the new designs look blocky and goofy . I'm not a big fan of CGI toonz, because to me 2D animation looks so much better and fluid. I'm a die -hard ninja turtles fan, and I even went to see the CGI 2007 " TMNT " flick, but it just didn't do anything for me. I'm sure there are going to be those who are gonna love this new Tmnt toon, but I'm not one of them. The toys look pretty cool, and I'm really digging what IDW is doing with the comic, but I just can't get on board with this nick toon. The 80's turtle toon is always gonna have a special place in my heart because that's what starting my love for the turtles, and the 2003 toon to me is so spectacular because they didn't dumb down the turtles and made them more Mirage based. That's not to say that they didn't have flaws, because they did. I definately was not feeling the " Super mutations/ Lord Dregg " episodes of the original series, and couldn't stand " Flash Forward / Back to the sewers " of the new series.