One Universe RPG: Season V IC Thread

"Sure, Scott," I nod. His departure hurts. There's no doubt about that. We've always been more than a team here. We've been a family. We've grown up together for the past few years, and Scott was always the leader. He can make his own decisions, even if this one doesn't ring true with everyone.

"No," Pete says, shaking his head. He's been livid ever since Scott made the decision, though I've tried to keep him from exploding. "No, Scott. You can't make one of your speeches this time and make everything A-okay. You're supposed to be our leader, and now you're running off and joing up with Luthor?"

"Pete, I und-"

"No, you don't understand!" Pete says, raising his voice. "And that's the problem. You're always so quick to run off and do whatever it is you think will help, without every taking the time to figure out whether it will or not. You always need to be the boy scout. You say we need to be the ones to set the example now? Well guess what, that's always been you. You're the one we looked up to. How is it going to look to these kids when they see you on the news signing your deal with the devil? Huh? What kind of message is that going to send?"

Without another word, Pete turns and storms off. I turn back to Scott, and say before leaving, "Sorry, Scott. Be safe, and good luck."
An awkward silence falls over the three of us as Pete stomps away. I glance at Jean, but I can tell by her expression that she has nothing to help right now. I feel about three inches tall. Turning to Hank, I sigh, "Guess I deserved most of that, huh?"
An awkward silence falls over the three of us as Pete stomps away. I glance at Jean, but I can tell by her expression that she has nothing to help right now. I feel about three inches tall. Turning to Hank, I sigh,
"Guess I deserved most of that, huh?"

"I wouldn't go so far as to say that," I say with a pat on Scott's back. "I personally subscribe to the belief that leading by example is the best approach. I understand that the burden of leadership can be a heavy one to bear, especially when you're younger. We all need a break from our burdens from time to time. You have to go your own way, regardless of what Charles, Kurt and Pete, and I may say or think."

"I wouldn't go so far as to say that," I say with a pat on Scott's back. "I personally subscribe to the belief that leading by example is the best approach. I understand that the burden of leadership can be a heavy one to bear, especially when you're younger. We all need a break from our burdens from time to time. You have to go your own way, regardless of what Charles, Kurt and Pete, and I may say or think."
I nod. "Thank you, Hank." I smile, putting my hand on his shoulder. "I know I've left the team in good hands." Hank's been doing this longer than I've even had powers. If anyone is fit to take the reins - especially in this trying time - it's him. "If you'll excuse me, I've got to catch the train." I pick up my bag and start down the hallway, Jean following close behind.

As we turn the corner, I see Alex standing there. "Not even going to say goodbye to me?" he asks with a smirk.

"Frankly, Alex, I didn't think you'd notice."

"Look, if you're leaving, let's cut the crap, alright?" Alex pleads. "I admit I've made mistakes. And you don't have to forgive me. But don't think I don't care."

I loosen up. He's right. I've carried a chip on my shoulder for too long. He is my brother, after all. "So you're staying, then?"

Alex shrugs, burying his hands in his pockets. "Where else am I going to go? I mean, I'm not going with you. No offense."

"Yeah, I've been getting that a lot lately," I muse.

Alex laughs. "It's funny, you know? Usually I'm the one running away."

His word choice catches me. I feel myself tensing up. I try to remember that we're being civil. "I'm not running away."

"Come on, Scott. We may not have seen a lot of each other, but we're still brothers. I know you. This is what you do," Alex insists. I can tell by his tone that he's not trying to offend me, but it's hard not to take his words personally. "Hey, I do it, too, man. Must run in the family. When things get crazy, we just have to step aside."

"Alex," Jean interjects, stepping in front of me. "I know Scott's your brother, but I know him pretty well, too. Trust me, he doesn't run from his problems." Jean turns to me. "Right, Scott?"

The visions that pass before my eyes are like those ripped straight out of an acid-induced nightmare. If I knew what it was like to take acid, that is. I see Aunt May and Gwen being ripped apart by Venom and Green Goblin, as New York burns behind me. The Baxter Building falls, and I see the Teen Titans bodies among the rubble.

But the worst vision of all is the body of Superman as it falls from the sky like a falling meteor, and slams into the ground in front of me. The Man of Steel has fallen. The one great man in the world that can inspire hope in all of us, dead at my feet. And I'm alone. Truly alone, with no help.

And the entire time the Scarecrow stands over me laughing, "WhAt'S wRoNg SpIdEr-MaN? aFrAiD yOu CaN't CaRrY tHe ToRcH?"

"SHUT UP!" I scream as my greatest enemies begin to surround me.

"You always were weak, Parker," Venom growls, as his tongue thrashes in his mouth.

"And now we'll kill you," Scorpion smiles. "Finally, we'll kill you."

"You killed me Peter," Goblin says as he drags Gwen's dead body behind him. "And I will return for my revenge."

And then, making this even worse, Gwen's dead eyes lock onto me, and her corpse begins to speak, "You couldn't save me, Peter. You weren't strong enough. You weren't strong enough to save any of us. You failed us."

"NO!" I scream as my vision begins to fade.

The villains all hover over me, ready to strike, and before I black out, I hear Crane hiss, "We WiLl MeEt AgAiN sOoN, sPiDeR."


Robin, the Boy Wonder, finds Spider-man thrashing about in a fear gas induced nightmare, fighting for his life. The Batman's sidekick scoops his Teen Titan teammate up and throws him over his shoulder, fireman carry style, and escapes the building full of Crane's insane victims. The criminal has escaped, but that's not what's important now.

Spider-man needed medical attention, "Batman, this is Robin. Spidey's in rough shape. Crane gave him a pretty bad dose of his gas. He needs some help."

I walk into the medical bay to find it crawling with scientists and doctors. Today's the big day. Corporal Davis Bloome has passed all psychiatric and physical evaluations for the Doomsday Project. Today, he'll receive the first of seven rounds of injections of the serum we've been developing. When it's all said and done, he'll have all the strength of Banner coupled with the keen mind of a soldier. Strong and obedient. Just the way I like it.

"So, this is it, huh?" Sam Lane announces. He walks in step alongside me as I cross the room confidently. "Today, we begin building a better metahuman - one that will work with the law, not in spite of it."

I nod. I knew Sam would share my enthusiasm about this project. He's had an axe to grind about the metahumans, what with his daughter praising Superman in the papers on a daily basis. I can relate. I don't know what my Betty saw in Banner before he became a threat to national security, and I certainly don't see what she sees in him now. Banner should've given me another Captain America. Instead, he went and turned himself into a monster.

I pick up a vial full of sickly-green serum, holding it up to the light. If our calculations are right, this little liquid should be all we'll need to get Banner out of my hair once and for all. Comprised mostly of Blonksy's blood, mixed with a very difficult to obtain sample of Superman's blood, this serum is going to make Banner's look like the diet version.

"We're sure this is safe?" Sam asks uneasily.

"That's what my people tell me, and who are we to doubt them?" I put down the vial, seeing Corporal Bloome walk into the medical bay. "Corporal, how are you feeling today?"

"Ready," Bloome answers confidently. He takes off his shirt and marches to the table. Lab technicians strap him in for safety precautions. Bloome stares straight ahead, completely focused on his mission. He doesn't even flinch when a doctor wipes the inside of his arm with an alcohol swab. He's like a machine.

A scientist scoots past me and fills a syringe with the serum. I see Bloome's eyes focused on the needle. He closes them as the scientist plunges the syringe into his arm. I can only smile.
The Incredible Hulk

"Run it again," I say to my computer, and it gets to work running another diagnostic of my new test setup, the tenth one in the past two months. At this point, I don't know why I even bother trying to cure myself, but for the good of mankind I need to make an attempt.

As the computer continues to work, I pick up the latest paper I've bee able to get and flip through it again, letting my eyes fall yet again on the report the General Thaddeus Ross has stepped down from the President's inner circle in order to work on some top secret project. The last time that happened I ended up as the Hulk. I can only wonder what it will end up as this time.

After Ross, my thoughts drift to his daughter, Betty. It's been so long since I've seen her, and sometimes I wonder if she's moved on. She was so good to me, even after the accident. Even after she saw what I become when I'm angry. "Hell, she was the only one."

I toss the paper down, and the smug face of Lex Luthor smiles back at me. And smug is the nicest word I can use to describe it. The way he's been persecuting my friends and allies, men who helped me through my episodes, is sickening.

The computer beeps, and I look over, "Failed to destroy contamination. What a surprise."

I slam my fist on the table, and a roar rips through my mind. Acting quickly, I sit down and attempt to calm myself down, doing breathing exercises I learned online. But even as I try, I can hear his voice in my head, "Hulk wants to be free! Puny Banner! Let Hulk go!"

I don't respond. I focus on controlling my heart rate, and after a few moments, it slows down to a safe level, and I stand and head to the window of this sanctuary I built for myself. I've had some help from Reed Richards to build it so that no one knew it was me out here. Here I can be alone and attempt to finish the cure. Here I can keep others safe.

Even though I don't have much hope for a cure.
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I pop up from my desk and walk briskly into Perry White's office. He's leaning against his desk and rubbing his eyes. I can tell today's not one of those rare occasions when he's in a good mood. Without looking up, he barks, "KENT!"

"Right here, sir," I say sheepishly, shrinking towards the door.

Perry looks up and sees me. "Okay, good. Listen, I want you covering that registration rally in Centennial Park," he explains.


Right on cue.

"With all due respect, I think I should be the one covering that story," Lois interjects as she pops into the room suddenly. She must've been eavesdropping, as usual. She turns to me and says, "No offense, Smallville."

"None tak--"

"Absolutely not!" Perry announces sharply. "I need someone with a clear head on this one. Someone who will approach this thing objectively. And that's not you, Lane!" Perry starts waving his finger. "Ever since all this registration stuff's come out, you've been taking it personally. For now, I don't want you anywhere near the subject."

"Chief, I--"

"It's not a discussion, Lane!" Perry turns his attention to me as a sign he's not even going to acknowledge Lois's protests. "Take Olsen with you, Kent."


"Can you believe this, CK?" Jimmy stops to snap another quick picture of the assembled crowd, which is a bit larger than I thought it would be. "A month ago, all these people would've led a parade for Superman. Now? All they want to do is tear him down."

I shrug, burying my head into my notepad. Frankly, I don't even want to think about it. I just want to write my story and get out of here. It's not fun being reminded that Lex Luthor's turned half a city against me, seemingly overnight. But I'm here as Clark Kent the reporter, not Superman.

"Here you go, sir."

I look up to see a man holding up a badge for me. Without a word, I take it from him, and he gives me a little smile before moving along. I hold the badge in my hand, looking another crossed-out House of El symbol. Jimmy shakes his head.


When Jimmy looks away to take another picture, I melt the badge with my heat vision.
"We can have it developed fully in a few weeks," Sharon Carter announced, to general excited murmuring around the shadowy table.

"And Doctor Richards has agreed to back this?" Luthor asked, raising a trim eyebrow and smirking.

"If he wants to stay funded and SHIELD sanctioned, he will," Carter said. The people around the table laughed heartily, until Luthor raised a hand carefully, silencing them instantly.

"Well then, there's no problem. Construction begins immediately, no doubt the structural integrity will be effected in some way by the adverse conditions in the Phantom Zone," Luthor said.

"It's a marvellous plan, Mr President," the head of SHIELD said, bowing her head graciously.

"Indeed, more than a plan. Soon it shall be reality. The best prison to hold meta-human prisoners, the best possible. The best conceivable. The Raft,"


Captain Rumlow threw a punch that broke the bastard's nose. Blood ran down his red costume, and the SHIELD agent brought his knee up into the vigilante's chin. His weight fell on the two members of the strike team holding him up. Matt Murdock coughed, blood coming from his mouth, his senses dulled and blurred by the tranquiliser darts that had been fired into him. Rumlow hit him again. Three men had broken their legs in the rooftop pursuit of this bastard, and three more were going to be in intensive care for the next few weeks. He pulled his balaclava back down over his face, a grin on his face. The skull and crossbones on the front stretched and move horribley.

"Lock him up. Let's go. We've got plenty more to round up before the night's done,"
"Bishop to C7," Charles says. He places the chess piece just a few moves over from my Queen.

I stare at the board and place my clawed hand on my left Rook. "I wouldn't do that."

"I was under the impression you didn't use your powers when we do our little matches."

"And I don't. I just can see where you want to go. If you move that Rook, I'll be able to mate you in three moves."

"Charles Xavier engaging in smack talk? Oh, my stars and garters, I've now seen it all."

I move my Rook and flash a toothy grin. "I can mate you in two moves."

Charles nods and looks at me. "You know why I've called you here, correct?"

"I assume it has something to do with the void Scott has left with his absence."

"You're correct. I'd like you to lead the team in Scott's place, as acting field commander."

"With the title of acting field commander, it is my belief that you think Scott's foray into the Luthor camp will be a short one at best?"

"Scott was one of the most brightest students I've ever had and one of my favorite students, you know that. As much as I like to appreciate all my students, some I'm closer to than others. Scott, Jean, you, and even Logan....despite the fact I haven't taught him."

"It's never too late. I've always thought Logan could do with a few lessons on hygiene. I would volunteer if need be. If a lesson on proper grooming is needed, it's best if it's passed on from one furry man to another."

"Well, new curriculum aside, I'd like to think Scott is too smart to fall for Luthor's big words and parlor tricks. He'll be back."

"What if he doesn't come back? What if he bucks both you and Luthor to go his own way? After shuffling from one bald mentor to another, I would think a leader with a change in follicle disposition would be most desired.'

Charles chuckles and places his hand on his Knight. "You have a fair point, Hank, but I like to think I know my students. I can read Scott just like all my other former students. I think I have a good handle on what he would do."

"Oh, so you can read us so well? How about me?"

Charles moves his Knight right where he wanted it, blocking my King.

"It's as easy as looking ahead and reacting, just like chess. Oh, by the way, that's checkmate."

I lean back and smirk. "Well played, as always. I'll let you revel in your victory. I'll call the team together and announce the news."

Kara Zor-El emerges from the kitchen, carrying two cups of hot chocolate, whilst her cat, Streaky, dances around her feet. The blonde's dressed in a cropped power rangers top, accompanied by plain, grey pajama pants and fluffy bunny slippers. She carefully tip toes towards the living room, planting the two mugs down on the small table beside the sofa. She brushes her blonde hair away from her face and bends down to pick up her cat, cuddling it softly as she carefully sits next to Kory Anders. Kory arches an eyebrow, gently smirking at the sight of the cat. "A shadow? You sure it was some creepy shadow, that conjured up from the ground and took 'Black Cat' away in one swipe?"

Kory had cleansed herself from her Starfire garments, and instead went for a more tween look. Her lucious hair was pulled back in to a tight, high ponytail, whilst she wore a silk, pink frilled vest, and matching pajama shorts to go with it. She too wore slippers, except her's were thin and pale blue.

"Urm, yeah. That's exactly what happened. And 'Black Cat' seemed to be expecting her little escape buddy. If hadn't of shot that star bolt and made that chaotic fire, then I certainly would of got a chance to lock that b*tch up!"

Kara inhaled her breath, releasing a soft sigh. She took a soft sip of her hot chocolate, then lead her eyes back to Kory. "That's not important, right now. What we need to focus on right now, is the fact there's some creepy shadow looming around, possibly recruiting pety villains,"

"Pety? Once she got hold of that talisman, she could manipulate probability at will. She came out of that supposed 'fight', without any type of injury, whatsoever!"

Kory took a large gulp of hot chocolate, the steaming liquid not even making her flinch in the slightest. The alien's eyes darted towards the clock, noticing the time keeper as it slowly struck 11pm. She looked back over at Kara, who seemed to be listening in on a faint noise. "I think that's Martha..."


"Martha, Martha Kent. My Aunt. She's come back from a dance class or something..."

The door of the dorm quickly darts open, silently but quickly. An elder female appears at the door frame, the door closing behind her. She has thin creases along her forehead and cheeks, but her skin still seems to be quite pampered. Even at her age. Her hair is pulled back in to a messy bun, thin strands of grey hair poking out. Her eyes are a baby blue, filled with love and care. She appears to be wearing a crimson, cashmere cardigan, accompanied by plain beige pants. "Kara, what are you doing up at this time?" Her voice was soft, yet slightly croaky.

She seemed to be upset that her neice was still up and about in the late hours of the night, despite Kara being old enough to control her hours of sleep. Something that slightly ticked off Kara. "Girl talk."

Quickly bouncing off the sofa, Kory had a large grin smacked on her face. Her eyes glowed as she stuck her two arms out towards Martha, signalling for a warm and welcoming hug. "I'm Kory."

She giggled, pulling Martha in to a tight hug. The hug almost crushed Martha's fragile lungs, the elderly woman slightly pushing away from Starfire once patting her on the back.

"Did I squeeze too hard?"
Martha chuckled and shrugged her shoulders, looking towards Kara for an almost 'SOS' look. Kory's abilities to analyze human's emotions were not fully explored yet, so she struggled to understand Martha's discomfort.

"Aunt Martha, this is Kory Anders aka Starfire. She's on the Titans with me. We've been working together for quite some time now. She's a close friend." Kara placed her near-empty mug down at the small table, stepping up on her own two feet. She left streaky down on the sofa and slowly walked in between Kory and Martha.

"And you trust this human with these secrets?" Kory pouted her lips, placing her hands on her hips and firing strong daggers towards Martha.

"Yeah, course. She's family. She helped raised me and I'm forever grateful. Plus she knows all about Clark and his Supes shinannigans."

"Well, technically, I only raised you throughout your teen years," Martha carefully un-buttoned her cashmere cardigan, slinging it on the sofa. Her eyes examined Starfire, and her rather voluptuous appearence.

"So...You going to bed, Martha?"

"Yes, yes, of course. But, you two girls need to start thinking about getting some sleep, you know. Superheroes need their rest," Martha gave one last perplexed look towards Starfire, making her towards the corridor of the barn. She soon disappeared in to the darkness of the hall.

"You trust the most strangest people, Kara."


A moment of silence creeps up upon the teammates, before a loud crash startles them both. They broth sprint towards where the noise occured from. The corridor. Where Jubilee was last sighted. They carefully peer down the dark corridor, Kory searching for the light switch. The females exchange cautious looks, Kory's hope for finding the source of light slowly dying out. "Kara! Kara!"

Martha comes hurtling towards Kara, slamming in to her steel hard body and most likely giving her a case of concussion. The dazed elderly female quickly scrambles behind Kara's feet, a bleeding scar slowly appearing on her arm. "Look out!"

A creature leaps out from the darkness. It's appearence the shadowed figure of a female. With no features, it's almost like an avatar. Except, filled with looming shadows. A red diamond glows on the avatar's forehead, catching the attention of all three girls. "Uh Oh..."
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Washington, D.C.

"So, that's it, huh?" I remark, looking down at the piece of paper in my hand. My registration. It's a pretty basic form - name, aliases, known powers, etc. Attached is a copy of a physical performed by Dr. Leonard Samson, an expert in the limited field of metahuman physiology and psychology. I'm labeled a "Class C" metahuman. I don't know how exactly the classes break down, but I imagine it's done by power level.

"Not as complicated as the press would have you believe, was it?"

I shrug. "I just figured selling out your soul would be more complicated."

My host smiles. "Please, Mr. Summers, don't think of it as 'selling out your soul.' Think of it as...investing in the future. In your future."

"You know, I'm already registered," I reply dryly, waving my registration papers in the air. "You can cut the bull. You don't need to sell me anymore."

"Very well." A gloved hand holds out a glass of champagne. I take it begrudgingly, wanting to look gracious. "I was beginning to worry that you hadn't gotten my letter. Or that you had decided to ignore my offer."

My hand instinctively dips into my pocket, feeling the folded letter that I kept hidden from everyone else. The X-Men were already upset enough about my leaving. They would've really hated me if they knew I was being recruited by one of Luthor's cronies. "I had some loose ends to tie up," I announce dismissively.

"I understand completely. Charles Xavier was your mentor. You planted your roots in Westchester. You made a family there. Now, you're part of our family."


"Welcome to X-Force."

I cringe at the name. There's no hiding that it was chosen as a contrast to the X-Men. No doubt someone in Luthor's PR army is proud of themselves for coming up with that one. Still, Ms. Frost is in charge. I'm just here to take orders, I suppose.

"We'll be announcing the team shortly," Ms. Frost explains. "First, of course, we have the matter of the roster to settle. The President has given me a list of potential candidates." She glides across the room, her white cape trailing on the floor, to hand me the list of names. "However, we brought you on for your leadership skills, Mr. Summers. That's why I want you to choose your new teammates."

I browse through the names. Most of them are unfamiliar to me, but I recognize a few. "Do I have to choose from this list?"

"Anyone not on that list will have to be approved by me. And, of course, they will have to agree to register." Ms. Frost takes a sip of her champagne before explaining, "The President wants to announce the team by the end of the month. Think you can do that?"

"I'll try."

"Please, Mr. Summers, we brought you aboard to do - not to try."

I look up from the list. "Understood. And you can just call me Scott."

Ms. Frost smiles. "Emma. I look forward to working with you, Scott."

Amara, Danielle, Pete, and me sit in my dorm, the four of us huddled around my TV playing Super Smash Brothers for the Nintedo 64. As the four of us bash each others' avatars, Peter still hasn't calmed down from the confrontation with Scott from a few days ago, "It's more than that-"

"Oh we know," Danielle Moonstar, mutant name Mirage, says in a fake sympathetic voice. "He was our leader, he shouldn't have done that. No offense, babe, but we're all getting tired of hearing it."

I shoot her an appreciative look. It's nice that Pete has a girlfriend to talk him off this. Because the alternative would have that responsibility falling to me, his best friend. And honestly, I'm not sure I'd be too effective in changing Pete's mind on the subject. I don't feel very different about the whole thing.

After I fling Pete's Link off the screen, erasing his last life, I smile, "Seriously, I don't know vhy you play me. You know I cannot be beaten in Smash."

"Watch out, Kurt," Amara Aquilla, mutant name Magma, jokes. "You're head's getting too big. It's about to knock me off the bed."

She leans over a gives me a small kiss on the cheek. The two of us have been quasi-dating for the past few months, and that's helped me keep my mind off of the registration debacle going on in the country. Because honestly, not much else has. We can't even leave the grounds anymore without going by protesters. It really is amazing how quickly people's opinions can change.

" are you guys going to fill Scott's hole on the team?" Mirage asks. "I mean, you guys were a little short staffed as it was."

"Good question," I shrug. "I guess it vill be up to whom ever zhe Professor pics to replace Cyclops. And at least Logan has agreed to stay longer now."

"Yea," Pete nods. "Say what you will about Wolverine, but he'd never go to the other side."
The Incredible Hulk

I sit in front of my computer, talking to the one confidant I've had since coming here to the desert.

Stretch: So, how's the search for the cure?

Mr. Green: About as well as it's always been. How's the outside world?

Stretch: Not well. SHIELD and Luthor are forcing another project on me. On top of that, there's been a mass breakout from the Helicarrier. Not to mention overall angst and opinion against metas is getting worse. I'm afraid something serious is going to happen soon.

I smile to myself. While things do sound bad, Reed always seems to make things seem as bad as they possibly can. I can't blame him though. Right now he's completely caught in the worst possible place. He can't say no to SHIELD, and yet he's attempting to help as many metas as he can. Heck I bet they'd shove him in prison for mentioning he knows where I am.

Mr. Green: Sounds rough. Keep in touch, Stretch, and let me know if you hear anything about what Ross is up to.

I terminate the connection, though I don't really want to. But Reed and I can't talk for long without SHIELD picking up on the connection. He and his family are under constant survailence, just like I was back in the day.

The world is changing. And I don't know if it's ever going to be safe again for people like me.

Amara, Danielle, Pete, and me sit in my dorm, the four of us huddled around my TV playing Super Smash Brothers for the Nintedo 64. As the four of us bash each others' avatars, Peter still hasn't calmed down from the confrontation with Scott from a few days ago, "It's more than that-"

"Oh we know," Danielle Moonstar, mutant name Mirage, says in a fake sympathetic voice. "He was our leader, he shouldn't have done that. No offense, babe, but we're all getting tired of hearing it."

I shoot her an appreciative look. It's nice that Pete has a girlfriend to talk him off this. Because the alternative would have that responsibility falling to me, his best friend. And honestly, I'm not sure I'd be too effective in changing Pete's mind on the subject. I don't feel very different about the whole thing.

After I fling Pete's Link off the screen, erasing his last life, I smile, "Seriously, I don't know vhy you play me. You know I cannot be beaten in Smash."

"Watch out, Kurt," Amara Aquilla, mutant name Magma, jokes. "You're head's getting too big. It's about to knock me off the bed."

She leans over a gives me a small kiss on the cheek. The two of us have been quasi-dating for the past few months, and that's helped me keep my mind off of the registration debacle going on in the country. Because honestly, not much else has. We can't even leave the grounds anymore without going by protesters. It really is amazing how quickly people's opinions can change.

" are you guys going to fill Scott's hole on the team?" Mirage asks. "I mean, you guys were a little short staffed as it was."

"Good question," I shrug. "I guess it vill be up to whom ever zhe Professor pics to replace Cyclops. And at least Logan has agreed to stay longer now."

"Yea," Pete nods. "Say what you will about Wolverine, but he'd never go to the other side."

"Video games, huh?" I ask as I pop my head into the room. "Youth is wasted on the young. Did you know that once upon a time, you actually had to go out to play video games? There were these magical places called arcades, you could spend hours and fifty dollars in quarters before you even realized what was going on....I miss those days."

I clear my throat and adjust my glasses. "Apologies for rambling. Next time I do that, feel free to cut me long as it's not in class. We're having a team meeting in the living room in ten minutes. Pass it along, will you?"
"Video games, huh?" I ask as I pop my head into the room. "Youth is wasted on the young. Did you know that once upon a time, you actually had to go out to play video games? There were these magical places called arcades, you could spend hours and fifty dollars in quarters before you even realized what was going on....I miss those days."

I clear my throat and adjust my glasses. "Apologies for rambling. Next time I do that, feel free to cut me long as it's not in class. We're having a team meeting in the living room in ten minutes. Pass it along, will you?"

"Sure, Dr. McCoy," I smile as my favorite teacher retreats from the room. Beast and I have always shared a connection. Being the only two blue, furry mutants make that a necessity I guess. I look back at Pete, "I guess ve know who's taking Scott's place."

"Yea," he nods. "Best choice, too. Dr. McCoy is one of the best we've got, not to mention the smartest."

I turn my attention back to the girls, "Vell, I guess ve vill be back once the meeting is over. Ve'll see you guys later."

Pete and I leave the girls, and head for the living room, passing some of the younger children heading for the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once we reach our destination, we find Logan already there, "Elf, Big Man, how you guys doin'?"

"Can't complain," Pete responds, patting him on the back.

"Same I guess," I shrug. "Which I guess is pretty good considering the state of things."

"Ain't that the truth," the Wolverine smiles. "Guess Hank is going to give us the run down of the new leadership. Wouldn't mind getting some fresh blood in here, either. We're no good with only five people on the team."

Pete and I leave the girls, and head for the living room, passing some of the younger children heading for the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once we reach our destination, we find Logan already there, "Elf, Big Man, how you guys doin'?"

"Can't complain," Pete responds, patting him on the back.

"Same I guess," I shrug. "Which I guess is pretty good considering the state of things."

"Ain't that the truth," the Wolverine smiles. "Guess Hank is going to give us the run down of the new leadership. Wouldn't mind getting some fresh blood in here, either. We're no good with only five people on the team."

"That is actually the first order of business," I say as I come into the room. "Charles would like us to flesh out our ranks some. He's given me a list of older students here at the academy that he feels are ready to step up and become X-Men. He'd like us all to sit down, look through them, and pick out our choices."
"That is actually the first order of business," I say as I come into the room. "Charles would like us to flesh out our ranks some. He's given me a list of older students here at the academy that he feels are ready to step up and become X-Men. He'd like us all to sit down, look through them, and pick out our choices."

"Glad Chuck's finally warmed up to the idea of expansion," Logan smiles. But before Beast can give his briefing on our possible new members, Jean enters the room.

"Sorry I'm late," she smiles weakly. She has been a little down in the dumps since Scott's left, though she's been trying to hide it.

"Glad to see you, Jean," Pete smiles.

"Yea, glad you could make it," I nod at the seat next to me.

"Alright, enough of the Kodak moments," Logan runts. "Who are we looking at, Hank?"
In some ways, Gotham's sewer system is rather unique. It's one of the oldest in the country, but over the centuries has been expanded, upgraded, and modernized to be an efficient system of public infrastructure.

In every other way, it's the same as any sewer in the world.

I ignore everything floating by me as I trudge through the waters while wondering why Croc always likes to call this place home. It's not easy to track someone in the sewers. It's not impossible either. The first step is to eliminate the obvious. Croc is larger than your average sewer worker, so there's no point in searching through the smaller tunnels. It's also a good bet to try looking at the large intersections where a number of lines come together before heading to the processing stations. These tend to be massive areas where whole crews of people can together in case there are problems.

Metal grates bent and torn to shreds by bare hands are another good clue.

I shift past a set of bars that used to keep large debris out of the tunnel. They obviously weren't designed for a meta with superhuman strength. On the other side of the bars is a drop down to a platform, opening into one of the large rooms. Sewage flows in from dozens of pipes and tunnels, all washing down at the bottom towards the treatment plants. It's a rather impressive sight, for a sewer.

From my vantage point, I look at all the tunnels I can see. And all of their grates appear intact. Which means if Croc came this way, he hasn't left through one of those. But I can't see all the tunnel entrances, which leaves me no choice but to drop down.

So I do.


"Well, well, well. Looks who's dropped in for visit."
"Glad Chuck's finally warmed up to the idea of expansion," Logan smiles. But before Beast can give his briefing on our possible new members, Jean enters the room.

"Sorry I'm late," she smiles weakly. She has been a little down in the dumps since Scott's left, though she's been trying to hide it.

"Glad to see you, Jean," Pete smiles.

"Yea, glad you could make it," I nod at the seat next to me.

"Alright, enough of the Kodak moments," Logan runts. "Who are we looking at, Hank?"

I hand Logan a file that Charles gave me. "Pass that around if you would."

Logan responds with a grunt as I begin. "First off the bat is Gar Logan, the young man we helped out last year in the jungle. Charles has put him through extensive tests and Danger Room simulations, all of which is inside the file, and he has passed them all with flying colors. His progress as a student is steadily improving as well, and he's close to finishing up his education here at the academy. Gar's abilities are unique and if he can handle it, I'd say he's a valuable resource to this team."

I look around, my eyebrows raised inquisitively. "What say you all?"
I hand Logan a file that Charles gave me. "Pass that around if you would."

Logan responds with a grunt as I begin. "First off the bat is Gar Logan, the young man we helped out last year in the jungle. Charles has put him through extensive tests and Danger Room simulations, all of which is inside the file, and he has passed them all with flying colors. His progress as a student is steadily improving as well, and he's close to finishing up his education here at the academy. Gar's abilities are unique and if he can handle it, I'd say he's a valuable resource to this team."

I look around, my eyebrows raised inquisitively. "What say you all?"

"I think zhat's a great idea," I nod to Beast. "I saw him in action vhen ve helped him out. His abilities are very impressive. And zhe shapeshifting could be very helpful with reconnaissance."

"Shapeshifter?" Logan asks.

"He can change for into different animals," Jean pipes in.

"Sounds good to me," Wolverine agrees.
"I think zhat's a great idea," I nod to Beast. "I saw him in action vhen ve helped him out. His abilities are very impressive. And zhe shapeshifting could be very helpful with reconnaissance."

"Shapeshifter?" Logan asks.

"He can change for into different animals," Jean pipes in.

"Sounds good to me," Wolverine agrees.

"Alright, that gives us six. There is one young man who's not affiliated with the school Charles would like to bring in, I'd like for some of you to come with me the day after tomorrow to meet him in Metropolis. As for another team member, what about Jefferson Pierce?"

I pass around another file for the others to look over.

"He passed through the academy a few years ago. He's currently a teacher in Washington DC. Charles has convinced him to come back and teach, filling the void Scott left in the classroom. If you read the file, you'll see Jefferson can manipulate electrical fields and even generate it. I feel he'd be a good addition to our team, balance out the number of younger and older members."
Robin paces back and forth on a nearby rooftop as Spider-man continues to writhe in painful fear as the Fear Toxin continues to course through his veins. The Boy Wonder bends down and places his fingers on the superhero's neck, checking his rising pulse, finding it reaching dangerous levels, "Come on, Bruce. Where are you?"

After a few more moments, Robin decides the wallcrawler can't wait any longer for the Batman's help. He pulls his commlink off his belt, "Alfred, it's Robin."

"What can I do for you, Master Dick?" the dignified voice of Bruce Wayne's butler responds from the other end.

"I'm here with Spider-Man," Robin replies. "He's gotten a fatal does of Scarecrow's gas, and Batman is tied up at the moment."

"I'm on my way," Alfred responds. "And I'll head to the cave and grab some of Master Bruce's antidote."

"You're a lifesaver, Alfred," Robin sighs. He turns back down to his fallen teammate, "Hold on, Spidey."
"Alright, that gives us six. There is one young man who's not affiliated with the school Charles would like to bring in, I'd like for some of you to come with me the day after tomorrow to meet him in Metropolis. As for another team member, what about Jefferson Pierce?"

I pass around another file for the others to look over.

"He passed through the academy a few years ago. He's currently a teacher in Washington DC. Charles has convinced him to come back and teach, filling the void Scott left in the classroom. If you read the file, you'll see Jefferson can manipulate electrical fields and even generate it. I feel he'd be a good addition to our team, balance out the number of younger and older members."

"Sounds like a good idea-" Logan is cutoff by the arrival of Magneto and Scott's brother Alex.

"While that is a terrific idea, Dr. McCoy," Magneto starts, "but why not place Mr. Summers here on the team? After all, why not replace one Summers with another?"

"Where the hell do you get off trying to place your little sleeper agents on our team?" Pete asks angrily.

"Please, Mr. Rasputin," the Master of Magnetism shrugs the gigantic mutant off. "I have as much at stake with this team as you do. This is no longer my team versus yours. Now we're all on the same side. The enemy is Lex Luthor. Not me. And Alex Summers could be a tremendous asset to the X-Men."

I pipe up, "Why not have both on the team?"
"Sounds like a good idea-" Logan is cutoff by the arrival of Magneto and Scott's brother Alex.

"While that is a terrific idea, Dr. McCoy," Magneto starts, "but why not place Mr. Summers here on the team? After all, why not replace one Summers with another?"

"Where the hell do you get off trying to place your little sleeper agents on our team?" Pete asks angrily.

"Please, Mr. Rasputin," the Master of Magnetism shrugs the gigantic mutant off. "I have as much at stake with this team as you do. This is no longer my team versus yours. Now we're all on the same side. The enemy is Lex Luthor. Not me. And Alex Summers could be a tremendous asset to the X-Men."

I pipe up, "Why not have both on the team?"

"Lensherr has a point," I say neutrally. I'm still not completely comfortable with Magneto taking refuge here at the school. The current situation with Luthor does not excuse him for past behavior.

"We'll put it to a vote. Mister Pierce is coming to school, regardless if he is part of the team, so I'll call to question the subject of Alex Summers. All those in favor of it, please raise your hand..."
I raise my hand, as Jean does the same next to me. Alex Summers has struck me as nothing but polite, confident, yet a bit lost in the current climate of the Mansion. From the few conversations I've had with him, he truly did come here to reconnect with Scott and find a new way in the mutant community. And I for one can't fault him for that.

Wolverine and Colossus keep theirs down. And I'm not surprised.

"I guess it comes down to you, Dr. McCoy," I shrug.

Jean speaks, "I've talked to Alex quite a bit. He wants to atone for what he's done. I don't see why we shouldn't allow him to try."

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