Yeah, tbh I never thought of them bringing Flash back at all until reading this thread. then I saw the guy who plays him on an ep of One Tree Hill last night and from what I saw could imagine him playing the changed, more chilled out Flash who came back from the war.
I always thought that was a good way of explaining his character change, but would they do that in the movies? I love all 3 of the SM movies, so this is not a bash, but they just seem so far removed from the real world that I can't imagine any mention of Iraq or Afghanistan in them. But who knows, maybe that would be a good thing, and some good new character situations would be most welcome. Get Pete out of that flat and moving in with Flash.
And..near the end of the movie have Pete come home all torn up from a fight, collapses on the floor and Flash discovers his secret I.D., nah, save that for SM5.
Have Mrs Muggins as their landlady though, always loved her as Pete's landlady.