Of the 4 listed...

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
Reaction score
Who, in your opinion, has the coolest costume?

Hail to the king, baby. :cool:
of those listed i'd say captain america.

but union jack wins it for me :D
Spider-man has the coolest costume in all of comics. Even more amazing considering it was created in 1962.
Pffft. Black Panther followed by Luke Cage's tiara.
Definitely Spider-Man. At Universal Studios, even my 3 year old girl marked out to Spidey.
Spider-Man by far... Black Panther just has a Batman rip-off costume
With gold! :mad:

Yeah, I'm gonna go with Spider-Man. BP's is cool but a Batman rip-off, Cap's is pretty silly when you really look at it, and Moon Knight's is just another Batman rip-off but inverted to white.

Of BP's costumes, though, that one from the Priest series is easily the best. Marvel screwed the pooch when they decided to go back to the pinstripes.
Lackey said:
Spider-Man by far... Black Panther just has a Batman rip-off costume

So anybody with a black costume is a Batman rip off even though batman was wearing blue and grey at the time. Ok cool.:up:
Darthphere said:
So anybody with a black costume is a Batman rip off even though batman was wearing blue and grey at the time. Ok cool.:up:
Duh. :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, if you take a look at the character, he basically is a black Batman with a country behind him instead of his parents' business. The costume reflects that, right down to the ear motif.
TheCorpulent1 said:
Duh. :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, if you take a look at the character, he basically is a black Batman with a country behind him instead of his parents' business. The costume reflects that, right down to the ear motif.

I dont see that, but it seems like the popular interpretation and I have a headache so I wont argue. Oh and by the way you hate Ultimates.:mad:
Practically- BP

Visually- Spider-Man

Although Ult Cap's War outfit (sans mask or helmet) would beat them all
are we talking classic Spider-man, or modern Civil War Spider-man
oh WTF, i'm voting for Cap.
(lol, i just got the side kick thing, so i guess it's classic. but my vote still goe to cap.)
Darthphere said:
I dont see that, but it seems like the popular interpretation and I have a headache so I wont argue. Oh and by the way you hate Ultimates.:mad:
Kanye says you hate black people, so we're even. :p
tough call between those. Although I disagree that Spider-Man has the perfect costume as most people seem to think

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