peso value


Apr 13, 2006
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i just found a 1978 silver mexican peso. ive checked eBay and several other sites. i cant find it. it has a picture of an eagle on the back, with the words "Estados Unidos Mexicanos" above it, and some guy in a turban-like thing on the front. anyone know what this is worth, if anything? :confused:
Sorry,FBP, I haven't a clue. Good luck.
i would, but right now im broke. anyone got some links?
FunBobPants said:
i just found a 1978 silver mexican peso. ive checked eBay and several other sites. i cant find it. it has a picture of an eagle on the back, with the words "Estados Unidos Mexicanos" above it, and some guy in a turban-like thing on the front. anyone know what this is worth, if anything? :confused:
if it's an ounce, then it's like 10 bucks or so. It should say the number of the value
im not sure. on the front it says "Un Peso" which i thought meant one peso.
on second thought, im not really sure this is a mexican peso. it says "Estados Undos MExicanos" on the back, what is that?
Does it look like this?
okay. apparently un peso means a weight. how much is a weight?
EDIT: yes, ampersand. thats it. its just from '78
FunBobPants said:
okay. apparently un peso means a weight. how much is a weight?
EDIT: yes, ampersand. thats it. its just from '78
un peso it's 1 peso or "One Peso". Peso it's the name, as in Dollar is the name of your coin or Yen is the japanese name

so that's about 10 cents of Dollar, or pretty much worthless...

so keep it as a suveneir or something
Corinthian™ said:
actually it's "Mexican United States" That's the official name

Ha, didn't know that. Looking back, that makes perfect sense. I didn't think about it.
Corinthian just answered that. It isn't worth much of anything.
FunBobPants said:
so how much could i sell this 4 on ebay?

The shipping would cost more than the amount it'd sell for. Just try using it in a vending machine or parking meter (if it breaks the meter, free parking!)
i dont really care. im a greedy bastard. how much could i sell it for?
FunBobPants said:
i dont really care. im a greedy bastard. how much could i sell it for?

Did you just completely ignore everything that was just said? IT AIN'T WORTH SQUAT.

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