With the 4th film coming out very soon and hopefully this thread will still stay up long enough, of the 4 Spider-Man films made so far, what 2 are currently your favorite ones and please separately say why, for each fave one named.
Spider-Man 2 - A great story for Peter struggling with the responsibility of being Spider-Man and how it's ruining his life. Doc Ock is a fantastic villain, visually awesome, and played to perfection by Alfred Molina. The action scenes are top notch. The supporting cast like Aunt May, Jonah, and Harry all have bigger meatier roles to play in the story.
Spider-Man - Great origin story. Handles Peter's transformation into a hero really well. Willem Dafoe is a brilliant Norman Osborn, but his Green Goblin is a bit too cartoony and his costume is awful. The action scenes are not as dazzling and impressive as the movie's successors, but they are still good. Aunt May, Uncle Ben and Harry are a great supporting cast.
The Amazing Spider-man looks good,but this question probably should've waited untill July 3rd. Anyway,it's hard to pick right now. Honestly,I love all 3 films released so far. Obviously,part 3 gets the most negativity,and I can see why,but it's still alot of fun for me. The original is a wonderful origin story and part 2 is one of the greatest comic book films ever.
Since I have not seen TASM, I cannot really answer this truthfully. With the Raimi trilogy, SM1 and SM2 are no doubt my two favorite movies. I predict that SM2 and TASM will be my favorites.
Spider-Man 1 because it was the very first superhero movie I ever saw in the theaters, and Spider-Man was always one of my favorite superheroes. So, seeing him on the big screen and the origin come to life, along with the characters of Peter Parker and MJ being played by who I thought were the greatest actors for the role, just made my life. I still get excited to put in the DVD and watch it.
And then I might have to go with Spider-Man 3. I didn't have anything against Spider-Man 2; it just wasn't one of my favorites probably because it just had a weird feel to it, I don't know. For Spider-Man 3, I really enjoyed Venom being a part of that, and I thought it played well on the friendship/betrayal aspect between Peter and Harry. Although, I know a lot of people hated SP 3, and I'm not entirely sure why (unless it was the dance scene when Peter was bad), but I rather liked it.
The Amazing Spider-Man wasn't horrible. I expected it to completely butcher the entire Spider-Man legacy, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was rather good, actually. Just not one of my favorites.
My two favorites are now The Amazing Spider-Man, because of pretty much everything in it, followed by Spider-Man 2 because of the fantastic Doctor Octopus and the fight sequences.
The original film was a fanstastic origin story which lacked a little in the way of a compelling villain story. The second film remedies that perfectly with the Dr. Octopus plotline and remains the definitive Spide-Man film and one of the best comic book films to date. I have a fondness for 3 but it's clearly the weakest Raimi film. TASM is alright.
Spidey 2 and 1. I see Spidey 2 not so much as being superior to 1, but as the natural extension and furthering of 1. But because it has bigger action and better developed villain (Due to bigger budget, improved effects), it is a better Spidey film the way the comics improved over time, even though there isn't anything wrong with the early work. Of course the faltering of Spidey 3 is well-discussed, even though I maintain the film has some great moments.
TASM just doesn't cut it. There's no reason why it shouldn't be a much better film than it is. Bigger budget, improved technology, audience acceptance and knowledge of Spider-Man. All the wrong choices were made on that movie when they should've known better by now. The most stand-out moment was the school fight. Add that to the list of excellent Spider-Man screen battles and you have about my favorite on screen action star next to Bruce Lee.
^ What Dragon said up there. SM2 & SM1 are my favourites. TASM tried but came up short. It seemed like it tried too hard to be different and lost a bit too much of Spider-Man's soul in the process.
Spider-Man 2 is the closest thing to a perfect superhero film Marvel-wise in my opinion. So obviously that one. Now, whether Spidey 1 or TASM is better is tough to choose. If I hadn't already seen Spidey 1, I would have been WAY more impressed with TASM yknow? Otherwise I mainly liked the second half of TASM because it felt newer than the redone origin.
in my opinion the Rami Trilogy was enjoyable minus the third movie but overall the first three films were not good Spidey adaptations.
dont get me wrong the first two were GOOD films .
The Amazing Spider-Man and Spiderman 2, in no particular order.
Spiderman 2 obviously because of Alfred Molina's Doc Ock, he nailed the character, and I thought his suit and his mechanical arms were 10 times better looking than any other depictions I ever saw. And I still hold a soft spot for the train fight, as a lot of people still do. The poses Spiderman takes, the action, the battle in general, when he stops the train, how Doc Ock comes back in the picture when Spiderman just stopped the train : Fantastic !
And as always, special mention goes to J.K. Simmons for his Jonah Jameson. Especially the scene where Peter takes his suit back. It's everything Jonah Jameson is in one scene.
And the Amazing Spiderman, maybe for the more fleshed out origin story, the plots that are left for further sequels, the webshooters, although I was a huge fan of the organic web. I always thought if he was going to have Spider-like powers, couldn't he AT LEAST be able to produce his own web ? The Lizard was a nice choice, and the humour in the movie felt refreshing !
I also like the fact that he doesn't kill the Lizard, unlike Green Goblin, Venom and Doc Ock (and the Protogoblin, in a way).
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