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Iron Man 3 Official Iron Man 3 rate/review thread.

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That would make the embargoes essentially pointless.

If there is an embargo, the reporters should honor it.
There is nothing that the studio can do to a reporter to punish them for breaking an embargo. Any attempt at retaliation would just backfire, anyway.
It's really can't be that hard to wait for the embargo date to lapse, can it? Releasing something early gains them nothing, except for a few more early page views and comments.
These reviews are getting me even more excited for the film.
I think the reviews embargo just lifted in France (since it's now April 22 there).

From mdcu-comics.fr (4/5)

Comicsblog.fr (4/5)

You can believe those ones . I work at the MDCU website and I'm a member of both Lestoileshéroiques and comicsblog .

The MDCU's website review (which by the way is a big website , here in France , about Comics , CBMs etc) says that the movie is awesome , the best of the trilogy BUT the post-credits scene is apparently disappointing .

Lestoileshéroiques' review says the movie is an excellent movie BUT that they are too many jokes and the movie sometimes tends to become a sci-fi movie . Like in the other reviews , the Sir Ben Kingsley's performance (The Mandarin)
is astonishing but the vilain isn't iconic . And the reviewer says there's a curse on the IM Trilogy about the vilains . (like in the first two movies)

Finally ComicsBlogs' review thinks the movie excellent too but the movie is (in his opinion) an simple aftermath of the Avengers because of the "post-Avengers" thing . Otherwise , it's excellent .
Awesome reviews!
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I'll be honest, I'm so stoked for this movie but...i'm getting slightly nervous about the whole "comedy" aspect I keep hearing about. The reviews seem to be stating that this is the most comedy filled of the trilogy and to be honest, the comedy is what sunk IM2 for me. That movie just felt so damn jokey and there were no serious moments at all. This movie looked like it was going for a much more serious tone which is what excited me about it but according to the reviews its even MORE jokey than IM2???
The French embargo has been fully lifted and here are more reviews--

Positive: L'Express avec Studio Cine Live, Le Nouvel Observateur, Premiere.fr, La Nouvelle Republique, Cloneweb, Salles obscures, Myscreens.fr, Cineaddict (3.5/5), Lyricis.fr (4/5), filmdeculte (5/6), Cinevibe (3/5), mulderville (4.5/5), zoliobi, vie de geek (8/10), pingoo, place-to-be, legenoudeclaire, gentlegeek, amha.fr, gamalive, justcinema (8/10), trendspotin, jeuxvideo, fr.locita, toutlecine (3/5), jeuxactu (4/5), famillechretienne, comicsplace, braindamaged.fr, staragora, Journal du Geek, CineHeroes, samuraidestempsmodernes

Negative: Ecranlarge (2.5/5), senscritique, dailymars (2/5), bbbuzz (2.5/5), abusdecine, lepasseurcritic (2/4), cinemateaser(2.5/5)

Mixed: buzzmygeek, critique-film

Just of note from the French "what are the critics saying?" articles that I came across (from TF1, which is one of the major French channel) and Reviewers.fr, the major, oft-cited reviewers appear to be Premiere, Avoir-Alire, Myscreen, La Nouvelle Republique, Cloneweb, Unification France, Salles Obscures, and Filmosphere. Out of those, all are positive except for one (Filmosphere).
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I'll be honest, I'm so stoked for this movie but...i'm getting slightly nervous about the whole "comedy" aspect I keep hearing about. The reviews seem to be stating that this is the most comedy filled of the trilogy and to be honest, the comedy is what sunk IM2 for me. That movie just felt so damn jokey and there were no serious moments at all. This movie looked like it was going for a much more serious tone which is what excited me about it but according to the reviews its even MORE jokey than IM2???
Also for IM2 some of the comedy was just flat out bad which didn't help. The reviews seem to say that the film is very good overall despite the comedy which they didn't say for IM2 so I think it will fit better here.
It was great. A shane black film through and through. If you guys have seen kiss kiss bang bang, it is reminiscent of that in a lot of aspects. tony's voice over at the start of the movie being the example that sticks out the most.

The script. Or should i say, dat script, is amazing. Seriously have to give props to drew pearce and shane black; it is constantly engaging and moving forward. no lulls. *stan smith voice* "NO LULL!" plus it is just ridiculously clever and finely tuned. bloody good job.

i am so impressed that it didn't suffer by technically being a disney movie. you could just tell that the studio did not interfere with shane's vision. it was the right amount of violent and, given the nature of the story, the movie would have suffered from pulling too many punches, so to speak.

all the performances are great. weakest performance? gweneth i guess. this is nitpicking, however.

the action is really good! i was impressed with shane black, a guy who has not directed an action movie before, even though KKBB had some action elements i guess. great cinematography too.

as an end to the trilogy, it also works very well. it is subtle too. more subtle than TDKR re. how that film brought back the league of shadows and how it was essentially the same plan (destroy gotham) etc.

the humour. a lot of great jokes in this one. i agree that this is the funniest marvel movie to date.

iron man 2s humour is relatively self indulgent, and comes about via improvisation with the actors, something that Jon F. really liked doing. iron man 3 however has quick snappy jokes that feel much more tightly scripted. they're pretty much all funny too, with many laughs in the theatre.

the film, as a film, not as an adaptation of comic book arcs, is a triumph. it is a intricate plot told with such confidence and ablomb that you almost have to watch it twice to fully appreciate all the moving parts. luckily i am seeing it again in 26 hrs (the official australian release date)

i had to see it in 3d given the nature of the premiere screening. i dont like 3d. i can't wait to see it in 2d, i will be able to appreciate the stunning visuals all the more. (3d isnt as sharp as 2d, i hate the blur it gives certain shots)

i have kept spoilers from my review. i hope you guys haven't spoiled yourselves too much. i stopped all spoilers as much as i could from the 2nd tv spot onwards. and im very glad i did.

my brother, who i saw it with, likes marvel movies but isnt a mega fan like me, and he came away very happy. so i predict it will be a hit with general audiences.

just a tidbit spoiler for those of you who may doubt that i saw it:

Tony suits up in the silver centurion armour at one point yay

I loved it, 4.5 stars out of 5 from me, which may go higher once i see it in glorious 2d.

oh and the score was very good. i missed the classic rock, however, although i guess it reflects how tony has grown as a character/person.

oh and the special effects were great. damn, the extremis effects were perfect. some seriously well done cgi. i was worried cos ILM didnt do much this time round i believe.

also, the very last thing i read before the final marvel logo came up in the cinema was:

Tony Stark will Return

^ isn't really a spoiler but i tagged it just in case.
Also for IM2 some of the comedy was just flat out bad which didn't help. The reviews seem to say that the film is very good overall despite the comedy which they didn't say for IM2 so I think it will fit better here.

If its comedic ala Avengers, then I'm all for that. But like I said, there was just too much "comedy" in IM2 and it really hindered my enjoyment of that film. But, i have faith, all of the reviews have been glowing and the general consensus is that this movie rocks. I was just surprised to hear that there was so much comedy in the film given that the trailers don't give that vibe at all.
Usually fan response at IMDB isn't much to pay attention to but another thoughtful and cool review hit over their on that page:

GREAT balance GREAT movie, it gets everything right!

Iron Man 3 is BEYOND a typical summer movie. It's everything an entertaining movie should be, and much, much more. There's a serious subtext to the story and it leaps out of the very first moments of the film. The brilliant, hard-drinking, fast-talking, now traumatized superhero charms from opening scene until the last.

The movie gets everything right but maybe its number one strength is the fact that they cover new and exciting ground. Downey again brings a winning personality to play as Stark; he finds his pathos, too. Don Cheadle certainly has the acting chops to hang with Downey. Ben Kingsley's Mandarin is not what he seems and wonderful. No one, not even the villains are one dimensional characters. Guy Pearce is perfect in his role and, at the end, you can see why he was cast. Gwyneth Paltrow and Rebecca Hall certainly add sex appeal but beyond that they also deliver real performances and truly deep characters. This is Pepper Potts best film by far and is every bit the perfect match for Stark. The interaction and the relationships all work well and are truly a highlight of the entire movie. All the dialog is superb. You would expect nothing less from a Shane Black film. This ranks right up there if not surpasses Lethal Weapon and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

A lot of superhero comic book movies seem to share a problem in tone. Most films try to cope with wild concepts by emphasizing darkness, even over-emphasizing it. IM3 is somewhat dark but keeps in line with the wonderful tone already established for this character and universe. Again, this movie's creators mix everything so well. It leans towards dark but touches heavily on every other tone and emotion. Maybe it's the character or maybe it's because they had Downey's talents to play with but Downey's performance leads to more clever banter and genuinely real dialog than most other movies have ever delivered, regardless of genre. So much of the humor works because of this and all the dramatic beats really click. Downey's Stark is glib as ever but there's something bubbling under the surface that we haven't seen before. He never loses his likability and grows in to something more than what we've seen. That's true character turn and development in a summer film!!!! What's also rare for any popcorn movie is that every plot turn carries real emotional weight. This is what you get when you mix great acting talent with outstanding material. They make it shine and give you a remarkable summer movie. In terms of action, what we came to expect in Avengers is delivered here as well. Iron Man kicks butt again and again, he's not alone. The CG is perfect and the action is intense and very well done. That's no shocker.

What was a pleasant surprise was that Iron Man 3 is now officially in the running for best movie of the year, again regardless of genre.
What's the verdict?

From everything I've gathered-- great film, arguably the best of the trilogy or up to par with IM1 (or slightly less), but definitely better than IM2. Some comparisons with The Avengers in terms of likability. Has a distinctly different feel from previous IM and even Marvel films -- it's Shane Black doing a superhero film.

Some loyal comic book readers will be pissed as hell with the liberties taken, and a few will find it veered too much into comedy (and that the trailers are a bit misleading in that they presented a different tone than the actual film). Yet even some of those who didn't like it begrudgingly admit that it's entertaining at the very least.

(FYI: I'm continuously updating this post for the French reviews 'cause I don't want to have to make a post every time I find something, unless it's from a big-circulation paper or a known critic or something)
Also for IM2 some of the comedy was just flat out bad which didn't help. The reviews seem to say that the film is very good overall despite the comedy which they didn't say for IM2 so I think it will fit better here.

The "comedy" in IM2 was basically out of hand improvisation, the whole movie took the imrpov too far IMO, even though I can still watch the movie and enjoy sections of it.
I'm really liking the fact that even the more mixed reviews are stating that the movie has some depth and tries something new different with the Genre, and I am genuinely excited for it. Am I bummed about the no magic ring thing and the twist(Which I haven't fully ruined)? sure I guess, but the excitement about a new maybe not fresh, but Shane Black take on the Superhero genre has got me super hyped.
If its comedic ala Avengers, then I'm all for that. But like I said, there was just too much "comedy" in IM2 and it really hindered my enjoyment of that film. But, i have faith, all of the reviews have been glowing and the general consensus is that this movie rocks. I was just surprised to hear that there was so much comedy in the film given that the trailers don't give that vibe at all.
Yeah agreed, it is a bit surprising that it has the most comedy of the 3 given the trailer tone. But like you've said the glowing reviews have taken this into account and don't generally have a problem with it so it probably is more Avengers style than IM2 comedy. :word:
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