movies, or 4-just not cost-effective:
1. Venom1, 3 &4
2. Carnage1 & 3
3. Galactus1 & 4
4. Juggernaut1 & 4
5. Sentinels1
6. Spider-slayers1 & 3
7. Gratuitous villain team-ups.2
8. Black Cat2
9. The Shi-ar empire 1, 3 & 4
10. Rogue gaining flight and/or strength 3
11. Iceman icing up 1
12. Gwen Stacy 3

Fine, let's just not do any more comic book movies while we're at it.:p
What about Star Wars Kid vs Spiderman?

1. Venom1, 3 &4

DISAGREE...the character origin will probably be changed but I think there's ways he could work...after all, if they can get spidey's normal costume to work, then they could probably make venom look right too ;)

2. Carnage1 & 3

UNDECIDED...but likely AGREE

3. Galactus1 & 4

Depends on how they handle the silver surfer film

4. Juggernaut1 & 4

He might work, but I don't know about that costume

5. Sentinels1

Huge robots in the X-films that are as grounded in reality as possible? No thanks

6. Spider-slayers1 & 3


7. Gratuitous villain team-ups.2

Agree...espescially if they're both crime lords. Kingpin/Bullseye team ups work because of the nature of the characters

8. Black Cat2


9. The Shi-ar empire 1, 3 & 4


10. Rogue gaining flight and/or strength 3

AGREED...wouldn't work the way that the X-films have been handled

11. Iceman icing up 1


12. Gwen Stacy 3

I gotta say, I disagree with you on almost all of those, Chris.
Chris Wallace said:
1. Venom1, 3 &4
2. Carnage1 & 3

While I disagree with a lot of what you said. I will only argue this one point......fopr now.

How the hell is Venom not cost effective and Carnage is???
I disagree with all of this, except #12. And that, only because the Spider-Man movies have already veered so far off course from the Stacy saga.

But the one that really caught my eye for reasons unknown was #9...I mean; the Shiar Empire "not cost effective"? We've seen the Klingon and Romulan Empires in movies and television ten and even twenty YEARS ago, that translated well...I'm pretty sure Fox could pull it off today with relative ease.

And if the X movies continue to move towards Dark Phoenix, then i DEFINITELY want to see the X-Men's duel with the Shiar Imperial Guard translated to the big screen. Otherwise, it's a cop-out.
i reckon most of these could be done, but they should give it a little while before attempting them. i don't see how galactus isn't cost effective, they could just dress a guy up and make him stand on a scale model of manhattan. the ed wood approach always pays off.
Chris Wallace said:
I do not want to see the following on film, mainly b/c 1-they wouldn't translate well, 2-it's been done to death in other movies, 3-their stories just don't fit the established aesthetic of the movies, or 4-just not cost-effective:
1. Venom1, 3 &4
2. Carnage1 & 3
3. Galactus1 & 4
4. Juggernaut1 & 4
5. Sentinels1
6. Spider-slayers1 & 3
7. Gratuitous villain team-ups.2
8. Black Cat2
9. The Shi-ar empire 1, 3 & 4
10. Rogue gaining flight and/or strength 3
11. Iceman icing up 1
12. Gwen Stacy 3
I don´t agree, except with #12 and #7, because, there is no point in bringing Gwen Stacy now.
About #7, any gratuitous thing is horrible....things have always to have a meaning, not just make it for the hell of it.
About #3, i´m undecided, i don´t think that a 29' 8 guy translates well on screen...but, then again, i´m also undecided for a live action Silver Surfer movie, i think it works better as a CGI movie in the likes of Final Fantasy (i mean, the quality of the CGI and the adult theme).
All the others can work just fine, some of them just need a little change...
Roughneck said:
While I disagree with a lot of what you said. I will only argue this one point......fopr now.

How the hell is Venom not cost effective and Carnage is???
Damn. That was an oversight.
skorponok said:
1. Venom1, 3 &4

DISAGREE...the character origin will probably be changed but I think there's ways he could work...after all, if they can get spidey's normal costume to work, then they could probably make venom look right too ;)

2. Carnage1 & 3

UNDECIDED...but likely AGREE

3. Galactus1 & 4

Depends on how they handle the silver surfer film

4. Juggernaut1 & 4

He might work, but I don't know about that costume

5. Sentinels1

Huge robots in the X-films that are as grounded in reality as possible? No thanks

6. Spider-slayers1 & 3


7. Gratuitous villain team-ups.2

Agree...espescially if they're both crime lords. Kingpin/Bullseye team ups work because of the nature of the characters

8. Black Cat2


9. The Shi-ar empire 1, 3 & 4


10. Rogue gaining flight and/or strength 3

AGREED...wouldn't work the way that the X-films have been handled

11. Iceman icing up 1


12. Gwen Stacy 3

Regarding #1-Spider-Man's costume isn't supposed to be a living creature.
#7-Kingpin & Bullseye didn't so much team up as Kingpin hired Mr. Poindexter to do a job. Since he's pretty much always working for somebody, there's no logic to him being solo in a movie.
13. Morbius 2
14. Annihilus 1
15. Mole Man 1 & 2
16. Lizard 3
17. Bishop 3
18. Cable 3
19. Silver Sable 3
20. Apocalypse 1, 3, & 4
Regarding the Gwen Stacey thing. It can still be done with MJ in the place of Gwenny.
Chris Wallace said:
I do not want to see the following on film, mainly b/c 1-they wouldn't translate well, 2-it's been done to death in other movies, 3-their stories just don't fit the established aesthetic of the movies, or 4-just not cost-effective:
1. Venom1, 3 &4
2. Carnage1, 3 & 4
3. Galactus1 & 4
4. Juggernaut1 & 4
5. Sentinels1
6. Spider-slayers1 & 3
7. Gratuitous villain team-ups.2
8. Black Cat2
9. The Shi-ar empire 1, 3 & 4
10. Rogue gaining flight and/or strength 3
11. Iceman icing up 1
12. Gwen Stacy 3
I agree with number 2:o
Aye you aint the feared and revered wallace we've all eard some much about. Why i eard ye was a mountain of a comic fan who wallowed in his comic DVD collection naked like a king?!? And yet here ye stand spouting about such nonsense as cost effectiveness and reality in thees movies! All of thees men here would give all of thar days and many o their dollirs just to see that they don't bring too much reality into ar lives. Let the comic movies be what they are, silly, fanciful, dreams full of couragous characters living in thar world not yurs. Aye yer not the Wallace I will follow.
RAMORE said:
Aye you aint the feared and revered wallace we've all eard some much about. Why i eard ye was a mountain of a comic fan who wallowed in his comic DVD collection naked like a king?!? And yet here ye stand spouting about such nonsense as cost effectiveness and reality in thees movies! All of thees men here would give all of thar days and many o their dollirs just to see that they don't bring too much reality into ar lives. Let the comic movies be what they are, silly, fanciful, dreams full of couragous characters living in thar world not yurs. Aye yer not the Wallace I will follow.

LOL:D that was william wallace christopher wallace was Biggie smalls real name
How Many Of These Was I Subsequently Defeated On?
A Starjammers movie with the Shiar could be a great Star Wars type of movie.

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