Phil Hartman's roles on the Simpsons

Lazlo Panaflex

Apr 20, 2002
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With the death of Phil Hartman, how did the series explain the disappearance of the characters he voiced of crooked lawyer Lionel Hutz and movie star Troy McClure?
What sereis were they in when he died? Maybe they just dropped the character.
The Simpsons and yes Matt Groening just dropped the characters in respect to Mr. Hartman instead of just getting someone to easily replace him.
Yeah both were retired, not even just drawn in the background. That's really when The Simpsons became the show that it is today. Very few laughs.
lars573 said:
Yeah ol'Gill is no Lionel Hutz.

Gill is decent, and Duffman's excessive exuberance is always funny, but they can't beat the Hutzter.
WallCrawl said:
I miss Lionel Hutz so much it hurts. :(

Henry Winkler as Barry Zuckerkorn on Arrested Development is the only lawyer that comes close to replacing Hutz.

Sorry it got out of hand with the Barry quotes...

Barry: And you don’t want to go in front of that judge. I caught him in a drag club.
G.O.B.: What were you doing there?
Barry: Wow... you should be the lawyer.

Barry: Well, if you want to play Eve, you got to get in line behind what, above five homos. That was wrong. I-I am so sorry. It’s just that I have one down at the office now, and I mean it is every day.

Barry: So, basically, you’re about 2,000 shares short of being the majority stockholders. Now, unfortunately, it’s a private stock, so you cannot just buy up the shares unless someone is willing to sell.
Michael: Are you sure?
Barry: That’s what they said on “Ask Jeeves".

Barry: If you really want to settle this, then your job is to convince that “wife” of yours that you are willing to go in front of the judge and admit that you never had sex.
G.O.B.: She has a name, Barry. You don’t happen to know when it is, by the way, do you?
Barry: That’s why I want to settle. I’m not “super-prepared.”

Barry: Those are the pictures?
Wayne Jarvis: They’re all over the news.
Barry: Those are balls.

Wayne Jarvis: What?
Narrator: Barry was right. Tobias had inadvertently photographed himself while learning to use his camera phone.
Barry: This close, they always look like landscape. Nope, you’re looking at balls.

Wayne Jarvis: Officers! Michael, these men are here just a little bit early because we have photographic evidence which discredits the affidavit you just signed.
Barry: Are those balls? ’Cause the last time we were here, they were balls.
Wayne Jarvis: These are not balls. This was taken with a traffic camera. It shows you in your car with your father within the last 24 hours.
Barry: Oh... I wish they were balls.

Judge Ping: Mr. Zuckerkorn, you’ve been warned about touching.
Barry: You said spanking.

Barry: I’m sorry about the patch. I’m testifying against the Kings this afternoon. You can’t see it. I just winked.

Judge Ping: Conspiracy, racketeering, evidence tampering, fraud, theft, grand theft, petty theft.
Barry: Wow, I-I did not get that page.

Barry: Do you want to read it?
Michael: No, it is thick. Why don’t we just take it.
Barry: I could kiss you on the (bleep).
Michael: Yeah, well—what?

Barry: Good news, and even better news. Your company’s stock is unfrozen, and my lawsuit against the L.A. Kings is moving forward.
Michael: How did that happen?
Barry: Ah, maybe I stood above Plexiglas and a puck hit me. It could happen.

Barry: You know what? Don’t get too close to me. ’Cause I’ve got an itch you can’t believe. I think something laid eggs on me.
Michael: Thanks for the heads up.

G.O.B.: Great news. Dad wasn’t crushed to death.
Michael: Was there risk of that?
G.O.B.: Yes. Well, I handcuffed him under the house, but as it turns out, he got free, ’cause the pipes that I chained him to weren’t connected to anything.
Barry: Oh, I’m not prepared for this case. *runs away*

Lindsay: Oh, Barry, did you talk to a doctor?
Barry: I did. I have poison oak. Do you believe it? How the hell did I get that?
*Shot of Rest Area*

Lucille: She was talking about George.
Barry: Oh, he’s the same. Look, I guess we should decide on who’s going to speak for the family. I would, but I have Laker tickets.
*Shot of Rest Area*

Michael: I didn’t know you had a daughter.
Barry: I don’t.
Barry's Girlfriend: I thought you wanted me to call you “Daddy.”
Barry: Why don’t you wait for Daddy in the car?

Barry: The will is not here, the will is at my office next to the hot plate with the frayed wires. I didn’t, uh... *Muttering*
Narrator: In fact, Barry had lost George Sr.’s will.
Barry: did I get here?

Barry: Just like that? No warning? You’re my only client. What am I supposed to do now? Turn tricks on the street? How much you think I can get for that, by the way?
Michael: All right, this is crazy. I’ve got to let Oscar out of prison.
Barry: What about making out? $50, or is that just L.A.? Am I just...?
Phil Hartman rules. I wish he were still with us.

I watch his old sketches on Saturday Night Live and it just reminds me of how good the show was.

And he did rock on The Simpsons.
He played Lionel Hutz, Troy McLure, the monorail salesman... All the greats. His death really did lead to the death of the show.
Phil Hartman I have heard that name before but I cant remember who this is some more info on him would be good.To jog my brain to remember who this is.
Had he not been killed, he would have been the voice of Zap Brannigan on Futurama. Great character, but he woulda added new dimensions to it.

Brillaint comedian.

I noticed I misspelled brilliant, but I'm not going to change it. I enjoy the irony of it. Like, "genious."
Phil Hartman rules. I wish he were still with us.

I watch his old sketches on Saturday Night Live and it just reminds me of how good the show was.

And he did rock on The Simpsons.

And Newsradio.:up:
Ah Lionel Hutz

LH"Uh oh we've drawn judge snyder"
Marge "Is that bad"
LH"Well I kinda ran over his dog"
LH"Well, replace kinda with repeatedly and dog with only son"
Trainwreck2100 said:
Ah Lionel Hutz

LH"Uh oh we've drawn judge snyder"
Marge "Is that bad"
LH"Well I kinda ran over his dog"
LH"Well, replace kinda with repeatedly and dog with only son"

The delivery of that bit on the show was perfection. :up:
Brian2887 said:
Had he not been killed, he would have been the voice of Zap Brannigan on Futurama. Great character, but he woulda added new dimensions to it.

Brillaint comedian.

I noticed I misspelled brilliant, but I'm not going to change it. I enjoy the irony of it. Like, "genious."
I thought he would've done Fry, Brannigan, Farnworth and Zoidberg. But he was killed and Billy West did the job. And I must say, Billy West did a fantastic job at it.

I think I read somewhere that Brannigan was West's way of honoring/saluting Phil Hartman. I really believe its the most Hartman-esque voice on Futurama.

I wish, though, he was still with us, too... Troy McClure rules even to this day!

"Hello, I'm actor Troy McClure. He may remember me from such such films as "The Erotic Adventures of Hercules" and "Help! I'm being squased by my motorcicle"

RIP Phil. :(
I miss him,he was a great talent that we lost. :csad:
Batman Beyond said:
I thought he would've done Fry, Brannigan, Farnworth and Zoidberg. But he was killed and Billy West did the job. And I must say, Billy West did a fantastic job at it.

I think I read somewhere that Brannigan was West's way of honoring/saluting Phil Hartman. I really believe its the most Hartman-esque voice on Futurama.

I wish, though, he was still with us, too... Troy McClure rules even to this day!

"Hello, I'm actor Troy McClure. He may remember me from such such films as "The Erotic Adventures of Hercules" and "Help! I'm being squased by my motorcicle"

RIP Phil. :(

I didn't know he was supposed to do their voices. It's funny, when I see Brannigan, I always think of Try McClure. Poor guy, taken before his time. :(

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