Of the 4 villains listed...

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
Reaction score
Who, in your opinion, has the coolest costume?
Dr. Doom. Although, he would be an easy defeat if the opponent would just move. How can Doom see to his left or right out of the square holes in his mask. Never the less, he is still a bad mutha.
Bullseye said:
Dr. Doom. Although, he would be an easy defeat if the opponent would just move. How can Doom see to his left or right out of the square holes in his mask. Never the less, he is still a bad mutha.
Did you read the opening post? This isn't about who can beat whom.:doom:
Oh, I read it. I posted Doom has the best costume and at the same time how bad his mask sucks.
They all got goofy costumes... I suppose Magneto's is the least goofy. I've always thought Doom's costume was pretty bad. A tunic over armor? They would've thought that was goofy looking even in the Middle Ages.
I like Doom's costume the most out of the ones listed, but I'd really like to see his armor get a permanent upgrade. Seriously, Iron Man gets new armor every ten minutes, but Doom's stuck with the same ratty tin can he started out in? Streamline that mofo! They could keep the tunic and stuff over it, I just really can't stand the fact that Doom's supposedly Iron Man-level armor looks as clunky and useless as a Medieval suit of armor. Even the Black Knight, who's actually based on Medieval knights, has more modern, better looking armor than Doom. :(
Bullseye said:
Oh, I read it. I posted Doom has the best costume and at the same time how bad his mask sucks.
I think his suit has internal sensors, just like Iron Man's.
Stop making stupid threads.
And yet you came back to this "stupid" thread to reply; you are what my wife would call "special".
It's like a Uwe Boll movie, you know it's stupid but you just can't help but look.
Man, there have been alot more bizzare Polls and threads than this one and it's original enough.

Anyway, I'm with Magneto's costume, it's smooth and the helmet makes it truly complete. I like the Ultimate incarnation the most.

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