Sequels Official Metallo casting thread


Liv is life
Jul 16, 2002
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Personally I'm hoping Metallo is going to be in the sequel. So who would you cast as John Corben?

I only have 2 picks for the role

Keifer Sutherland or Kevin Bacon
Bacon would be a good choice,Kiefer is kinda small
Another choice i could see being good is Sean Bean
cool choice HR :up: I thought about Keifer simply because of his badassity. Is that even a word :confused:
if someones interested ill make a pic of someone, im kinda new at doing it so be kind :)
Can you do one of Bacon as Metallo? thanks, and I'll be kind :)
Lobo said:
cool choice HR :up: I thought about Keifer simply because of his badassity. Is that even a word :confused:
It is now
the thing is that just it, i mean i could never buy Superman beating Jack Bauer:o
Bauer pwns :up: You have a new request in the SR avvy thread from me as my pm box is full :o

so far it seems we all think Bacon could be a pretty good Metallo :)


added to my sig ;)
Lobo said:
Bauer pwns :up: You have a new request in the SR avvy thread from me as my pm box is full :o

so far it seems we all think Bacon could be a pretty good Metallo :)


added to my sig ;)

I already put the avvy in the thread
Thanks :) and now back on topic here.

Statham would be good, hell he could be good in so many different villain roles for a comic movie
Thats good man :up: I might even use it as an avatar if you dont mind lightning?
You know, this is yet another example of me seeing the character being played by the person who voiced them in the cartooon. I think Malcolm McDowell would be a good choice. He's perfect at playing the highly inteligent street level sociopath.
Lobo said:
Thats good man :up: I might even use it as an avatar if you dont mind lightning?

be my guess... all i ask is that you throw in a comment thanking me somewhere :up:
sure whenever I do I'll put you as the artist in my sig :)
Looking back at the Superman: TAS and Metallo, i could see James Masters.
just doesnt do ti form me.... leave him in smallville where he belongs... not many actors can make the transition from TV to FILM very well... and he wont
Marsters should have been Consatntine :(
Lobo said:
Marsters should have been Consatntine :(

i could see that maybe.... but really Consatintine would have made a hellva show rather hten a movie !!!!!
Lightning54SC said:
just doesnt do ti form me.... leave him in smallville where he belongs... not many actors can make the transition from TV to FILM very well... and he wont

How do you know he wouldn't do well in a film?

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