From the older thread, since it was closed before I could reply:
BillyZaned said:
so what exactly happened with this one... I want the play by play... how did you approach her, what was her reaction... how did she stand you up.... I think I know what's going on with you, I just want some more background before I state what I think... because the way you look, and sound... you seem like one of my old friends, Mike...
You think you know what's going on? Is that a good or bad thing? lol
For what happened:
She's a girl in my English class, and I typically walk out of class with her, and talk to her between classes. I was always nervous to make a move on her because she's really attractive, and in our talks I never particularly noticed anything from her that gave away any kind of interest. The closest thing to interest was when I had asked her about seeing her at one of the school football games, and she said she had seen me, but didn't want to say anything because she didn't think I'd notice her or recognize her. If that counts for anything at all, which it probably doesn't.
Well, I had finally found what I thought was a perfect opportunity to ask her out. There was a school drama production that I needed to go see for my theatre class, and I thought that asking her to an event that was a school event would be a good start - something completely casual in a safe place where she doesn't have to feel any pressure or intimidation.
Well, in talking to her after class, she had mentioned that she was going to be working that night. So I pretty much abandoned my plans to ask her out. But she mentioned that she was done with classes for the day, and she was going to go grab lunch before heading home and then going to work. Since I was also on a break between classes, I asked her if she wanted to have lunch together. Her response was that she had to work, and she didn't really have too much time before work because there were some things she had to do before work. It was then her that made the suggestion of going out this week instead, when she would have more time because she didn't have to work.
So that's how I asked her out and how she responded. I don't think I really did anything out of line, or too aggressive or forward. While I don't have any true kind of connection with this girl, it's not a girl I just met yesterday and have never talked to before, as I have regularly talked to her after class all semester long.