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One Universe: Season III IC Thread

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Feb 25, 2006
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"One Universe" banner made by Victor Creed

This RPG is similar to almost all others on Superhero Hype boards, except in this continuity, both the Marvel and DC universes are merged as "One Universe".

In the past year, many new champions of the world have been born. Superman, The Last Son Of Krypton. Batman, The Guardian Of Gotham City. Spider-Man, New York's Webbed Wonder. Daredevil, Hell's Kitchen's Man Without Fear. But just as many threats to mankind have arisen in wake of the heroes' spawning. The heroes' first obstacle came when Oliver Queen's benefit party in Star City was disrupted by The Incredible Hulk. Heroes such as Superman, The Fantastic Four, Batman, and Iron Man found difficulty in defeating the beast, but they eventually won out, setting the seeds for a possible forging of allieances. However, Earth's first superpowered danger on a global scale came in the form of Darkseid, an Apokoliptian ruler bent on enslaving Earth and it's inhabitants. Defeated by Reed Richards and many other of Earth's heroes, Darkseid was encased in another demension. With the heroes having defeated the alien warlord, all seemed well... For a short time. But when General Zod, an insane superpowered Kryptonian survivor with Superman's powers, broke free of The Phantom Zone... All was seemingly lost as the monster wreaked havoc upon America in search of the son of Jor-El. But it was The Flash, Jay Garrick, who won the day by inspiring Superman to fight back, resulting in a collosal battle for the fate of the world. The battle ended with Zod's death at the hands of a kryptonite radiation, and the earth was saved once more. With the heroes having defeated the world's greatest threats, the year came to an end, with the formation of a new, powerful super-team, dedicated to protecting all of mankind; Superpowered or not.

How will the past year affect the present? What dangers will the superheroes oppose as they grow within their roles as Earth's guardians? How many new heroes and villains will emerge?

Welcome to "One Universe", The Marvel and DC Crossover RPG: Season III.

Gamemasters: Johnny Blaze, Wiegeabo, Byrd Man
Founded by Logan Howlett

  • You may choose any character from both universes, but no custom or Amalgam characters such as Darkclaw or Super Soldier will be allowed.
  • All characters can interact with each other, it is the same universe.
  • Characters from alternate time lines are allowed but must be approved.
  • No Killing. Unnamed, faceless NPC's may be killed, but not major characters, or taken characters. Someone else may want to take up the character, or they may be important to another story.
  • You can go anywhere within the galaxy except planets already known to be destroyed, such as Krypton, although if you have the ability you may visit the ruins or asteroids.
  • You are your character, so act like it. Talk like them, use their dialouge. Do not exaggerate your powers, or pop-up here and there without explanation. BE Your character.
  • Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters.
  • You must post at least once every two weeks, though it is preferred that you post more. If you go two weeks without a post without prior notice, your character is up for grabs.
  • Be serious, no slander, or impractical actions from your character. Example; "I found a crystal and now I own the world! You're all my slaves!"
  • Due to this being the third season, certain characters may be reserved for a certain player. If a character is applied for, and it is reserved, a gamemaster will tell you.
  • Due to inactivity and uncertainty, all players from the previous season will have to re-apply for their character(s). You may copy/paste posts from Season one to use as sample posts. However, you will still have to re-apply with the new applications.
  • And of course, all regular rules of the Hype apply.
  • Have fun.

Be anyone you want to be!


To apply for a character, please fill out the application form in the One Universe RPG: Season III OOC Thread...



"Hi Bruce."

I just stand there, my mouth open, my brain refusing to do anything.

Elektra stands there in just smiles. My heartbeat jumps up. "Um, hi?" I say, clumsily.

She laughs a little. "I know it's been a while since we saw each other at the benefit, but I wanted to stop by. See how you were doing. Just keep in touch."

"Keep in touch...right." My brain has short circuited. Come on Bruce, think.

"So, how have you been?" she asks, a questioning look in her eyes.

God dammit Bruce, THINK! And finally my brain decides to kick back into gear. That easy playboy smile spreading on my face. "I've been fine, Elektra." I move out of the way and gesture. "Please, come in. Let's talk."

"I'd like that," she smiles. God, what a smile. She steps inside.

"Me too..."
Kitty woke up in her bedroom. It's been a month since she moved back to Gotham, and her and Dick have been seeing a lot of each other. She rolled out of bed and got dressed, it was her first day back at Gotham Heights High School.

Kitty picked up her cell phone and dialed Dick.

"Hey, just making sure you're awake you bum. Bruises all healed? Nah, I'm not worried about you, I just don't want anyone thinking I beat the crap outta you. Well, see you at school."

Kitty smiled as she hung up the phone. It was going to be a good day.

She ran down the stairs and grabbed the lunch her mom had packed for her.

"No time for breakfast mom! Gotta go!"

"Alright, sweety. There's a five on the table, get a donut or somethin. Have a good day." Kitty's mom replied while watching her morning talk shows.

Kitty walked to the school and choked a little, new schools were always scary, even for superheroes.

"Master Richard."

Alfred throws open the curtains and I throw up my hands to shield my eyes from the sunlight.

"Mmm...five more minutes."

I wasn't able to go to sleep until four this morning. I spent all night chasing leads in the Lewis kidnapping. Eight-year old Sarah Lewis' parents are worth about thirty million dollars and she was kidnapped early yesterday afternoon, her abducters left a ransom note giving the drop off location. While the Captain Gordon and the GCPD spent their time with the family and securing the drop off point, I spent my night in The East End, busting heads until I finally got a location. Thanks to me, little Sarah Lewis is sleeping soundly in her bed and her kidnappers are in a holding cell missing about half of their teeth.

"I gave you five minutes ten minutes ago. Now get up, you have school to attend."

I stretch and sit upright in the bed. The cellphone on my nightstand vibrates and says I have a voice message.

"Hey, just making sure you're awake you bum. Bruises all healed? Nah, I'm not worried about you, I just don't want anyone thinking I beat the crap outta you. Well, see you at school."

I slap my forehead and pull my covers back. I forgot that today is Kitty's first day at school. Hopefully she'll like it. Gotham High is no Xavier Academy that's for sure, but it has it's charm from time to time.

"I'm up, Alfred."

"Good. I've taken the liberty to prepare a hearty breakfast, bacon and eggs, french toast, and waffles."

"No thanks. I think I'll just have a pop-tart."

The corner of Alfred's mouth twitches in annoyance.

"Now see here. I already have one unhealthy eater in this house, I won't stand for two."

"Alright, alright. I'll eat something."

I brush my teeth and dress. I go downstairs to the kitchen and eat a good bit of bacon and eggs and some french toast. I was hungrier than I thought I was. Although I eat none of the waffles Alfred prepared.

"Where's Bruce?"

"I'm not sure. I think he's still upstairs."

I take a big gulp of orange juice and get up from the table.

"You know, Alfred. I was just thinking..."

"You thinking? Master Richard, I'm shocked!"

"Haha. Real funny, but I was thinking. I'm 15 now, I think I should go to the DMV and try to get my learner's permit."

"That's not a bad idea. I don't mind driving you to school every morning and picking you up every afternoon, but there comes a time when every boy must learn."


We walk towards the front door and I reach down and grab my book bag as we leave the house.

"Let's face facts, you leap from rooftop to rooftop every night in tights. I think driving is well within your ability."

"Thanks...I guess..."

Alfred flashes a playful smile as we climb into the Jaguar. I smile as Alfred cranks up the car.

Today's gonna be a good day.

My name is Kurt Wagner. I am a mutant, and I am on a crusade. I was taken from my home after seeing my family slaughtered in front of my very eyes, and was set to be sold as a slave by Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin.

I came to Gotham after the invasion of the celestial being Galactus inorder to investigate the extent of the destruction for Professor Xavier. While here I fought along side the city's protector, Batman, and then began my quest to bring down The Penguin and his slave operation for good.

"WOOOOOOOOO!" I watch from high above the streets as two GCPD squad cars fly by.

Sirens and screams, that's all I seem to hear anymore. Gotham City is not a place for the hopeful. There is so much violence and pain, it's almost enough to swallow one's soul whole. I can barely take it sometimes.


I teleport to a nearby ally as I see a heavily-armored Luthor Corp truck turn off the city street.

But my faith in the almighty pulls me through. It's the only thing I have that gives me hope. As well known as this Cobblepot is, none of his thugs seem to know where to find them. His operation seems to have many levels of leadership, and until I find one of them I will continue to go in circles. All I know is that his goons have been hi-jacking trucks from companies like Wayne Enterprises and Luthor Corp.

Ah, what a surprise. I see three thugs, all carrying semi-automatic weapons, creep out of the building below me and toward the truck. One, is incredibly big. Almost inhumanly. Before I can act they surprise and knock out the guards.


I teleport to the top of the truck.

"Now, now. Zat vasn't very nice. Vhy don't you step up vith someone who really knows how to tango!"


I stay awake modifying my equipment. If any freaks like that web-head show up, I'm going to make them regret it. With my vibro-units, it should be hard for them to get a hit in, but I might as well make sure I can return in an equally painful matter.

I look around the hellhole I've lodged myself in. Not a place I'm going to miss.

I put on the gauntlets, strongly considering amping up the protection on my suit. It probably doesn't matter. I know the feedback's going shake me a bit more than usual, so I could just brace myself and hope for the best.

"Prob'ly should get some aspirin..."

I collect the rest of my garbage and leave. If I pull off another heist with these, maybe I'll get a little more respect.

Or am I kidding myself?
IC:Doctor Octopus

I sit in my cell and read the headlines.

Batman and Devil-mutant save Dent's wife.

Captain America stops bank robbery.

Superman saves falling plane.

They make my blood boil. These "heroes" garner all the praise from the masses, but they do nothing for society. They protect the weak and bolster archaic regimes.

But not for long. The time of Atom is upon them, and they don't even know it.

The Atom. A few months ago I believed it was a God, and I was its prophet. But no, that is not the truth. Atom is a way of life, an ideal, and I am the instrument through which it will come to be. My plans are laid bare in my mind. Now all I need are the means to bring them to fruition.

The revolution is coming, and I do hope the heroes are ready. I would be incredibly disappointed if this was easy.



I teleport to a nearby ally as I see a heavily-armored Luthor Corp truck turn off the city street.

But my faith in the almighty pulls me through. It's the only thing I have that gives me hope. As well known as this Cobblepot is, none of his thugs seem to know where to find them. His operation seems to have many levels of leadership, and until I find one of them I will continue to go in circles. All I know is that his goons have been hi-jacking trucks from companies like Wayne Enterprises and Luthor Corp.

Ah, what a surprise. I see three thugs, all carrying semi-automatic weapons, creep out of the building below me and toward the truck. One, is incredibly big. Almost inhumanly. Before I can act they surprise and knock out the guards.


I teleport to the top of the truck.

"Now, now. Zat vasn't very nice. Vhy don't you step up vith someone who really knows how to tango!"


Before they can react I'm in between the two smaller thugs, and strike out with a flurry of punches that crumple them both to the asphalt.

The third massive thug just stands there. He doesn't even flinch. Odd. Most goons run away when they see me, let alone what they do after I show them what I can do.

"Lisssten, buddy, you might want to leave while you have the chance. My bosss hasss it out for you. And that ain't good. Cuz I'm gonna brrreak you if you gimme the chance," he says in an almost reptilian voice.

"Vell, since your boss seems to enjoy enslaving my kind, I think zat is out of zee question. But if you could tell me vhere I can find him, I'd be happy to talk it out vith him," I reply while simultaneously teleporting right in front of his face and deliver a swift kick to his jaw.

OUCH! That was like kicking a brick wall!

I push off his face and perform a few back handsprings in order to evade his massive fist. Wait...was it...green?

"Hehe...You got ssspirit, kid. I'll give ya that..." he says as he pulls of his trench coat.

Uh-oh. This is not going to be easy


"But now ya gotta go toe-to-toe with the Killerrr Crrroc!"

"Ready?" Johnny asks patiently.

I stare deep into his eyes. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and nod.

He nods back. "Okay, just remember everything I've taught you," he reminds me.

"I'm ready," I assure him after a brief pause.

Johnny lobs up the popcorn kernel, and I watch it carefully. Positioning myself properly, I open my mouth. I have misjudged the distance, and I feel the popcorn bounce off my chin. Another failed attempt.

Man, humans have strange ways of entertaining themselves. Then again, perhaps this is just Johnny. I really don't know. I only know four humans - the Fantastic Four. They've been pretty nice, but I still wish I could go out more. But, of course, Reed always reminds me that it's too dangerous.

Not anymore. I have control of my powers. I won't harm anyone.

Johnny shakes the bowl. "We're all out," he explains - referring to the popcorn.

I smirk. "Not a problem," I reply. And in the blink of an eye, I race downstairs and grab a new bag of popcorn. By the time I return, only a handful of seconds have passed. I must say that I love my powers.

"Y'know, Kara, you don't always gotta run errands for Hothead," Ben reminds me. He is relaxing on the couch. "He knows where the stairs are."

"She likes using her powers," Johnny assures Ben before I can speak up. I toss the bag of popcorn to Johnny, and he heats it up using his powers. Within a minute, the kernels begin to pop. "So, Kara, when are you and I going to hang out - without Ben around?"

I arch an eyebrow. "You certainly aren't making a suggestion," I state.

He flashes that big smile of his. "What if I am?" he inquires back.

"Sorry, Johnny, I only like nice guys," I respond playfully. I wink at him as he pours the popcorn into the bowl.

"Shot down!" Ben announces from across the room. He seems to be enjoying this.

Johnny scoffs. "Don't laugh at me. You can only get girls who are blind."

Suddenly, Ben's playful demeanor dissipates. He gets up from the couch and stomps across the room. The entire floor of the Baxter Building begins to shake. "I'll ring your neck!"

Before I can intervene, we all turn at the sound of the elevator. Johnny and Ben immediately desist as Reed and Sue enter the room. "What the Hell is going on here?" Sue asks demandingly.

"It was nothing, Sis. Lighten up," Johnny complains. Those two are always at each other's throats. I suppose that's normal interaction for human siblings.

"Kara, Clark is coming," Reed tells me.

My thoughts suddenly change to Clark. It's been about a month since the Fantastic Four found me, and that was the day that I met Clark. Unfortunately, I still didn't speak English so we couldn't communicate. But after taking telepathic lessons with Professor Xavier in upstate New York, I learned to speak Clark's language.

That's when he dropped a bombshell.
"There's nothing so far gone that can't be saved."

I remember when Uncle Ben first spoke those words to me. It was a couple of summers ago. Uncle Ben - on a whim - had decided to buy an old Chevy Nova. The vehicle was really well past its prime. Rust now plagued the interior and exterior, and getting the car started was a struggle.

Aunt May thought Uncle Ben was crazy. She said that he was getting his 'mid-life crisis' a little late. But Uncle Ben loved that car. He enlisted my help - though I was glad to give it - in restoring the Nova to its former glory. I wasn't exactly a 'social butterfly,' so I had plenty of free time to spare. We spent three grueling months painting, removing the rust, installing new parts, and the like.

When it was all said and done, Aunt May was skeptical but impressed nonetheless. Uncle Ben offered me the first ride. As we were driving, he philosophically pointed out, "There's nothing so far gone that can't be saved."

At the time, I had no clue how much impact those words would have on me. Then again, I never really appreciated Uncle Ben's wise advice until after that fateful moment...


As my thoughts return to Uncle Ben's demise, I suddenly feel wrecked with a sense of guilt and sorrow. I find myself regretting my short trip down memory lane. As if it can sense my discomfort, the blanket covering me begins to constrict and form around my body. Within seconds, I now lie on the bed wrapped in my black suit.

"What? Do you want to take a midnight swing?" I ask quietly - not wanting to attract Aunt May's attention at this time of night. The suit merely slithers - as if in response. "Fine," I grumble.

As I get to my feet, the mask forms around my face. "But it's only going to be a short one tonight," I add. And with that, I open the window to the cool night air.


The next day, I drop by the 'new' Bugle to trade in some photos for cash. I'm not feeling in a particularly great mood. Come to think of it - I haven't really had a good day in a long time. Needless to say, I'm in no mood for Jonah's attitude.

When I enter his office, he is talking on the phone. "What do you mean, 'the credit card was denied?' Don't tell me you've maxed out with all that shopping!" he scolds into the receiver. He must be talking to his wife.

Not saying anything, I merely walk over to his desk and drop the folder full of pictures. Jonah barely acknowledges my presence as he continues to chomp away at a cigar. Opening the folder, he begins to examine the pictures. I can still hear his wife chatting away on the phone. It's quite irritating.

"What is it, Parker?!" Jonah barks quietly as he holds a hand over the phone.

I shrug and begin to turn. That's when Robbie enters the office. Jonah places the phone on the desk and hands Robbie one of my Spider-Man pictures. "Run this with the caption: BLACK SUITED SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES TO TERRORIZE CITY!" he orders.

As Robbie walks away - clearly disgusted - I feel rage boiling just beneath the surface. "You can't keep spreading those lies about Spider-Man," I growl.

Jonah doesn't even respond. He instead continues to talk away with his wife. Overtaken by a sudden wave of aggression, I approach his desk. Without warning, I grab the base of his phone and toss it violently at the wall. Pieces ricochet through the office as Jonah stares at me in enraged horror.

"Did you hear me, Jonah?!" I ask angrily while pointing a threatening finger in his face.

"Get the Hell out of my office," he commands. I don't move. I'm tired of backing down from a fight. Jonah's going to learn that you don't mess with Spider-Man. "Get out before I have you thrown out!"

I don't flinch for a couple moments. Finally - realizing he's not worth it - I pull on the collar of my jacket and begin to walk out. As I reach the door, Jonah barks, "And don't come back until you've gotten rid of this new attitude!"

Without turning back around, I flash an unfriendly hand gesture at Jonah. I close the door before I can hear his response.

"What's wrong, Parker?" the snide voice of Eddie Brock asks from across the newsroom. I look out of the corner of my eye to see him approaching me. "Is Jonah's 'golden boy' losing his spot?"

"F**k off, Brock."

Don't worry about them, Peter.

Who's worried?
I have taken enough time. The revolution starts now.

My consciousness feels like it is racing through the fogs of time. Seeing all that has come before, and all that will come in the future. After the Atom has been brought to this world, disease, hunger, thirst, and pain will be wiped away. Every one who opens their mind to it will be saved from the mediocrity that has plagued mankind for centuries.

And I, Otto Octavius, will be the harbinger of this new awakening.

But there are those who stand in my way. Those who stand up for and protect the archaic rules that govern todays societies. Those like Batman, The Flash, and the puny League that stands with them.

But there is one that will give me more trouble than the others: Superman. The alien is unlike anything I have ever studied. But I have heard of his weakness. The rare green rock kryptonite. Obtaining it will be difficult, but not impossible for someone of my intellect.

First, I must escape this cage the fools put me in...Arkham Asylum. The insects think that by feeding me neurological drugs they can separate my link to my robotic arms. Of course my mind transcends these minuscule barriers.

"Guard, I seem to have a problem."

"What do you want Octopus?"

The maggots insist on calling me by the name the media created. No matter he and the rest of the non-believers will be dead soon enough. "What do I want? Oh...A REVOLUTION!" I bring my tentacles to glorious life and push all of them through the wall and his body, ripping him to shreds.

As I walk through the dingy hallways of Arkham I destroy any who dare get in the way of the Son of Atom, and simultaneously rip open the cells of some of the most dangerous men and women in the world, and they follow me out into the Gotham night.

Before I leave the prison's grounds I pick up a guard by the throat and bring him to my face.

"Make sure you tell people what happened here tonight. Let them know who it was that brought about the destruction, and let all who lsiten know that the time of the Atom has arrived!"

Now is the time for the Revolution of Atom, and the death of heroes young and old.

When I enter my Physics room, the class has already begun. I continue to walk casually to my desk until the teacher stands up from his desk and calls out, "Mr. Parker, you're late!"

Turning on my heel, I face him and reply, "C'mon, Phineas, don't get your diaper in a bunch." There is a collective gasp - riddled with some laughter - from the class.

"That's 'Mr. Mason' to you!" he responds angrily. "Do you mind telling me why you arrived fifteen minutes late today?"

The truth isn't going to work. After all, I can't tell my Physics teacher that I was out web-swinging. "Actually, I do mind," I state arrogantly yet calmly. And with that, I turn and begin to walk away.

I can practically hear Mr. Mason fuming. "I'm not done with you, Mr. Parker!"

"Really? That's a shame - because I'm done with you."

"You are not welcome in this class!"
he yells over the giggling of my classmates. His outburst silences them all. Mr. Mason points a threatening finger at the door. "Leave now. Report to the office."

I stand completely still in disbelief. Does he have any idea who he's dealing with? Who the Hell is he to boss me around?!

"Whatever," I grumble angrily as I knock over a stack of papers on his desk. He merely stares in disbelief of my utter lack of respect for his authority. "I could teach this damn class anyway," I add under my breath - but loud enough for Mr. Mason to hear it.


After class, I get strange looks in the hallway. Even though a month has passed since I changed my outlook, the school still isn't used to the new and improved Peter Parker. Well, get a good look, people. You're going to be seeing a lot more of me!

"Hey, Peter!"

I turn to see a classmate of mine approaching. I never expected her to approach me of her own free will.

"Wow, I saw the way you talked to Mr. Mason! I must say I'm impressed!" she grins coyly. "I like a guy who isn't afraid to stand up for himself."

"Liz Allan," I reply simply. I get a good look at her. She's alright, I guess. But there's another blond that I'm more interested in...

"Look, I know I never really acted like you existed before," Liz admits, "But I was wondering if you wanted to get together after school sometime?"

I place a hand on Liz's shoulder. "Liz, I cannot tell you how easy it is for me to say no," I respond dryly. She stares at me in disbelief. "First of all, you're easy. Half of the football team knows what you look like naked. Second of all, you're fake. Honey, we all know that your breasts were a birthday present. And third of all, you and your little friends have the collective personality of a walnut."

Liz is speechless by my response. Lightly moving her aside, I walk down the hallway and approach my real interest - Gwen Stacy.

"Hey there, Gwen."

Gwen turns to see me. "Oh...hi, Peter."

Man, how did someone like Harry get someone like her? Sure, he has money. And I guess he's attractive - can't really comment on that. But he's a LOSER. Always has been, always will be. Without me, he would have repeated every level of school.

"Listen, Gwen, I've had my eye on you for some time," I explain. "And I know you and Harry has this 'thing' going, but I strongly urge you to reconsider."

Gwen arches her eyebrow and tilts her head. "Huh?"

I smile. "Harry may be rich, but I can show you things that you've only dreamed of," I promise. Without thinking, I reach over and place a hand on Gwen's hip.

Gwen suddenly bats it away. "Stop it, Peter!" she warns. "I don't like the way you've been acting recently."

"What?! You have a problem with me finally getting what I deserve?!" I reply incredulously.

"I'll catch you around later, Peter. Maybe you won't be so pushy next time."

As Gwen walks away, I am overtaken by shock and disappointment.

"Gwen, wait! I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me..."

I hang my head in failure. This isn't right! The symbiote is supposed to get me what I want - not push it away!

God, I need to bash someone's face in.
One job down now just have to find another one somehow. Someway. I thought about going back to Canada I got a letter from some man named Hudson, I think it was Dr. Hudson actually. Maybe I should have gone as it is now it's dark and I'm lost in the middle of Gotham. *chuckles dryly* This was a bright idea maybe I should head back home.

What was that noise? As i walk with everything I own tossed over my shoulder. There it was again it was muffled and that strange popping noise. My curiosity getting the better of me as I looked into the alley catching the smell of brimstone and seeing the shorter man blue and black standing in front of the "Crocodile" the tall bipedal what the hell.
I head for the subway. There's loads of lines running right beneath Manhattan's FiDi. Taking them is probably the best choice if I want to stay out of sight. I found a grate that should take me straight into the tunnels...provided some idiot doesn't spot me.

This is going to take a lot of speed to pull off. I gotta rush in before the Reserve knows what hit it. I point my gauntlets at the grate.

"Open, sesame..."

I fire, blasting a hole straight down. It shakes me a helluva lot, more than I thought it would. I hurry down into the tunnels before anybody notices.

It's a bigger drop than I anticipated. I hit the ground hard.

Better hurry before a train shows up.
Uh-oh. This is not going to be easy


"But now ya gotta go toe-to-toe with the Killerrr Crrroc!"

Well, I never thought I would meet a mutant that was more frightening to look at then me. The one thing I had on the rest of the world, gone.

Focus Kurt

"Oi-vey! And I thought zat I had a face that only a mother could love!"

"Oh man, a comedian. I hate do-goodersss who think they'rrre funny," Killer Croc replies as he charges at me, running his tongue over his razor-sharp lips.

Right before he hits me I teleport behind him and he slams his head into the wall of the alley. I unsheathe my sword and give him a quick slash across his back, which draws blood.

He retaliates with a swift upper-cut that sends me flying into the side of a dumpster. Barely conscious, I feel his massive, reptilian hands close around my throat, and i start to struggle for oxygen.

"Well, thisss hasss been fun elf-boy, but Penguin isss gonna give me the big bucksss when I brrring yourrr carcasss back. Hehe maybe you'll get to be a coat or sssomething," he says as my vision begins to blur, and I loose my ability to struggle.
My bag drops to the ground he's going to kill him....... I have to help him.....as I take a deep breath my body then rushing forward. The wind rushes over my skin as my clothes start to shred in just the first couple steps I accelerate so quickly. I'm not sure what I can do but I can't just let the blue fuzzy dude die here. If I time it just right this might just work just hope it doesn't kill the crocodile man.

I rush forward slamming into the Croc just under the speed of sound, a sonic boom wouldn't do this close to everyone. My body contacts his ripping him away from the mans who's throat he held.

I don't think so scale boy us pointy eared boy scouts have to stick together.

I don't know if he heard me I don't really care all I know is without my speed I'd never hurt him, I've run through trees with less resistance. I carry him no more then ten feet before I turn on a pin point and dig my heels in stopping. I didn't hold onto him didn't even try but I figure he looked like he could take a hit into the wall. As his momentum carried him into and through the wall and into the room beyond. Standing there my clothes shredded as I shrug them off of me.


Maybe this wasn't a bad idea to make after all. I turn and move towards the blue elf, I guess for lack of a better word. I extend a hand to him as I lean down.

You alright? His Canadian French accent showing.
I walk down the tunnels, groaning. I don't think I had my knees bent when I jumped. Starting off a heist with a dumb mistake doesn't bode too well.

"Ow. Ow. Damnit. Ow."

The ground feels like it's shuddering. I need to pick up the pace before I get flattened. I had one look at the schedule to make sure this wouldn't happen--I guess I'm running a little late.

Almost there. I make my way towards an exit, and head up the stairs. I take a break at the landing to think for a sec. I'm able to smash into the vaults--no doubts there, but I'm not going to outrun anybody until my legs stop acting up, so I hope all the "heroes" are busy saving old bag ladies, crap like that.

I climb the rest of the stairs, gritting my teeth.

"Nice f--king way to start the morning..."
My bag drops to the ground he's going to kill him....... I have to help him.....as I take a deep breath my body then rushing forward. The wind rushes over my skin as my clothes start to shred in just the first couple steps I accelerate so quickly. I'm not sure what I can do but I can't just let the blue fuzzy dude die here. If I time it just right this might just work just hope it doesn't kill the crocodile man.

I rush forward slamming into the Croc just under the speed of sound, a sonic boom wouldn't do this close to everyone. My body contacts his ripping him away from the mans who's throat he held.

I don't think so scale boy us pointy eared boy scouts have to stick together.

I don't know if he heard me I don't really care all I know is without my speed I'd never hurt him, I've run through trees with less resistance. I carry him no more then ten feet before I turn on a pin point and dig my heels in stopping. I didn't hold onto him didn't even try but I figure he looked like he could take a hit into the wall. As his momentum carried him into and through the wall and into the room beyond. Standing there my clothes shredded as I shrug them off of me.


Maybe this wasn't a bad idea to make after all. I turn and move towards the blue elf, I guess for lack of a better word. I extend a hand to him as I lean down.

You alright? His Canadian French accent showing.

The Croc is ripped away from me and the air rushes back into my lungs. The man infront of me helps me to my feet and I say, "Gott im Himmel, zat hurt. I think I vill be okay, but I could use some help. Zis villain has information zat I require. I'm looking for a man known as The Penguin."

As I'm talking to the Canadian speedster, Croc comes to and throws a hunk of the wall towards my new friend.


I teleport the two of us to saftey.

"Help me do zat and I vill be in your debt!"

"Hahaha, awww ain't that cute! No I got two freaksss to thrrrasssh on!" The monster says as he readies himself for another attack.
I find myself back in the sunlight above ground. My eyes focus, and I spot the Federal Reserve Bank.

"Okay, so far, so good."

I head over to the building. A few people glance at me, but I don't have time to stop them from calling the police. I just go in, take as much as I can carry, and leave. Simple as that.

I open the front doors to the bank and head for the elevator. Security notices me, and I sigh. I turn around and blast them away, thinking about how I should've upgraded the protection on my suit. No time for that now. I go down to the vaults. Maybe I can get through this after all.
The Croc is ripped away from me and the air rushes back into my lungs. The man infront of me helps me to my feet and I say, "Gott im Himmel, zat hurt. I think I vill be okay, but I could use some help. Zis villain has information zat I require. I'm looking for a man known as The Penguin."

As I'm talking to the Canadian speedster, Croc comes to and throws a hunk of the wall towards my new friend.


I teleport the two of us to saftey.

"Help me do zat and I vill be in your debt!"

"Hahaha, awww ain't that cute! No I got two freaksss to thrrrasssh on!" The monster says as he readies himself for another attack.

I shake my head some as he port's us to safety. That was more then a little disconcerting but I can see how that would be useful.

I nod. Ok what's the plan I've never fought anyone like this before.

Actually never really fought anyone else who had powers as I stand there and brush my hair from my eyes and behind the point of one of my ears.

We might want to get him somewhere else so we don't have to worry about any innocent bystanders getting caught up into this.

As I get ready for the incoming Croc.
I shake my head some as he port's us to safety. That was more then a little disconcerting but I can see how that would be useful.

I nod. Ok what's the plan I've never fought anyone like this before.

Actually never really fought anyone else who had powers as I stand there and brush my hair from my eyes and behind the point of one of my ears.

We might want to get him somewhere else so we don't have to worry about any innocent bystanders getting caught up into this.

As I get ready for the incoming Croc.

Great...a rookie...

Not much time to worry about that. I teleport on top of Croc and yell, "Meet me at the Wayne Botanical Gardens!"

The Croc struggles to throw me off, but I need to hang on. I've never teleported anyone this big with me before. I concentrate on where I want to go, and hope to God that I don't die in the process.


We hit the ground fighting, and Killer Croc tosses me through a group of hedges. The only strategy I have is to keep on the offensive until the speedster shows up.

I teleport like a maniac around my advisary, slashing with my sword, and hoping he doesn't land one of his hay makers.

I hope he shows up soon...
On the first day of his first full term in office as District Attorney, Harvey Dent died.

Or, so they tell me. For nearly 2 minutes. They revived me, though. Lucky me. I got to deal with the agonising pain of being shot. They stitched up three wounds in the end. One in my upper arm, that one went right through, leaving two ragged holes in my flesh in its wake. One that embedded itself in my shoulder, I think they got most of that sucker out. And one in the gut. That was the biggie. Clipped off my ribs, which lessened the damage, but it still got in there, it was a real bleeder. Ripped me up real good inside. It's because of that one that I've spent most of the past month in hospital. Only got out a couple of days ago.

If only my wife was so lucky.

I sit in the car, shoulders hunched, staring with unblinking eyes at the restaurant across the road. Maroni's. Once again open for business. Ever since I found out that Crane was an employee of Boss Maroni - implicating Maroni in the kidnapping of Gilda and, I assume, the attempt on my life - I spent every day lying in that hospital bed thinking about this place, about what I was going to do when I went in. And now I'm here. And all I can do is sit here, staring at the name above the door with hate in my eyes, compulsively flipping my father's coin. Tiiing, thap. Tiiing, thap. Tiiing, thap. The repetitive sound of me flipping the coin and catching it is all that's keeping me company. That and my regret...

I pocket the coin, and take a bottle of pills out the glove compartment. I unscrew the lid, and take a few, swallow them dry. Two pills every four hours, blah blah blah. I look up into the rearview mirror, my bloodshot eyes staring back at me. I look at the dark bags under my wearied eyes. I'm a mess. I should be recovering at home, hell who am I kidding, I should still be in hospital most likely. But there's work to be done.

I glance over my shoulder at the cane lying uselessly in the backseat. My doctor tells me it would be wise to use it when out and about, for now at least. Less pressure on my torso. Nah. No way I'm walking into this restaurant with a cane. I'm not going to give the bastard the satisfaction.

I open the car door, and wince in pain as I get out and stand up. I slam the door closed behind me, swaying unsteadily on my feet. This is it, Harv. The point of no return. Do I really want to go in here, and face the animal inside? Smiling to myself, I take my father's coin out of my pocket.

"Heads I go in. Heads....I go in."

I flip the two-headed silver dollar, and catch it on the back of my hand. I look down at the coin, and smile.

"Heads it is."

Putting the coin back in my pocket, I cross the road and head into Maroni's.
I shrug at the rookie comment and nod as he teleports off and takes the croc. I take off into the air my hair whipping in the air and the moonlight almost makes the white of my costume glow. Speeding up until I'm nothing more then a blur to anyone who looks up and sees me.

Landing in the botanical gardens just a minute later as I see the blue fuzzy guy dodging and bouncing around the croc, teleporting this way and that as I swoop down grabbing a rock from the ground lobbing it as hard and as fast as I can at croc, as it strikes him in the back of the head. Hopefully it'll daze him for just another second and get him focused on me for a bit.

Sorry it took so long to get here I'm still new in town. Hey Croc you tired of him yet wanna try me?

As I stand there and cross my arms staring at Killer Croc, hoping I don't shake.
I shrug at the rookie comment and nod as he teleports off and takes the croc. I take off into the air my hair whipping in the air and the moonlight almost makes the white of my costume glow. Speeding up until I'm nothing more then a blur to anyone who looks up and sees me.

Landing in the botanical gardens just a minute later as I see the blue fuzzy guy dodging and bouncing around the croc, teleporting this way and that as I swoop down grabbing a rock from the ground lobbing it as hard and as fast as I can at croc, as it strikes him in the back of the head. Hopefully it'll daze him for just another second and get him focused on me for a bit.

Sorry it took so long to get here I'm still new in town. Hey Croc you tired of him yet wanna try me?

As I stand there and cross my arms staring at Killer Croc, hoping I don't shake.

Croc turns his attention to the Canadian, and gives me some breathing room. I start frantically looking for something, anything, that can be used to capture him.

As the battle rages behind me, destroying most of the beauty in the park, I see a very big vine exhibit. I know I've seen it before...ah! In Beast's biology class. I remember him saying that it was incredibly strong. I dont remember the name of course...Beast wouldn't be happy.

I quickly fasten some trip wires out of the weed, and hope that it can contain Croc.

"Hey...um...Fast Guy! Get him over here!"

I hope this works...and that Bruce Wayne wont be too angry that we destroyed his gardens.
I blast my way into a vault, and toss all the bullion bars I can carry into a bag, time on my mind. As I head for the stairs, I notice a man pointing at me and yelling. I fire at him.

"Did ya wanna say something?"

I move in closer and have a look at the guy I just blasted. Another security guard. I sigh as I head back upstairs. The police could already be up there...I move a bit more cautiously at that thought. In and out in less than ten minutes...pretty damn lucky that I made it this far. I'm probably going to end up getting shot in the back.

Stupid thoughts to be having. I need to pay attention to what's going on around me. For one, alarms are screaming. I see the TV crews have shown up, but they're keeping a distance. And the police are almost here. I can barely make out sirens.

This is crazy. Using the tunnels to escape is out of the question. Looks like I've got a big, ugly fight on my hands.
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