Superman Returns Official Superman Returns Misc Thread


Oct 10, 2004
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Look, I think we all know that this forum has been a little slow, and tensions have been running high among some. I thought maybe a thread in here on anything other than SR spoilers might be a good way for us all to have a place to vent. I know there's a Community Forum, but I figured this way would be more visible.

I guess I'll get started...

I haven't been as into the NCAAs this year since I've been busy with transfering colleges, but I've followed it loosely. None of my picks made it to the final four, but I'd say I'd have to pull for George Mason to win it all. I'm from NoVA, and I love a good Cinderella story.
I like this idea SciFi. I hope the MODS keep it.

I was pissed off about the NCAA tournament this year. I forgot to secure and fill out my bracket, I am not a big fan of basketball so I didnt even watch one game!
I'm a huge NC State fan due to a few generations of legacy, but I'm going to WVU. I was praying they would face each other in the sweet sixteen so at least one of my teams would be in the elite eight, but State had to go and suck against Texas, and then Texas had to go and beat WVU in the final second. The whole school was in the same state of shock the next day. We were all asking ourselves, "Did we all just imagine the same thing, or did it really happen?"
I saw the highlights! Amazing. I was hitched on to BC and Gonzaga. BC because I am from the Boston area and I have routed for Gonzaga almost every year only because I bought a hat in high school with the Gonzaga wordk mark on it. Heh Heh.
Yeah, that last five seconds of the WVU/Texas game was a manic-depressive's nightmare.
Well i cannot get involved in your conversation.. but i will say..that basketball was invented by the english.

;) its called net ball here and is played mainly by women.

^It's like a whole different planet.
America's the little brother with all the hand-me-downs.

Yup, but America turned it into something much more than just 'net ball'. We do that with a lot of stuff.
Yeah we did this thread a couple years ago. Dunno why people stopped posting in it. Might be because most of those members went to the planet and don't post on SHH anymore.
Crisis Superman said:
Has anyone in Canada seen any SR mechandise yet?
has anyone in the world seen any merchandise :confused:
dark_b said:
has anyone in the world seen any merchandise :confused:

Are you serious?? There are several people on this forum that have seen/purchased SR figures, etc.. I know Metropolis Man is one of them.
SolidSnakeMGS said:
Are you serious?? There are several people on this forum that have seen/purchased SR figures, etc.. I know Metropolis Man is one of them.
haha was joking. SR is very good promoted in usa.
MetropolisMan has the biggest collections of figures I have ever seen. He is a collector, he knows what hes doing.
\S/JcDc\S/ said:
Yeah we did this thread a couple years ago. Dunno why people stopped posting in it. Might be because most of those members went to the planet and don't post on SHH anymore.

Whats "The Planet"?
Showtime029 said:
MetropolisMan has the biggest collections of figures I have ever seen. He is a collector, he knows what hes doing.

Link his collection? I wana compare with mines.
Showtime029 said:
Whats "The Planet"?

The Daily Planet, BlueTights Network's forums. I came to SHH thru The Planet. They're usually quite ahead of here when it comes to SR scoops.
^ I was joking about The Planet you two.
I was to lazy for the smiley, hence my joke suffered.
Showtime029 said:
I was to lazy for the smiley, hence my joke suffered.

Yeah, cos you know people can't tell. It's an internet fan forum.

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