Period piece or present day?

A 60s FF and Forrest Gump are not comparable at all, you're trying to stawman my point when what I am saying is that for the Fantastic Four the only benefit would be aesthetics. Not every period piece ever made, where did that come from? Also, X-Men First Class was done specifically to show the beginning of the Fox X-Men. It made sense narratively to see Charles and Erik's relationship form. It's a prequel first and foremost, something the FF film won't be. Plus that film eventually messed up the timeline so bad they had to eventually make those films a new reality. A 60s FF would be even worse for the MCU timeline that didn't have public superheroes until 2008.

So I ask this question:
In what way would having them in the 60s benefit the characters and the property outside of aesthetics? Because right now I'm not seeing anything positive outside of that.

i think it can make sense from a narrative point. As to your question, i do not have the answer, that is Feige's problem should he choose that avenue. Watchmen did that pretty well and so did First Class. It could be done with F4 as well, hopefully not in an annyoing sterotypical way (hippies).
The FF has never been a secret, undercover team though. Which isn't to say they couldn't be in a movie, but it's definitely straying from the source material. Reed wanted the team to be public heroes, as compensation for their losing their normal lives in the accident.

right. The X-Men are the more covert ops team.
I personally don't want the origin skipped. I want to see them grow into the team we know and not have that skipped over. The trick is to not spend so much time in how they got their powers, that was the mistake of the previous films. The flight can be told in 10 minutes at most and then we can get into the good stuff. The first issue shows how to do this, the flight is told in 2 pages and then we get into it.

There's no point in having them be from the 60s if you're gonna skip over it. Having them be from the present is just so much simpler in the long run and doesn't make them look dated.

i totally agree with your first paragraph lol

Spider-Man Homecoming didnt even have an origin story. AT ALL. So they could go that route and it could work. However if they do their origin in say, Ant-Man Quantummania, I personally wouldnt mind. since they are all connected. Or even in Secret Wars.
I added a new option to the poll since I thought it might be fun to have a futuristic FF movie but with a 1960s atompunk style like this.

so not a period piece but still 1960s inspired
I added a new option to the poll since I thought it might be fun to have a futuristic FF movie but with a 1960s atompunk style like this.
I definitely don't want the FF set in the future, but I do like that cover.
what if their from the future but travel back in time to current events... an we can see scene's from the future they come from in flash-forwards
what if their from the future but travel back in time to current events... an we can see scene's from the future they come from in flash-forwards

Similar problems to the 60s idea. It also adds the whole "needing to change the future" plot that takes away from actual FF plots.

It's just all unnecessary when the Fantastic Four are among the easiest of the properties previously owned by Fox to add to the MCU. You just introduce them, it's as simple as that.
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I think they should be what Stan and Jack made them in 1961 - contemporary characters who were on the cutting edge in terms of science and technology.

While there might be fun, interesting possibilities to explore, anything that takes them different from the above makes them something other than the Fantastic Four.
I added a new option to the poll since I thought it might be fun to have a futuristic FF movie but with a 1960s atompunk style like this.

so not a period piece but still 1960s inspired

youre a bloody genius atom punk all the way . see bottom right only

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Similar problems to the 60s idea. It also adds the whole "needing to change the future" plot that takes away from actual FF plots.

It's just all unnecessary when the Fantastic Four are among the easiest of the properties previously owned by Fox to add to the MCU. You just introduce them, it's as simple as that.
is it that "simple" tho? I feel like that's a over simplification... it'll take them time to develop into the team their meant to be

I get people might be thinking everyone already knows their origin from the Fox movies
(that like the Spider-man movies they can just skip the origin)

but, you want to differentiate them, from that version
an with Spider-man, character development/learning his powers and how to work on his own, was an over arcing story-line through many movies...

do we want to see another montage of them learning their ability's and learning to work as a team to take up the majority of the screen time... vs just having them already being a team from the start

even if you introduce them in another movie first (again like we got with spider-man) to think that they'd develop into their powers an as a team that fast in-between movies seems like a stretch
is it that "simple" tho? I feel like that's a over simplification... it'll take them time to develop into the team their meant to be

I get people might be thinking everyone already knows their origin from the Fox movies
(that like the Spider-man movies they can just skip the origin)

but, you want to differentiate them, from that version
an with Spider-man, character development/learning his powers and how to work on his own, was an over arcing story-line through many movies...

do we want to see another montage of them learning their ability's and learning to work as a team to take up the majority of the screen time... vs just having them already being a team from the start

even if you introduce them in another movie first (again like we got with spider-man) to think that they'd develop into their powers an as a team that fast in-between movies seems like a stretch

I don't want them to skip over them growing into a team. It's an important part of the journey and skipping over that means you make it even harder for the audience to connect with them. What they should skip over is the accident and directly after that. That was the mistake of past films, taking that brief origin and stretching it to over an hour.
The crash can be told in under 10 minutes or in another film. That's the beauty of the MCU, their origin can be set-up elsewhere and their film can get straight into the good stuff.

In the comics it took quite a long time for them to become a cohesive team and we shouldn't start the MCU team at the end of that character growth. I'd say just have it take place a few months after the crash, that way they're relatively still new to all this but past all the origin tropes.

Having them come from the past or future as a fully formed team is a mistake. The audience should watch the team grow and develop, not miss most of it.
In the comics it took quite a long time for them to become a cohesive team and we shouldn't start the MCU team at the end of that character growth. I'd say just have it take place a few months after the crash, that way they're relatively still new to all this but past all the origin tropes.

Having them come from the past or future as a fully formed team is a mistake. The audience should watch the team grow and develop, not miss most of it.

this all the way
Having them come from the past or future as a fully formed team is a mistake. The audience should watch the team grow and develop, not miss most of it.
Maybe they could be seen as a fully formed team in Ant-Man, putting on a jaw dropping display of teamwork and creative use of their powers. Then, they could have their own movie set in the past, where they could grow and develop. After that, they'd be up to speed.
Maybe they could be seen as a fully formed team in Ant-Man, putting on a jaw dropping display of teamwork and creative use of their powers. Then, they could have their own movie set in the past, where they could grow and develop. After that, they'd be up to speed.

i would rather see them develop first not at level 100 boss mode at first sight. imagine seeing tony stark with his first iron man suit being the one from Endgame instead of the Mark 1 he made in the cave with spare parts
From Reddit:

-Also we have confirmation now that the F4 family went missing in the 60’s in the main universe AKA earth-199999. Hate the fact they designate it earth-616.

-As Mordo was introducing Reed, Strange asked “didn’t you guys charred in the 60’s?
I don't like the MCU being designated as 616 either, that's the Marvel comics universe. And it's clear that it is very different from the cinematic version.
From Reddit:

-Also we have confirmation now that the F4 family went missing in the 60’s in the main universe AKA earth-199999. Hate the fact they designate it earth-616.

-As Mordo was introducing Reed, Strange asked “didn’t you guys charred in the 60’s?
thought that was a joke suggesting that their name sounded like a 60's band
thought that was a joke suggesting that their name sounded like a 60's band

I read it the same way. Especially since Strange is a huge music buff
thought that was a joke suggesting that their name sounded like a 60's band
Oh, that's possible. There actually was a musical group in the mid sixties called the Fantastic Four. Or it could be a reference to the "Fab Four". In either case, the comics FF predates them (the Beatles didn't get a record contract until '62).
very excited by that Easter egg! I think it works. Feige said Shuri is the smartest person in the mcu but let’s be honest, I think they’ll try to phase her out. Saying Reed is now the smartest because he and his fam got ported over from the 60s works.

now let’s think of some cool 60s pop culture moments they can reference
I don't like the MCU being designated as 616 either, that's the Marvel comics universe. And it's clear that it is very different from the cinematic version.
Well as if they are going to include the Marvel Comics reality in the Multiverse of Madness of these movies. Thats just not going to happen.
very excited by that Easter egg! I think it works. Feige said Shuri is the smartest person in the mcu but let’s be honest, I think they’ll try to phase her out. Saying Reed is now the smartest because he and his fam got ported over from the 60s works.

now let’s think of some cool 60s pop culture moments they can reference

It was confirmed by the writer to be just a joke about the Beatles that Cumberbatch improvised

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