Official 2012 Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Discussion


Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
I wasn't quite sure whether I should put this here or in the Television forum.

Discuss the pros and cons of Nickelodeon's upcoming animated reboot (premiers 9.26)

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I am personally very excited about the cartoon. I was always a bigger fan of the 2003 series than the 1989 series but I loved them both. To me this series seems to be trying to blend the darkness and action from the 2003 series with the fun and humor of the 1989 series. Which I could really get into.

I have no problem with the animation and I am hugely on board with how they designed the turtles in this. The hand wraps are bada** and they are each a slightly different build. Awesome! Donatello is my favorite turtle and I hope they do him justice.

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Pros : New Ninja Turtle action figures

Cons : Turtle Designs
Teenage April
Don's crush on April
CGI animation
Krang listed as a race of aliens called " The Krang "
Mikey's weapon
Don's weapon
I kinda like the idea of a teen-aged April. But then again, I am horribly biased and tend to carry much enthusiasm towards teenage-related reboots (a good example would be X-Men: Evolution).

After viewing the trailer, I admit I'm afraid it might end up being a bit more light than I'd prefer. I'd like a TMNT adaptation dark enough for a mature audience to enjoy while still appealing to the poor youths that still watch Nickelodeon these days. But perhaps I am asking for too much?

Other than that, I am liking what I see (particularly when it comes to the depiction and the fact that each of the Turtles have differing designs).
Pros : New Ninja Turtle action figures

Cons : Turtle Designs
Teenage April
Don's crush on April
CGI animation
Krang listed as a race of aliens called " The Krang "
Mikey's weapon
Don's weapon

You know the weapons will be used interchangeably? Bo to Naginata, Nunchaku to Kusarigama? I will admit I'm curious to see why they added that. I want to see what they have need of slashing. Probably robots...

I kinda like the idea of a teen-aged April. But then again, I am horribly biased and tend to carry much enthusiasm towards teenage-related reboots (a good example would be X-Men: Evolution).

After viewing the trailer, I admit I'm afraid it might end up being a bit more light than I'd prefer. I'd like a TMNT adaptation dark enough for a mature audience to enjoy while still appealing to the poor youths that still watch Nickelodeon these days. But perhaps I am asking for too much?

Other than that, I am liking what I see (particularly when it comes to the depiction and the fact that each of the Turtles have differing designs).

Well you can blame the lighter tones on the greater majority of the public (and hipsters) and their preference for the 1989 cartoon. At which I breathe a heavy sigh...
I'll just treat this the same way I treated " Ninja Turtles : The Next Mutation ". I'll collect the toys and the comics, but I'll pass on Nick's CGI toon.
I'll just treat this the same way I treated " Ninja Turtles : The Next Mutation ". I'll collect the toys and the comics, but I'll pass on Nick's CGI toon.

whats wrong with CGI? Keeping in mind the 2003 series is one of my favorite cartoons, how is this:


any worse than these?


Just like, in your opinion I mean? Cuz it really ain't gonna sway me from watching TMNT awesomeness.
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the new designs look blocky and goofy . I'm not a big fan of CGI toonz, because to me 2D animation looks so much better and fluid. I'm a die -hard ninja turtles fan, and I even went to see the CGI 2007 " TMNT " flick, but it just didn't do anything for me. I'm sure there are going to be those who are gonna love this new Tmnt toon, but I'm not one of them. The toys look pretty cool, and I'm really digging what IDW is doing with the comic, but I just can't get on board with this nick toon. The 80's turtle toon is always gonna have a special place in my heart because that's what starting my love for the turtles, and the 2003 toon to me is so spectacular because they didn't dumb down the turtles and made them more Mirage based. That's not to say that they didn't have flaws, because they did. I definately was not feeling the " Super mutations/ Lord Dregg " episodes of the original series, and couldn't stand " Flash Forward / Back to the sewers " of the new series.

As someone who's watched some of Nickelodeon's recent cartoon series, try to keep your expectations low.

And when I mean low, I mean, rock bottom. Nickelodeon's involvement with this show is NOT a good sign.
So anyway show comes out in about 5 weeks. Can't wait to order a pizza and watch it.

I'm fairly excited about the cast. Lets talk about that for a minute.
Jason Biggs as Leonardo - An off-beat, yet strangely comfortable choice. I don't mind it at all. His voice sounds very "yes, sir. no, sir." polite and disciplined to me.
Sean Astin as Raphael - His voice is great, having seen/heard what I can from the trailers and demos. I'm pleasantly surprised.
Greg Cipes as Michaelangelo - The "Beast Boy" voice actor sounds a little strange in the orange headband, but he's fun and he's got the right flavor. I'm on board
Rob Paulsen as Donatello - This one is the one that bugs me a little. I think the inclusion of the classic Raphael voice actor is great, but its hard for my brain to translate. I'll have to let this one settle for a while before I finalize my decision.
Hoon Lee as Master Splinter - Sounds great, especially for a "slightly younger" Splinter. Assumedly he'll get plenty of screentime.
Mae Whitman as April O'Neil - I love the "Katara" voice actress she might possibly be my favorite casting choice.
Kevin Michael Richardson as the Shredder - Very tough and sinister. Hopefully he's a better villain than the 1989 catastrophe... I mean Shredder.
Phil LaMarr as Baxter Stockman - THIS IS AWESOME. This guy also voiced my favorite cartoon in the world Samurai Jack!
Hold up, Uncle Phil ( James Avery ) was great as the Shredder !!! Given that the 80's show was more an action comedy, I thought Shredder was great !
I assume you've seen Turtles Forever? He was hilarious in that. I about pissed my pants laughing. No huge loss. :) Gotta love the contrast between the different TMNT incarnations.
Actually I don't think Avery did the voice for Shredder in " Turtles Forever ". But Shredder and Krang getting punked by Chr'ell was pretty funny.
Maybe the middle ground between both previous animated incarnations is what today's kids need. Everybody has to start somewhere.
I absolutely love how this is the first series of the turtles that actually makes me see them as teenagers. Even though they're supposed to be teenagers in all of the other shows and movies that came out, they always came across a little too mature in manner that I forget how young they actually are. Im excited for this direction.
I dig the theme.
I absolutely love how this is the first series of the turtles that actually makes me see them as teenagers. Even though they're supposed to be teenagers in all of the other shows and movies that came out, they always came across a little too mature in manner that I forget how young they actually are. Im excited for this direction.

I dig the approach. I'm excited from what I've seen in the trailer and might be one of the few people who likes the animation style.
In every incarnation, Raphael always sounds like he's about 30. They captured the tough NY attitude, but no 15-16 year old sounds like that.
September 26th to my knowledge. REALLY soon! :D

The new season of Clone Wars starts this month too. Pretty exciting.

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