Passage of time in MOS


Jun 18, 2013
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I've seen the movie twice, and while my concept of time in the movie changed after the second viewing, I'm still confused. The first time I watched it, the period of time between Clark finding the ship and Zod coming to Earth seemed very short, but now I'm questioning that.

How much time passed from Clark's first meeting with Lois to his second one? I'm thinking Lois traveled around for a few weeks gathering stories, but I'm not sure.

And how much time passed from their second meeting (in the cemetery) until Zod's message appeared? At first, it seemed like the next day, but then I thought about the fact that Perry told Lois she was being put on leave for three weeks and the next time you see her she's looking for toner for the copier. Are you supposed to think that Clark has been sitting around drinking beer with his mom for a month after becoming Superman?
This is one complaint I had.

1. Clark gets the suit and flies.
2. Lois has a montage to find Clark.
3. Zod arrives.

Now there is no clue how much time it takes for #2 to happen. I know they don't have to spell it out, but it could've been 3 months to a year? It takes time to travel across the country to find someone. Also you don't really know how long he is in the FoS. Seems like he's in there for, what, 2 hours maybe? Did Clark do nothing in the suit after learning to fly?

Some people just hand-wave it away, but it was a question in my head while watching the movie when I didn't want it to be.
I think it was maybe two months, but there is no way to know for sure. Your guess is as good as mine.
I think he learned to harness his abilities inside the FoS before he walked out and started to fly, but that's me. Certainly gives enough room for Lois to do her research and for Zod to arrive.
I hated how as soon as he gets the suit and steps out of the scout ship, his beard is magically gone. We still have no explanation lol.
I hated how as soon as he gets the suit and steps out of the scout ship, his beard is magically gone. We still have no explanation lol.

He shaved before he worked at the diner too. :argh:
I hated how as soon as he gets the suit and steps out of the scout ship, his beard is magically gone. We still have no explanation lol.

Have you read the comics or seen superman original ?
Have you read the comics or seen superman original ?

It's just they hyped it up with their HOW DOES HE SHAVE campaign...then nothing.

Anyway another "passage of time thing"

Zod is sentenced...then the planet explodes in the next scene. How much time passed?
The editing was so wonky in some spots people I was with didn't realize there had been a time jump. Apart from Lois's finding hero montage, the time Clark spent training in the fortress (the lack thereof) drives me nuts.
The editing was so wonky in some spots people I was with didn't realize there had been a time jump. Apart from Lois's finding hero montage, the time Clark spent training in the fortress (the lack thereof) drives me nuts.

I honestly assumed he didn't train in there. They showed the suit, and them him walking out in it. I assumed that was RIGHT after. I don't know how anyone can assume there was anything in-between there.

I also assumed that the ship landed 5 minutes after it took off too.
I'm seeing it again this weekend after almost a week since the last time that I'll pay closer attention to the time lapse.

I seem to remember that Jor-El when he died had a full beard but then he's clean shaven when Clark is looking at his holographic image, I guess that Gillette razor really does wonders in the afterlife.
I honestly assumed he didn't train in there. They showed the suit, and them him walking out in it. I assumed that was RIGHT after. I don't know how anyone can assume there was anything in-between there.

I also assumed that the ship landed 5 minutes after it took off too.

Here's the thing...Did he shave IN the ship? Did his beard just fall off when he put on the suit? There seems to be some kind of time gap between his first meeting with Jor-el and the moment he steps out of the ship with his suit on.
The way Jor-El's speech carried over into him flying in the very next scene just makes it seem like very little time had passed at all.
The way Jor-El's speech carried over into him flying in the very next scene just makes it seem like very little time had passed at all.

"You can be an ambassador. A symbol of hope!"
"Ok, whatever."
"You better shave first."

10 minutes later.

"Time to fly!"
I guess the real question is, why on Earth does it matter?
Don't worry it'll all be on the deleted scenes along with Jor-El teaching Clark about how to have that manly chest hair.
All we know is believe it or not the whole Zod invasion thing happened in ONE DAY
Storytelling does not require for a specific period of time to be known if it's not integral to the plot itself.

So why, in this case, does the exact passage of time between events matter?
Storytelling does not require for a specific period of time to be known if it's not integral to the plot itself.

So why, in this case, does the exact passage of time between events matter?

It doesn't have to be told but there has to be some indication. It makes it feel like from suit to zod arrival took a day when you know it didn't. It shouldn't feel like that.
Storytelling does not require for a specific period of time to be known if it's not integral to the plot itself.

So why, in this case, does the exact passage of time between events matter?

I don't need to know the exact passage of time, just an approximation. For example, I'm interested in knowing if Clark spent hours, days, weeks, or months training in the ship. That makes a difference in understanding who his character is, it affects the choices he ultimately makes, the way he fights, etc.

As far as the second span of time (the time between his meeting with Lois at the cemetery and the moment he watches Zod's transmission to earth), I find it odd that he would just hang around with his mom when he could be out doing things to help people. I question the passage of time because Lois was at the Planet when the transmission happened, and she had just been put on leave the scene before. I guess it's possible that she was just getting her stuff together and it actually happened the same day Perry booted her. It just seemed to happen really fast.
Speaking of which how long is it when after the whole destruction leading up to Clark's introduction to the Daily Planet?

It's like wow man that was some devastation, right? and oh by the way meet our new reporter Clark Kent.
I think the question of how much time passes between the battle of Metropolis and Clark going to the Daily Planet is probably where a sense of time would have been good to include.

As much as I loved the movie, I guess what most bothers me is that so many of the criticisms would have been so easy to address in the scenes that are already in the movie. Imagine the General mentioning the damage and loss of life to Superman in their final would have been awesome to watch Cavill bring his grief into that scene and assure the general that it wouldn't happen again.

The final scene which more than anything else excites me for the sequel, could have easily had some dialogue or visual cues (newspaper stories on the wall, etc) and mention of Luthor's rebuilding efforts that would have signaled the passage of time.

From behind the scenes footage we know that Clark's bike ride to the Planet was going to be a bit longer. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some time cues in what was cut there (along with the Chris Reeve homage).
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Does anyone know how long it took kal el to reach earth? In the novelisation when kal el scans earth it says its in an ice age.

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